
    How Vivek Plans to Save the World - Ukraine, Israel, Deep State & Donald Trump

    enOctober 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected Presidential Run by Vivek RameswamiVivek Rameswami, inspired by audience support and recognizing the need for a clear Republican agenda, decided to run for president despite initial opposition.

      Vivek Rameswami, a guest on the show, shared his unexpected decision to run for the Republican primary for president, which came about after receiving encouragement from audiences during his book tour and recognizing the need for a clear Republican Party agenda. Despite initial opposition from his parents, Rameswami saw an opportunity to provide an affirmative vision for the Republican Party and differentiate himself from the radical Biden agenda. The conversation also touched on the growing number of Republican primary candidates and the importance of having a distinct platform.

    • A new generation leader's call to revive the American dreamTo foster genuine optimism, we must acknowledge and address the challenges facing the American dream, which goes beyond financial success and encompasses the country's defining ideals.

      The speaker, driven by a sense of compulsion and a belief in reviving a national identity, decided to run for president due to his concern about the current state of the country. He feels that the American dream is not thriving as it once was and that it will take someone from a different generation to lead the next generation. The speaker is an optimist but believes in acknowledging the challenges the country faces rather than pretending everything is fine. He also emphasizes the importance of identifying problems in order to foster genuine optimism. The American dream, he argues, is more than just financial success, it's about the ideals that define the country.

    • Finding Purpose in a Purposeless SocietyThe modern conservative movement should offer a substantive vision grounded in individual values like family, nation, and God, instead of just criticizing others. Focus on getting excellent at something to find self-respect and purpose.

      The current state of American society feels aimless and lacking in purpose for many people. This void of meaning and conviction can't be filled with nothing, and various groups try to fill it with their ideologies. The speaker suggests that the modern conservative movement needs to offer a substantive vision grounded in individual values like family, nation, and God, instead of just criticizing others' visions. He also draws an analogy between the current state of the nation and adolescence, suggesting that we might be going through a period of self-doubt and eventual growth. To find self-respect and purpose, one must focus on getting excellent at something, starting with passion. The speaker believes that America still has the potential to ascend, rather than decline, and that we will eventually reach our adulthood as a nation.

    • The real issue is the broken system in American politicsThe speaker believes the influence of super PACs and merger of corporate and state power is the root cause of American politics' issues, not individual politicians.

      The speaker believes the broken system in American politics, fueled by the influence of super PACs and the merger of corporate and state power, is the real issue, not individual politicians. He is running against this system and has come to this conclusion with newfound conviction, having seen it firsthand in his business experience. He believes that both parties are affected by this issue and that it's important for someone independent of the system to address it. He also believes in the importance of free speech and the equal voice and vote of every citizen in the constitutional republic. He has evolved in his thinking on the role of super PACs in politics and now sees it as a significant problem that needs to be addressed.

    • Manipulation of Politics by Puppet Masters through Super PACsPoliticians are being controlled by their biggest donors through super PACs, lacking independent thoughts and turning into tools for advancing interests. Call for transparency, return of super PAC money, and limiting campaign contributions.

      According to the speaker, the political system is being manipulated by puppet masters through super PACs, turning politicians into vessels for advancing their interests. The speaker believes that these politicians lack independent thoughts and are merely tools in the hands of their biggest donors. He criticizes the unmoderated debates and the lack of transparency in the funding of political campaigns. The speaker suggests a solution by publicly calling on all candidates to return the money from super PACs and limiting the amount of money that can be given to a campaign. He argues that the current regime, which limits the amount of money an individual can give to a candidate, is not a constraint on free speech, and there should be no limits on how much money can be invested in films or stands for a particular agenda. However, he acknowledges that the current regime of $66,100 maximum limit is not enough to buy off a politician at the federal level.

    • Government intervention creates an uneven playing field for large corporationsLarge corporations, especially in tech and finance, use government intervention to make political decisions and gain special privileges, creating an uneven playing field and limiting fair competition

      The power and influence of large corporations, such as those in the tech and finance industries, are significantly magnified by government intervention and special privileges. This creates an uneven playing field where these companies can effectively make political decisions while the rest of the industry doesn't enjoy the same benefits. The speakers in the discussion highlighted the examples of 501c3 and 501c4 nonprofits in conservative media and the influence of donors on media content. They also discussed the power of companies like BlackRock, Google, and Vanguard, which have grown so large due to government intervention and now determine what can be said and learned. The speakers argued that to address this issue, we need to roll back the government intervention that created these behemoths in the first place. This would mean applying the same constraints to these companies as to the government, namely the US Constitution. Only then can we level the playing field and ensure fair competition.

    • First Amendment protections apply to private companies with government incentivesThe government's backing of private companies' actions can make them subject to First Amendment protections, and promoting competition in the market may be a solution

      The First Amendment protections extend beyond government actions to include private companies when the government provides them with special protections or incentives. This concept was established in a historical case involving railroad companies and their ability to search and seize passengers with government backing. In the context of big tech, these companies not only have legal immunity through Section 230, but also face consequences if they do not remove constitutionally permissible content. This combination of incentives and threats amounts to state action in disguise, and the constitution still applies. The solution to this issue may not lie with government intervention but rather in the promotion of competition in the market. This can be achieved by supporting alternative platforms and investing in them, as demonstrated by the investment in Rumble as a competitor to Google and YouTube.

    • Power Dynamics Between Big Government and Big Business Threaten Individual LibertyThe alliance between big government and big business poses a significant threat to individual liberty and the American dream, allowing these entities to bypass democratic processes and impose their will on society. Action is needed to create market alternatives and challenge the status quo.

      The current power dynamics between big government and big business pose a significant threat to individual liberty and the American dream. The use of government pension funds and other institutions to push agendas through the backdoor is a concerning development, as it allows these entities to bypass democratic processes and impose their will on society. This hybrid of big government and big business has become a formidable force, one that cannot be ignored or dismissed as a fringe minority. The challenge lies in creating meaningful market alternatives and addressing the scale advantage that existing incumbents enjoy. It requires leaders who recognize this new threat and are willing to challenge the status quo. The war being waged in the country is not between the majority and a fringe minority, but between those who hold dear the founding ideals of the country and those who seek to impose new ideologies through corporate and managerial power. It's essential to understand this dynamic and take action to protect individual liberty and the American dream.

    • Two opposing movements during the 2008 financial crisisThe Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street, despite sharing grievances, remained divided, enabling the managerial class to maintain power. Understanding this dynamic is key to regaining control of American institutions.

      The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street movements, which emerged in response to the 2008 financial crisis, represented opposing ideologies that could have potentially found common ground but ultimately did not. The Tea Party, a right-wing populist movement, criticized the government bailouts of big banks, while Occupy Wall Street, a left-wing movement, advocated for greater economic equality. Despite their shared grievances, these movements remained divided, with the Tea Party focusing on political change through the midterm elections and Occupy Wall Street influencing cultural and economic shifts through initiatives like ESG and DEI. The speaker argues that understanding this arrangement between these two movements, which allowed the managerial class to maintain power, is crucial for regaining control of American institutions. The speaker also notes the overlap between the ideologies of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, and the potential for a unified message against the influence of super PACs in politics.

    • Occupy Wall Street and the Emergence of Intersectional HierarchyA US president needs to be an outsider CEO with sharp elbows and a constitutional understanding to reduce DC bureaucracy, freeing resources for private sector jobs and shutting down unnecessary agencies.

      During the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2012, a fissure emerged on the left between economic redistributionists and the new intersectional hierarchy of the "woke" identitarian left. This led to an unexpected enforcement of this hierarchy by three-letter agencies, representing the ultimate version of the managerial class in the swamp. To address this, a US president would need to be both an outsider CEO with sharp elbows to dismantle the bureaucracy and an understanding of the law and constitution. However, these two traits don't always go hand in hand. The solution is to focus on mass layoffs within the DC bureaucracy, aiming for a 75% headcount reduction by the end of the first term, with over a million jobs cut in the first year. This would free up resources for honest work in the private sector and potentially even create more jobs than there are unemployed people. Agencies that should not exist, such as the Department of Education, FBI, IRS, ATF, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and CDC, would be shut down. In essence, it requires a leader with a complete disregard for Washington D.C. and its norms to effectively tackle this issue.

    • FBI's Ineffectiveness and Call for Significant ReformsThe FBI needs significant reforms, not just symbolic gestures or incremental changes, to address ineffectiveness, bureaucratic bloat, and corruption. Reallocating resources to more effective agencies and units can create a more accountable and specialized system.

      The FBI, despite being a powerful agency, has faced criticism for its ineffectiveness, bureaucratic bloat, and corruption. The current situation calls for significant reform rather than incremental changes or symbolic gestures like firing the director. The root cause of these issues is a lack of accountability. The FBI employs thousands of people, many of whom are not directly involved in investigations, contributing to the problem. To address this, resources and personnel should be reallocated to more effective agencies and units, such as the US Marshals and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Ultimately, the goal is to create a more accountable and specialized system to combat crimes effectively.

    • New generation's fresh perspective needed for agenda progressYounger, less entrenched individuals can lead agenda forward with a new perspective and focus on content, prepared for challenges

      The speaker believes that a fresh perspective from a new generation is needed to build on the progress made during the Trump administration and move the agenda forward. They argue that they, being younger and less entrenched in politics, have the advantage of "fresh legs" and are best positioned to lead this effort. They also emphasize the importance of focusing on the content of the agenda rather than individual personalities. Additionally, they acknowledge the challenges that come with going after powerful entities, such as corporations and government agencies, but are prepared for potential pushback.

    • Power of Large Investment Firms in Corporate PoliciesLarge investment firms wield significant influence over corporate policies on social issues, despite initial opposition from management, and this power dynamic raises concerns for corporate governance and geopolitical relations, necessitating regulatory changes to prioritize financial returns over political considerations.

      The increasing influence of large investment firms like BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, through their ownership of a significant percentage of public company shares, has given them the power to dictate corporate policies on social issues, such as DEI, climate change, and racial equity audits, even when these issues are against the wishes of the company's management. This dynamic, which can be seen in Apple's adoption of a racial equity audit despite initial opposition, is a complex issue with implications for both corporate governance and geopolitical relations. It also highlights the need for regulatory changes to ensure that pension funds and retirement funds prioritize financial returns over political considerations. This power dynamic is not just a concern for those who believe in free markets, but also for those who are wary of the potential for political manipulation through financial means. It's an ugly game, and it's important to understand how it's played.

    • Valuable assets for presidential candidates: Experience outside politicsHaving a track record of taking on bureaucracies and succeeding in the private sector can make a presidential candidate a strong contender, especially if voters seek a fresh perspective and deep understanding of challenges from an outsider's perspective.

      Experience and understanding gained outside of politics can be valuable assets for a presidential candidate. The discussion highlighted the importance of having a track record of taking on bureaucracies and succeeding in the private sector, as opposed to only having political experience. The speaker emphasized that some politicians have made significant wealth after leaving government, which raises questions about potential conflicts of interest and the influence of corruption. He argued that if voters want the same foreign policy approach that has led to costly and seemingly endless wars, they should consider candidates with extensive foreign policy experience. However, if voters seek a fresh perspective and a deep understanding of the challenges facing the country from an outsider's perspective, the speaker believes he is a strong contender.

    • Peaceful solution to Ukraine conflict requires complex approachRecognize historical and cultural complexities, aim for authentic diplomacy, and commit to compromise for a peaceful Ukraine solution.

      Finding a peaceful solution to the Ukraine conflict requires compromise and acknowledgement of historical and cultural complexities. Both Ukraine and Russia have issues with democracy and representation, and a commitment from Russia to withdraw from its alliance with China could be a significant concession. It's important to recognize the complexities of the situation and not view it through a simplistic good vs. evil lens. The US should aim for authentic diplomacy and not rely on rehearsed talking points. The situation in Ukraine is different from other geopolitical conflicts, such as Israel and Hamas, and requires a unique approach. While Israel and Hamas have significant differences, including Hamas' charter calling for the extermination of Jews, the US national interest is still at stake in Ukraine. A peaceful resolution will require a clear understanding of the historical and cultural complexities, as well as a willingness to compromise.

    • Supporting Israel's right to self-defense with diplomacy and intelligenceMaintain diplomatic efforts, share intelligence, and provide limited munition support at the UN while avoiding emotional reactions and false equivalences.

      While it's important for the US to support Israel's right to self-defense, it's crucial to approach the situation with a clear and rational perspective. Israel's decisions regarding its defense are their own to make, and our role as a partner and ally should focus on diplomatic efforts, intelligence sharing, and limited munition support at the UN. It's essential to avoid emotional outbursts and false equivalences when addressing the situation, as we've made some of our worst foreign policy decisions in the past as a result of emotional reactions to disastrous events. Instead, we should focus on targeted responses and supporting Israel diplomatically, while confirming ambassadors and cutting off funding to countries like Iran and Hamas. Ultimately, our goal as the next US president should be to look after American interests and avoid entangling ourselves in long, drawn-out regional conflicts in the Middle East that may not advance our objectives.

    • Approaching Middle East conflicts with clear-headed rationalityMaintain clear-headed rationality during Middle East crises, support Israel's right to defend itself, avoid repeating past mistakes, and aim for diplomatic solutions.

      During times of conflict and crisis in the Middle East, it's crucial for the US to approach foreign policy with clear-headed rationality rather than emotional or lazy responses. The current situation with Israel and Hamas requires firm action against indirect aid to Hamas and ensuring the full phase-out of Iran's nuclear program, while avoiding nuclear proliferation in the region. It's essential to remember the lessons of the past, such as the Iraq war, and avoid repeating mistakes. The US must support Israel's right to defend itself while considering the broader implications for US interests. Additionally, it's important to recognize the complexities of organizations like Hamas and the long-term consequences of our actions. Ultimately, the US should aim for diplomatic solutions and avoid escalating conflicts.

    • Onshoring, skills training, and international alliances for semiconductor independenceTo achieve semiconductor independence from China and Taiwan within five years, an 'all of the above' approach is necessary, including onshoring, skills training, and broader agreements with countries like South Korea and Japan.

      Achieving semiconductor independence from China and Taiwan within five years requires an "all of the above" approach, including onshoring, skills training, and broader agreements with countries like South Korea and Japan. This approach addresses the root cause of the issue, which is a skills shortage, rather than just relying on government funding. Additionally, the US should focus on bringing skilled workers from Taiwan to the US and training more Americans in advanced chip manufacturing. While onshoring is important, it's not enough on its own, and alliances with other countries are necessary to reduce dependence on Taiwan and China. This approach would provide market access to companies like Samsung and Japanese firms to build semiconductor plants in the US, leading to near total independence from China and Taiwan within five years. This would remove the economic leverage China currently holds over Taiwan and reduce the risk of conflict in the region.

    • US's stance towards Taiwan: Strategic ambiguityThe US maintains strategic ambiguity towards Taiwan, not officially recognizing it as a nation but pledging to defend it, allowing Taiwan to focus on defense and growth while the US fortifies homeland defenses and seeks semiconductor independence

      The US's stance towards Taiwan involves strategic ambiguity, meaning the US doesn't officially recognize Taiwan as a nation but will defend it until the US achieves semiconductor independence. This ambiguity can create uncertainty for both the US and Taiwan, but it also allows Taiwan to focus on its own defense and economic growth. The US should also fortify its homeland defenses in the meantime. The current situation, with US naval capacity and economic dependence on China, has changed the calculus for China's potential invasion of Taiwan. Clear diplomatic clarity that the US will defend Taiwan is important, but the situation calls for this strategic ambiguity. This stance is likely to be agreed upon by many Americans, regardless of political affiliation, and by key allies like Japan.

    • U.S. stance on Taiwan and semiconductorsThe U.S. is prioritizing semiconductor capabilities due to COVID and national security concerns, which could influence its stance on Taiwan, but the situation is nuanced and complex, requiring careful consideration.

      The geopolitical situation regarding Taiwan and semiconductor independence involves more complex dynamics than simple media portrayals suggest. The United States, in light of COVID and national security concerns, is seeking greater semiconductor capabilities, which could impact its stance on Taiwan. This process is part of a larger game where information can be distorted and taken out of context by legacy media and opposition research groups. We are in a transitional phase where long-form discussions like this one will become more common, but for now, many people still rely on traditional news sources that may not provide the full context. It's essential to recognize the nuances and complexities of these situations to make informed decisions.

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-25

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/source-june-24

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-20

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    GUEST: Breanna Morello

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-18

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
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    GUEST: Dr. Robert Epstein | Josh Firestine

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-17-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 17, 2024

    Disney Makes Star Wars Galactically Gay!

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    Folks, today marks the start of our 9th annual Cultural Appropriation month celebration. We all know appropriation is appreciation and today we are appreciating Iran! In the news, young Iranians are protesting their nation’s strict religious laws through a phenomenon called “turban knocking,” space lesbian witches are somehow getting pregnant and destroying Star Wars, a string of attacks on American fast food restaurants in Iran has got us wondering who could be responsible, after the shocking helicopter crash death of Iran’s President, Ibrahim Raisi, Iran will hold a free and fair election to replace him, we’re going to be straddling the borderline today, so buckle up and come to Rumble and Mug Club if you want to the show today because YouTube definitely ain’t okay with what’s happening today!

    Submit your costumes on X with #AppropriateIran for a chance to be featured on the show!

    Visit http://PrepWithCrowder.com for My Patriot Supply emergency food kits, and $50 Off the Grid Doctor Solar Generator System

    GUEST: Nick Di Paolo

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-13-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 13, 2024

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    Dunccan Wood Quote 2
    “It was a terrific opportunity yesterday to observe Mexican democracy in action. The INE did an incredible job of organizing the election but more importantly than that, of working with Mexican civil society, and I don’t mean NGO’s but the people on the street who organized themselves to run the polling stations. The INE worked hand-in-hand with them in terms of training, providing them with resources they need, to actually execute a very well- run, fair, free and transparent election.”

    Quote by Matthew Rojansky, Director Kennan Institute

    Quote by Matthew Rojansky, Director Kennan Institute
    This relationship is deeply fraught. There are any number of risk factors—around Russian cyber intrusions in the United States, the conflict in Ukraine, the crisis in Belarus, and any number of post-Soviet countries, as well as, of course, the internal situation in Russia, the treatment of the Russian opposition the independent press, which we've covered extensively and a recent series of Kennan Institute events. I think any of those things could potentially metastasize within the next week into the kind of crisis that would that would effectively make the summit pointless.