
    How to Master your Nervous System for Productivity and Joy - Jonny Miller

    enJuly 11, 2024
    What is the role of emotions in mastering the nervous system?
    How can self-regulation improve productivity and performance?
    What practices helped the speaker process his emotions?
    Why is emotional fluidity important for personal growth?
    What insights can crises provide regarding personal goals?

    Podcast Summary

    • Nervous system states and emotionsUnderstanding and managing nervous system states and emotions can lead to improved productivity, performance, and overall enjoyment of life. Interception, self-regulation, and emotional fluidity are crucial skills for effective response to situations.

      Mastering the nervous system can significantly improve productivity, performance, and overall enjoyment of life. The nervous system has various states, and learning to upshift or downshift depending on the situation can lead to more effective responses. Emotions play a crucial role in this process, and being willing to feel the full spectrum of emotions can lead to greater joy. Johnny Miller, an expert in the nervous system, shared his personal experience of losing a loved one and the subsequent journey into understanding emotions and the nervous system. He emphasized the importance of interception (being aware of emotions and bodily sensations), self-regulation (shifting states), and emotional fluidity (welcoming all emotions) to rise out of reactivity and live a more intentional life. Practically, this can help in dealing with procrastination by identifying the underlying emotions and shifting states to be more productive.

    • Self-regulation approachesTop-down, outside in, and bottom-up are three approaches to self-regulation. Top-down involves cognitive reframes, outside in uses external factors, and bottom-up focuses on physiology. Identifying and understanding negative emotions can help regulate them, and emotional fluidity takes time to develop.

      Self-regulation is key to managing emotions and overcoming procrastination. There are three approaches to self-regulation: top-down, outside in, and bottom-up. Top-down involves cognitive reframes and changing the narrative in your mind. Outside in involves using external factors like music or social support to shift your state. Bottom-up practices focus on using your physiology to create a desired state. Procrastination often stems from avoiding negative emotions, and using introception to identify and understand these emotions can help in regulating them. When making decisions, it's important to take ownership of your own emotional experience and not make yourself responsible for others' emotions. Emotional fluidity, the ability to move freely between emotions, is a skill that takes time to develop. Overall, intentional use of self-regulation strategies can help improve emotional resilience and productivity.

    • Emotional awareness in relationshipsRecognizing and addressing emotions as they arise during difficult conversations can deepen connections and foster empathy and understanding in relationships.

      Effective communication and maintaining connection in relationships, especially during difficult conversations, requires both individuals to be aware of their emotional states and respond from a grounded and calm place. Implicit agreements to avoid triggering each other might provide short-term harmony, but they can limit deeper, authentic connections. By recognizing and addressing emotions as they arise, individuals can create a stronger bond and foster a more empathetic and understanding relationship. Additionally, understanding one's default emotional reactivity tendency and practicing self-awareness during conversations can help prevent misunderstandings and improve overall communication.

    • Emotional debtChronic buildup of emotional energy can lead to burnout, chronic reactivity, and health issues. Practices like breathing exercises and reframing negative thoughts can help manage emotions in the moment, but it's important to allow oneself to feel and process difficult emotions at a later time. Understanding emotional triggers and seeking help from a coach or therapist can also be beneficial.

      Managing our emotions is crucial for both short-term productivity and long-term health. The speaker discusses the concept of emotional debt, which refers to the chronic buildup of emotional energy that can lead to burnout, chronic reactivity, and health issues. This emotional debt can be accumulated through suppressing challenging emotions in the moment, as a means of self-regulation. While this may be helpful in the short term, it adds to the overall emotional debt, leading to negative consequences in the long term. The speaker suggests practices like breathing exercises and reframing negative thoughts to help manage emotions in the moment, but also emphasizes the importance of allowing oneself to feel and process difficult emotions at a later time. The speaker shares an example of a startup founder who experienced burnout and subsequent health issues as a result of emotional debt. By acknowledging and working through the emotions during the burnout experience, the founder was able to continue working in a healthy way. The speaker also mentions the importance of understanding our emotional triggers, particularly those related to relationships, and the potential benefits of seeking help from a coach or therapist to work through these issues. Overall, the key takeaway is that managing emotional debt is essential for maintaining both personal and professional well-being.

    • Shutdown responsesRecognizing and addressing shutdown responses in real-time can lead to emotional regulation and healing by creating a sense of embodied safety, staying present with emotions, releasing incomplete reflexes, challenging negative self-talk, and moving towards self-acceptance and growth.

      Recognizing and addressing shutdown responses in real-time can lead to greater emotional regulation and healing. When we feel triggered, it's important to create a sense of embodied safety by checking in with our bodies and noticing sensations. By staying present with these emotions, rather than suppressing them, we can release incomplete reflexes and move towards self-acceptance and growth. Incomplete reflexes occur when emotions are not fully expressed, leading to feelings of shame, guilt, or self-doubt. By welcoming and processing these emotions in a safe space, we can challenge negative self-talk and reframe our perspectives. Ultimately, this approach allows us to let go of past hurt and move forward with greater self-awareness and resilience.

    • Hidden emotionsWelcoming and acknowledging hidden emotions can lead to personal growth and a greater sense of aliveness, despite the initial challenge for those from emotionally repressed backgrounds.

      Our reactions to criticism or difficult emotions can reveal hidden parts of ourselves seeking attention and love. These exiled parts often come with associated emotions that we typically try to avoid. However, welcoming and acknowledging these emotions can lead to personal growth and a greater sense of aliveness. This process can be challenging, especially for those coming from emotionally repressed backgrounds. For the speaker, a personal tragedy served as a catalyst for this journey of self-discovery, leading him to explore meditation, breathwork, and other practices to help him feel and process his emotions. This journey involved a gradual shift in perspective, from skepticism to openness, and the realization that our resistance to discomfort is what causes us pain, not the feelings themselves.

    • Body practicesExploring body practices like free diving, breathwork, and meditation can lead to profound experiences of bliss, joy, and meaning by surrendering to the internal experience and equalizing the body to external pressures, but it's important to combine somatic and emotional components to avoid getting stuck in a disembodied or intellectual state.

      Connecting with the body through practices like free diving, breathwork, and meditation can lead to profound experiences of bliss, joy, and meaning. These practices require surrendering to the internal experience and equalizing the body to external pressures. However, it's important to combine somatic and emotional components in these practices to avoid getting stuck in a disembodied or intellectual state. The speaker's personal journey involved exploring various practices, experiencing moments of profound connection, and eventually realizing that the meaning of life lies in the present moment and in creating conditions for such experiences to arise more frequently.

    • Experiencing joyPrioritize presence, emotions, and meaningful connections to increase joy and happiness in life. Practice mindfulness, welcome emotions, and create spaciousness. Consider joining groups for new experiences and support.

      Creating the conditions for joy and enjoyment in life goes beyond just accomplishing tasks or checking off boxes. It involves being present in the moment, experiencing the world around us, and allowing ourselves to feel emotions fully. This can be achieved through practices like mindfulness, prioritizing meaningful connections with others, and creating spaciousness in our daily lives. Even in the midst of a busy schedule or a "real job," prioritizing joy as a default state can lead to increased happiness and well-being. The next step might be to intentionally welcome and feel the full spectrum of emotions, rather than resisting them, as joy often emerges on the other side. Additionally, consider exploring new experiences and connections through groups like men's groups, which can provide a sense of community and support. These practices can help us increase our capacity for joy and make it a more consistent part of our lives.

    • Men's groupsMen's groups offer a safe space for vulnerability, commitment, and deep friendships, helping prevent emotional debt and combat loneliness among men.

      Participating in a men's group can be a life-changing experience. These groups provide a safe space for men to be seen, heard, celebrated, and challenged by other men. They encourage vulnerability, commitment, and the sharing of deep emotions and intentions. Men's groups can help prevent emotional debt from building up and foster deep, intimate friendships that are often missing in men's lives as they age. Despite the growing epidemic of loneliness among men, many struggle to form deep friendships with other men, and men's groups offer an explicit permission to share the deeper, vulnerable things that might not be discussed in other social settings. The long-term commitment to a men's group can lead to meaningful connections and support that last for years.

    • Men's Mastermind GroupsCreating a comfortable space for open and vulnerable conversations about business and life can lead to significant personal and professional growth in men's mastermind groups. Identifying the underlying emotions behind goals can help individuals focus and align their efforts.

      Creating a men's mastermind group can be an effective way for men to connect, share challenges, and support each other's personal and professional growth. The founder of such a group shared that it was intentional, not excluding women, but rather to create a comfortable space for open and vulnerable conversations about business and life. He also emphasized the importance of personal development, sharing that he's seen significant shifts in his own personality and motivations over the last decade. He suggested that going through a crisis or contemplating one's eulogy can help individuals identify and focus on the underlying feelings or desires that drive their goals. In his case, the goal of generating substantial revenue for his business was driven by a desire for safety and progress. He encouraged listeners to consider the underlying emotions behind their goals and to seek out experiences or perspectives that align with those emotions.

    • Inner safety and peaceCultivating inner safety and peace through emotional work, breathing techniques, and building connections is essential for personal growth and effective leadership, leading to improved decision-making and business outcomes.

      While seeking financial security is a common goal, true safety and inner peace cannot be bought. The feeling of safety often projected onto money is an illusion. Instead, cultivating a deep sense of embodied safety through emotional work, breathing techniques, and building connections can lead to a greater sense of security. This inner work can be trained like a muscle and is essential for both personal growth and effective leadership. While some may fear that focusing on nervous system mastery could hinder ambition, the opposite is often true - becoming more grounded and centered leads to better decision-making and improved business outcomes. Practices like yoga, meditation, and breathwork can support this journey towards inner safety and peace. Ultimately, the goal is to enjoy the process and trust that external success will follow.

    • Personal growth experimentationTo maximize the benefits of experimenting with various modalities for personal growth, track both external results and internal changes, consider how practices make us feel in our head, heart, and gut, and maintain an experimental mindset to find what truly serves us.

      Experimenting with various modalities for personal growth, such as breathwork, meditation, or plant medicine, requires not only tracking the external results but also paying attention to the internal changes and how they impact our daily life and relationships. The integration of these experiences is crucial for long-term growth and transformation. An experimental mindset, where we try different approaches and observe the effects on our body and mind, is essential for finding what truly serves us. Additionally, it's important to consider how these practices make us feel in our head, heart, and gut, as they might have different answers and impact us differently. Practical tools like alternate nostril breathing or the "if this, then breathe" practice can help us manage our emotions and shift our state towards productivity and intention.

    • Mindfulness practicesMindfulness practices like breathing exercises, humming, yoga nidra can help individuals feel more relaxed, productive, and creative by expanding awareness and reducing emotional constriction, leading to improved heart rate, breathing rate, and overall well-being.

      Practicing mindfulness techniques such as breathing exercises, humming, and yoga nidra can help individuals feel more relaxed, productive, and creative by expanding their awareness and reducing the negative effects of emotional constriction. These practices can lead to improved heart rate, breathing rate, and overall well-being. To get started, individuals can try out Johnny Miller's 14-minute guided body scan practice or take the self-assessment at assessment.nsmastery.com for personalized recommendations. For more resources and conversations on the inner game, check out Johnny's podcast, Curious Humans. As Ali turns 30, Johnny encourages her to focus on mastering the inner game and achieving a deeper sense of safety and well-being.

    Recent Episodes from Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal

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    Chasing Success vs True Fulfilment - Nat Eliason

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    Enjoy 🙂

    (00:00) Known Costs with Unknowable Benefits

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    (13:25) The Timing of Life Decisions

    (25:13) The Value of Standing Social Events

    (38:22) Trusting Your Negative Gut

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    (43:54) Choosing Long-Term Fulfillment over Short-Term Wins

    (50:35) Balancing Work and Passion in a Daily Routine

    (01:01:55) The Power of Infinite Games

    (01:17:54) Crypto Confidential: A Thrilling and Educational Journey


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    Life’s Meaning Outside of Work - Simone Stolzoff

    Life’s Meaning Outside of Work - Simone Stolzoff

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    In this episode of Deep Dive, I sit down with Simone Stolzoff to explore how work and identity often intertwine, and why it’s essential to find meaning beyond just a job. We talk about the importance of investing in different areas of life, setting realistic expectations for work, and finding fulfilment outside of the career. Tune in for practical tips on how to diversify your identity, prioritise what truly matters, and embrace a balanced approach to life. 🙂

    (00:00) Intro

    (03:15) Work and Identity

    (05:04) The Risks of High Expectations for a Dream Job

    (08:24) Investing in Multiple Identities

    (12:36) Finding Meaning Outside of Work

    (18:41) Evergreen Characteristics

    (28:02) Investing in Physical Health

    (31:28) Developing Identities That Are Valuable to You

    (32:59) The Fulfillment of Work as a Means to an End

    (34:24) The Pressure to Find a Dream Job

    (44:31) Diversifying Your Identity Beyond Work


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    How to make $10k/month from a community - Jordan Godbey

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    In today's episode, I discuss with Jordan the process of building a $10,000 per month online business through online communities. We delve into different types of communities, the challenges associated with managing them, the misconception of passive income, and effective pricing strategies for membership programs.

    Enjoy 🙂

    (00:00) Intro

    (01:41) The Path to $10,000 a Month

    (02:38) Solving Existing Problems vs. Creating New Ideas

    (03:36) The Pros and Cons of Online Communities as a Business Model

    (05:30) Different Types of Online Communities

    (09:45) Why People Pay for Online Communities

    (12:05) Peer Communities: Low-Ticket Value from Connection

    (15:18) Proximity Communities: High-Ticket Value from Close Relationships

    (21:32) Community-Powered Courses

    (24:21) Transformational Communities

    (27:42) The Challenges

    (29:36) The Reality of Building and Monetising Online Communities

    (37:18) Designing the Offer 

    (37:48) The Power of Accountability 

    (45:00) Value-Based Pricing and Transformation

    (54:36) Navigating the Emotional Aspects of Pricing

    (58:18) Aligning Incentives with Recurring Revenue

    (01:02:06) Different Pricing Models for Different Audiences


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    Success Beyond Money: Joe Hudson

    Success Beyond Money: Joe Hudson

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

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    In today's episode, I chat with Joe Hudson about success, money, and fulfilment. We discuss having a purpose beyond money, the role of joy in success, and how emotions affect decisions. Joe shares insights on self-awareness, spirituality, and parenting, emphasizing the importance of listening to oneself and valuing connection. We end with advice for those turning 30: embrace the changes that come with age. Enjoy!

    (00:00) The Relationship Between Success, Money, and Fulfillment

    (05:23) The Importance of Enjoyment in Achieving Success

    (08:13) The Role of Emotions in Decision-Making

    (13:29) Developing Emotional Fluidity

    (28:23) Balancing Financial Security and Passion

    (37:06) Tools for Accessing and Releasing Emotions

    (38:04) The Impact of Childhood Experiences on Emotional Expression

    (39:32) The Role of Emotional Support in Relationships

    (40:58) Dropping Defensiveness and Being Present with Emotions

    (46:14) Exploring and Releasing Guilt and Shame

    (01:02:05) Enlightenment as an Expansion of Self and Time

    (01:13:56) Listening to Yourself and Following Your Wants

    (01:15:21) Connection Over Perfection

    (01:18:07) Embracing Vulnerability and Open-Heartedness

    (01:21:22) Hand-in-Hand Parenting for Emotional Processing

    (01:24:33) The Seven Key Factors for Success and Fulfillment

    (01:46:20) Embracing the Softening with Age


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    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

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    Lessons from 17 Years of Podcasting - Jordan Harbinger

    Lessons from 17 Years of Podcasting - Jordan Harbinger

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

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    GIVEAWAY: We've hit 500,000 subscribers 🎉 To say thank you we're giving away a bunch of special prizes 🎁 To enter hit the link (it's free!) 👉  http://aliabdaal.com/win-the-deep-dive-bundle

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H0bg4kh0 

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    In today's episode, I sit down with Jordan Harbinger. We explore topics such as imposter syndrome, the passion vs. money debate, and the importance of building relationships for career success.

    He also shares his journey from law to podcasting and how following his curiosity brought him fulfilment. Enjoy 🙂

    (00:00) Intro

    (12:16) Imposter Syndrome and the Pressure of Competition

    (21:33) Passion vs Financial Success

    (35:11) Building Relationships

    (38:36) Helping Others without Expecting Anything in Return

    (38:58) Transitioning from Law to Podcasting

    (54:31) Avoiding Lifestyle Creep

    (58:24) Following Curiosity over Dollars

    (01:02:11) The Freedom of Podcasting

    (01:09:36) Financial Freedom and Values

    (01:14:49) Prioritising Safety and Happiness

    (01:18:09) Navigating the Unpredictability of Parenting

    (01:22:31) Balancing Career and Family

    (01:26:49) The Role of Money in Parenting

    (01:35:16) Prioritising Family Time and Experiences

    (01:45:22) Considering the Impact of Children on Your Career


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

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    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    How to Master your Nervous System for Productivity and Joy - Jonny Miller

    How to Master your Nervous System for Productivity and Joy - Jonny Miller

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

    Sponsored by Brilliant - visit https://brilliant.org/DeepDive/ and the first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant's annual premium subscription.

    GIVEAWAY: We've hit 500,000 subscribers 🎉 To say thank you we're giving away a bunch of special prizes 🎁 To enter hit the link (it's free!) 👉  http://aliabdaal.com/win-the-deep-dive-bundle

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H0b7n0m0 

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    In today's episode, I sit down with Johnny Miller to explore the importance of understanding and regulating the nervous system to enhance productivity, joy, and overall well-being. Johnny shares his personal journey through grief and how it led him to study the nervous system.

    We talk about emotional debt, the importance of emotion processing, and much more.

    Enjoy! :)

    (01:18) Understanding the Nervous System
    (06:11) Practical Strategies for Shifting States
    (09:25) Emotional Fluidity
    (10:52) Decision-Making and Emotions
    (14:09) Balancing Responsibility for Emotions
    (19:45) Exploring Triggers and Emotional Debt
    (23:39) Challenging Stoicism
    (30:06) Emotional Regulation Techniques
    (35:19) Triggers 
    (43:05) Grief as a Catalyst for Personal Growth
    (47:57) Exploring Meditation and Breath-work
    (01:14:14) Vulnerability and Connection
    (01:15:12) The Benefits of Men's Groups
    (01:18:00) Shifting Mindset and Ambition with Age
    (01:19:26) The Pursuit of Safety and Progress
    (01:31:57) The Experimental Mindset in Finding What Works

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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


    Apple Podcasts 




    If you enjoyed listening to the podcast, we'd love for you to leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts to help others discover the show :) https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/deep-dive-with-ali-abdaal/

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    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    The Pursuit of Wealth: Barista to Billionaire - Andrew Wilkinson

    The Pursuit of Wealth: Barista to Billionaire - Andrew Wilkinson

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H0b1Wpd0

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉



    Sign up for Sunday Snippets - my weekly newsletter where I share actionable productivity tips, practical life advice, and high-quality insights from across the web directly to your inbox. 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H0b1WqQ0 

    In today’s episode, I sit down with Andrew Wilkinson to discuss his incredible journey from barista to billionaire entrepreneur. We explore his insights on money, success, and happiness and how he has navigated the challenges that come with wealth. Andrew shares the concept of anti-goals and the importance of designing a life that aligns with your values and brings joy.

    Enjoy 🙂

    (00:00) The Downsides of Being a Billionaire

    (01:27) The Power of Delegation 

    (08:53) Challenges Associated with Fame

    (23:19) Designing a Fulfilling Life with Anti-Goals

    (28:31) Flow State and Meaningful Work

    (29:01) The Impact of Money on Relationships and Family Dynamics

    (35:19) Navigating Social Circles and Status

    (39:54) The Happiness of Experiences and Time

    (45:54) Building a Durable Business

    (01:06:19) Long-Term Success

    (01:12:03) Building a Personal Monopoly 

    (01:13:56) Monetisation Strategies

    (01:16:20) Cash Flow

    (01:29:07) Building Productivity Software 

    (01:37:21) Learning from Mistakes


    📖 Andrew’s New Book

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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


    Apple Podcasts 




    If you enjoyed listening to the podcast, we'd love for you to leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts to help others discover the show :) https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/deep-dive-with-ali-abdaal/

    👋🏼 GET IN TOUCH 

    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    How to Make $10k/Month as a Writer - Nicolas Cole

    How to Make $10k/Month as a Writer - Nicolas Cole

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

    Sponsored by Brilliant - visit https://brilliant.org/DeepDive/ and the first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant's annual premium subscription.

    Sponsored by Hostinger. Go to https://www.hostinger.com/aliabdaal and use the code ALIABDAAL to get 10% off your own website and domain.

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09Xc-40

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉



    In today’s episode, I sit down with Nicolas Cole, and we explore the fastest path to making $10,000 per month as a writer, why monetising through a service is often more effective than selling products, and we debunk the myth that you need a large following to start earning money.

    We also cover the pros and cons of traditional publishing versus self-publishing and delve into the intricacies of book deals and distribution.

    Finally, we discuss Feel-Good Productivity, the process of writing a book, overcoming self-doubt, and the benefits of immersive writing sprints.

    Enjoy :)

    (00:00) Introduction 
    (03:48) The Fastest Path to Monetisation
    (08:00) The Value of Your Knowledge
    (19:08) The ROI of Free Work
    (25:26) The Three Services Every Business Owner Needs
    (26:47) Identifying Potential Clients 
    (40:46) The Abundance Mindset 
    (57:35) Doing the Work
    (01:09:26) Traditional Publishing vs. Self-Publishing
    (01:29:19) Overcoming Self-Doubt 
    (01:46:55) Expanding the Feel-Good Productivity Category
    (01:57:41) Immersive Writing Sprints

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    🎥 YouTube Channel

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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


    Apple Podcasts 




    If you enjoyed listening to the podcast, we'd love for you to leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts to help others discover the show :) https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/deep-dive-with-ali-abdaal/

    👋🏼 GET IN TOUCH 

    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    How to Land your Dream Job - Chats with my Team ( @KaelynGraceApple )

    How to Land your Dream Job - Chats with my Team ( @KaelynGraceApple )

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

    If you want to start or grow a channel, check out my Part-Time YouTuber Academy here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09MXML0

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09MXLJ0 

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉

    Amazon: https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09MXPJ0 

    Website: https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09MXPk0

    Meet Kaelyn – YouTuber, former pro athlete, and now our community manager at the Productivity Lab.

    In this episode, we chat about the power of networking and how just being out there and doing great work can open up so many doors. Kaelyn shares her journey from the sports world to YouTube and how she networked her way to joining our team. We also explore the perks of teamwork, the quest for work-life balance, and the art of building a cohesive vision for a productivity brand. Enjoy :)

    00:00 Introduction and Networking

    14:02 Being Part of a Team

    28:03 Incorporating Neurodiversity in Productivity Content

    31:14 Exploring Innovative Tools for Productivity


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


    Apple Podcasts 




    If you enjoyed listening to the podcast, we'd love for you to leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts to help others discover the show :) https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast...

    👋🏼 GET IN TOUCH 

    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    How to Scale your Startup with Growth Levers: Matt Lerner

    How to Scale your Startup with Growth Levers: Matt Lerner

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

    Sponsored by Brilliant - visit https://brilliant.org/DeepDive/ and the first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant's annual premium subscription.

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09FchV0

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉

    Amazon: https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09Fch60 

    Website: https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09Fch70 

    In this episode of Deep Dive, I'm thrilled to interview Matt Lerner, the founder of SYSTM and author of "Growth Levers." Matt shares his wisdom on helping startups uncover their big growth levers, the challenges of decision-making and the pitfalls of focusing only on revenue.
    We also explore growth strategies like viral and authentic videos and the necessity of engaging and retaining viewers through positive feedback loops.
    This episode is packed with practical tips and strategies. I hope you find listening to it as enjoyable as I found recording it 🙂 

    (00:00) Uncovering Growth Levers
    (12:45) Aligning Organisational Pieces for Growth
    (28:43) Deciding Which Ideas to Pursue
    (39:17) The Importance of Fresh Content
    (46:15) Measuring Monthly Returning Viewers and Conversion Rates
    (55:26) Monetisation Strategies: Sponsorships, Affiliates, and Own Products
    (01:19:07) Simplifying and Consolidating for Focus
    (01:24:13) Leveraging Podcast Episodes for YouTube Videos
    (01:32:23) Reevaluating the Business Model
    (02:01:01) De-risking the Business
    (02:06:26) Unlocking Bottlenecks 
    (02:12:43) Doing Fewer Things and Making More Mistakes
    (02:21:30) Building a Portfolio of Small Businesses
    (02:28:22) The Importance of Clear Hypotheses and Documentation


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


    Apple Podcasts 




    If you enjoyed listening to the podcast, we'd love for you to leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts to help others discover the show :) https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast...

    👋🏼 GET IN TOUCH 

    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

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