
    your body doesn't need fixing, your relationship with it does

    enJanuary 09, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Approaching resolutions with self-compassion and mindfulnessFocus on small, achievable goals that bring joy and nourishment, live in the present, and approach resolutions with self-love and compassion.

      It's important to approach new year's resolutions with self-compassion and mindfulness. The speaker shares her personal experience of having numerous resolutions in the past, which she now realizes may have stemmed from a place of self-criticism and the belief that she wasn't good enough. Instead, she encourages focusing on small, achievable goals that bring joy and nourishment to one's body and mind. By living in the present and making small changes, one can create a lifestyle that feels right for them without putting undue pressure on the future. It's essential to recognize the difference between resolutions that come from a place of love and self-care and those that add unnecessary stress and pressure. Overall, the goal is to approach resolutions with a kind and compassionate mindset, focusing on personal growth and well-being.

    • Adding healthy habits instead of eliminating unhealthy onesInstead of focusing on eliminating unhealthy habits, try adding small, healthy habits to your routine for long-term success in health and fitness goals.

      Setting and maintaining goals, especially those related to health and fitness, can be more effective when approached in a positive and gradual way. Instead of focusing on what to eliminate, try adding small, healthy habits into your routine. This can help prevent feeling overwhelmed and ensure long-term success. For instance, instead of trying to eliminate sugar completely, focus on adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet. This approach can make the process less daunting and more enjoyable, leading to better adherence to your goals. Additionally, reviewing and reassessing your goals regularly can help you identify which habits are beneficial and worth continuing.

    • Be kind to yourself during times of changeFocus on self-acceptance, set performance goals, and celebrate small wins during times of change to improve relationship with food and exercise.

      Focusing on self-acceptance and setting performance goals rather than aesthetic ones can help improve our relationship with food and exercise. During times of change, such as after holidays or during hormonal fluctuations, it's important to be gentle with ourselves and not rush into drastic changes. Instead, we should aim to be kind to ourselves, celebrate small wins, and understand that natural fluctuations in our bodies are normal. When it comes to exercise, focusing on performance goals and being kind to ourselves can help prevent negative thought patterns and promote a healthier mindset.

    • Listening to our bodies with intuition and disciplineBalance intuition and discipline for a healthy routine. Listen to body signals for rest, but don't neglect goals with discipline. Distinguish healthy from unhealthy discipline.

      Maintaining a healthy routine involves a balance between intuition and discipline. Intuition helps us listen to our bodies and understand when we need rest, while discipline ensures we don't neglect our goals. To make decisions based on intuition, it's important to consider both emotional and physical factors. For instance, if we feel tired, we should pay attention to both our emotional state and any physical signs of fatigue. Discipline comes into play when we need to push through and meet our goals, even when we don't feel like it. This could mean getting up early to exercise or eating a healthy breakfast, even if we don't feel hungry. Additionally, it's essential to distinguish between healthy discipline and unhealthy restrictions. Healthy discipline focuses on improving performance and achieving goals, without the added pressure to change our bodies. When it comes to eating in the morning, maintaining a consistent routine can help kickstart our metabolism and provide the energy we need for the day.

    • Starting the day right with a nutritious breakfastBegin your day with a balanced meal to boost metabolism and sustain energy, and practice self-acceptance to foster a healthy relationship with food and your body.

      Maintaining energy levels and a healthy relationship with food are crucial for overall well-being. The speaker emphasizes the importance of starting the day with a nutritious breakfast, which not only kickstarts metabolism but also provides sustainable energy for the day ahead. Additionally, she encourages a mindful approach to body image, focusing on self-acceptance and understanding the unique aspects of one's own body. The speaker's personal journey involves overcoming disordered eating habits and learning to appreciate her body as it is, rather than comparing herself to others. Ultimately, her advice is to prioritize self-care, intuitive eating, and embracing individuality to lead a happier, healthier life.

    • Comparing yourself to others can harm your healthFocus on appreciating your own progress and uniqueness, and remember that everyone's journey is different. Rest days are important for optimal growth and progress.

      Comparing yourself to others and striving for unrealistic body standards can lead to dangerous and unhealthy behaviors. You never truly know what someone else's journey is, and trying to reach their body can be detrimental to both your physical and mental health. Instead, focus on appreciating your own uniqueness and progress, and recognize that everyone's journey towards their goals is different. Additionally, rest days are essential for allowing your body to recharge and perform at its best. Don't feel guilty for taking a break – it's necessary for optimal growth and progress.

    • Rest days are essential for optimal performance and rejuvenationRest days are important for physical recovery and mental rejuvenation. Don't feel guilty for taking them or eating more on those days, as it's a natural part of the body's recovery process. Find new goals and challenges to maintain motivation and enjoyment in your fitness journey.

      Taking rest days and allowing yourself to eat more on those days is essential for optimal physical performance and mental rejuvenation. The speaker shares her experience of feeling demotivated and stiff after returning to the gym following a break, but emphasizes the importance of showing up and continuing to make progress towards her fitness goals. She also encourages listeners to let go of guilt associated with rest days and eating more on those days, as it is a natural part of the body's recovery process. Additionally, she encourages listeners to find new goals and challenges in their fitness journey to maintain motivation and enjoyment. The speaker acknowledges that rest days are an integral part of a long-term fitness journey and encourages listeners to view them as an opportunity for rejuvenation rather than a setback.

    • Embrace the ups and downs of lifeRest is important for optimizing performance and overall well-being, listen to your body, and understand that rest is part of the journey, not a sign of failure.

      Life is not linear and it's important to be okay with rest days and unexpected changes in plans. The speaker shares her experience of having planned to run a long distance but feeling unmotivated and ultimately deciding to rest instead. She acknowledges that it's natural to have off days and that listening to your body is crucial. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding that rest is part of the journey and not a sign of failure. Additionally, she highlights the significance of getting enough sleep to optimize performance and overall well-being. So, embrace the ups and downs of life, prioritize self-care, and remember that every day is a new opportunity to try again.

    • Moving on from past self-care decisionsIt's essential to accept past choices and focus on present self-care, letting go of guilt and embracing balance in diet and activity.

      It's important to accept and move on from past decisions, especially when it comes to matters of self-care like choosing not to engage in an activity or eat certain foods. Anna shared her experience of feeling guilty about not going for a run and how she learned to let go of those feelings and focus on the present moment. She also discussed her past struggles with disordered eating and offered tips for overcoming obsessive eating habits, such as introducing spontaneity and allowing for indulgences in a balanced way. Ultimately, Anna emphasized the importance of imagining and working towards a relaxed, nourishing lifestyle that allows for both self-care and enjoyment.

    • Understanding emotional reasons for unhealthy patternsRecognize past experiences, practice self-compassion, journal, and reflect to gain insight and let go of unhealthy beliefs and situations.

      Achieving a balanced lifestyle involves taking action towards creating healthy habits, but also acknowledging and addressing the underlying emotional reasons for any unhealthy patterns. It's important to recognize that these patterns may stem from past experiences and to practice self-compassion and safety. By journaling and reflecting on these experiences, we can gain a better understanding of our motivations and learn to let go of beliefs and situations that no longer serve us. Remember, your emotional state can impact your perception of your body image, so it's crucial to be aware of any emotional triggers and address them. Overall, the goal is to create a nurturing environment for ourselves, both physically and emotionally, and to give ourselves permission to let go of the past and embrace the present.

    • Improve emotional state for better body imageFocus on mood lifters, recognize self-imposed thoughts, no rush to change, self-confidence matters

      Focusing on improving your emotional state can be more effective in dealing with body image issues than focusing solely on physical changes. When experiencing a negative emotional state, engaging in activities that lift your mood, such as getting enough sleep, journaling, watching sunrise, or working out, can help improve body image perception. It's important to remember that there is no rush to change, and putting excessive pressure on yourself can lead to a constant battle with your brain. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize that the negative thoughts and judgments about your body are self-imposed and that your perception of your body is what truly matters. So, instead of focusing on dieting and working out to change your body, try focusing on improving your emotional state and self-confidence. Remember, you are the only one putting pressure on yourself, and your body is amazing just the way it is.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    • How Jaimmy practices wellness without obsession.


    Learn more about Jaimmy:

    Jaimmy’s Instagram account

    Jaimmy’s website


    Resources for you:


    Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

    For every guest that comes on the show, we donate money to Loveland Foundation. The Loveland Foundation, is a foundation that provides therapy and  healing to Black women and girls. We are honored to donate monthly to the Loveland Foundation, and you can learn more and donate yourself here.

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    #192 | How To Change For Good

    We all seek CHANGE, but only few want TO CHANGE.

    Here is another Doctor Ben monologue, this time on the topic of change, in a healthy, sustainable, and even effortless way.

    Force, willpower, and structured protocols are a thing of the past. They simply don't work in any sort of reliable and sustainable way.

    In this talk, we go into the natural and organic process of effortless change of habits from a peaceful, grounded, and neutral place. 

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    • Authentic good feeling vs "ego's" good feeling
    • How to make choices from a peaceful center
    • Using life for learning and growth

    We encourage you to come on into the Facebook group and join the Plant Based & Stress Free community at www.facebook.com/groups/alterhealth

    Hope you enjoy! Please feel free to leave a comment, rating, or review on whatever platform you choose to tune in on!


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    Links to learn more

    - SHOW NOTES: https://www.alter.health/episode192

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    Links to some more good stuff
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    - Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides: www.alter.health/meal-guides
    - Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: www.alter.health/thrive-on-plants