
    How To Get Web Metrics That Work

    enFebruary 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding client requests vs platform capabilitiesFocus on accurate metrics like time from opt-in to purchase, measuring touches across different layers for a complete understanding of the customer journey.

      When working with clients on metrics for direct response marketing, it's crucial to understand that their requests may not align with the capabilities of analytics platforms. While their questions may seem valid, such as "how many visits does it take before someone purchases something," these metrics may not be meaningful or accurate. Instead, focus on metrics that can be easily reconciled for accuracy, such as the time from opt-in to purchase. This metric provides valuable insight into the number of touches between the opt-in and the sale, which can occur through various channels like email, postcards, or website visits. By measuring these touches across different layers, including web traffic, e-commerce platforms, and CRM systems, marketers can gain a more complete understanding of the customer journey and ultimately provide more effective marketing strategies. However, this level of measurement was once difficult to achieve, but with the help of marketing automation tools like HubSpot and Marketo, it's now more accessible than ever.

    • Tracking leads requires a multi-faceted approachCombine multiple sources of data and ensure accurate tracking to gain a comprehensive understanding of leads and improve marketing efforts

      Accurately tracking and attributing leads requires a multi-faceted approach. While website visits and opt-ins are important indicators of interest, they may not always provide a complete picture. Using parallel systems for analytics, email marketing, and cookies can help ensure that leads are accurately recorded and tracked. The date and time of opt-in or permission to follow up is a valuable data point for legal and marketing purposes. However, open rates and engagement with emails can be influenced by various factors, making it essential to have a clear understanding of the lead's journey and the methods they use to engage with your brand. By combining multiple sources of data and ensuring accurate tracking, businesses can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their leads and improve their marketing efforts.

    • Measuring the impact of marketing touchpointsEmphasize parallel measures and reconciled transactions to improve accuracy of touchpoint metrics. Optimize touches based on time between first opt-in and purchase.

      Effective marketing requires reaching out to potential customers through multiple channels and measuring the impact of each touchpoint. However, accurately calculating the conversion rate for each touchpoint can be challenging due to limitations in tracking methods and the fact that not all touchpoints can be easily measured. Marketers can help end-users understand this complexity by emphasizing the importance of parallel measures and reconciled transactions to improve the accuracy of metrics. For instance, instead of focusing solely on the number of touches required to make a sale on a website, marketers can measure the time between the first opt-in and the purchase, and use that data to optimize the number and type of touches sent to leads. Ultimately, while the process of measuring and optimizing touchpoints can be labor-intensive, it is essential for maximizing sales and improving the overall effectiveness of marketing efforts.

    • Measuring marketing campaign success goes beyond just leads and visitorsFocus on entire customer journey, measure time from initial contact to first sale, ensure data accuracy, and track touchpoints across multiple platforms.

      Measuring the success of marketing campaigns involves more than just tracking the number of visitors or leads generated. Instead, it's important to focus on the campaigns as a series, measuring the time it takes from the initial contact to the first sale, and determining profitability based on cash flow. Additionally, it's crucial to understand that analytics data can be inaccurate, and it's essential to be consistent in how data is measured and cleaned up. Another key point is that measuring the entire customer journey from the first visit to the lead and then from the lead to the sale is important, as this can involve multiple platforms. It's essential to accurately track these touchpoints to gain a clear understanding of the customer journey and the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

    • Focus on user stories and a simple three-step process for digital marketing campaignsKeep marketing processes straightforward by focusing on user stories, unique users, and a three-step process: user sees ad, clicks to landing page, and becomes a lead. Measure success by tracking unique users on landing and thank you pages.

      When working with clients on digital marketing campaigns, it's essential to keep the process simple and focused on the most critical steps. These steps should be outlined as user stories, ideally no more than three. For instance, a user sees an ad, clicks to go to the landing page, and then becomes a lead. Marketers and businesses have other responsibilities, so keeping the marketing process straightforward is crucial. When measuring campaign success, unique users are a more reliable metric than total hits or impressions. By comparing unique users on the landing page to those on the thank you page, marketers can determine conversion rates and assess the campaign's effectiveness. However, it's important to note that if a user leaves the site and returns later, they may not be counted as a unique user in the same session. Additionally, factors like countdown timers on thank you pages can cause additional transactions and skew unique user data. In summary, focusing on user stories, unique users, and a simple, three-step process will help marketers effectively measure and optimize digital marketing campaigns while minimizing potential data discrepancies.

    • Web analytics: Imperfect measures for unique visitors, leads, and salesWeb analytics provide valuable insights but are not perfect measures. Focus on consistent measurement methods, relative numbers within a specific time frame, and complement with other data sources for a more accurate understanding.

      Web analytics, while providing valuable insights, are not perfect measures of unique visitors, leads, and sales. The data can be affected by various factors such as synchronization of bookmarks, different systems used for transactions, and constantly changing websites and campaigns. Therefore, it's essential to establish a consistent measurement method and focus on relative numbers within a specific time frame, such as a 28-day window, to evaluate the performance of marketing campaigns effectively. While the data may not be perfect, it can be used as a starting point for further analysis and improvement. Additionally, it's important to recognize that web analytics are estimates and should be complemented with other data sources, such as CRM systems, to gain a more accurate understanding of the customer journey and conversion process.

    • Data-driven marketing: Optimizing efforts through segmentation and measurementAnalyze past buyer behavior, focus on specific market segments, and campaign goals to optimize marketing efforts, improve conversions, and increase cash flow. Use tools to extract data, compare period over period growth, and remain flexible to adjust strategies as needed. Leverage various marketing channels to reach a wider audience and drive sales.

      Effective marketing requires a data-driven, agile approach to segmentation and measurement. By analyzing past buyer behavior and focusing on specific market segments or campaign goals, businesses can optimize their marketing efforts and improve conversions, lead generation, and ultimately, cash flow. This can involve using various tools to extract data and comparing period over period growth. It's important to remember that technical factors may impact analytics, so it's crucial to remain flexible and continuously adjust strategies as needed. Additionally, leveraging different marketing channels, such as email, postcards, and targeted ads, can help reach a wider audience and drive sales. Overall, by focusing on short-term measurements and continuously refining strategies based on data, businesses can effectively measure their marketing success and feed future growth.

    • Model sales processes and measure at front and back endEffectively analyze data by modeling sales processes and measuring at both web front end and back end transaction levels for informed business decisions.

      Effective data analysis and direct response tracking are crucial for making informed business decisions. Justin, with his extensive experience in analytics and optimization at high-end organizations, recommends using a methodology that models sales processes and measures at both the web front end and back end transaction levels. This approach provides valuable decision-making materials for executives and stakeholders. It's essential to understand their specific information needs and desired decisions before delivering data. By focusing on this approach, businesses can increase performance and achieve better results. For more information, visit www.adbriefings.co.uk and reach out with any questions or comments.

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