
    How To Insult People Professionally with Kayla Avery

    en-usSeptember 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Challenges with Humor and AuthenticityUsing humor and authenticity in professional communication can help build connections, overcome imposter syndrome, and navigate challenges in the corporate world.

      Humor and authenticity can help navigate the challenges of the corporate world. In this episode of Barely Famous, Kale Lauer welcomes Kayla, also known as "Body by Taco Bell," to discuss professional communication and the importance of being true to oneself. Kayla, who is known for her humorous and straightforward approach, shares her advice on sending "professional fuck you's" in emails and embracing technology, despite her dislike for it. The conversation highlights the importance of finding humor in the workplace and using it as a tool to connect with colleagues and overcome imposter syndrome. Kayla's experiences of using humor in her personal and professional life demonstrate that being authentic and true to oneself can lead to unexpected opportunities and connections.

    • Embracing quirks can lead to unexpected fameTaking risks and embracing unique humor can lead to unexpected attention, even without the intention of seeking it.

      Having a unique sense of humor and the support of loved ones can lead to unexpected fame, even without the intention of seeking it. The speaker, who had no prior experience with social media, gained attention when she began posting screenshots of her unconventional email sign-offs to her boss, who was oblivious to the reaction it was causing online. Her husband encouraged her to continue, and soon enough, news articles featuring her mugshot started appearing online. Despite the unexpected attention, the speaker and her boss had a good relationship, and they both found the situation amusing. The experience shows that sometimes, taking risks and embracing one's quirks can lead to unexpected outcomes, even if those outcomes are not initially understood by everyone involved.

    • Speaker's past struggles and deep connection with interlocutorSpeaker's past challenges led her to pursue a career in the legal industry and form a deep bond with interlocutor due to shared experiences and similar backgrounds.

      Despite having never met in person, the speaker and the interlocutor have a deep connection due to their shared experiences and similar backgrounds. The speaker opened up about her past, including a tumultuous relationship that led to domestic disputes and a warrant being issued against her, all while raising a challenging son. She expressed her admiration for the interlocutor, seeing her as a kindred spirit and a reminder of her best friend. The speaker's determination to arm herself with knowledge led her to pursue a career in the legal industry, and she currently works as a paralegal, with aspirations of attending law school. Through their conversation, the speaker and interlocutor discovered their striking similarities and formed a strong bond.

    • Navigating unexpected challenges in life and workEven seemingly insurmountable challenges can be overcome with the right mindset and resources. Prepare mentally and physically for the unknown, seek support, and utilize therapy for effective coping strategies.

      Unexpected challenges can arise in life, even during professional transitions, and it's essential to remain calm and prepared. The speaker shared her experience of entering the corporate world after a harrowing jail experience. Despite the initial disaster, she managed to secure a job and reported to work, with everyone knowing about her recent arrest. She learned to cope with the situation by preparing herself mentally and physically for the unknown. This experience underscores the importance of resilience and adaptability in navigating life's uncertainties. It's crucial to remember that even seemingly insurmountable challenges can be overcome with the right mindset and resources. In this case, the speaker's determination and the support of her lawyers helped her turn a negative situation into an opportunity for growth. Additionally, she emphasized the value of therapy as a tool for managing emotions and learning effective coping strategies, regardless of the presence or absence of significant life events.

    • Online therapy and weight management solutionsBetterHelp offers flexible online therapy sessions, while Noom provides a science-backed weight management program, both prioritizing mental health and long-term success

      Both BetterHelp and Noom offer flexible and sustainable solutions for mental health and weight management, respectively. BetterHelp, an online therapy platform, allows individuals to access therapy sessions from anywhere, fitting into even the busiest schedules. Noom, a weight management program, provides a science-backed approach to building better habits and behaviors for long-term success. The speaker shared personal experiences of benefiting from these services, emphasizing their convenience and effectiveness. It's essential to prioritize mental health and weight management, and both BetterHelp and Noom offer accessible, personalized solutions to help individuals make positive changes in their lives. Visit betterhelp.com/barely for a 10% discount on BetterHelp, and sign up for a trial at noom.com to start your journey with Noom.

    • Fear and anxiety caused by an unexpected arrestAn arrest, even if dismissed, can cause significant emotional trauma and fear, impacting a person's ability to move on.

      An unexpected arrest can cause significant emotional trauma and fear, even if the charges are later found to be baseless. The speaker in this conversation shared her experience of being arrested due to a misunderstanding, and the fear and anxiety she felt during the process and after, despite eventually learning that there was no real reason for the warrant. This experience added to the emotional turmoil she was already going through, causing her to live in fear for months and struggle to move on. It's important to remember that the consequences of an arrest, even if ultimately dismissed, can still be emotionally and mentally taxing.

    • The impact of a caring boss on professional growth and well-beingA caring boss can significantly enhance professional growth and overall well-being, providing guidance, support, and a positive work environment.

      Having a supportive and caring boss can make a significant difference in one's professional growth and overall well-being. The speaker shared her experience of working for an exceptional boss who acted more like a father figure, helping her through tough times and teaching her valuable skills. In contrast, she had a previous boss who didn't provide adequate guidance and support, creating a stressful work environment. The speaker emphasized that this caring attitude from her current boss is not a generational thing but rather a personal trait. She also highlighted the importance of having a boss who genuinely cares about helping people and not just for the money. The speaker's experience underscores the importance of having a positive and supportive work environment for professional growth and personal development.

    • Addressing Misogyny in the WorkplaceShopify supports business growth and empowers non-tech savvy individuals, but it's essential to challenge misogyny in all aspects of life and respect all staff members regardless of their roles or gender.

      Women in the legal industry and beyond face misogyny and being undervalued based on their gender. This can manifest in being referred to derogatory titles like "secretary" despite holding important roles and responsibilities. Such treatment not only dehumanizes women but also reveals the character of those who engage in such behavior. It's crucial for individuals and businesses to respect all staff members, regardless of their roles or gender. Shopify, a user-friendly commerce platform, can help businesses grow and provide essential support for non-tech-savvy individuals like the speaker. However, the conversation also touched on the importance of addressing and challenging misogyny in all aspects of life.

    • The Power of Platforms in Launching CareersShopify's user-friendly nature and global reach make it a top choice for entrepreneurs, while personal resilience and adaptability are crucial for success in any industry.

      Shopify is a user-friendly and globally dominant ecommerce platform, trusted by major brands and small businesses alike across 170 countries. Its ease of use and scalability make it an excellent choice for entrepreneurs looking to grow their businesses. When it comes to pitching potential partnerships or opportunities, it's important to be confident and prepared for rejection, even if it comes in the form of a humorous or unexpected comment. The story of the speaker's experience on MTV's "16 and Pregnant" serves as a reminder of the power of platforms in launching careers, but ultimately, success depends on the individual's ability to connect with and resonate with their audience. Despite the occasional criticism or rejection, the speaker remains grateful for the opportunities that MTV provided and continues to build on the foundation they laid.

    • Setting clear boundaries and communicating effectivelyEffective communication involves being honest yet considerate when giving feedback, maintaining focus in conversations, and using language to set boundaries and communicate respectfully. Constructive feedback and clear expectations can lead to better outcomes in personal and professional relationships.

      Effective communication and setting clear boundaries are crucial in various aspects of life. When it comes to giving constructive feedback, it's essential to be honest yet considerate. For instance, if you need to advise someone to reflect on their actions before exposing themselves to the outside world, you can phrase it as suggesting a period of self-reflection before making decisions that may impact others. Additionally, maintaining focus in conversations is important, and setting clear expectations and boundaries can help keep discussions on track. Language is a powerful tool, and using it effectively to set boundaries and communicate respectfully can lead to better outcomes in personal and professional relationships. Furthermore, being able to give and receive feedback constructively is a valuable skill that can help individuals grow and improve.

    • The importance of belief and passion in communicationBelief and passion are essential for effective communication, especially in fundraising or sales. Honesty, authenticity, and alignment are crucial in building trust and conveying confidence.

      Belief and passion are crucial in effective communication, especially in fundraising or sales. The speaker shared an experience where her honesty during a critique session was perceived as harsh, but she believed it was necessary for the presenters to understand the importance of conveying confidence and belief in their proposals. She further emphasized this concept by sharing her experiences with CEOs and founders of companies who sold her on their products due to their genuine belief and passion for their offerings. The speaker also highlighted the importance of authenticity and alignment in sponsorships or partnerships, as people can easily tell if one is being insincere. Overall, the speaker's message underscores the significance of genuine belief and passion in building trust and effective communication.

    • Trusting the right professional for home projectsAngie's platform connects homeowners with skilled local professionals, ensuring quality and expertise. Thorough research is essential for successful collaborations.

      When it comes to handling home projects, trusting the right professional can make all the difference. Angie's platform simplifies the process by connecting homeowners with skilled local professionals, ensuring quality and expertise. Meanwhile, when considering collaborations, such as podcast appearances, it's crucial to do thorough research and ensure mutual benefits. The vibes and intentions should align for a successful and beneficial partnership. A personal anecdote highlights the importance of due diligence and being cautious when aligning oneself with others in the public sphere.

    • Unexpected connections through social mediaSocial media can lead to surprising discoveries and opportunities through unexpected connections. Stay open to new experiences and be willing to explore unexpected connections, even if they seem unrelated at first.

      Sometimes unexpected connections can be made through social media, leading to surprising discoveries and opportunities. In this conversation, a woman shared how she discovered a connection with someone she found funny online, only to find out they had similar career goals and were in the legal field. Despite her initial surprise, she felt a strong connection with this person and was considering reaching out to them about dating. Another topic that emerged was the woman's experience with being diagnosed with ADHD later in life and her preference for male doctors and authority figures. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being open to new connections and the unexpected twists and turns that life can bring.

    • The Significance of Finding the Right ADHD MedicationProper diagnosis and effective medication management are crucial for individuals with ADHD to manage symptoms and improve daily life. Finding the right medication can be a challenge, and the shortage of ADHD medications adds to the difficulty.

      Medication plays a significant role in managing symptoms of ADHD, specifically central nervous system stimulants like Focalin. The speaker shares how her life was changed by Focalin after being diagnosed in middle school, but she was recently prescribed Strattera and is hesitant due to past experiences and fear of the drug's serious nature. She emphasizes the importance of finding the right medication, as not all will work for everyone, and the challenges of living without medication, which affects executive function and daily life. The speaker also mentions the current shortage of ADHD medications and the impact it has on those who rely on them. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of proper diagnosis and effective medication management for individuals with ADHD.

    • Navigating Medication, Motherhood, and MisogynyDespite facing challenges with medication, motherhood, and online criticism, it's important to stay true to ourselves and maintain a sense of humor and resilience.

      The speaker shares her experience with using medication for mood regulation and the challenges she faces with balancing her personal life and motherhood. She also discusses coming across a misogynistic and body-shaming dating profile, expressing her disbelief and frustration. Despite the ups and downs, she maintains a sense of humor and resilience, encouraging listeners to embrace their authentic selves and not take online criticism too seriously. Additionally, she promotes her new podcast, "Salty with Captain Lee," where she and her assistant will discuss pop culture news and gossip.

    • Online first impressions matterBe professional and respectful when initiating online interactions to avoid negative responses and maintain a positive online image

      First impressions matter, especially in online interactions. In the discussed examples, individuals received unsolicited messages that were inappropriate, disrespectful, or simply not appealing. These messages often led to negative responses and a clear understanding that the individuals were not compatible. A professional and respectful approach is essential when initiating contact with someone online. Creativity can be effective, but it should be used appropriately and in a respectful manner. Additionally, receiving unsolicited explicit content is not only inappropriate but potentially illegal if the parties involved are minors. Overall, these examples highlight the importance of being mindful and respectful when communicating online.

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    Barely Famous
    en-usJune 28, 2024

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    Barely Famous
    en-usJune 21, 2024

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    Life After Lock Up - Independence is Scary

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    Barely Famous
    en-usJune 14, 2024

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    Life After Lock Up - So This is Freedom?

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    Barely Famous
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    Barely Famous
    en-usMay 24, 2024

    May is Definitely Maying

    May is Definitely Maying

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    Barely Famous
    en-usMay 17, 2024

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    Tracey Carnazzo is #blessed

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    Q&A, Hot Takes, and Unpopular Opinions

    Q&A, Hot Takes, and Unpopular Opinions

    This week on Barely Famous, join Kail as she opens up about some recent life updates, including a mortifying experience during a home visit and handling an emergency while waiting in the school pickup line. She also dives into listener-submitted topics such as whether all men cheat or not, discussing her relationship with Lindsay, sharing thoughts on overrated authors, and offering advice on how to encourage partners to pull their own weight. Tune in for these engaging discussions and much more!

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    Farm Chores with Matt Mathews

    Farm Chores with Matt Mathews
    Kail journeys to Alabama to do farm chores with Matt Mathews, and talk about kids, thirst traps, coming out, pivoting, naming chickens & ducks, and sleeping nekkid & robes. They also get serious about traumatic childhoods, and growing up around addiction and loss. Thanks for supporting our sponsors! Quince: Go to https://quince.com/famous for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns. Redfin: Download the Refin app today to find your forever home. Rocket Money: Stop wasting money on things you don’t use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to https://RocketMoney.com/FAMOUS Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/barelyfamous Zocdoc: Go to https://https://Zocdoc.com/BARELY and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. Then find and book a top-rated doctor today. To watch the full episode + other exclusive content, join my Patreon community! Patreon.com/kaillowry

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    🏀 Shoot Your Shot - Shoutout to Ben who shouted us 8 coffees! "Dear Emma and Sarah, I don't know what I would have done without your podcast. You've provided me with so much advice, support and encouragement. Thanks to all your tips I manage to prepare all of my applications and got a job interview for my favourite position, which I was offered last week! I really liked all your episodes, though my favourite is probably the one about panel interviews. Just yesterday I was telling my best friend about the podcast and how much it helped me! Thanks so much for what you're doing! Cheers, Ben."

    📄 To book an interview coaching session with Sarah, go to www.interviewboss.com.au/coaching 

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    MDOT 49.5 with Collin Strajack (Host)

    MDOT 49.5 with Collin Strajack (Host)

    With episode 50 delayed due to audio issues, I decided an episode still needed to be dropped. New episodes drop every Monday, and I wasn't gonna just not upload a new episode for the week. So, what did I do? I hooked up the mic and started talking directly to you the best I could. Hopefully something resonates with you or someone you possibly share this with. Also, I want to note that you will hear my furnace in the background randomly throughout the episode. It's cold here in Iowa. I touched on a lot in just shy of 50 minutes including depression, recovery, suicide rates, imposter syndrome, and more. I apologize for the delay on episode 50, but I will make it worth the wait next Monday! 

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    The Antidote to Imposter Syndrome + Achieving Your Greatest Creative Dream w/ Filmmaker, Jeffrey Crane Graham

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    Link to watch/rent, 'Always, Lola' Here: https://www.amazon.com/Always-Lola-Roxy-Striar/dp/B0CBB4SGZG

    Follow Unleash: @unleashyourinnercreative

    Follow Me: @LaurenLoGrasso 


    00:04 Introduction and Guest Introduction

    00:52 Jeffrey’s Journey to Filmmaking

    02:27 Jeffrey’s Move to New York City

    04:49 Jeffrey’s Creative Process and Inspiration

    09:26 Jeffrey’s Film Project: Always Lola

    12:46 Challenges and Triumphs in Filmmaking

    19:23 Collaborating with a University for Film Production

    25:53 How to work with a Spouse in Creative Projects

    29:35 How to navigate Creative Differences in Film Production

    32:35 The Power of Communication in Relationships

    33:13 The Challenges of Producing a Micro-Budget Film

    34:01 The KEY to Good Storytelling

    35:39 The Evolution of your Creative Identity

    36:33 The Decision to Write and Direct

    42:22 The Power of Vulnerability in Leadership

    45:58 The Struggles and Triumphs of film making 

    48:53 How to navigate Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation

    49:22 The Challenges and Rewards of Casting

    52:51 The Impact of the Strike on Film Distribution

    54:12 The Joy and Fear of Releasing a creative project 

    59:59 The Importance of Supporting Independent Film

    01:00:26 Final Thoughts and Reflections