
    How to Get Time, Priorities, and Energy Working in Your Favor

    enSeptember 27, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Recognizing limits and understanding prioritiesMake mental shifts to recognize your limits, understand that you can't do it all, and prioritize tasks to avoid burnout and live a more fulfilling life.

      Managing your time, energy, and priorities effectively can make a significant difference in both your personal and professional life. Carrie Newhoff, author of "At Your Best," shares her personal experience of achieving success but ultimately suffering from burnout. She explains how burnout is no longer just a job problem but a general life problem. Carrie discusses the importance of leaving the "stress spiral" and entering the "thrive cycle" by making two mental shifts: recognizing your limits and understanding that you can't do it all. Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of keeping other people and yourself from hijacking your priorities, using categorical decision-making, and scheduling your daily tasks. By understanding your "green, yellow, and red energy zones" and spending your time more strategically, you can avoid burnout and live a more fulfilling life.

    • Experiencing Burnout in Passionate PursuitsRecognize signs of burnout, such as growing numbness and disproportionate reactions, and take steps to address them before they worsen.

      Even when we're doing something we're passionate about or feel called to, it's possible to experience burnout. This was the case for the speaker, who was leading a rapidly growing church despite feeling increasingly numb and reacting disproportionately to small issues. This phenomenon is not unique to the speaker or her field, as she had observed it in her previous career in law as well. It's important to recognize the signs of burnout, such as growing numbness and disproportionate emotional reactions, and take steps to address them before they become more serious.

    • Recognizing Burnout as a Life ConditionBurnout, once a work condition, is now a life condition affecting various professions and individuals. Ignoring its signs can lead to serious consequences, so recognizing and addressing it early is crucial.

      Burnout is a widespread issue that affects various professions and has evolved from a work condition to a life condition in the last decade. It's not limited to helping professions but can be found in other fields as well, including stay-at-home parents and retired individuals. The constant access to technology and the expectation to be on call 24/7 may be contributing factors. People often don't recognize they're burnt out and tell themselves excuses, such as it being a season or the price of success. However, if your season has no ending, it's not a season, it's your life. Burnout can have serious consequences and should be addressed before it becomes a major issue. It's essential to recognize the signs of burnout and seek help when needed.

    • Mismanaging time, energy, and priorities leads to burnoutEffectively managing time, energy, and priorities can prevent burnout by reducing feelings of overwhelm, overwork, and overcommitment.

      The stress spiral leading to burnout is often caused by being overwhelmed, overworked, and overcommitted. These conditions arise when we mismanage our three primary assets: time, energy, and priorities. We may spend our time unfocused and reactively, let our energy levels dwindle, and allow others to hijack our priorities. This results in feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and overcommitted, leading us deeper into the stress spiral. It's essential to recognize these patterns and make conscious efforts to manage our time, energy, and priorities effectively to break the cycle and avoid burnout.

    • Understanding and working with natural energy patternsIdentify peak hours and schedule demanding tasks, accommodate energy dips, prioritize self-care, and improve productivity and well-being.

      Aligning your work with your natural energy levels can significantly improve your productivity and overall well-being. The speaker shared their personal experience of neglecting their energy patterns while working in ministry and feeling constantly drained. They emphasized the importance of recognizing that human beings have only three to five peak hours in a day, and trying to work beyond those hours can lead to decreased productivity and increased stress. It's essential to identify your peak hours and schedule your most demanding tasks during those times. Additionally, recognizing and accommodating your energy dips can help prevent burnout and improve overall work performance. The speaker also emphasized the importance of prioritizing self-care and scheduling activities that rejuvenate you during your energy dips. In essence, understanding and working with your body's natural energy patterns can lead to increased productivity, better work quality, and improved overall well-being.

    • Recognize excuses for lack of timeAcknowledge unprioritized activities, abandon balance pursuit, and focus time intentionally to maximize productivity and energy.

      Effective time management involves overcoming excuses and recognizing that we don't "not have the time," but rather, we haven't made it a priority. The speaker shares her personal experience of wasting her most productive hours and feeling burnt out as a result. She encourages us to focus our time intentionally and make two mental shifts: first, acknowledging that we haven't made time for certain activities instead of using the excuse of not having enough time, and second, embracing passion and abandoning the pursuit of balance as a life goal. By recognizing and addressing our excuses and prioritizing our time, we can make the most of our energy and avoid falling into a stressful, unproductive cycle.

    • Embrace passion and be fully present in commitmentsFocus on priorities passionately, manage distractions, and recognize personal tendencies to be fully present and make the most of opportunities

      Embracing passion and being fully present in whatever we commit to, rather than striving for balance, can help us make a difference and prevent the hijacking of our priorities. This means being intentional about what we allow into our calendars and turning off distractions, including notifications and people who frequently interrupt us. Additionally, recognizing and managing our own tendencies to distract ourselves is crucial. By focusing our time and energy on our priorities passionately, we can make the most of the opportunities we have and live a more fulfilling life.

    • Assessing the Value of Time-Consuming RelationshipsNot all requests for time are worth investing. Evaluate if meetings are beneficial for both parties and consider redirecting time towards valuable relationships, while compassionately addressing unresponsive individuals.

      Not everyone who asks for your time is worth investing it in. Some people may constantly present with new crises or underperform, draining your energy and not contributing to your personal or professional growth. It's important to assess whether these meetings are beneficial for both parties and consider redirecting your time towards those who appreciate and value it, leading to a virtuous cycle of growth and productivity. When dealing with individuals who consistently seek help but seem unresponsive, approach the situation compassionately by acknowledging their struggles and expressing your limitations in providing the desired assistance. Encourage them to seek alternative resources or support systems that may better suit their needs.

    • Effective time management for leadersLeaders should recognize their limits, delegate to experts, and prioritize opportunities based on goals and mission.

      Effective prioritization and delegation are crucial for leaders in managing their time, energy, and resources. When dealing with individuals who require significant attention, it's important to recognize the limits of one's expertise and resources. In such cases, it may be necessary to refer them to professionals or colleagues better suited to help. Additionally, leaders often face an abundance of opportunities, making it essential to categorically decide which opportunities align best with their goals and mission. By developing these skills, leaders can optimize their time, focus on their strengths, and ultimately make a greater impact.

    • Streamlining life through categorical decisionsMaking categorical decisions can help prioritize time and energy on what truly matters, reduce mental load and free up energy for important tasks.

      Making categorical decisions can help streamline your life and focus your time and energy on what truly matters. The speaker shares his experience of not performing weddings on Saturdays, a decision based on his family commitments and the desire to prioritize his ministry. He also mentions how eliminating breakfast meetings allowed him to be more productive in the mornings. These decisions, while potentially limiting in some ways, help him maintain focus and scale his efforts effectively. The key is to communicate these decisions kindly and respectfully, framing them as commitments rather than rejections. By making such categorical decisions, one can reduce the number of decisions to be made daily and free up mental energy for more important tasks.

    • Schedule personal commitments like work or appointmentsScheduling personal commitments can prevent wasted time, ensure focus on what matters, and maximize productivity

      Treating personal commitments with the same importance as work or appointments can help prevent wasted time and ensure that time is spent on what matters most. By scheduling regular commitments, such as family time or self-care, into your calendar, you can avoid the trap of empty space that may lead to overcommitment and stress. Additionally, identifying your energy levels and working during your peak hours can maximize productivity and effectiveness. Remember, your personal commitments deserve as much attention and planning as your professional ones.

    • Effectively managing energy involves recognizing task zonesRecognize tasks based on energy levels, assign important tasks to green zone, delegate or minimize yellow zone tasks, and save least energy tasks for red zone for maximum productivity

      Managing your energy effectively involves recognizing and prioritizing tasks based on your energy levels. The speaker suggests dividing tasks into three zones: green (high energy), yellow (medium energy), and red (low energy). Assign your most important tasks to your green zone, and protect this time to develop your skills and giftedness. Delegate or minimize tasks in your yellow zone, and save tasks that require the least cognitive energy for your red zone. By doing so, you can maximize productivity and achieve exponential returns. If you don't have control over your schedule, consider focusing on a weekly schedule instead, as you have significant control over the hours outside of work.

    • Realizing Personal Choices Contribute to OverwhelmEvaluate personal choices for their true benefit and experiment with adjusting work schedules for increased productivity and well-being.

      Individuals have more control over their time and choices in both their personal and professional lives than they might realize. In the discussion, Carrie Wilkens shared her experience of realizing that the sources of overwhelm for many people are not work-related but rather come from personal choices. She suggested evaluating these choices to determine if they are truly beneficial. At work, even those in lower positions on the hierarchy have a significant amount of control over their schedules, with an average of 40 hours a week, and potentially up to 88% of those hours being flexible. Wilkens encouraged listeners to focus on what they can control and experiment with making adjustments, such as requesting schedule changes from their bosses, to increase productivity and overall well-being.

    • Insights on Productivity and Living a Fulfilling Life from Carrie WilkensExplore Carrie Wilkens' work for valuable insights on productivity and living a fulfilling life. Check out the show notes at AOM.IS for resources and apply the insights to your own life.

      Com. The book is also widely available at Amazon and in bookstores. Carrie shared valuable insights about productivity and living a fulfilling life, which were discussed in detail during the podcast. For those who want to explore the topic further, the show notes at AOM.IS provide links to resources. To enjoy ad-free episodes of the A1 Podcast, consider signing up for Stitcher Premium using the code MANLY. Remember, the key to making the most of this information is to not only listen but also put it into action. So, take the time to check out Carrie's work and apply the insights to your own life.

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    Carol Williams, a certified life and business coach, has a diverse clientele that includes many individuals who are neurodiverse. She knows that every brain is different and works with her clients to help them accept and appreciate their unique qualities. Whether you're neurodivergent or not, if you're feeling scattered and stuck and want to become more confident and focused, Carol is here to help you. She'll help you capitalize on your strengths so that you can make a positive impact in the world.

    Ready to take control of your entrepreneurial life and go from scattered and stuck to focused and confident? Download the guide, "Unscatter Your Entrepreneurial Life," today to learn how to leverage your strengths and make a positive impact in the world. Click here to grab your copy now: https://bit.ly/UnScatterGuide

    Stay connected with Carol and join the community of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to unscattering their lives and achieving their goals. Click here to check out her Facebook page now: https://www.facebook.com/UnscatterMe

    We are proudly donating $25 to The Arthritis Foundation on Carol's behalf. If you would like to know more about this cause and want to support the organization, please visit:   https://events.arthritis.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.event&eventID=1486



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    Welcome to today’s episode of The Mindset Mentor Podcast, where today… I’m addressing one of the most common barriers that people are facing today that is holding them back from living the level of life that they want. 

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    If it triggered something angry inside of you to hear me telling you that claiming you “don’t have enough time” is a cop out…  then you are likely struggling with your time management and wish that you could figure out what you could possibly do differently in order to see the results in your life that you’re seeking. 

    Don’t worry, I’m this episode you’ll get my top time management hacks, and learn how to finally 10x your productivity. (Only works if you listen, walk away, and implement.) 

    If you like this episode… 

    Make sure to share it with someone that needs to hear it and help us get the message out there so that together we can help make people’s lives better and make the world a better place. 

    And BY THE WAY:

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available for pre-order. It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.

    Within its pages, you'll discover powerful insights and practical steps that will revolutionize the way you approach your goals, personal motivation, and mental focus.

    📚If you want to pre order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    A dailyish show focusing on the reality of being a dad, running multiple businesses and all of the organization, productivity, and lifehacking that is in place to make it all work.  The show will make you cry, laugh, like me, and hate me, but most importantly it will remind you to remember what is truly important in your life.

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    Produced by podcaster, entrepreneur, and dad of three daughters - Diego Footer.






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