
    Podcast Summary

    • Sharing struggles builds connectionOpening up about challenges can provide comfort and support, while recognizing when commitments become overwhelming is crucial for self-care.

      It's important to acknowledge and share your struggles, no matter how difficult it may seem, as we all experience hardships in our own ways. The speaker shared her experience of feeling isolated during a challenging time, but found comfort in opening up to others and discovering that they too were going through similar feelings. Additionally, she highlighted the importance of recognizing when our commitments become overwhelming and learning to prioritize self-care and well-being. It's essential to remember that we don't have to face our challenges alone, and sharing our experiences with others can provide valuable perspective and support.

    • Realizing the impact of self-imposed pressureRecognize when you're taking on too much, seek support, and maintain a positive mindset to prioritize happiness and overall well-being.

      Feeling overwhelmed and trapped by responsibilities can lead to negative thinking and stress. Anna's experience of vlogging and reflecting on her behavior helped her realize that she was putting too much pressure on herself and wasn't living up to her core value of happiness. By acknowledging that she couldn't do everything alone and opening up to her team member, she was able to start addressing her stress and find relief. It's important to recognize when we're taking on too much and seek support when needed to maintain a positive mindset and overall well-being.

    • Expressing feelings brings benefitsSharing feelings with others can lead to understanding, space, positivity, improved relationships, and reminders of strengths.

      Sharing your feelings and opening up to others, even if they can't solve your problems, can bring significant benefits. This was evident in the speaker's experience with her mom and colleagues. When she expressed her struggles and sought support, she received understanding, space, and positivity. This not only helped her feel less alone but also improved her relationships. Additionally, hearing others' positive perceptions of her could be a powerful reminder of her strengths and accomplishments, especially during challenging times. Overall, the act of sharing and receiving support can be a powerful tool for personal growth and improved well-being.

    • Finding happiness in doing lessPrioritize less to find happiness, set boundaries, take time for self-care, let go of the need to do everything, and focus on the present moment.

      It's important to prioritize doing less and finding happiness in the present moment, rather than constantly striving for more in a world that praises productivity. This can mean setting boundaries, taking time for self-care, and letting go of the belief that doing everything on your to-do list is necessary for happiness. The speaker shares how she learned this lesson through personal growth and therapy, and how it has led to increased happiness and fulfillment in her life. She encourages others to consider the power of doing less and focusing on the present moment. This doesn't mean giving up on goals or responsibilities, but rather finding a balance and avoiding the self-criticism and moodiness that can come from an endless to-do list.

    • Appreciate the present moment and prioritize tasksPrioritize tasks, give yourself rewards, and seek advice to build a healthier relationship with work and your body

      It's important to appreciate the present moment, whether it's in relation to your body or your to-do list. During a conversation with a trusted and wise mentor, I learned that having a never-ending list of things to do can lead to constant anxiety and stress. Instead, it's essential to prioritize and realistically plan tasks, allowing time for completion and rest. By trusting that you'll follow through on your commitments and giving yourself a reward for completing them, you can build a healthier relationship with your work and your body. Additionally, seeking advice from those who have achieved great success and understand your goals can provide valuable perspective and relief from the pressure to constantly do more.

    • Focus on a few key tasks each dayEffective time management involves prioritizing important tasks, avoiding overloading schedule, finding joy in the present moment, and remembering that what we see online may not reflect reality

      Effective time management involves prioritizing a few important tasks over trying to accomplish everything at once. Overloading your schedule can lead to stress, anxiety, and a lack of trust in your ability to follow through. Instead, focus on completing a few key tasks each day and allowing yourself time to relax and recharge. This approach can lead to a greater sense of accomplishment and overall happiness. Additionally, it's important to remember that the journey is just as important as the end goal. Enjoying the process and finding joy in the present moment can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying experience, regardless of the outcome. Finally, it's important to remember that what we see online, whether it be on social media or elsewhere, is often just a highlight reel. People may appear to be thriving and successful, but behind the scenes, they may be struggling and feeling far from content. So, focus on your own journey and finding joy in the present moment.

    • The pressure of external validation can negatively impact creativity and well-beingPrioritize personal happiness and remember that external validation doesn't define worth. Focus on the enjoyment and authenticity of the creative process, not just views and opinions.

      The pressure to perform and focus on external validation, such as social media metrics, can negatively impact one's creativity and overall well-being. Anna, a content creator, shared her personal experience of feeling the constant need to produce more content and meet external expectations, even when she was growing and her videos were doing well. This mindset led her to feel unhappy and disconnected from her passion for creating. She emphasized that it's essential to prioritize personal happiness and remind ourselves that external validation doesn't define our worth. Additionally, Anna discussed how the transition of a hobby into a job can lead to the loss of creativity as we focus more on external factors, such as views and opinions, rather than the enjoyment and authenticity of the creative process.

    • Reframe tasks for better motivation and productivityInstead of focusing on negatives, view tasks as opportunities. Be gentle on self-imposed deadlines and allow exploration for better results and happiness.

      Changing the way we frame tasks and projects, particularly those related to creativity, can significantly impact our motivation and productivity. Instead of focusing on the negative and feeling like we "have to" do something, we should try to reframe it as an exciting opportunity. Additionally, being gentle on self-imposed deadlines and allowing ourselves the freedom to explore different ideas during the creative process can lead to better results and increased happiness. By recognizing which deadlines are truly necessary and which ones we've created ourselves, we can learn to let go of unnecessary pressure and give ourselves the space to truly thrive.

    • Learning about menstrual cycle phases for self-compassion and productivityUnderstanding your menstrual cycle phases can lead to increased self-compassion, productivity, and mood improvement. Adjusting your lifestyle to sync with your cycle can help you avoid harsh deadlines and pressures during less productive phases.

      Understanding and respecting the different phases of your menstrual cycle can lead to increased self-compassion and productivity. The speaker shared her personal experience of feeling overwhelmed and struggling during certain phases, but by learning about cycle syncing and adjusting her lifestyle accordingly, she has been able to improve her mood and energy levels. The speaker also emphasized the importance of being aware of your current phase and avoiding harsh deadlines or pressures during less productive phases. Additionally, she recommended the book "Inflow" for further information and tools to help synchronize with your cycle. Overall, the speaker's message is about recognizing the unique needs of women's bodies and giving ourselves permission to adjust our routines and expectations accordingly.

    • Adding practices for personal growthIncorporating new habits and practices can lead to greater happiness and productivity, rather than focusing solely on what to remove.

      The importance of adding practices and habits, rather than taking things away, for personal growth and well-being. The speaker shared her experience of incorporating new foods into her diet based on a book she's reading, which has made her feel happier and more energized. She also emphasized the value of slowing down and doing less, but doing it with more intention and quality. The speaker is currently reading the book and plans to share more insights on cycle syncing in future podcasts. Overall, the conversation highlights the idea that making deliberate additions to our lives, rather than focusing on what to remove, can lead to greater happiness and productivity.

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    A dailyish show focusing on the reality of being a dad, running multiple businesses and all of the  organization, productivity, and life hacking that is in place to make it all work.  The show will make you cry, laugh, like me, and hate me, but most importantly it will remind you to remember what is truly important in your life.


    Each week the episodes follow a specific theme and that theme is covered in this podcast and two other platforms - Instagram and YouTube.


    Follow the all three parts of the intra-platform programming:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

    Podcast: DO THE WORK: https://apple.co/2ERsLHZ


    Produced by podcaster, entrepreneur and dad of three daughters - Diego Footer.


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    How To Be Your Own Dream Girl

    How To Be Your Own Dream Girl

    Have you dreamt of being Your Own Dream Girl but don't know where to start? Good news doll, in this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares the importance of being Your Own Dream Girl. It's never too late to become the woman you desire to be and it's time to start now. She covers topics such as romanticizing your life, manifesting the best version of yourself, becoming obsessed with who you are, and most importantly, how the steps to achieve a dream girl mindset. Sip your matcha with almond milk as you listen to this episode and be prepared to become Your Own Dream Girl.

    Jadyn's Social Media platforms:

    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jadynhaileyy/ & https://www.instagram.com/busyyetpretty/

    - Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCx48PsDdAossgZjWWnXbvvg

    - Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fairyjadyn

    - Shop my Closet on Motom: http://www.motom.me/?referral_id=2otTRBb5O&client_group_token=c2cad9169bb6afa9af7a4b70abf24aad

    - My Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/jadynhaileyy

    --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/busyyetpretty/support

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    The Pause that Recharges - WEEKLY REVIEW... DO THE WORK - Day 38



    A dailyish show focusing on the reality of being a dad, running multiple businesses and all of the organization, productivity, and lifehacking that is in place to make it all work.  The show will make you cry, laugh, like me, and hate me, but most importantly it will remind you to remember what is truly important in your life.

    Follow Me:

    Instagram: @DiegoFooter: http://bit.ly/2B3vprJ

    YouTube: Diego Footer: http://bit.ly/SubtoDiego

    Podcast: DO THE WORK: https://apple.co/2ERsLHZ


    Produced by podcaster, entrepreneur, and dad of three daughters - Diego Footer.