
    struggle with the festive season? you're not alone

    enDecember 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Eating Intuitively During the HolidaysIt's normal to have less than perfect experiences with food during the holidays. Practice relaxation around food year-round or make a New Year's resolution to do so. Distinguish between eating till you're full and binge eating, and approach the holiday season with self-compassion and mindfulness.

      The holiday season can be a challenging time for many people, but it's important to remember that everyone experiences ups and downs during the holidays and it's normal to have less than perfect experiences at times. For those struggling with eating intuitively while still tracking, it's important to understand that these two approaches are incompatible. Holiday eating is different, and it's okay to indulge in foods that may be difficult to resist during this time of year. Practicing relaxation around food throughout the year can help make the holiday season less daunting. If you haven't been able to do this, consider making a New Year's resolution to be more relaxed with your eating. Remember that having a full stomach on Christmas is a privilege, and it's important to distinguish between eating till you're full and binge eating. Binge eating often stems from feelings of guilt or using food as a way to suppress emotions. Stay aware of these patterns and try to approach the holiday season with self-compassion and mindfulness.

    • Embrace the joy of holiday eatingDuring special occasions, allow yourself to enjoy food without guilt using intuitive eating. Balance indulgences with healthy habits and focus on the joy food brings.

      During special occasions like Christmas, it's important to allow yourself to enjoy the food and company without feeling guilty. Intuitive eating is about listening to your body and stopping when you're full, but also permitting yourself to savor delicious treats. It's essential to remember that a balanced lifestyle includes indulging in unhealthy foods occasionally. You shouldn't view these moments as a deviation from your normal eating habits but rather as part of your overall lifestyle. Additionally, focusing on the positive aspects of eating, such as the joy it brings, can help reduce feelings of guilt and improve mental health. So, during the holiday season, embrace the food, spend time with loved ones, and remember that a balanced lifestyle includes indulgences.

    • Restricting from foods can lead to binge eatingAvoiding certain foods can lead to negative consequences, including binge eating and even developing eating disorders. Instead, focus on self-compassion and enjoying food in moderation.

      Restricting yourself from foods can lead to binge eating and even develop into more serious eating disorders like bulimia. It's important to find a balance and avoid the all-or-nothing mindset. The speaker shares her personal experience of restricting herself during a Christmas celebration and the negative consequences that followed. She emphasizes the importance of self-compassion and allowing oneself to enjoy food without guilt or expectations. Instead of setting strict limits, it's helpful to focus on the present moment and allow ourselves to savor and enjoy the experience of eating. This approach can help prevent the cycle of restriction and binge eating.

    • Be kind to yourself and practice self-care regularlyRecognize unique journeys, take rest days, give permission for self-care, self-care isn't selfish, listen to body and mind, seek support when needed

      It's important to be kind to yourself and recognize that everyone's journey to mental and emotional wellbeing is unique. You don't need to wait until you've reached a "crisis point" to seek help or practice self-care. It's okay to take rest days and give yourself permission to do things that make you feel good, even if it means staying in your pajamas all day or taking a break from social media. Remember, self-care isn't selfish, and taking care of yourself is essential for overall wellbeing. Additionally, it's important to understand that everyone's experience with mental health struggles is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. The key is to listen to your body and mind, be gentle with yourself, and seek support when you need it.

    • Prioritize self-care during difficult timesBoost endorphins through dancing or exercising, set boundaries, communicate honestly, learn to say no, and prioritize peace to build stronger relationships and live a fulfilling life.

      Taking care of your mental health involves prioritizing self-care, even during difficult times. This can include simple activities like dancing or exercising to boost endorphins, setting boundaries to protect your peace, and communicating honestly with others. It's important to remember that everyone's grieving process is unique, and it's okay to honor your feelings in your own way. Additionally, learning to say no to plans and prioritizing your own needs can be a valuable skill in all areas of life. Remember, it's okay to take time for yourself and protect your peace, even if it means missing out on certain social events or opportunities. By prioritizing self-care and communication, you can build stronger, more authentic relationships and live a more fulfilling life.

    • Processing the loss of a loved one is unique and complexUnexpectedly remembering and processing emotions on a significant day can bring closure and healing after losing a loved one

      Remembering and processing the loss of a loved one can be a complex and unique experience. For some, like the speaker, the memories and feelings may not come easily or frequently. The speaker shared how she only processes her father's passing on certain days, such as the anniversary of his death and his birthday. However, this year, she unexpectedly remembered the day and was able to fully process her emotions for the first time. This experience was a blessing for her, as it allowed her to feel and honor her father's memory in a meaningful way. The person she was with also played a significant role in her processing, providing a supportive and comforting presence. Losing a parent means losing a vital source of advice and perspective, making the memories and feelings all the more important to hold onto.

    • Finding Joy in the Holidays After LossAllow time for grief, create personal traditions, be aware of triggers, and embrace the uniqueness of holiday experiences.

      During the holiday season, when dealing with the loss of a loved one, it's essential to allow yourself time to grieve and feel your emotions. This can be done through various means such as taking a moment alone, writing a letter, or even having a special evening to celebrate their memory. It's important to remember that after the harder part of grieving, there can be joy and celebration. Additionally, it's crucial to be aware of triggers, such as social media, and give yourself permission to take a break from them if needed. Lastly, everyone's holiday experiences are unique, and it's essential to accept and embrace the differences, even if they don't align with traditional holiday expectations. Remember, it's okay to make your own traditions and find joy in the holiday season, even if it looks different from others.

    • Making the holidays our ownEmbrace new traditions and focus on creating meaningful experiences rather than dwelling on the past or setting unrealistic goals.

      We have the power to make our own traditions and find joy in the holidays, even if they don't look like the ones we had as children or if we're away from family. It's important to put in effort to create meaningful experiences for ourselves, rather than dwelling on the past or putting excessive pressure on ourselves to start fresh in January. We've already built foundations to our new selves, and we can build on that rather than setting unrealistic goals that may lead to anxiety. Additionally, finding ways to connect with friends and loved ones, even if they're not physically present, can help make the holidays feel special. Remember, it's okay to make Christmas or any other holiday your own, and it's never too late to start creating new traditions.

    • Enjoy the present moment but maintain balanceDuring holidays, indulge while maintaining balance, be strict with work/study time, avoid distractions, and fully relax to recharge

      It's important to enjoy the present moment and not put off making positive changes until a specific date, such as the beginning of a new year. Instead, allow yourself to indulge during the holiday season while still maintaining a balance, and when it comes to studying or working during breaks, be strict with yourself and dedicate focused blocks of time to get things done before taking a break to relax. Don't waste time with distractions like scrolling on your phone, and try to avoid the middle ground of procrastination. By being disciplined and efficient, you'll be able to fully relax and recharge, making the transition back to a routine easier.

    • Accepting and acknowledging mental and emotional states for increased productivity and well-beingRecognize the importance of self-care, breaks, and accepting unconventional plans for productivity and overall wellness during different life seasons. Set boundaries against projection from others.

      It's essential to acknowledge and accept our mental and emotional states, giving ourselves permission to take breaks when needed. This approach can lead to increased productivity during focused work sessions and overall well-being. Additionally, it's important to remember that everyone experiences different seasons in life, and it's okay to have unconventional plans or feel alone during holidays or special occasions. Instead of focusing on comparisons, we can create meaningful experiences for ourselves. Lastly, be aware of the potential for projection from others and respond with a humble yet firm boundary.

    • Practice self-affirmation and positive interactionsSurround yourself with positivity, limit negativity, practice self-care, and uplift yourself and others with kind words to foster a healthy and happy mindset.

      It's important to practice self-affirmation and maintain positive interactions with others, especially during potentially triggering situations. This can be done through simple, straightforward responses and visualizing a "golden bubble" to protect yourself from negative comments. It's also crucial to surround yourself with people who make you feel good and limit conversation with those who don't. Remember, it's okay to enjoy food and your body, and it's important to uplift yourself and others with kind words. By practicing these techniques, you can improve your mental and emotional well-being and enjoy the holiday season and beyond. Additionally, taking care of yourself through activities like exercise, rest, and self-expression can help boost your mood and energy levels. Overall, the key is to prioritize self-care and positive interactions to foster a healthy and happy mindset.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    To connect with Wendy about her coaching and programming, visit: https://www.wendymccallum.com/

    To contact Sarah Baillie about coaching, email her at: sarahbailliecoaching@gmail.com

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    Check out Kate's website for access to Calmer Days and all her other pre-recorded workshops.

    If you enjoy the podcast, why not join Kate's (new look) ADHD Women's Wellbeing Collective here

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner helping overwhelmed yet unfulfilled (many with ADHD like her) women find more calm, balance, health, compassion, creativity and clarity in their lives. 

    Have a look at some of Kate's free resources here.

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here

    Follow Kate on Instagram here

    Have a read of Kate’s articles in ADDitude magazine here

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    Jen Perry, MSEd, MA, LPC


    ·         1.Learn about the importance of feeling the full range of human emotion.

    ·         2. Discover that it can be safe and healthy to express your feelings.

    ·         4. Realize the importance of not toning down emotions.

    ·         5. Explore why cognitive behavioral therapy may not be helpful if you are neurodivergent.

    ·         8. Understand how the autistic and neurodivergent brain works from a bottom-up approach.

    ·         9. Discover that starting with details and then going to the bigger picture is often how neurodivergent folks tend to process.

    ·         10. Learn that allistics (non-autistics) tend to start with the broad and then go down to the details.

    ·         11. Discover the importance of learning different ways of communicating and processing information.

    ·         13. Learn why staying connected with friends is especially important during challenging times.

    ·         14. Discover how Jen and Patricia use various communication tools to stay connected.

    ·         16. Learn how sharing experiences and insights with friends can be helpful.

    ·         17. Discover the importance of being open and honest with friends.

    ·         18. Understand how being vulnerable with friends can lead to deeper connections.

    ·         19. Learn about the importance of active listening in communication.

    ·         20. Discover how practicing emotional intelligence can lead to better relationships and overall well-being.


    Patricia was a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, but is now exclusively providing coaching. She knows what it’s like to feel like an outcast, misfit, and truthteller.  Learning about the trait of being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), then learning she is neurodivergent helped Patricia rewrite her history with a deeper understanding, appreciation, and a sense of self-compassion.  She created the podcast Unapologetically Sensitive to help other neurodivergent folks know that they aren’t alone, and that having a brain that is wired differently comes with amazing gifts, and some challenges.  Patricia works online globally working individually with people, and she teaches Online Courses for HSPs that focus on understanding what it means to be an HSP, self-care, self-compassion, boundaries, perfectionism, mindfulness, communication, and creating a lifestyle that honors you


    Jen Perry, MSEd, MA, LPC has been a psychotherapist for 20 years. She specializes in helping Highly Sensitive People thrive in love, work, and parenting Highly Sensitive Children. Jen is passionate about using mindfulness and compassion-based approaches to ameliorate human suffering.


    Drama of the Gifted Child by Alice Miller free YouTube audiobook: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KPLXRvI_vQ 

    Jen’s Links

    Email: Jen@heartfulnessconsulting.com

    Jen’s website: https://heartfulnessconsulting.com/

    Patricia’s Links

    HSP Online Course--https://unapologeticallysensitive.com/hsp-online-groups/

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    Closed/Private Facebook group Unapologetically Sensitive-- https://www.facebook.com/groups/2099705880047619/

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    Music-- Gravel Dance by Andy Robinson www.andyrobinson.com


    How Can We Give Meaning To Our Lives?

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    Sometimes, we wake up feeling empty, wondering why. We seem to have full lives, yet we crave something more profound, something we can't quite grasp. It's often the moment we realize we want to know ourselves better and seek a deeper, more meaningful life that resonates with our hearts. Listen to this podcast to start exploring a more meaningful life where what truly matters grows and genuine joy expands.

    If you found this podcast enjoyable, kindly consider subscribing and leaving a rating or review. Additionally, I'd appreciate it if you could share it with your friends to spread the love! 

    You can also follow me on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you are interested in my work, please check out my books, "The Gift of Maybe: Finding Hope and Possibility in Uncertain Times" (including a new audiobook) and "A Year Without Men: A 12 Point Guide To Inspire and Empower Women."

    Above all, my sincere wish is that this podcast has contributed to less suffering and more joy in your life!