
    Podcast Summary

    • Fill your own cup firstTo effectively serve and contribute to others, prioritize self-care and make yourself a priority. Filling your own cup through renewal, innovation, and self-care will give you the energy and resources to positively impact those around you.

      To effectively serve and contribute to the lives of others, it's essential to prioritize self-care and make oneself the number one priority. This may seem counterintuitive, but as the speaker explains, you cannot pour from an empty cup. By focusing on filling your own cup through self-care, renewal, and innovation, you'll have the energy and resources to make a positive impact on those around you. This doesn't mean neglecting your relationships or your faith, but rather recognizing that your relationship with yourself and your higher power is an integral part of your overall well-being. So, remember to put your own oxygen mask on first.

    • Prioritize personal growth for a better self and othersNeglecting personal growth can lead to feelings of unfulfillment and not belonging. Focusing on growth breaks free from limiting beliefs and strengthens oneself.

      Prioritizing self-growth and renewal is essential for being the best version of oneself and providing the most value to others. Neglecting personal growth can lead to feeling unfulfilled and not belonging in various aspects of life, such as jobs, relationships, or friend groups. The longer this feeling persists, the more deeply ingrained it becomes, potentially leading to a belief that one doesn't belong anywhere. By focusing on personal growth and development, one can break free from these limiting beliefs and become a stronger, more vibrant version of themselves, much like an elephant that breaks free from its metaphorical stake in the ground.

    • Don't become complacent in life, keep renewing yourselfExamine life areas where you've become complacent, renew yourself, and effectively love and serve others

      We must not let ourselves become stagnant in various areas of our lives, as if we're trapped in our own making like a spider in a web. Time is precious, and it goes by quickly, whether we're 18 or 85. We've all experienced the passage of time through milestones in our lives, but it's essential to remember that we need to renew ourselves continually to make a difference for ourselves and others. We can't serve or love others effectively if we're not growing and improving ourselves. It's easy to focus on caring for others and hide from self-reflection, but eventually, we'll wake up to find that our loved ones have moved on, and it's essential that we evolve with them to maintain meaningful relationships. So, examine your life and identify areas where you've planted "stakes in the ground" and have become complacent. Renew yourself in those areas, and you'll be better equipped to love and serve those around you.

    • Our identity is shaped by the meaning we give to experiences, not the experiences themselvesThe meaning we attach to past experiences, not the experiences themselves, defines who we are. Focus on present and future growth to break free from limiting beliefs.

      Our identity is not defined by our memories, stories, or past experiences, but rather by the meaning we attach to them and the emotions we experience. We are spiritual beings that require self-care, reflection, and growth to renew and re-energize ourselves. It's essential not to cling to past successes, failures, or negative experiences, but instead, use them as learning opportunities to move forward. The events of our lives do not define us; rather, it's the meaning we give to those events that shapes who we become. By focusing on the present and the future, we can break free from limiting beliefs and continue to grow and evolve as individuals.

    • Believe in Yourself and Dream BigBelieve in your worth, lift the stake, focus on dreams, and strive to be the best version of yourself to improve your life and serve others.

      We should not settle for a life that doesn't fulfill our dreams or worth. We are worth more than we believe, and we have the power to change our story and create a new compelling future for ourselves. The old stories we tell ourselves, whether good or bad, can limit us and keep us stuck. It's time to lift the stake out of the ground, believe in ourselves, and dream big. We belong in our dreams, not in the past. Our growth and happiness depend on it. By focusing on our dreams and striving to be the best version of ourselves, we not only improve our own lives but also serve those around us who need us to be our best. So, let us dream big, think big thoughts, and make our lives bigger.

    • Prioritize yourself and GodFocus on self-care and spiritual growth to effectively serve and make a difference in others' lives

      Prioritizing yourself and your relationship with God should be at the forefront of your life. We often get caught up in the stories and emotions others project onto us, neglecting our own needs. By making yourself a priority, you can fill your cup and effectively serve and make a difference in the lives of those around you. This may involve making changes to focus on self-care and spiritual growth. By doing so, not only will you benefit, but those you care about will as well. So, take the time to prioritize yourself and your relationship with God, and watch the positive impact it will have on your life and those around you.

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    Last Life Ever is broadcast live in our Facebook group Mondays at 7 pm EST/4 pm PST. Join us:


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