
    How To Prepare For The CHANGING WORLD ORDER That Has Begun w/ Ray Dalio EP 1266

    enMay 13, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Staying Healthy and Understanding Economic Trends in a Changing WorldLouis recommends Athletic Greens for easy health maintenance and Ray Dalio highlights the importance of staying informed about economic trends like the creation of debt and money, internal conflicts, and competition between nations.

      The world order is constantly changing, often brought about by wars, and it's essential to prepare for it by focusing on our health and understanding economic trends. Louis, a former pro athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur, emphasizes the importance of convenience and efficiency in maintaining good health, especially with the numerous vitamins, minerals, and superfoods to keep track of. He recommends Athletic Greens, a daily nutritional supplement that provides all the necessary vitamins and minerals in one scoop, making it an easy addition to anyone's routine. Ray Dalio, a renowned global macro investor, shares his insights on the changing world order, emphasizing the creation of debt and money, the internal conflicts over money and values, and the competition between nations like China, Russia, and the United States. He warns that cash may become less valuable as more money is printed, and it's crucial to stay informed about these economic trends to prepare for the future.

    • Inflation caused by excessive money creationExcessive money creation by central banks leads to inflation, causing a loss of buying power. Individuals can protect themselves by holding inflation-linked assets or adjusting spending and saving habits.

      The large amount of money and credit created by central banks through quantitative easing and other measures has led to significant inflation, causing a loss of buying power for many people. This is because when the amount of money in circulation increases faster than the production of goods, prices rise. Central banks attempt to combat inflation by tightening money and credit, raising interest rates, and reducing availability of money, which further decreases buying power. This creates a squeeze on consumers and investors, leading to a shift in mindsets and behaviors. However, these shifts can take a long time to fully play out, as people adjust to new economic realities. It's important for individuals to be aware of the impact of inflation on their buying power and consider ways to protect themselves, such as holding inflation-linked assets or adjusting their spending and saving habits.

    • Understanding the importance of diversification and historical market trendsDiversify your portfolio to reduce risks and maximize returns. Don't rely solely on cash or bonds due to potential inflation and low returns. Start investing early, even with limited savings, but ensure adequate emergency savings first. Be patient and disciplined for long-term wealth growth.

      Investing wisely involves being aware of historical market trends and understanding the importance of diversification. The speaker emphasizes the significance of not relying solely on cash or bonds due to potential inflation and low returns. Instead, building a well-diversified portfolio is crucial for reducing risks and maximizing returns. Additionally, starting to invest early, even with limited savings, is essential, but ensuring adequate emergency savings should come first. The speaker's personal experience highlights the importance of discipline and patience in growing wealth over time.

    • Financial loss as a catalyst for growthLearning from financial loss instills humility, fear of being wrong, open-mindedness, importance of diversification, and meaningful relationships. It leads to better decision-making and pursuit of meaningful work.

      Experiencing financial loss at a young age, despite having limited resources beforehand, can serve as a catalyst for personal growth and success. This painful experience instilled humility, fear of being wrong, and an open-mindedness to learn from others. It also emphasized the importance of diversification and meaningful relationships. The individual learned to see things from different perspectives, which led to better decision-making and the pursuit of meaningful work. Ultimately, the painful experience transformed into a valuable lesson, with the principle of "pain plus reflection equals progress" guiding future actions.

    • Diversify and minimize riskMake diversified, uncorrelated bets to minimize risk and maximize return. Consider worst-case scenarios and be cautious with debt for consumption.

      Smart investing involves making diversified, uncorrelated bets to minimize risk while maximizing return. This approach, which can be seen as the "holy grail" of investing, allows individuals to handle potential losses without significantly impacting their overall wealth. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of considering the worst-case scenario before making any investment decisions and being cautious about taking on debt for consumption. Instead, debt can be used wisely for investments that positively affect one's living standards and offer a higher return than the cost of borrowing.

    • Investing in assets that bring personal joy and expertiseRecognize the importance of assets that generate financial returns and personal joy, identify areas of expertise, and adapt to changing trends to mitigate the impact of ideological conflicts and power struggles.

      In today's world, it's essential to consider assets that not only generate financial returns but also bring personal joy. Additionally, it's crucial to identify areas where we have expertise and the ability to ride through cycles. However, consumption is not a good investment strategy. The changing world order presents significant challenges, including political polarization and ideological conflicts that can lead to power struggles and conflict. These issues can manifest internally and externally, and the consequences can be far-reaching. For instance, the ideologies people hold may lead them to disregard laws and the rule of law, as seen in recent examples of political standoffs and power struggles. The dominance of ideologies over normal economics and politics can have significant impacts, such as Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter and the subsequent changes to the platform. Overall, it's crucial to be aware of these trends and adapt accordingly.

    • Internal Challenges: Unity, Personal Responsibility, and Caring for Each OtherFocusing on internal issues like unity, personal responsibility, and caring for each other is crucial for the US to overcome challenges and achieve prosperity. Neglecting these areas leads to social issues and high costs, while prioritizing them leads to mutual prosperity.

      The greatest challenge for the United States is not external conflicts, but rather internal issues such as unity, personal responsibility, and taking care of each other. The speaker emphasizes the importance of earning more than we spend, being productive, and having win-win relationships. However, the current trend of spending more than we earn and allowing a significant portion of the population to fall below a decent standard of living is leading to social issues and high costs, such as crime and incarceration. To avoid these problems, we need to focus on creating a strong foundation for all members of society and work towards mutual prosperity. The speaker's experience in Connecticut highlights the stark contrast between wealthy and poor neighborhoods and the negative consequences of neglecting the less fortunate. Ultimately, if we can prioritize unity, personal responsibility, and caring for each other, we will have the power to achieve great results and overcome internal challenges.

    • Promoting bipartisanship and addressing wealth disparitiesMaintaining a civil society requires a bipartisan approach to policymaking that addresses wealth disparities and ensures equal opportunities for productivity

      Promoting bipartisanship and creating a system that increases the economic pie and distributes it fairly among productive individuals is crucial for maintaining a civil society and preventing internal conflicts. The world order follows a cycle of conflict and resolution through wars, leading to periods of peace and prosperity. However, capitalism, which thrives during these periods, can create significant wealth gaps and indebtedness. To mitigate these issues, a bipartisan approach to policymaking that addresses the root causes of wealth disparities and ensures equal opportunities for productivity is essential.

    • Power dynamics and conflicts arising from wealth gapsHistorically, power shifts and conflicts have arisen due to wealth gaps, leading to potential tensions and conflicts between countries

      The accumulation of wealth gaps, both domestically and internationally, can lead to significant power imbalances and potential conflicts. This can occur when a country becomes the world's largest power and its currency becomes the world's reserve currency, leading to increased debt to foreigners. Additionally, changes in generations and their values can contribute to this dynamic. As countries align themselves economically and militarily, tensions can arise, potentially leading to conflict. History shows us that this cycle of power dynamics shifting and conflicts arising has been continuous, and it is unclear whether the world will ever be free of war entirely. The mid-1600s provide an interesting historical example, where the 30 Years War in Europe led to the invention of countries as we know them today, as power and resources were constantly fought over.

    • Assessing a country's success with 18 measurementsThe USA is generally healthy but faces challenges in civility and corruption. Russia has resources and education but suffers from cultural issues and corruption, impacting growth. Emphasizing financial literacy, education, and civility can set future generations up for success.

      The historical development of countries, including the emergence of national boundaries and the importance of financial health, education, civility, rule of law, and lack of corruption as key indicators of a country's success or failure, can be assessed using a template with 18 different measurements. If we apply this template to countries today, we find that the USA is relatively healthy in terms of these indicators, but there are challenges in areas such as civility and corruption. Looking at other countries, such as Russia, we see that despite having abundant natural resources and a relatively educated population, cultural issues and high levels of corruption can negatively impact a country's growth. If we could change the way we learn about money growing up, focusing on three key areas - financial literacy, the importance of education, and the value of civility and respect for the law - we could set future generations up for success.

    • The importance of financial education during childhoodFinancial education during childhood plays a crucial role in brain development and sets the foundation for lifelong financial habits.

      The way we learn and develop passions is linked to our brain development, which happens significantly before puberty. This understanding can be applied to financial education, where the basics of saving, spending, and understanding costs can be taught effectively during these formative years. Additionally, China has come a long way in economic development since the 1980s, becoming a leading competitive power, and the world is currently experiencing a shift towards a more fragmented geopolitical landscape, with potential disagreements and rivalries between different alliances and powers.

    • Geopolitical Tensions and Potential CrisesThe escalating conflict between major powers could lead to dangerous consequences, including bad stagflation, civil war, or military conflict. It's crucial to acknowledge these risks and work towards diplomacy and compromise to prevent potential crises.

      The current geopolitical landscape is increasingly volatile and could lead to dangerous consequences if not addressed. The conflict between major powers, particularly the United States and Russia, is escalating, with sides lining up and communications breaking down. This situation, reminiscent of history's most dangerous moments, could result in a bad stagflation, civil war, or even military conflict. The ongoing power struggle, evident in conflicts like the Ukraine war, could lead to further escalation and even nuclear weapons involvement. It's essential to acknowledge these risks and work towards diplomacy and compromise to prevent these potential crises. Additionally, the next decade is expected to bring significant changes, including the impact of the 2030 agenda, crypto currencies, and decentralization of money, which could further shape the global order.

    • Understanding the Forces Shaping Our LivesRecognize the impact of acts of nature, human adaptation, and economic cycles. Adapt to the challenges of work-life balance in your 40s, practice mindfulness, focus on efficiency, and make the best decisions for a fulfilling life.

      Throughout history, there have been various forces shaping the world, including acts of nature, human adaptation and invention, and economic cycles. Acts of nature have had a significant impact, but man's ability to adapt and invent has been the most powerful force over long periods of time. However, it's essential to be aware of the potential risks and challenges. If you're in your 30s or 40s and building a business or career, it's crucial to understand the different phases of life. The early years are often the happiest, but there comes a work-life balance challenge around age 45-50. After that, people tend to become happier as they gain more freedom and reduce obligations. My advice would be to practice meditation for calmness and equanimity, focus on efficiency to get the most out of each day, and maintain a clear head to make the best decisions. Remember, life is about choices, and stress can be detrimental to both your physical and mental well-being.

    • Navigating Life's Challenges: Acceptance, Reflection, and ActionAcceptance, reflection, and action help us cope with life's challenges. Seek advice, cherish memories, and find joy in the present. Learn from past losses to honor loved ones' memory.

      Dealing with life's challenges, such as loss and financial hardships, requires a combination of acceptance, reflection, and action. Meditation and equanimity can help provide the necessary perspective to navigate through difficult times. It's important to seek advice from others who have gone through similar experiences and to learn from their insights. The grieving process is bittersweet, but with time, the sweetness of cherished memories increases. It's essential to love and cherish those still in our lives and to find joy in the moments that remain. The biggest lesson is that important losses, whether it's the loss of a child or a parent, can leave us feeling helpless in the beginning, but with time, we can find ways to honor their memory and continue to live with love and appreciation for the time we had with them. Additionally, journaling, reading helpful books, and engaging in natural feelings are effective ways to cope with loss.

    • Reflecting on life stages and passing on knowledgeEmbrace the arc of life, focus on passing on principles, and diversify assets for success.

      Ray Dalio, a successful businessman and investor, reflects on the different stages of life, including mortality, and the importance of passing on knowledge and principles to help others succeed. He also discusses the changing role of money and the potential impact of digital currencies like crypto. Dalio accepts the arc of life and death, and as he transitions into the third stage of life, he is focused on passing on his economic investment principles and helping others be successful without him. He believes that fiat money is being devalued and that alternatives like crypto, gold, and NFTs will compete as forms of portable and widely accepted wealth. However, he cautions against overemphasizing any one asset and the risks of volatility in digital currencies. Overall, Dalio encourages a diversified approach to assets and a focus on helping others succeed.

    • The importance of personal growth and finding meaningEmbrace evolution, value meaningful work and relationships, and practice radical open-mindedness for a fulfilling life.

      Success is not measured by wealth or status, but rather by having the life you want and finding meaningful work and relationships. Diversification is important, and money can provide freedom and creativity, but it's not the ultimate goal. Evolution and open-mindedness are crucial for personal growth and progress. The speaker emphasizes the importance of experiencing a simple, low-cost lifestyle to understand the true value of freedom and the folly of seeking approval through material possessions or status. The three truths he would leave behind are the importance of evolving and contributing to evolution, the value of meaningful work and relationships, and the necessity of radical open-mindedness to learn and grow.

    • Insights on the financial world and the importance of self-educationRay emphasizes the need for self-education in the complex financial world, inspiring others to grow and make a positive impact.

      Ray shared insights on the financial world and emphasized the need for people to educate themselves, despite the complexity and potential intimidation. His dedication to teaching and sharing wisdom inspires many, and his definition of greatness lies in evolving and contributing to the world around him. The conversation also highlighted the importance of self-love and the power of sharing experiences and knowledge with others. Overall, this discussion serves as a reminder to never stop learning and growing, and to find ways to make a positive impact on the world.

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    Welcome back to The School of Greatness! Today, we have the pleasure of hosting the incredibly inspiring and multifaceted Dany Garcia. Dany is the Founder, CEO, and Chairwoman of The Garcia Companies, a portfolio of brands at the intersection of sports, entertainment, and lifestyle.

    She oversees a vast portfolio including Seven Bucks Productions, ZOA, Teremana Tequila, the Project Rock line at Under Armour, Acorns, Atom Tickets, and Salt & Straw. Dany shares her journey from humble beginnings to becoming a powerhouse in multiple industries. She discusses her early aspirations, pivotal moments that shaped her career, and her unique approach to success. Dany opens up about personal challenges, including her early divorce from Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, and how this experience ultimately strengthened their relationship and fueled their growth as business partners today.

    In this episode you will learn

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    • The importance of having a strong support system in both personal and professional life.
    • Strategies for maintaining discipline and focus in pursuit of your goals.
    • How personal challenges can catalyze growth and transformation.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1627

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    ⚠️ Inflation alert! 📈 Is Your wallet feeling a bit lighter? Mortgage rates are heading into the 7's! 🏠💸 Brace yourself, as there are more rate hikes ahead! 📊🚀 Dive in with me as we unravel the fallout and impact on Realtors and Loan Officers 🏢💼, and what this means for YOU! 🎥🔥

    This isn't just talk; we've got the graphs to show you! 📈👀 From the Great Recession of '04-'06 to now, the economic roller coaster continues 🎢⏳. Ever wondered what happens when mortgage lenders are losing money on every loan? 🤔💰

    The industry feels the heat, and we're right there with them, breaking it down one piece at a time! 🕵️‍♂️🔍 Homebuyers, Realtors, Lenders...we're all in this together 🤝💔 But remember, neither good nor bad times last forever!

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    TIP568: Current Market Conditions, Alternative Assets, & AI w/ David Stein

    TIP568: Current Market Conditions, Alternative Assets, & AI w/ David Stein
    Clay Finck chats with David Stein about current market conditions, the role of international stocks in a portfolio, whether investors should get exposure to AI stocks or not, if GDP is an outdated metric, the role of alternative assets in a portfolio, and David’s guide to living a richer, wiser, and happier life. David Stein is the Host of Money For the Rest of Us, a weekly personal finance podcast with over 20 million downloads. He’s also the co-founder of Asset Camp, a fintech platform of dynamic data-driven research tools focused on asset classes. IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro. 02:10 - Why we should care about current market conditions as long-term investors. 09:27 - David’s assessment of current market conditions and the Fed’s job in managing inflation. 13:08 - How long it takes for interest rates to flow through to the broader economy. 16:49 - The role international stocks can play in a portfolio. 26:47 - If investors should care if the US has the reserve currency or not. 33:28 - Ways in which investors can get exposure to AI. 38:41 - The potential long-term impacts of AI on our financial system. 42:09 - Whether GDP is an outdated and misleading metric or not. 46:42 - The role that crowdfunding platforms and alternative assets can play in a portfolio. 55:51 - How the venture capital playbook works. 58:28 - How David thinks about the expected returns for alternative assets. 75:00 - David’s thoughts around aligning his finances with living a good life. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, and the other community members. Check out our recent episode covering The Passionate Pursuit of Lifelong Learning w/ Gautam Baid or watch the video here. David’s investing tool: Asset Camp. David’s website: Money for the Rest of Us. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Linkedin Marketing Solutions Fidelity Efani Shopify NDTCO Fundrise Wise NetSuite TurboTax Vacasa NerdWallet Babbel Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep. 1687 - The Banking Meltdown Continues

    Ep. 1687 - The Banking Meltdown Continues

    As Joe Biden claims he’s restored order to the markets, bank stocks drop like a stone; the Federal Reserve can’t put the inflation genie back in the bottle without tanking the banks; and Donald Trump launches a new round of absurd attacks on Ron DeSantis.

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    Silicon Valley Bank MELTDOWN Explained | How to PREPARE for the RECESSION | Jaspreet Singh

    Silicon Valley Bank MELTDOWN Explained | How to PREPARE for the RECESSION | Jaspreet Singh
    Here’s how the second-biggest bank collapse in U.S. history happened in just 48 hours. Silicon Valley Bank closed its doors today. Within 48 hours, a panic induced by the very venture capital community that SVB had served and nurtured ended the bank’s 40-year-run. For sure you’ve heard that millionaires are made in recessions, but how? Jaspreet Singh is joining Tom for a second time to get you up to speed on what it takes to get wealthy during any recession. Jaspreet is the Minority Mindset guru and Chief Money Nerd at Minority Mindset Companies. He’s been creating financial education videos on YouTube for years and is breaking down all the reason you don’t have to be scared during a recession Jaspreet is a voice of reason to remember that recessions are only bad or good in relation to which side of the equation you are on. This is a must watch if you’re trying to find the best route through a recession that has most people nervous and panicked. Follow Jaspreet Singh: Website: https://theminoritymindset.com/about-us/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MinorityMindset Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/minoritymin... Twitter: https://twitter.com/minoritym1ndset Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MinorityMind... Sponsors: Visit http://www.RealVision.com/ImpactTheory to save 20% on a full year of access to The Real Vision Academy. Visit http://www.srimu.com/impact to unlock 10% off artisanally crafted NOT cheeses made with plant based ingredients for a delicious new take on the cheeses you adore! Go to athleticgreens.com/impact and receive a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free travel packs with your first purchase!  Visit my sponsor Future: https://tryfuture.co/Impact to try your first month for $19 and make 2023 the year you crush your fitness goals. Go to our sponsor Viome https://tryviome.com/impact to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping - learn if inflammation is causing your issues! This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at http://www.betterhelp.com/impacttheory and get on your way to being your best self. Get $500 off Peloton Tread Packages that come with accessories like a heart rate band, workout mat and non-slip dumbbells. Just go to onepeleton.com to get the deal. For listeners of the show, Calm is offering an exclusive offer of 40% off a Calm Premium subscription at http://www.calm.com/impact.  Go to http://aura.com/impact for a 14 day free trial to see if your personal information has been leaked online. Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact? If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you. Want to transform your health, sharpen your mindset, improve your relationship, or conquer the business world? This is your epicenter of greatness.  This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. Subscription Benefits: Unlock the gates to a treasure trove of wisdom from inspiring guests like Andrew Huberman, Mel Robbins, Hal Elrod, Matthew McConaughey, and many, many, more New episodes delivered ad-free Exclusive access to Tom’s AMAs, keynote speeches, and suggestions from his personal reading list You’ll also get access to an 5 additional podcasts with hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, meticulously curated into themed playlists covering health, mindset, business, relationships, and more: Legendary Mindset: Mindset & Self-Improvement Money Mindset: Business & Finance Relationship Theory: Relationships Health Theory: Mental & Physical Health Power Ups: Weekly Doses of Short Motivational Quotes  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    From inflation to investing mistakes: Best of the This is Money podcast from 2021

    From inflation to investing mistakes: Best of the This is Money podcast from 2021
    It's safe to say 2021 has been an eventful one for the economy and personal finance – and our podcast has covered it all.

    Georgie Frost takes a look back at some of the best bits of the show starring Simon Lambert, Lee Boyce, Tanya Jefferies and Helen Crane.

    We talk about investing mistakes and what you can learn from them. How much a lifetime will cost? And what is behind the inflation surge that emerged in the last few months of the year?

    There is a bit about house prices – naturally – and we chat over our £1bn underpaid state pension victory.

    And we have a Dragon in the house. Simon catches up with new Dragons' Den star Steven Bartlett, who has a hugely successful podcast of his own.

    He talks through his views on the traditional route to success and why it is outdated. Happy New Year!