
    working on you, for YOU - let's get confident

    enMarch 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Self-Love and ConfidenceBelieve in yourself, let go of limiting beliefs, appreciate the present moment, and work towards goals with excitement and love.

      Focusing on self-care and believing in oneself are crucial for personal growth and receiving opportunities in life. Anna shares her experience of realizing the importance of self-love and confidence after coming out of a situationship. She emphasizes that limiting beliefs, often rooted in childhood experiences, can hinder our progress, but we are all good enough as we are. Additionally, appreciating the present moment is essential for enjoying future accomplishments. Anna encourages listeners to believe in their abilities and work towards their goals from a place of love and excitement, rather than a sense of lack or needing validation from others.

    • Appreciating the present and believing in oneselfBelieving in your abilities and appreciating small successes leads to self-confidence and better outcomes. Others will respect and appreciate this self-confidence.

      Self-confidence and appreciation for the present moment are crucial for personal growth and success. The speaker shares her experience of reaching her desired weight but still feeling unconfident, and how her friend's constant pursuit of more followers illustrates the danger of not appreciating small successes. She emphasizes the importance of believing in oneself and one's abilities, as this is what others will respect and appreciate. The speaker also shares her personal experience of gaining confidence during a contract negotiation, and how this newfound self-belief led to increased respect and better outcomes. Overall, the takeaway is that we have the power to value ourselves and our abilities, and that this self-confidence will be reflected in the way others perceive us.

    • Respecting Your Own Boundaries for Gaining RespectTo earn respect from others, focus on self-confidence and setting personal boundaries. Clarify what makes you feel good and stay true to your routines and plans.

      Having self-confidence and respecting your own boundaries are essential for gaining respect from others. When you have a strong sense of self, you become the main focus of your life, and you learn what your boundaries are. This clarity comes from spending time on yourself and focusing on what makes you feel good. It's important to keep in mind that if you don't respect your own boundaries, it can be challenging to expect others to do the same. Building self-confidence involves staying true to your routines and keeping plans for yourself, just as you would for others. By respecting your own boundaries, you demonstrate to others that your time and energy are valuable, making it easier to assert your needs and set healthy relationships.

    • Expressing Boundaries and Standing Up for YourselfSetting clear boundaries and expressing them assertively leads to stronger relationships and increased self-worth, regardless of physical appearance.

      Having clear boundaries and standing up for oneself is essential for respect and self-worth, whether in personal relationships or professional interactions. Physical beauty is secondary to inner confidence, which shines through in how we carry ourselves and interact with others. By establishing and maintaining boundaries, and expressing them assertively, we can create fresh starts and build stronger, more meaningful connections. Confidence, not physical appearance, is what truly captivates and leaves a lasting impression on others. Remember, standing up for yourself and expressing your boundaries is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength and self-respect.

    • Overcoming self-consciousness and building confidenceRecognize others' judgments come from their insecurities, practice confidence through simple actions, and focus on your thoughts to unlock potential and opportunities

      Confidence comes from within and focusing on our own thoughts and actions, rather than getting caught up in what others may think. The speaker shares her experience of feeling self-conscious while recording at the gym and how she overcame it by recognizing that other people's judgments are a reflection of their own insecurities. She encourages practicing confidence through simple actions like standing tall and looking up, and listening to uplifting music to help boost self-esteem. By focusing on our own thoughts and taking steps to build confidence, we can unlock our full potential and opportunities in life.

    • Boosting Confidence and EnergyDaily affirmations, uplifting music, and embracing natural self can significantly enhance confidence and self-acceptance.

      Believing in your success and working on your energy can bring amazing opportunities in your business and personal life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of singing or affirming your success daily and listening to uplifting music like "Energy" by Tyler Jane to boost your confidence and energy. Additionally, embracing your natural self and learning to love your raw beauty can significantly enhance your confidence and self-acceptance. The speaker shares her personal experience of giving up heavy makeup and hair enhancements and discovering a deeper appreciation for her natural self. Ultimately, the speaker encourages listeners to trust in their inherent worth and beauty, without relying on external validation or enhancements.

    • Appreciate your eyes and embrace self-careAppreciating eyes and practicing self-care can boost confidence and self-acceptance. Small changes in appearance and having a clear vision of personal growth can enhance natural features and build trust in the journey to becoming the best version of oneself.

      Self-love and self-care are crucial for boosting confidence and feeling beautiful, both inside and out. Regarding eyes, they are unique and beautiful, so it's essential to appreciate them. When it comes to appearance, even small changes like dressing up or taking care of skin can make a significant difference in how we feel about ourselves. Moreover, having a clear vision of who we want to become can help us trust the process and build confidence in our journey. Remember, everyone is beautiful in their unique way, and enhancing our natural features instead of covering them up can lead to greater confidence and self-acceptance. So, embrace your eyes, take care of yourself, and trust the process of becoming the best version of yourself.

    • Connecting with your higher self for clarity in decision makingCheck in with your higher self for guidance during uncertain times, enhance the practice with visualization techniques, and stay focused on personal growth with affirmations to build confidence in decision making.

      Connecting with your higher self and setting clear intentions can significantly boost your confidence in decision making. When faced with uncertainty, checking in with your higher self can help clarify the best course of action. This practice can be enhanced through creative visualization techniques like vision boards, mind maps, or affirmations. Affirmations can serve as powerful reminders to stay focused on personal growth and can help combat negative self-talk and external distractions. By consistently tapping into your inner wisdom and staying true to your vision, you'll build the confidence to make decisions that align with your goals and values.

    • Focus on inner energy and self-careInvesting in self-care practices can boost confidence and attract success in personal and professional life

      Focusing on your inner energy and self-care is the key to attracting success in both personal and professional aspects of life. It's essential to understand that external changes do not guarantee inner happiness or success. Instead, working on your energy, treating yourself, and celebrating your achievements can make you magnetic and irresistible. Don't wait for external validation; be proud of yourself and appreciate your accomplishments. Small investments in self-care practices can boost your confidence and make you feel good about yourself. Remember, it's not about productivity but about showing love and care to yourself, even on bad days.

    • Imagine self-support during tough timesPractice self-care through simple acts, imagine support from others, and giving to others can boost self-esteem and create a positive cycle of self-love and growth.

      Self-care is about showing yourself love and compassion, especially during tough times. When we're feeling down or overwhelmed, it can be helpful to imagine what a supportive partner or older, wiser version of ourselves would say or do to make us feel better. This can involve simple acts like taking a break, watching a movie, or giving ourselves a hug. By practicing self-care and treating ourselves with kindness, we can build resilience and confidence, and create a positive cycle of self-love and growth. Additionally, giving to others through compliments, time, or advice can also boost our own self-esteem and create a ripple effect of positivity.

    • Acts of kindness ripple effectSmall acts of kindness like giving compliments, sharing advice, or even simple gestures can boost our confidence and positively impact others, creating a ripple effect of positivity

      Small acts of kindness and mentorship can have a ripple effect on ourselves and others. Giving compliments, sharing advice, or even simple gestures like giving someone a hair bobble or buying food for a homeless person, can significantly improve our own confidence and make a positive impact on the recipient's day. Additionally, mentoring those around us, especially those just starting their journey, can be rewarding and help us reflect on our own progress. These acts of kindness create a positive cycle, where the recipient may pay it forward to others, and the giver continues to build their confidence and sense of fulfillment. So, let's strive to make a difference in the lives of those around us, one kind act at a time.

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    • You have to learn about others and actively listen to them to learn about them and shift your perspective into belonging. 

    • Surrounding yourself with the things you want to incorporate into your life.

    • Choosing your battles and taking the breaks that will help you do what you do better.

    • Everything you do starts with you, so take care of yourself. Take a break.



    “Competition makes life expensive, it makes social interactions kind of strange, and I was reflecting on how I could incorporate slowness in my life and I think that comes from being in places where people are more sane and more kind because they have chosen a life where they’re not overwhelmed all the time.”

    “You can still choose that busy life anywhere and you can still choose a peaceful life anywhere, but if your environment encourages it and your community encourages it that can really help.”

    “You find your people anywhere if you look for them and stay open.”


    Dear Listeners it is now your turn,

    When you think about the work you do whether you work as an internal innovator, or as an entrepreneur, maybe you have a side hustle, what will you do with the information you just heard? Will you learn to take those breaks, will you choose to be that person that models the behavior that you want to see in the people around you, will you bring your best self by choosing to be that model and live the way that you know is going to benefit you and everyone around you.

    And, as always, thank you for listening. 


    About Mandy

    Mandy Hoskinson is a marketing agency founder, community leader, and creative person. Her award-winning agency, Zolay (@zolaystudio) works with clients spanning B2B, B2C, SAAS, government and creative industries. This social impact-focused agency also gives away 20% of its work away pro-bono (WIP). Mandy is also the President of the Social Media Club of Los Angeles. You can find her most places as @mediamandy.

    Be sure to check out Mandy’s LinkedIn and Instagram, as well as her website Mandy Hoskinson, Zolay Studio and Zolay Studio Instagram!


    About Sarah

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

    In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

    My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.

    Be sure to check out the Job Interview Storytelling Course as well to make sure you nail that next interview!