
    How to Pee When There's No Bathroom - Safety Third 45

    enOctober 06, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • An Unusual Conversation about Peeing in BottlesUnexpected topics can lead to interesting conversations and keeping a light-hearted attitude can make even mundane experiences entertaining.

      The conversation between the podcast hosts took an unexpected turn when one of them shared an unusual life hack about peeing in a bottle due to technical difficulties. This led to a discussion about people's experiences with peeing in bottles and even proposed a competition to test their aim and distance. The conversation also touched upon their experiences with different video platforms and their preferences. Despite the unconventional topic, the hosts kept the conversation light-hearted and entertaining. It's a reminder that even the most mundane experiences can lead to interesting conversations when shared with others. The conversation also showcased the hosts' ability to adapt to unexpected situations and keep the podcast engaging for their audience.

    • Struggling with Commitment and Prioritization in Creative ProjectsDespite technology enabling editing on the go, some creators may find it challenging to commit and prioritize, leading to a cycle of starting multiple projects and getting overwhelmed, ultimately hindering completion.

      The speaker, Nigel, struggles with commitment and prioritization in his creative projects, leading to a cycle of starting multiple projects and then getting overwhelmed, resulting in a "relapse" where he works on all of them at once. This pattern repeats due to his difficulty in editing and filming simultaneously, as well as his hesitance to make decisions and delete work. He acknowledges that technology exists to facilitate editing while moving, but he feels more energized when filming and gets antsy when sitting down to edit. His projects in CAD also reflect this issue, as they are infinitely changeable and take longer to complete due to his inability to make definitive decisions. Overall, Nigel's experience highlights the challenges of managing multiple creative projects and the importance of finding effective strategies for staying focused and committed to completing each one.

    • Parametric modeling in CAD allows for interconnected valuesParametric modeling simplifies complex designs but requires careful adjustments to avoid affecting other parts of the design.

      In Computer-Aided Design (CAD), parametric modeling refers to a system where every value is linked and interconnected. This means that changing one value can automatically update other related values throughout the entire design. This is similar to creating a list of variables in an Excel spreadsheet, where you can assign values to each variable and the system will calculate and adjust other related parameters accordingly. This is a powerful feature that allows for the creation of complex designs with ease, as seen in McMaster models where every variation of a product can be generated based on the input parameters. However, it also comes with its challenges. Once a design is created, it can be difficult to make changes or delete features without affecting other parts of the design. This is similar to writing where you make initial theories about what your model should be, but the reality may require you to start over knowing exactly where you'll end up. It's important to remember that the prototyping stage in CAD is about exploring different design options and making mistakes, but eventually, you'll need to delete the initial design and start fresh with a clear understanding of the final product.

    • Using CAD software involves patience and problem-solvingCAD software requires effort, patience, and problem-solving skills to master. Basic shapes and dimensions are crucial before building in CAD, and licensing models can be frustrating.

      Using CAD software like Fusion 360 or SolidWorks requires a significant amount of effort and patience, especially when it comes to changing tenses or mastering complex features like joints. The speaker expressed frustration with the licensing model of some CAD software and shared their preference for drawing out ideas before diving into CAD. They also emphasized the importance of understanding the basic shapes and dimensions of a design before building it in CAD. The speaker shared an analogy of changing the oil on a car, where the design may technically fit together, but it may require additional steps to make it function properly. Overall, the process of using CAD software involves a lot of problem-solving and persistence.

    • Designing in Fusion 360 vs SolidWorks: Different ApproachesFusion 360's approach to treating everything as one body leads to complexity in designing and assembling, while understanding components is essential for efficient use.

      Using Fusion 360 for CAD design comes with its own unique challenges compared to traditional CAD software. The user discussed his experience of designing parts in Fusion 360 and compared it to SolidWorks. He mentioned that in Fusion 360, instead of removing degrees of freedom to join bodies together like in SolidWorks, everything is treated as one body, making it more complex to design and assemble. This approach can lead to confusion, especially when dealing with multiple bodies or components. Another challenge mentioned was the lack of understanding between high-level CAD models and the concept of components. Components are used to encapsulate multiple bodies, making the design process more organized and manageable. However, in Fusion 360, the user found himself dealing with numerous bodies at the top level, which made the design process more complicated. Additionally, the user shared his frustration with setting up features like hinges, which he found to be time-consuming and confusing. Overall, while Fusion 360 offers unique benefits, such as ease of use for simple designs, it requires a different mindset and approach to effectively use it for more complex projects. Understanding the concept of components and their role in organizing designs is crucial for efficient and successful use of Fusion 360.

    • Understanding Components and Bodies in 3D ModelingInefficient to model using bodies within a component, instead create and use components to build designs. Provide context and visuals when asking for help with Fusion 360, and consider advanced CAD software for simplification.

      Creating complex designs in 3D modeling software like Fusion 360 involves understanding the hierarchical structure of components and bodies. The speaker explained this using the analogy of a dumpster, where the sides, front, back, and fork holes are all considered bodies inside the same component. However, this method is not the most efficient way to design, as it can lead to issues when extruding or merging bodies. Instead, it's best to create and use components to build designs. The speaker also expressed frustration with the lack of clear communication when asking for help with Fusion 360, emphasizing the importance of providing context and visuals when seeking assistance. Ultimately, the speaker expressed a need for more advanced CAD software to simplify the design process.

    • Struggling to explain complex issues onlineEffective communication is essential when asking for help online. Provide clear information upfront, use visuals when possible, and acknowledge the help received.

      Effective communication is crucial when asking for help, especially in a digital context. The conversation illustrates the challenges of explaining complex issues without visual aids and the importance of providing clear information upfront. The speaker, while trying to create a 3D model, struggled to articulate their needs and expectations, leading to misunderstandings and confusion. They were unable to provide necessary details, such as screenshots or specific instructions, making it difficult for the helper to offer meaningful assistance. The conversation also highlights the importance of acknowledging the help received, even if the immediate problem wasn't solved. In the end, clear communication and patience led to a successful outcome.

    • Misunderstandings and Learning New SkillsClear communication, asking questions, and using the right tools are crucial for effective problem-solving and learning new skills. Misunderstandings can lead to frustration and mistakes, so clarification is important. Additionally, seeking guidance and using the appropriate tools can help overcome challenges and improve efficiency.

      Communication is key in problem-solving, especially when learning new skills. The speaker in this conversation misunderstood a request for a video call, which led to confusion and frustration. They also struggled with using new software and importing models, which added to their sense of incompetence. However, they were able to learn and overcome these challenges with the help of the person they were communicating with. Another important lesson is the importance of asking questions and seeking clarification when needed. The speaker assumed they knew what to do based on their limited knowledge, but they could have asked for more information or guidance to avoid misunderstandings and mistakes. Additionally, the speaker discovered the value of using the right tools and file formats for specific tasks. They learned that importing an STL file into a different CAD software can be challenging and may require additional steps. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of clear communication, asking questions, and using the right tools for effective problem-solving and learning new skills.

    • Exploring the potential of simple games using basic toolsCreativity and experimentation can lead to unique gaming experiences even with limited software and tools. Simple games like Agar.io can provide engaging metaphors for life.

      There's a potential for creating a simple yet engaging game using basic software and tools, even if it requires a good deal of creativity and experimentation. The idea of a CAD software that only allows for subtraction, like "Pick CAD" or "Shit CAD," was discussed, with the notion that it could lead to an interesting and unique gaming experience. The conversation also touched on the simplicity of Agar.io, a multiplayer game where players absorb other blobs to grow, which was seen as a metaphor for life and a reminder that time spent playing games, like all things, ultimately comes to an end. Despite the challenges and limitations, the group expressed excitement about the potential for creating something new and fun from simple foundational elements.

    • Challenges of solo play in multiplayer gamesSolo play in multiplayer games can be frustrating due to team dominance and the difficulty of coordinating. Donations and teaming up can make it harder for solo players to progress.

      Playing certain games, like Warzone, as a solo player can be incredibly challenging and frustrating due to the dominance of teams. The speaker shared an experience where they attempted to play as a team of eight to increase their chances of success, but ended up getting killed by friendly fire and other teams due to the difficulty of coordinating and avoiding shooting teammates. They also mentioned the issue of donations in Agar.io, another game, making it almost impossible for solo players to progress. The speaker expressed their jadedness with these games and the realization that they might not be good enough to compete at the top level without team support. They also criticized the use of donations and teaming up as a strategy, which they saw as ruining the ecosystem of these games. Overall, the discussion highlighted the challenges and frustrations of playing multiplayer games as a solo player and the impact of team dynamics on the gaming experience.

    • Exploring their shared passion for embroiderySandra and Will appreciate each other's unique clothing creations made through embroidery, spending hours perfecting their craft and finding joy in the creative process.

      Sandra and Will have a shared interest in creating unique clothing items, particularly through embroidery. This was evident in their conversation about a Tokyo shirt from Ross, which they both owned, and their ongoing projects in their respective garages. Despite some initial skepticism and teasing, they appreciated each other's work and saw potential in the embroidery process. Will's recent obsession with embroidery was highlighted, with him spending hours using an embroidery machine to create intricate designs. Sandra shared her own experiences with creating merchandise for their YouTube channel, expressing the challenges and iterative nature of the process. They also discussed the importance of finding the right tools and materials, with Will providing advice on needle sizes for Sandra's machine. The conversation revealed their passion for creating unique, three-dimensional designs, and their willingness to put time and effort into perfecting their craft. They also shared a sense of nostalgia for older clothing items and the memories associated with them. Overall, their conversation demonstrated the joy and satisfaction they found in the creative process and their appreciation for each other's work.

    • Using the wrong tools for embroideryUsing inappropriate tools can hinder progress and cause frustration in embroidery projects, but finding the right software and needle-thread combination is crucial for high-quality results.

      Using the wrong tools for a project, such as needles and thread for embroidery, can significantly impact the outcome and cause frustration. In this case, using a small needle with thick thread led to poor stitching quality. Additionally, the embroidery software, despite its high cost, was found to be underdeveloped and buggy, adding to the overall difficulty and confusion of the embroidery process. The user expressed frustration with the lack of functionality in lower-priced tiers and the high cost of the fully functional version. Despite these challenges, the user acknowledged that the software was the most capable option for the price in the niche market. The user also mentioned that they were still exploring alternatives and waiting for a discount before making a purchase. Overall, the embroidery process and software were described as complicated, confusing, and frustrating, but necessary for achieving the desired results.

    • Impact of GCC and Blender on TechnologyGCC's coding capabilities revolutionized the industry, while Blender's accessibility fostered creativity. Open-source funding and alternative software solutions were emphasized.

      Both the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) and software like Blender have significantly impacted the world of technology in different ways. While GCC's ability to compile code has had a profound effect on the industry, Blender's accessibility has inspired creativity and innovation. The speaker expresses a desire for more funding for open-source projects and encourages listeners to consider supporting such initiatives. Additionally, the speaker shares their frustration with Adobe's pricing model and recommends alternatives like DaVinci Resolve and Final Cut Pro. A key issue raised is the lack of features in Adobe After Effects, which have been addressed through community-created plugins. The speaker suggests that implementing simple features like collapsible folders should not be a significant challenge. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of accessible software and the potential impact of open-source funding.

    • Adobe's Subscription Model and User FrustrationUsers want flexible, affordable software options without sacrificing functionality, while Adobe's high subscription costs and lack of significant updates leave some feeling trapped and frustrated.

      Adobe's business model relies heavily on annual subscription fees and constant innovation to retain customers. While some users may be initially attracted to new features like neural filters, they can be disappointed with the quality and feel trapped by the subscription model. In contrast, companies like Da Vinci offer a free, functional version of their software and make money through hardware sales, providing an alternative and more flexible option for content creators. The user expressed frustration with Adobe's lack of significant updates and the high cost of their subscription, leading them to wish for a software solution that doesn't prioritize profit over user experience.

    • Companies prioritizing profits over customer value: The Adobe-Figma caseCompanies should prioritize delivering value to customers instead of relying solely on their profits and customer loyalty. Adobe's acquisition of Figma instead of improving its own offerings left users feeling undervalued.

      Companies may prioritize profits over providing good value to their customers. In the discussion, Adobe was highlighted as an example of this trend. The company, which offers software like Photoshop, bought out a competitive UI design tool called Figma instead of improving its own offerings. This move left users feeling disappointed and frustrated, as they were used to receiving good value in exchange for their money. The conversation also touched upon the idea of microtransactions and how they could potentially be introduced to extract even more value from customers. Despite these issues, the group expressed their gratitude to their Patreon supporters and shared some entertaining content exclusive to them. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of companies delivering value to their customers and not just relying on their loyalty and financial contributions.

    • A Compelling Collaborative Video on PatreonSupporters of a high-quality collaborative video on Patreon gain access to exclusive content and community for various tiers of donations, with every penny going towards creating more content.

      The creators of a collaborative video project have produced something exceptional, which is currently behind a paywall on Patreon. The video is compelling and engaging, and the creators are considering making it publicly available due to its quality. Patreon offers various tiers of support, starting from $5 a month, which grants access to a Discord community and exclusive content. For $15 a month, supporters receive Polaroid photos from the creators every three months. The creators assure that every penny donated is used to create more content for their podcast. Overall, this collaboration video is a testament to the creators' dedication and the value of supporting independent content creators.

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    It's hard to build a strong foundation in marriage if you're not together. Logistics do matter. 

    I want to encourage you to analyze your time with your spouse. 

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    #RelationshipBuilders #CreateYourNow #LoveAndMarriage

    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will discuss your specific situation while gaining tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT! 

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or needing someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Please stop trying to do life by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.


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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, Entrepreneur, LifeHack, and She Owns It.







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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Photo by Canva.com


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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