
    moving to australia, leaving gymshark and opening up about my relationship

    enMay 15, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected experiences can lead to life-changing decisionsListen to your instincts and be open to new experiences, even if they seem unlikely or inconvenient, as they may lead to significant opportunities and personal growth.

      Sometimes, unexpected opportunities and experiences can lead us to make significant decisions in our lives. Anna, the podcast host, shares her personal story of how a trip to Australia led her to fall in love and ultimately decide to move there. Despite initially having no plans to move, Anna's gut feeling and a chance encounter with her now-boyfriend convinced her to make the move. This experience highlights the importance of listening to our instincts and being open to new experiences, even if they seem unlikely or inconvenient at first. Anna's journey also demonstrates the power of following your heart and trusting that things will work out, even when it may seem unclear or uncertain.

    • Deciding for Personal GrowthListening to gut feeling and prioritizing personal happiness can lead to empowering decisions, even if it means facing uncertainty and potential setbacks.

      Sometimes making a difficult decision for personal growth can be empowering, even if it means letting go of opportunities or comforts that come with a current situation. The speaker shares her experience of deciding to move to Australia despite potential career setbacks and financial implications, as it brought her immense joy and fulfilled her on a deeper level. She emphasizes the importance of listening to one's gut feeling and prioritizing personal happiness, even if it means taking a leap of faith and facing uncertainty. The speaker also highlights that differentiating experiences and environments can serve individuals in various ways, and it's essential to identify what nourishes and fuels one's soul.

    • Embracing change and overcoming fearMaking bold decisions can lead to unexpected opportunities, a better work-life balance, and peace of mind.

      Making bold decisions and letting go of fear can lead to unexpected opportunities and a better work-life balance. The speaker shared her personal experience of moving to Australia and willingly giving up potential shoots and events in London. She found that this decision brought her more opportunities, including a call from Gymshark offering her numerous tours. Additionally, she valued the time difference in Australia, which allowed her to have a peaceful morning routine without the pressure of constant communication. By being a day ahead, she felt in control and less overwhelmed. Ultimately, she realized that she didn't want to spend her life working nonstop and wanted to make the most of her experiences, not just focus on her career.

    • Overcoming limiting beliefsReflect on your own beliefs and consider if they're valid or self-imposed obstacles. Prioritize creativity and self-care for a fulfilling life.

      Limiting beliefs can hold us back from experiencing new opportunities and living life to the fullest. The speaker shares her personal experience of wanting to move to Australia but feeling held back by her busy schedule and work commitments. However, upon reflection, she realized that these were just excuses and that she had the means and flexibility to make the move. She encourages listeners to reflect on their own limiting beliefs and consider whether they are truly valid or just self-imposed obstacles. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of prioritizing creativity and self-care in order to live a fulfilling life. She also shares her experience of being signed as a Gymshark athlete quickly after starting her account, but ultimately deciding to leave in order to focus on her own brand and creative projects.

    • Trusting instincts leads to new opportunitiesListening to inner desires can lead to personal growth and unexpected career opportunities

      Following your instincts and desires, even if they go against the status quo or an assumed path, can lead to new opportunities and personal growth. The speaker shares her experience of unexpectedly leaving her long-term partnership with Gymshark after feeling the urge to explore other options and wear different brands. She explains that while she had a great relationship with the brand and had no intention of leaving, a genuine feeling led her to make the decision. This moment of self-reflection also helped her realize the value of independence and self-expression, leading her to embrace being non-exclusive and explore new possibilities in her career.

    • Personal growth isn't defined by external factorsBelieve in your worth and make decisions based on your own judgment, even during career changes or setbacks. Maintain a balanced approach to health and career, and learn from past experiences to move forward with confidence.

      Personal growth and self-worth are not defined by external factors such as a professional title or a brand association. Anna's experience of leaving Gymshark as an athlete reminded her that she is still valuable and capable, regardless of her career status. She encourages everyone to trust their own judgment and believe in their own worth, even when faced with difficult decisions. Anna's new fitness goal is to maintain a balanced approach to her health and career, focusing on consistent training and nutrition while also prioritizing her personal and professional growth. She emphasizes that setbacks and changes are a natural part of life, and that it's important to learn from past experiences and move forward with confidence.

    • Embracing Balance and Self-Acceptance in Running and FoodThe speaker values balance and self-acceptance in her running journey, focusing on consistency and growth rather than strict goals or times. She's learned to enjoy food without validation and looks forward to new training methods and upcoming events.

      The speaker has made significant progress in her relationship with food and her approach to training and competing, focusing on balance and self-acceptance. She's learned to enjoy food without the need for social media validation and has found freedom in not having to adhere strictly to a training regimen. The speaker is excited to continue her running journey, with plans to participate in a marathon with her boyfriend and explore new training methods like swimming and cycling. She values consistency and growth, rather than obsessing over specific goals or times. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of balance in all areas of life and looks forward to upcoming events and run clubs in London and potentially in Australia.

    • Anna's Health Routine and Future PlansAnna prioritizes her health with electrolytes and a massage gun, aspires to start her own brand, and values independence and inspiration.

      Anna values her health and wellness, incorporating electrolytes and a portable massage gun into her daily routine. She also expressed her desire to start her own brand and move to Australia for more creative freedom. Anna emphasized the importance of being proactive and independent, and how these actions align with her goals of providing inspiration and empowerment to her audience. She also shared her experiences with various health products, including LMNT electrolytes and Thorne creatine, and encouraged listeners to use the code "Anna" for a discount on these items at the health website. Additionally, Anna mentioned her upcoming move to Australia and her excitement for the content she will be sharing from there.

    • Personal stories and privacyThe speaker values her privacy and shares a heartfelt story of meeting her boyfriend, emphasizing their continued connection despite distance.

      The speaker values her privacy and the safety of her loved ones, especially her boyfriend, and prefers to keep them out of the public spotlight. She shared a personal story of how she met her boyfriend and was attracted to his bubbly personality. Despite their initial connection, they went their separate ways, but their bond continued to grow through regular communication. The speaker also mentioned her upcoming event in London and her excitement to meet her followers in person. She gave her honest opinion about the Garmin 265 and shared her preference for it over the Venu 3s due to its size.

    • Discovering new aspects of a partnerTaking time apart can deepen emotional connection by revealing new traits, fostering open communication, and supporting personal growth.

      Having time apart in a relationship can help individuals discover new aspects of their partner's personality and strengthen the emotional connection. The speaker shares her experience of meeting a supportive and emotionally available boyfriend after a period of separation. She also emphasizes the importance of open communication and understanding each other's needs. Additionally, the speaker learned that it's essential to find out important information, such as relationship expectations, as early as possible to avoid misunderstandings. The experience of leaning on each other and supporting each other's personal growth further deepened their bond. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the value of emotional connection, communication, and self-discovery in relationships.

    • Don't judge based on superficial qualitiesPeople's worth shouldn't be determined by physical attributes or gym attendance. Focus on what inspires and fulfill you, embrace learning new things, and don't judge yourself for going through phases.

      People should not judge others based on superficial qualities, such as physical appearance or gym attendance. The speaker emphasizes that she doesn't care about muscles and that people should not equate worthiness with physical attributes. Additionally, she shares her approach to staying committed to things by focusing on what truly inspires and fulfills her, while also acknowledging that she goes through phases and doesn't judge herself for it. Lastly, she encourages not to stress about not being elite at everything and to embrace the journey of learning new things.

    • Finding Balance in Self-Care and ProductivityRunning helps maintain mental well-being by adopting a solution-focused mindset. Prioritize self-care, stay positive, trust instincts, and make confident decisions. Engage with content and share thoughts for growth.

      Finding balance in self-care and productivity is crucial for managing stress and maintaining mental well-being. The speaker shares how running helps her adopt a solution-focused mindset and how important it is to pair energy-taxing activities with self-care practices. She also emphasizes the importance of trusting her instincts and making decisions confidently, while being open to change and growth. Additionally, she encourages listeners to engage with her content and share their thoughts, and asks for reviews to help spread the word. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of prioritizing self-care, staying positive, and trusting oneself to make the best decisions.

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    this episode is very kindly sponsored by Healf, an online wellness retailer who believe you should have access to everything you need to achieve health all in one place. the products i mentioned in this episode are; LMNT electrolytes, thorne creatine and the theragun mini. you can use code ANNA to save 15% off your order here - https://www.healf.com/ANNA

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.