
    How to Give Up Everything to Save Yourself (ft. Matt from Yes Theory)

    en-usDecember 07, 2023
    What impact does fame have on personal authenticity?
    How did Matt Dalia's journey begin in YouTube?
    What lessons does Matt's story teach about success?
    Why is setting boundaries important for personal growth?
    How can individuals avoid burnout in demanding environments?

    Podcast Summary

    • The cost of fame and success for young YouTubersFame and success can lead individuals to lose touch with their authentic selves, prioritize external validation over self-care, and experience burnout. It's important to remember that behind the glamour lies hard work and potential for exhaustion.

      The pressure of fame and success, even at a young age, can lead individuals to lose touch with their authentic selves. Matt Dalia, co-founder of the popular YouTube channel Yes Theory, shares his story of how they went from being broke dishwashers to having millions of views and meeting billionaires, only to eventually decide to quit. Matt reflects on how the constant need to say "yes" to new experiences and opportunities, as well as the demands of maintaining a popular YouTube channel, left him feeling drained and disconnected from himself. This experience highlights the importance of being true to oneself, even when faced with immense success and external validation. It's a reminder that fame and fortune are not the only measures of success and happiness. Additionally, the increasing number of young people aspiring to become YouTubers highlights the influence of social media on shaping our dreams and goals. However, it's essential to remember that behind the glamour and success lies the hard work, constant pressure, and potential for burnout. Matt's story serves as a cautionary tale and a reminder to prioritize authenticity and self-care over external validation.

    • The emotional toll of creating YouTube contentCreating YouTube content can be emotionally and psychologically demanding, leading to feelings of exhaustion and the need for self-care. Prioritize boundaries and self-care to avoid burnout.

      Creating content for platforms like YouTube can be emotionally and psychologically taxing due to the lack of clear boundaries between public and private life, and the constant pressure to perform and please audiences. This can lead to feelings of exhaustion and a need for a break, which can be contradictory to how some individuals were raised or their extroverted personalities. The pressure to always be "on" and entertaining can be particularly challenging, as it blurs the line between the content creator's persona and their true self. It's important for content creators to prioritize self-care and establish healthy boundaries to avoid burnout. Additionally, the high number of individuals drawn to YouTube with the goal of becoming creators themselves, but quitting due to its demands, highlights the unique challenges of this line of work.

    • The pressure to constantly perform can lead to burnout and unhealthy cyclesRecognize the importance of setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and being true to oneself to break cycles of burnout and unhealthy relationships.

      The pressure to constantly perform and please others, whether it's in a relationship or a public platform like YouTube, can lead to burnout and a feeling of being stuck in an unhealthy cycle. This can be particularly challenging for those who grew up without strong boundaries and feel an obligation to overshare or never say no. The steep trajectory of success at a young age can make it even harder to pause, process, and reflect, keeping one stuck in a mindset that feels adolescent despite accomplishments and experiences. This phenomenon is not unique to creators or those in public relationships, as it can also be seen in individuals who stay in unhealthy marriages or relationships. The key to breaking this cycle is recognizing the importance of setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and being true to oneself.

    • Rediscovering oneself during life transitionsEmbrace new experiences, even if unconventional, as valuable steps towards personal growth. Honor periods of uncertainty and struggle as part of the journey towards self-discovery. Stay true to oneself and don't let fear hold back growth.

      People, especially during significant life transitions such as divorce or career success, often feel the need to rediscover themselves. This process can involve trying new things, forming new relationships, and exploring different identities. This can sometimes lead to behaviors that may seem unconventional or even self-destructive, but they are often necessary steps towards personal growth. These experiences, even if they include periods of uncertainty or struggle, should be honored as valuable parts of one's journey towards self-discovery. Additionally, it's important to recognize that people can form codependent relationships with various things, including their careers, and that these relationships can be challenging to navigate, especially during periods of rapid growth or success. The key is to stay true to oneself and not let fear of losing what has been gained hold one back from continuing to grow and explore new opportunities.

    • Starting a business: Enjoy the journey and relationshipsEnjoying the process and forming strong relationships can lead to unexpected business success

      Starting a business can be incredibly challenging, but having the right mindset, building strong relationships, and seizing unexpected opportunities can lead to remarkable success. The speaker, who started a clothing brand and later collaborated with a YouTuber, formed a team serendipitously and gained significant traction on YouTube and Snapchat. Within a few years, they amassed over a million subscribers and received a substantial offer from a media company. Despite the quick success, the speaker acknowledges that they couldn't relate to the struggle of grinding for years without seeing results. Instead, they emphasize the importance of enjoying the journey and the relationships formed along the way. As Morgan Housel, a finance writer, noted, "The more you can learn to enjoy the process rather than the outcome, the better off you'll be."

    • Risks of Rapid Success: Overconfidence and Boundary IssuesSuccess at a young age can lead to overconfidence, hindering essential skill development and creating boundary issues, potentially causing trouble in the long run. Focus on learning valuable lessons from failures and growing at an appropriate pace.

      Experiencing rapid success too early in life can lead to a lack of necessary skills and boundaries, potentially causing trouble in the long run. This was highlighted in a conversation about the experiences of an investor and a content creator. The investor warned about the dangers of becoming overconfident after making quick money, which can hinder the development of essential habits for long-term success. The content creator shared how his slow growth allowed him to establish boundaries between his personal and professional life, preventing him from making costly mistakes. Furthermore, the discussion touched upon the intense pressure and codependent relationship that comes with fame, especially when it is achieved at a young age. The content creator mentioned an instance where he broke up with a girlfriend by announcing it on social media, revealing how consumed he was by what strangers thought of him. This anecdote underscores the importance of maintaining healthy boundaries and focusing on genuine relationships rather than seeking validation from the public. In essence, the conversation emphasizes the significance of learning valuable lessons from failures and growing at an appropriate pace, which ultimately leads to a more sustainable and fulfilling journey in life.

    • The Impact of Social Media on Living in the MomentSocial media can hinder our ability to live authentically in the present moment. Setting boundaries and being mindful of vulnerability are essential for emotional well-being.

      Our relationship with technology, particularly social media, can hinder our ability to fully live in the moment and experience life authentically. The speaker shares a personal story of being so focused on social media validation during a romantic experience in Paris that they missed out on the present moment. They also reflect on how they've dealt with this issue throughout their creative career, recognizing the importance of establishing boundaries around what they share publicly and what they keep private to maintain their own emotional well-being. The speaker also touches on the complexities of navigating vulnerability and adult relationships, both in real life and through parasocial interactions. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of being present, authentic, and mindful of the impact of our actions and words on ourselves and others.

    • Vulnerability and authenticity in storytelling resonate deeplySharing difficult experiences on social media can normalize them and provide a sense of connection and community

      Vulnerability and authenticity in storytelling can resonate deeply with audiences and even attract new followers, especially those who feel underrepresented or isolated in their experiences. This was exemplified by Amar's decision to share a letter from his traditional father disapproving of his videos, which led to an influx of support from Middle Eastern and traditional backgrounds. The power of social media lies in its ability to normalize difficult experiences and provide a sense of connection and community for those going through similar challenges. Additionally, the speaker reflects on the importance of balancing vulnerability with creativity and self-preservation in storytelling.

    • Maintaining a Balance in Sharing and CreatingSuccessful creators have diverse income streams and aren't overly reliant on their audience for financial support. Create for the love of it, not for external validation, and remember that life and creativity are complex.

      While sharing openly and authentically with an audience can lead to success, it's essential to maintain a healthy balance and not make the audience the sole source of income or validation. External motivators, such as money and fame, can negatively impact creative work. The most successful creators are those who have a diverse range of income streams and aren't overly reliant on their audience for financial support. Additionally, it's important to remember that life and creativity are complex, and it's unrealistic to expect to be able to share everything with everyone all the time. The most important thing is to create for the love of it and not for external validation. Furthermore, the pressure to succeed and the fear of failure can lead to stress and mental health issues, especially for young creators. It's crucial to remember that intrinsic motivation, or doing something for the love of it, is key to maintaining a healthy and sustainable creative career.

    • Finding balance between creative freedom and financial securityExperiment with different platforms and projects to find balance between personal growth and financial success, allowing for creative freedom and reducing anxiety and pressure from external expectations.

      Creative freedom and financial security are interconnected, but each artist must find their own balance. The speaker shared his experience of feeling stifled by the pressure and anxiety of traditional media projects, where financial success was the primary motivation. However, he found liberation in creating content for platforms like podcasts, YouTube, and newsletters, where he could experiment and even fail without fear of losing a large audience or investment. The speaker's long-term relationship with his audience and the freedom to create for himself, rather than for external validation, allows him to be happier and healthier in his career. The balance lies in finding the hobbies or projects that are for oneself and not for public consumption, allowing for personal growth and creativity without the pressure of external expectations. The speaker's friend's decision to take a break from YouTube to focus on pottery is a perfect example of this principle.

    • Personal growth through setting boundariesSetting boundaries and focusing on personal needs are essential for living an authentic life. It's never too late to explore who you are and prioritize your own desires.

      Setting boundaries and knowing what you want are essential for personal growth. The speaker shares how his long conversations about video game design with a friend led to the suggestion of starting a YouTube channel. However, he was hesitant due to the fear of revealing too much and potentially spoiling his favorite pastime. The speaker also discusses his experience of working with his wife on a project, which resulted in frequent fights and the decision to never work together again. He reflects on these experiences and concludes that setting boundaries and focusing on personal needs are crucial for living an authentic life. The speaker also emphasizes that many people, including those in the public eye, struggle with identity and figuring out what they truly want. He encourages everyone to prioritize their own desires and needs, even if it feels selfish, and to remember that it's never too late to start exploring who they are.

    • Overcoming Writing Challenges with a Shift in PerspectiveThrough a difficult writing process, a change in mindset led to a collaborative and fulfilling book creation experience, demonstrating the importance of perseverance and the value of diverse team members.

      Creating something, whether it's a book or a YouTube channel, can be a challenging and emotionally taxing experience. The speaker in this conversation went through a difficult time while writing his book, hating the majority of the process and feeling trapped. However, after a pivotal conversation with a friend, he made the decision to continue with the project from the heart, turning it into a collaborative and enjoyable experience. This shift in perspective led to the creation of a final product filled with gratitude and lessons learned. For content creators, this experience might be relatable, as they often face unique challenges behind the scenes that aren't typically shared in public. The diversity of team members, each with their unique strengths, can contribute to the success of such projects.

    • From milestones to new passionsAfter achieving significant milestones, embrace the freedom to choose and pursue new passions, finding joy in the process rather than just the destination.

      Passion and obsession, whether it's for storytelling or community engagement, can lead to remarkable achievements. However, reaching the finish line is not the end, but rather the beginning of new challenges and choices. Thomas, a born storyteller, and Amar, a creative savant, exemplify this mindset as they prepare for the conclusion of their project, Yes Theory. Their experiences have taught them that while there may be moments of loss or uncertainty after achieving significant milestones, the freedom to choose and pursue new passions is a source of immense joy and happiness. During their journey, they've learned to expect the downs along with the ups and to find fulfillment in the process rather than just the destination. As they look towards the future, they plan to travel and explore new opportunities without the pressure of documentation, savoring the freedom of choice and the accompanying anxiety that comes with it.

    • Embracing the creative process despite challengesThe satisfaction gained from completing a creative project is worth the effort and challenges, and having a supportive community can make the journey more enjoyable.

      Creating content, whether it's through writing books, maintaining a YouTube channel, or hosting a podcast, requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to push through the difficult moments. The speakers in this conversation emphasized the satisfaction they gained from completing their projects, despite the challenges they faced. They also highlighted the importance of having a supportive community, like the one they found in their collaborations and creative pursuits. Ultimately, they encouraged listeners to embrace the process and enjoy the journey, even when it gets tough. So, whether you're just starting out or are deep into a creative project, remember that the effort and persistence are worth it.

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    Dr. Neha Sangwan

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    Dr. Elizabeth Boham

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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