
    build small habits, change your life

    enJanuary 16, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Reflecting on Personal Growth and PrioritiesRefocus self-care practices, prioritize sleep, and set realistic goals for overall health and well-being.

      Self-care and prioritizing personal well-being are essential for maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. The speaker shares her experience of returning from a trip to Australia and the emotional reaction to leaving, but also the excitement for new opportunities. She emphasizes the importance of setting realistic goals and avoiding overwhelming resolutions. The speaker also discusses her recent journaling session on the plane, where she reflected on her personal growth and identified her priorities for the upcoming months. Among these priorities, she mentions sleep as her top focus, emphasizing its importance for overall health and well-being. She encourages listeners to consider their own self-care practices and prioritize them from a place of love and self-compassion.

    • The Importance of Prioritizing Sleep for Health and Well-BeingPrioritizing sleep can improve overall health, increase energy and motivation, and regulate mood and anxiety.

      Prioritizing sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being. The speaker emphasizes the importance of sleep for recovery, energy levels, and mood regulation. As a marathon runner, they understand the role of sleep in muscle recovery and adaptation. For those who struggle with energy levels, getting enough sleep can help increase energy and motivation. Additionally, sleep plays a significant role in regulating mood and managing anxiety. The speaker encourages finding a sleep routine that works best for each individual, whether it's waking up early or going to bed earlier. By prioritizing sleep, individuals can improve their overall health, energy, and mood, leading to a better quality of life.

    • Investing in Self-Care for Optimal PerformancePrioritize sleep and recovery for positive mindset and peak physical performance. Use affirmations to motivate, have a routine or purpose, and practice self-care activities like stretching and supplements.

      Prioritizing self-care, particularly sleep and recovery, is crucial for maintaining a positive mindset and optimal physical performance. The speaker emphasizes the importance of getting enough sleep and using affirmations to motivate herself to get out of bed. She also highlights the significance of having a purpose or routine to look forward to each day. In terms of recovery, she stresses the importance of taking care of her body through activities like stretching, foam rolling, and taking supplements like greens, creatine, and electrolytes. Consistency is key, and she aims to improve in the areas where she's been less consistent, such as taking her electrolytes and cordyceps supplements regularly. Overall, the speaker's message is that self-care is an essential investment in both mental and physical well-being.

    • Recovering from workouts goes beyond training sessionsProper fueling, prioritizing protein, maintaining a tidy environment, and ensuring rest and self-care are crucial for effective workout recovery.

      Effective recovery from workouts goes beyond just the training sessions themselves. It involves proper fueling, prioritizing protein for muscle repair, maintaining a tidy environment, and ensuring rest and self-care. Anna, an investor and user of the Runner app, emphasizes the importance of not neglecting protein intake during and after workouts, as muscles are breaking down even during exercise. Keeping space tidy is another crucial aspect of recovery, as it helps clear the mind and reduce mental clutter. By focusing on these areas, Anna aims to improve her performance, build fitness, and feel more confident leading up to race day.

    • Creating routines for self-carePrioritizing self-care through tidying up, cooking at home, and allocating time for small wins can significantly improve mental and emotional well-being.

      Prioritizing self-care and creating routines for tidying up and cooking at home can significantly improve mental and emotional well-being. The speaker shares how she neglects downtime in the evenings when busy with work, leading to exhaustion. She also mentions the importance of allocating time for tidying up and practicing small wins, such as putting things away immediately. Additionally, the speaker reflects on the joy of home-cooked meals and plans to continue this routine in her adult life, as a way to fuel herself properly and create a loving environment. Overall, these habits contribute to a positive cycle and promote happiness.

    • Cooking at home as an act of self-care and creativityCooking at home can save time and money, serve as self-care, a creative outlet, and bring a sense of pride and fulfillment.

      Finding time to unwind and cook a meal at home can have numerous benefits. This simple act can serve as an active meditation, a creative outlet, and a way to create wholesome, delicious meals for yourself and loved ones. Cooking can also save time and money in the long run by providing leftovers for future meals. The process of shopping for ingredients, preparing the meal, and sharing it with others can bring a sense of pride and fulfillment. By making cooking a regular routine, one can even look forward to the process and the meals that result from it. Whether it's a one-pot dinner or a multi-course meal, the effort put into cooking can lead to a rewarding experience.

    • Discovering joy and importance through travelTraveling can lead to surprising realizations and positive changes, like new food preferences and prioritizing beauty in daily life.

      Expanding our horizons through travel and new experiences can lead to surprising realizations and positive changes in our lives. Anna shared how her recent trip to Australia introduced her to the joy of pasta and the importance of making it a regular part of her diet. She also learned the value of prioritizing moments of beauty, like sunrises and sunsets, in her daily routine. These discoveries came as a pleasant surprise, as Anna had not fully acknowledged her lack of pasta consumption and her infrequent enjoyment of sunrises and sunsets in her everyday life. This experience highlights the importance of stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing new experiences, which can lead to unexpected yet meaningful improvements in our well-being and happiness.

    • Find joy in daily moments and connect with othersIncorporating self-care activities and social connections can enhance mental well-being, leading to a more fulfilling lifestyle.

      Prioritizing self-care and social connections can significantly improve mental well-being. This can be achieved by making time for activities that bring joy, such as watching sunrises or sunsets, even if it's just for a few minutes each day. Additionally, making an effort to interact with others regularly, whether it's through planned activities or spontaneous encounters, can help combat feelings of isolation. For those who work for themselves, it's important to recognize that taking time off and being unavailable at all hours is not only possible but necessary for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. By setting aside time for social connections and self-care, individuals can improve their overall well-being and create a more fulfilling lifestyle.

    • Maintaining personal relationships requires scheduling and prioritizationSchedule regular calls or check-ins with loved ones to prioritize personal relationships and reduce feelings of guilt or inadequacy.

      Maintaining organization and effective communication are key to managing time and balancing personal and professional responsibilities. The speaker acknowledges the importance of staying on top of work tasks and keeping in touch with colleagues, but also recognizes the need to prioritize relationships with family and friends. However, they struggle with consistently scheduling time for personal connections due to feeling overwhelmed or forgetting. The suggestion is made to schedule regular calls or check-ins with loved ones, similar to how one might schedule business meetings or appointments. This can help ensure that time for personal relationships is prioritized and maintained, reducing feelings of guilt or inadequacy. The speaker's therapist also emphasized the importance of recognizing that everyone has different expectations and lifestyles, and that it's essential to prioritize and organize time accordingly.

    • Decluttering communication and possessionsResponding to people and letting go of excess items can lead to stronger relationships and a more organized life, opening up new opportunities

      Consistent communication and decluttering can bring positive changes in our personal lives. The speaker emphasized the importance of being responsive to people around us and the benefits of letting go of unnecessary items. These actions can lead to stronger relationships and a more organized living space, allowing for the arrival of new opportunities. The speaker also encouraged listeners to share their own experiences and tips for managing these aspects of their lives. Additionally, she invited listeners to rate and follow her podcast for more insights and discussions.

    • Finding joy and purpose through podcastingPodcasting brings immense joy and personal growth to the host, inspiring her to continuously learn and provide valuable content for her audience.

      The podcast host finds immense joy and purpose in creating and sharing her podcast, as it allows her to continuously learn new things and organize her thoughts. She considers it a privilege to have this platform and feels inspired to improve herself to provide valuable content for her audience. The podcast also serves as a consistent and favorite aspect of her job, despite not monetizing it. Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of self-care and learning from experiences, as she prepares to apply the lessons she gained from her recent trip to Australia to her daily life. Overall, the podcast is a source of inspiration and growth for both the host and her listeners.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Connect with Corey
    Email: Corey@cultivatebycorey.com
    Website: https://www.cultivatebycorey.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/corey_phelps_

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