
    Lessons from 17 Years of Podcasting - Jordan Harbinger

    enJuly 18, 2024
    What is imposter syndrome and how does it affect high performers?
    What key lesson did Jordan learn from his mentor Dave?
    How does passion relate to financial success in a career?
    What advice does Jordan give for transitioning from hobby to career?
    Why are education systems considered outdated in preparing students for real-world skills?

    Podcast Summary

    • Building relationships, recognizing exploitationMentors like Dave teach us the importance of building relationships and generating business, leading to disproportionate rewards. Recognizing exploitation and standing up for oneself are crucial skills in navigating life's challenges.

      High performers often grind hard and feel the pressure of competition, but when they come together, they may feel ordinary and experience imposter syndrome. To help navigate life's challenges, Jordan Harbinger shares lessons from his experiences and interviews with high performers. One such lesson comes from his experience with a mentor, Dave, who taught him the importance of building relationships and generating business, leading to disproportionate rewards. Additionally, Jordan discusses the age-old dilemma of passion versus money and the importance of recognizing when someone is taking advantage of you. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of adapting and learning from various experiences to succeed in different areas of life. Check out Jordan's free 20-lesson email course for more insights.

    • Essential skills gapEducation systems in US are outdated, failing to prepare students for real world, essential skills gap in entrepreneurship and other fields, high performers often suffer from imposter syndrome, recognition and acknowledgement necessary to overcome it

      Education systems, particularly in the United States, are outdated and fail to adequately prepare students for the real world, especially in developing essential skills for winning business or opportunities. This disparity between winning work and doing the work is crucial in entrepreneurship and other fields. High performers, including those in prestigious institutions, often suffer from imposter syndrome, feeling like they don't belong or are frauds despite their achievements. This can lead to unhealthy pressure and depression, making it essential to recognize that these feelings are common and acknowledge them to overcome them.

    • Imposter SyndromeImposter syndrome is a common feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt, especially in the beginning stages of learning a new skill or profession. Comparison with others can intensify these feelings, but as you gain experience and professional competency, you start to compare yourself more fairly. Focus on your own growth and development, and be willing to make sacrifices to achieve your goals.

      Imposter syndrome, the feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt, is a common experience, especially in the beginning stages of learning a new skill or profession. Comparison with others can intensify these feelings, leading to unnecessary stress and anxiety. However, as you gain experience and professional competency, you start to compare yourself more fairly and realize that everyone is working hard to succeed in their own way. It's important to remember that not everyone who appears to be doing better than you is cheating or has an unfair advantage. Instead of focusing on the comparison, focus on your own growth and development, and be willing to make sacrifices in certain areas if that's what it takes to achieve your goals. Success often requires a significant investment of time and energy in the early stages, and following your passion may not always lead to success on its own. Instead, be open to new opportunities and be willing to adapt and learn as you go.

    • Following Passion vs. Financial RewardWhile pursuing your passion for a career can lead to fulfillment, it may not guarantee financial success. Consider potential sacrifices and financial implications before making the leap.

      Following your passion and having a lucrative career are not mutually exclusive, but it's not a guaranteed path. Alan Watts' advice to do what you love, even if money were no object, can lead to a fulfilling career. However, it might not be as financially rewarding as a traditional high-paying job. The speaker's experience in podcasting illustrates this. He took a significant pay cut to pursue his passion but was lucky to have succeeded early on. However, not everyone can replicate this success. It's essential to consider the financial implications and potential sacrifices before turning a hobby into a career. The speaker advises outsourcing tasks and keeping your day job while growing the business. Overall, it's crucial to weigh the benefits and drawbacks before making the leap from passion to career.

    • Building relationships in businessBuilding strong networks and focusing on relationships is crucial for starting a business while employed. Trust and authenticity are essential in business deals, and helping others without expecting anything in return can lead to meaningful relationships.

      Starting a business while still employed can be a smart move, but it's important to build a strong network and focus on relationships rather than just running away from a disliked job. Dave's success story highlights the importance of trust and authenticity in business deals, and the value of helping others without expecting anything in return as a way to build meaningful relationships. However, many people struggle to implement this advice effectively, often due to fear or busyness. To truly succeed, one must be willing to invest time and effort in building genuine connections and offering assistance without attachment to immediate returns.

    • Unexpected benefits of helping othersHelping others without attachment or expectation can lead to unexpected and valuable opportunities. Even seemingly insignificant acts of kindness can result in meaningful connections and potential benefits in personal and professional contexts.

      Helping others without expecting anything in return can lead to unexpected and significant benefits. This concept was illustrated through a personal story about helping someone with a seemingly insignificant task, which led to a valuable connection and a potential podcast guest with an A-list celebrity. This experience demonstrated that even when 99% of the people we help don't reciprocate, the 1% who do can make a big impact. This idea was also applied to a professional context, specifically during the speaker's time as a lawyer. By providing honest advice, facilitating networking events, and helping people move to new cities, the speaker was able to build meaningful relationships and receive unexpected benefits. The importance of helping others without attachment or expectation was emphasized, as it allows for genuine connections and prevents keeping score or feeling taken advantage of. The concept of "digging the well before you're thirsty" was also mentioned as a way to build relationships proactively. Overall, the takeaway is that helping others, even if it seems insignificant or without immediate return, can lead to unexpected and valuable opportunities. By focusing on giving without attachment or expectation, we can build strong relationships and reap the rewards over time.

    • Relationship PrioritizationDecide what relationships and engagements bring value to your life and prioritize accordingly, filtering out unproductive interactions through setting boundaries and establishing a bar for engagement.

      It's important to be mindful of the people we spend our time and energy on. Some individuals may only reach out when they need something, while others may not appreciate our efforts. It's crucial to establish boundaries and decide what we're willing to tolerate. Organizing events and being open to random coffees or meetings can lead to valuable connections, but it's essential to prioritize our time and ensure that the interactions have a worthwhile return. When considering random requests, setting a bar, such as a monetary donation to charity, can help filter out unproductive engagements. Ultimately, it's essential to prioritize our time and energy on meaningful relationships and projects that bring value to our lives.

    • Communication and time managementEffectively managing multiple communication platforms and dedicating specific time for communication can lead to personal and professional success, while prioritizing and enjoying the process is essential to avoid anxiety.

      Effective communication and time management are crucial for personal and professional success. The speaker shared his experience of managing multiple inboxes and communication platforms, and how an app called Texts.com helped him streamline his messages by bringing together various platforms. He also discussed his daily routine of dedicating a specific amount of time to communicate with fans and followers, and the importance of setting finite goals to avoid feeling overwhelmed. The speaker emphasized the importance of prioritizing and enjoying the communication process, rather than letting it build up and cause anxiety. Additionally, he shared his transition from law to having his own radio show, which was abrupt but ultimately rewarding due to his passion for the new venture.

    • Content creation journey vs. algorithmsFollowing personal interests and creativity in content creation leads to a more fulfilling and sustainable journey, contrasted with being driven by algorithms or financial gains. Podcasting allows creators to explore various topics freely and maintain authenticity, ultimately building a loyal audience, while financial planning and diversifying income streams ensure long-term financial security.

      Following your own interests and creativity, rather than being driven by algorithms or financial gains, leads to a more fulfilling and sustainable content creation journey, as exemplified in podcasting. The speaker shared his experience of observing YouTubers being trapped in a cycle of creating content based on what gets views, leading to burnout and dissatisfaction. In contrast, podcasting allows creators to explore various topics without the pressure of an algorithm, enabling them to maintain their curiosity and authenticity, ultimately building a loyal audience. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of financial planning and diversifying income streams to ensure long-term financial security.

    • Values and financial securityUnderstanding your values and living within your means are crucial for financial security and preventing unnecessary spending. Identifying potential areas of unnecessary spending can provide peace of mind and greater life satisfaction.

      Having a clear understanding of your values and living within your means are crucial for financial security and preventing lifestyle inflation. Running the numbers and setting financial goals can provide peace of mind, while maintaining a strong sense of values can help avoid unnecessary spending and material desires. Wealthy individuals who have their values in check often report greater satisfaction with their lives, while those who lack clarity may end up accumulating excess possessions and feeling unfulfilled. By asking yourself what would change in your life if you suddenly came into a large sum of money, you can identify and address potential areas of unnecessary spending before it becomes a problem.

    • Financial Freedom vs HappinessFinancial freedom means more than just material wealth; it's about the ability to prioritize personal time, quit jobs one dislikes, and hire help. Speaking with those who have achieved it can provide valuable insights.

      Focusing on material wealth as the key to happiness and financial freedom can be misleading. Instead, it's essential to understand what financial freedom truly means for each individual and consider the non-material benefits it brings. These may include the ability to quit a job one dislikes, hire help, or prioritize personal time. Speaking with those who have already achieved financial freedom can provide valuable insights and help avoid common pitfalls. It's crucial to remember that happiness is not a destination but a journey, and constantly questioning our motivations can help us break free from the hedonic treadmill. Additionally, prioritizing consistency and self-care can lead to greater overall satisfaction in life. Ultimately, the key to true happiness and financial freedom lies in understanding our values, setting realistic goals, and focusing on the present moment.

    • Healthy detachmentParents should encourage exploration, healthy failure, and self-confidence, rather than putting excessive pressure on their children to meet expectations. Every child is unique and should be allowed to learn and grow at their own pace.

      Parents should aim for a healthy detachment from their children's outcomes and avoid putting excessive pressure on them to meet certain expectations. Instead, they should focus on providing a supportive environment that encourages curiosity, exploration, and healthy failure. This approach can help children develop self-confidence and self-worth, and prevent the negative impact of disappointment and frustration. It's important for parents to remember that every child is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. The key is to find a balance between being involved and being controlling, and to let children learn and grow at their own pace. Additionally, parents should prioritize spending quality time with their children while they're young, as they will eventually grow up and have their own lives. Overall, the goal is to raise well-adjusted, happy children who are prepared for the challenges of adulthood.

    • Experiences vs Materialism, Having ChildrenFocusing on experiences and building character through shared experiences leads to a happier life, while excessive materialism can lead to unfulfillment and debt. Having children brings joy but also significant challenges and a change in lifestyle.

      Prioritizing experiences over material things and having children are two important aspects of a fulfilling life. The science shows that happy people focus on experiences and building character through shared experiences. Money can provide freedom and experiences, but excessive materialism can lead to a dangerous slope of indebtedness and unfulfillment. Having children brings immense joy but also comes with unexpected challenges and a significant change in lifestyle. It's impossible to fully understand the extent of these experiences beforehand, and evolution may have even made it that way to prevent people from making different decisions. If you're considering having children, it's important to be aware of the commitment and the impact it will have on your life. Prioritizing experiences and being mindful of materialism can lead to a happier life, and having children, despite the challenges, can bring immense joy and fulfillment.

    • Relationship Goals PlanningSetting clear intentions and prioritizing important activities with your partner at the beginning of the year can lead to greater satisfaction and fewer disappointments in a relationship, including planning and budgeting for vacations, childcare, and self-care.

      Planning out your personal and business goals with your partner at the beginning of the year can lead to greater satisfaction and fewer disappointments. By setting clear intentions and prioritizing important activities, couples can avoid resentment and stagnation. This includes planning and budgeting for vacations, childcare, and self-care. It's important to remember that having money can provide opportunities for better quality childcare and healthier living, but it doesn't eliminate the need for planning and communication in a relationship. Ultimately, effective planning and collaboration can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life for both partners.

    • Wealth and Family TimeWealth can't buy happiness if it comes at the cost of valuable family time. Prioritize relationships and use resources to create a better work-life balance.

      While wealth can bring material comforts, it doesn't necessarily lead to happiness if it comes at the cost of valuable time with family. The speakers in this discussion shared stories of how some wealthy individuals prioritize their values, such as spending time with their loved ones, and use their resources to create a better work-life balance. On the other hand, they noted that when both partners in a relationship work long hours or run their own businesses, they often struggle to coordinate schedules and find time for each other, leading to less family bonding. Ultimately, the speakers emphasized that true happiness comes from being able to reinvest the freedom and financial resources gained from entrepreneurship or financial independence into building strong family relationships.

    • Cost of parenthood, Lifestyle changesHaving children can significantly impact priorities, lifestyle and financial decisions. Consider cost of living in relation to family time, prepare with tests and realistic planning, and be open to adjusting travel and other plans.

      Having children changes your priorities and can significantly impact your lifestyle and financial decisions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of considering the cost of living in relation to the amount of time you want to spend with your family. He also suggests preparing for parenthood by getting tested and planning realistically. The speaker shares his experience that traveling and other plans may need to be adjusted once children come into the picture. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of considering the impact of having children on your life and making decisions accordingly.

    Recent Episodes from Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal

    Chasing Success vs True Fulfilment - Nat Eliason

    Chasing Success vs True Fulfilment - Nat Eliason

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    In today’s episode, I sit down with Nat Eliason to discuss known costs with unknowable benefits, overcoming short-term bias, and the importance of timing in life decisions. We explore the concept of finite versus infinite games, focusing on long-term fulfilment over short-term gains. Nat also shares insights into his daily writing routine and his book, *Crypto Confidential*, which offers an engaging look into the crypto world.

    Enjoy 🙂

    (00:00) Known Costs with Unknowable Benefits

    (07:11) Overcoming Short-Term Bias

    (13:25) The Timing of Life Decisions

    (25:13) The Value of Standing Social Events

    (38:22) Trusting Your Negative Gut

    (41:11) The Allure of Money

    (42:07) The Dangers of Being Driven by Money

    (43:54) Choosing Long-Term Fulfillment over Short-Term Wins

    (50:35) Balancing Work and Passion in a Daily Routine

    (01:01:55) The Power of Infinite Games

    (01:17:54) Crypto Confidential: A Thrilling and Educational Journey


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    Life’s Meaning Outside of Work - Simone Stolzoff

    Life’s Meaning Outside of Work - Simone Stolzoff

    💌 Sign up to LifeNotes here 👉 https://go.aliabdaal.com/lifenotes/podcast

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    Sponsored by Brilliant - visit https://brilliant.org/DeepDive/ for a 30-day free trial and 20% off Brilliant's annual premium subscription

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    In this episode of Deep Dive, I sit down with Simone Stolzoff to explore how work and identity often intertwine, and why it’s essential to find meaning beyond just a job. We talk about the importance of investing in different areas of life, setting realistic expectations for work, and finding fulfilment outside of the career. Tune in for practical tips on how to diversify your identity, prioritise what truly matters, and embrace a balanced approach to life. 🙂

    (00:00) Intro

    (03:15) Work and Identity

    (05:04) The Risks of High Expectations for a Dream Job

    (08:24) Investing in Multiple Identities

    (12:36) Finding Meaning Outside of Work

    (18:41) Evergreen Characteristics

    (28:02) Investing in Physical Health

    (31:28) Developing Identities That Are Valuable to You

    (32:59) The Fulfillment of Work as a Means to an End

    (34:24) The Pressure to Find a Dream Job

    (44:31) Diversifying Your Identity Beyond Work


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    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

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    How to make $10k/month from a community - Jordan Godbey

    How to make $10k/month from a community - Jordan Godbey

    💌 Sign up to LifeNotes here 👉 https://go.aliabdaal.com/lifenotes/podcast

    If you want to start or grow a channel, check out my Part-Time YouTuber Academy here 👉https://eu1.hubs.ly/H0bwKcT0 

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H0bwKcd0

    If you want to see how Jordan helped us build Productivity Lab, you can find out here 👉 https://growthcommunity.co/ali/

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    In today's episode, I discuss with Jordan the process of building a $10,000 per month online business through online communities. We delve into different types of communities, the challenges associated with managing them, the misconception of passive income, and effective pricing strategies for membership programs.

    Enjoy 🙂

    (00:00) Intro

    (01:41) The Path to $10,000 a Month

    (02:38) Solving Existing Problems vs. Creating New Ideas

    (03:36) The Pros and Cons of Online Communities as a Business Model

    (05:30) Different Types of Online Communities

    (09:45) Why People Pay for Online Communities

    (12:05) Peer Communities: Low-Ticket Value from Connection

    (15:18) Proximity Communities: High-Ticket Value from Close Relationships

    (21:32) Community-Powered Courses

    (24:21) Transformational Communities

    (27:42) The Challenges

    (29:36) The Reality of Building and Monetising Online Communities

    (37:18) Designing the Offer 

    (37:48) The Power of Accountability 

    (45:00) Value-Based Pricing and Transformation

    (54:36) Navigating the Emotional Aspects of Pricing

    (58:18) Aligning Incentives with Recurring Revenue

    (01:02:06) Different Pricing Models for Different Audiences


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

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    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    Success Beyond Money: Joe Hudson

    Success Beyond Money: Joe Hudson

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

    Sponsored by Brilliant - visit https://brilliant.org/DeepDive/ and the first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant's annual premium subscription.

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H0bnK_g0 

    📚 Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉 https://go.feelgoodproductivity.com/podcast 

    📧 Sign up for Life Notes - my weekly newsletter where I share actionable productivity tips, practical life advice, and high-quality insights from across the web directly to your inbox. 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H0bnL4J0

    In today's episode, I chat with Joe Hudson about success, money, and fulfilment. We discuss having a purpose beyond money, the role of joy in success, and how emotions affect decisions. Joe shares insights on self-awareness, spirituality, and parenting, emphasizing the importance of listening to oneself and valuing connection. We end with advice for those turning 30: embrace the changes that come with age. Enjoy!

    (00:00) The Relationship Between Success, Money, and Fulfillment

    (05:23) The Importance of Enjoyment in Achieving Success

    (08:13) The Role of Emotions in Decision-Making

    (13:29) Developing Emotional Fluidity

    (28:23) Balancing Financial Security and Passion

    (37:06) Tools for Accessing and Releasing Emotions

    (38:04) The Impact of Childhood Experiences on Emotional Expression

    (39:32) The Role of Emotional Support in Relationships

    (40:58) Dropping Defensiveness and Being Present with Emotions

    (46:14) Exploring and Releasing Guilt and Shame

    (01:02:05) Enlightenment as an Expansion of Self and Time

    (01:13:56) Listening to Yourself and Following Your Wants

    (01:15:21) Connection Over Perfection

    (01:18:07) Embracing Vulnerability and Open-Heartedness

    (01:21:22) Hand-in-Hand Parenting for Emotional Processing

    (01:24:33) The Seven Key Factors for Success and Fulfillment

    (01:46:20) Embracing the Softening with Age


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

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    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    Lessons from 17 Years of Podcasting - Jordan Harbinger

    Lessons from 17 Years of Podcasting - Jordan Harbinger

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

    If you want to start or grow a channel, check out my Part-Time YouTuber Academy here 👉https://eu1.hubs.ly/H0bg4jn0 

    GIVEAWAY: We've hit 500,000 subscribers 🎉 To say thank you we're giving away a bunch of special prizes 🎁 To enter hit the link (it's free!) 👉  http://aliabdaal.com/win-the-deep-dive-bundle

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H0bg4kh0 

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    In today's episode, I sit down with Jordan Harbinger. We explore topics such as imposter syndrome, the passion vs. money debate, and the importance of building relationships for career success.

    He also shares his journey from law to podcasting and how following his curiosity brought him fulfilment. Enjoy 🙂

    (00:00) Intro

    (12:16) Imposter Syndrome and the Pressure of Competition

    (21:33) Passion vs Financial Success

    (35:11) Building Relationships

    (38:36) Helping Others without Expecting Anything in Return

    (38:58) Transitioning from Law to Podcasting

    (54:31) Avoiding Lifestyle Creep

    (58:24) Following Curiosity over Dollars

    (01:02:11) The Freedom of Podcasting

    (01:09:36) Financial Freedom and Values

    (01:14:49) Prioritising Safety and Happiness

    (01:18:09) Navigating the Unpredictability of Parenting

    (01:22:31) Balancing Career and Family

    (01:26:49) The Role of Money in Parenting

    (01:35:16) Prioritising Family Time and Experiences

    (01:45:22) Considering the Impact of Children on Your Career


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


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    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    How to Master your Nervous System for Productivity and Joy - Jonny Miller

    How to Master your Nervous System for Productivity and Joy - Jonny Miller

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

    Sponsored by Brilliant - visit https://brilliant.org/DeepDive/ and the first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant's annual premium subscription.

    GIVEAWAY: We've hit 500,000 subscribers 🎉 To say thank you we're giving away a bunch of special prizes 🎁 To enter hit the link (it's free!) 👉  http://aliabdaal.com/win-the-deep-dive-bundle

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H0b7n0m0 

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉



    📧 Sign up for Sunday Snippets - my weekly newsletter where I share actionable productivity tips, practical life advice, and high-quality insights from across the web directly to your inbox. 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H0b7n1Y0

    In today's episode, I sit down with Johnny Miller to explore the importance of understanding and regulating the nervous system to enhance productivity, joy, and overall well-being. Johnny shares his personal journey through grief and how it led him to study the nervous system.

    We talk about emotional debt, the importance of emotion processing, and much more.

    Enjoy! :)

    (01:18) Understanding the Nervous System
    (06:11) Practical Strategies for Shifting States
    (09:25) Emotional Fluidity
    (10:52) Decision-Making and Emotions
    (14:09) Balancing Responsibility for Emotions
    (19:45) Exploring Triggers and Emotional Debt
    (23:39) Challenging Stoicism
    (30:06) Emotional Regulation Techniques
    (35:19) Triggers 
    (43:05) Grief as a Catalyst for Personal Growth
    (47:57) Exploring Meditation and Breath-work
    (01:14:14) Vulnerability and Connection
    (01:15:12) The Benefits of Men's Groups
    (01:18:00) Shifting Mindset and Ambition with Age
    (01:19:26) The Pursuit of Safety and Progress
    (01:31:57) The Experimental Mindset in Finding What Works

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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


    Apple Podcasts 




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    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    The Pursuit of Wealth: Barista to Billionaire - Andrew Wilkinson

    The Pursuit of Wealth: Barista to Billionaire - Andrew Wilkinson

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H0b1Wpd0

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉



    Sign up for Sunday Snippets - my weekly newsletter where I share actionable productivity tips, practical life advice, and high-quality insights from across the web directly to your inbox. 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H0b1WqQ0 

    In today’s episode, I sit down with Andrew Wilkinson to discuss his incredible journey from barista to billionaire entrepreneur. We explore his insights on money, success, and happiness and how he has navigated the challenges that come with wealth. Andrew shares the concept of anti-goals and the importance of designing a life that aligns with your values and brings joy.

    Enjoy 🙂

    (00:00) The Downsides of Being a Billionaire

    (01:27) The Power of Delegation 

    (08:53) Challenges Associated with Fame

    (23:19) Designing a Fulfilling Life with Anti-Goals

    (28:31) Flow State and Meaningful Work

    (29:01) The Impact of Money on Relationships and Family Dynamics

    (35:19) Navigating Social Circles and Status

    (39:54) The Happiness of Experiences and Time

    (45:54) Building a Durable Business

    (01:06:19) Long-Term Success

    (01:12:03) Building a Personal Monopoly 

    (01:13:56) Monetisation Strategies

    (01:16:20) Cash Flow

    (01:29:07) Building Productivity Software 

    (01:37:21) Learning from Mistakes


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


    Apple Podcasts 




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    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    How to Make $10k/Month as a Writer - Nicolas Cole

    How to Make $10k/Month as a Writer - Nicolas Cole

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

    Sponsored by Brilliant - visit https://brilliant.org/DeepDive/ and the first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant's annual premium subscription.

    Sponsored by Hostinger. Go to https://www.hostinger.com/aliabdaal and use the code ALIABDAAL to get 10% off your own website and domain.

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09Xc-40

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉



    In today’s episode, I sit down with Nicolas Cole, and we explore the fastest path to making $10,000 per month as a writer, why monetising through a service is often more effective than selling products, and we debunk the myth that you need a large following to start earning money.

    We also cover the pros and cons of traditional publishing versus self-publishing and delve into the intricacies of book deals and distribution.

    Finally, we discuss Feel-Good Productivity, the process of writing a book, overcoming self-doubt, and the benefits of immersive writing sprints.

    Enjoy :)

    (00:00) Introduction 
    (03:48) The Fastest Path to Monetisation
    (08:00) The Value of Your Knowledge
    (19:08) The ROI of Free Work
    (25:26) The Three Services Every Business Owner Needs
    (26:47) Identifying Potential Clients 
    (40:46) The Abundance Mindset 
    (57:35) Doing the Work
    (01:09:26) Traditional Publishing vs. Self-Publishing
    (01:29:19) Overcoming Self-Doubt 
    (01:46:55) Expanding the Feel-Good Productivity Category
    (01:57:41) Immersive Writing Sprints

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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


    Apple Podcasts 




    If you enjoyed listening to the podcast, we'd love for you to leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts to help others discover the show :) https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/deep-dive-with-ali-abdaal/

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    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    How to Land your Dream Job - Chats with my Team ( @KaelynGraceApple )

    How to Land your Dream Job - Chats with my Team ( @KaelynGraceApple )

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

    If you want to start or grow a channel, check out my Part-Time YouTuber Academy here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09MXML0

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09MXLJ0 

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉

    Amazon: https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09MXPJ0 

    Website: https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09MXPk0

    Meet Kaelyn – YouTuber, former pro athlete, and now our community manager at the Productivity Lab.

    In this episode, we chat about the power of networking and how just being out there and doing great work can open up so many doors. Kaelyn shares her journey from the sports world to YouTube and how she networked her way to joining our team. We also explore the perks of teamwork, the quest for work-life balance, and the art of building a cohesive vision for a productivity brand. Enjoy :)

    00:00 Introduction and Networking

    14:02 Being Part of a Team

    28:03 Incorporating Neurodiversity in Productivity Content

    31:14 Exploring Innovative Tools for Productivity


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


    Apple Podcasts 




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    👋🏼 GET IN TOUCH 

    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

    How to Scale your Startup with Growth Levers: Matt Lerner

    How to Scale your Startup with Growth Levers: Matt Lerner

    Get all 20 lessons I learned in my 20s here ✍️

    Sponsored by Brilliant - visit https://brilliant.org/DeepDive/ and the first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant's annual premium subscription.

    I’ve built a brand new community for like-minded people called Productivity Lab. We’ll have online classes, workshops, and coaching to help you double your productivity. You can find out more here 👉 https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09FchV0

    Check Out My New York Times Bestselling Book Feel-Good Productivity! 👉

    Amazon: https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09Fch60 

    Website: https://eu1.hubs.ly/H09Fch70 

    In this episode of Deep Dive, I'm thrilled to interview Matt Lerner, the founder of SYSTM and author of "Growth Levers." Matt shares his wisdom on helping startups uncover their big growth levers, the challenges of decision-making and the pitfalls of focusing only on revenue.
    We also explore growth strategies like viral and authentic videos and the necessity of engaging and retaining viewers through positive feedback loops.
    This episode is packed with practical tips and strategies. I hope you find listening to it as enjoyable as I found recording it 🙂 

    (00:00) Uncovering Growth Levers
    (12:45) Aligning Organisational Pieces for Growth
    (28:43) Deciding Which Ideas to Pursue
    (39:17) The Importance of Fresh Content
    (46:15) Measuring Monthly Returning Viewers and Conversion Rates
    (55:26) Monetisation Strategies: Sponsorships, Affiliates, and Own Products
    (01:19:07) Simplifying and Consolidating for Focus
    (01:24:13) Leveraging Podcast Episodes for YouTube Videos
    (01:32:23) Reevaluating the Business Model
    (02:01:01) De-risking the Business
    (02:06:26) Unlocking Bottlenecks 
    (02:12:43) Doing Fewer Things and Making More Mistakes
    (02:21:30) Building a Portfolio of Small Businesses
    (02:28:22) The Importance of Clear Hypotheses and Documentation


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    Visit the website for the transcript and highlights from the conversation - https://aliabdaal.com/podcast/


    Deep Dive is the podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives. 

    Want to start your own podcast? We use Transistor! https://go.aliabdaal.com/transistor 


    Apple Podcasts 




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    You can also Tweet @AliAbdaal with any feedback, ideas or thoughts about the lessons you've learnt from the episodes and we can thank you personally for tuning in 🙏

    PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

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