
    About this Episode

    Bernd Biervert is Head of Unit at the European Commissions’ Research & Innovation Directorate.

    I ask Bernd about the scope of the European Green Deal and what we can expect over the next 5 to 10 years. 

    From Bernd’s replies you get a glimpse of what it takes to bring change at societal level. Which is fascinating. 

    In the media there is a tendency to glorify entrepreneurs who address specific needs some of which are social, which is of course wonderful but it’s becoming clear that we need large-scale systemic change to address systemic problems.

    And this is the terrain of the European Commission. The Commission initiates laws, regulations and fiscal policies that drive systemic change across the Continent. 

    The question is, can it do so fast enough and can it convince leaders of Member States to embrace the necessary change?

    Listen to Bernd as he talks about the vision, the courage and the endurance that is needed to drive systemic change.

    For more on the EU and the European Green Deal go to:

    Recent Episodes from Inner Green Deal - the human dimension of sustainable leadership

    How resilience can shape the future | with Daria Nashat, Resilience and Leadership Trainer | S4E2

    How resilience can shape the future | with Daria Nashat, Resilience and Leadership Trainer | S4E2

    What is the future without Resilience? In this month's podcast we ask Daria Nashat (she/her) how resilience can be cultivated to benefit not only individuals but also communities, societies and the planet.


    Daria, a Resilience and Leadership trainer, talks about how to strengthen our resilience, what the role of stories and community is in cultivating resilience and what she means with the power of "looking beyond the walls". 


    If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing to our podcast or leaving a review. In doing so you make it easier for people to discover our podcast. We thank you for your support.   


    Daria Nashat: https://darianashat.com/ 

    About the Inner Green Deal  


    The Inner Green Deal is a non-profit organisation based in Cologne and Brussels with a growing community around the world. We address the human dimension of sustainability and support leaders, change makers and facilitators to accelerate the green transformation. We offer a range of short and longer programmes cultivating capacities such as collaboration, systems thinking and compassion.  


    In addition to programmes for organisations, we empower facilitators and offer train-the-trainer programmes, access to curricula and digital tools to create cohesive communities of change. Our podcast is hosted and produced by Tamsin Walker. Executive producer is IGD co-founder Jeroen Janss. For more information, visit us on LinkedIn, innergreendeal.com or write to info@innergreendeal.com.   

    Should natural entities have rights? | with Mihnea Tănăsescu | S4E1

    Should natural entities have rights? | with Mihnea Tănăsescu | S4E1

    In a world where exploitation of natural resources is commonplace, the idea of granting rights to entities such as rivers is as abstract as essential.  


    In this month's episode, we explore the rights of nature with Mihnea Tănăsescu, a political ecologist who has spent many years immersed in the issue.  


    He is a research professor at the University of Mons in Belgium. His current work focuses on the concept of political representation and the politics of ecological restoration and his most recent books are Understanding the Rights of Nature and Ecocene Politics. The latter was included in the 2023 Choice Review's Outstanding Academic Title list. 


    Inner Green Deal host Tamsin Walker spoke to Mihnea about the arguments for and against granting rights to nature, where they have already been seen as a success and whether they can foster a new relationship between humans and the natural world around us. 


    If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing to our podcast or leaving a review. In doing so you make it easier for people to discover our podcast. We thank you for your support.   


    Mihnea Tănăsescu: linkedin.com/in/mihnea-tanasescu-3b538876 
    Understanding the Rights of Nature: https://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-5431-8/understanding-the-rights-of-nature/. His book Ecocene Politics: https://www.openbookpublishers.com/books/10.11647/obp.0274


    About the Inner Green Deal  


    The Inner Green Deal is a non-profit organisation based in Cologne and Brussels with a growing community around the world. We address the human dimension of sustainability and support leaders, change makers and facilitators to accelerate the green transformation. We offer a range of short and longer programmes cultivating capacities such as collaboration, systems thinking and compassion.  


    In addition to programmes for organisations, we empower facilitators and offer train-the-trainer programmes, access to curricula and digital tools to create cohesive communities of change. Our podcast is hosted and produced by Tamsin Walker. Executive producer is IGD co-founder Jeroen Janss. For more information, visit us on LinkedIn, innergreendeal.com or write to info@innergreendeal.com.   

    Reconnecting with nature through our food  | with Mick McEvoy of Plum Village | S3E8

    Reconnecting with nature through our food  | with Mick McEvoy of Plum Village | S3E8

    In this end-of-year edition we talk food with Mick McEvoy. Originally from Ireland, he lives and works at Plum Village, a Zen Buddhist community in France established by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh more than forty years ago.   

    There, he mindfully manages the Happy Farm, which grows seasonal organic food for its community and the thousands of guests who travel there annually to take part in retreats. Mick also facilitates numerous retreats each year, integrating the practice of mindfulness with agro-ecology, nature connection, deep ecology and rewilding.   

    Inner Green Deal host Tamsin Walker spoke to Mick about growing our own food, the benefits in rekindling that skill, the concept of 'interbeing' and the cinematic experience that is "soil in action".  


    If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing to our podcast or leaving a review. In doing so you make it easier for people to discover our podcast. We thank you for your support.   


    Plum Village: https://plumvillage.org/about/plum-village  

    Happy Farm: https://plumvillage.org/community/happy-farm  

    Wendell Berry Poem: https://onbeing.org/poetry/the-man-born-to-farming/  
    Mick McEvoy: https://www.parallax.org/authors/mick-mcevoy/  


    About the Inner Green Deal  


    The Inner Green Deal is a non-profit organisation based in Cologne and Brussels with a growing community around the world. We address the human dimension of sustainability and support leaders, change makers and facilitators to accelerate the green transformation. We offer a range of short and longer programmes cultivating capacities such as collaboration, systems thinking and compassion.  


    In addition to programmes for organisations, we empower facilitators and offer train-the-trainer programmes, access to curricula and digital tools to create cohesive communities of change. Our podcast is hosted and produced by Tamsin Walker. Executive producer is IGD co-founder Jeroen Janss. For more information, visit us on LinkedIn, innergreendeal.com or write to info@innergreendeal.com.   

    How stories shape the world | with Astrid Nierhoff of StoryAtelier | S3E7

    How stories shape the world | with Astrid Nierhoff of StoryAtelier | S3E7

    If stories shape our reality, how can we all become better storytellers? We ask Astrid Nierhoff, a passionate and seasoned storytelling expert. 

    Her academic research around the interplay between imagination and reality led her to co-found StoryAtelier, a non-profit that uses the power of stories as the basis for deepening understanding on individual and community levels. 

    Inner Green Deal host Tamsin Walker spoke to Astrid to talk about the power of story and narrative, the potential impact of asking ‘what if…’,  and why it is that we need to become better listeners.    

    StoryAtelier: https://www.storyatelier.org (in German)
    Imaginatives: https://imaginatives.org/ (in German) 

    If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing to our podcast or leaving a review. In doing so you make it easier for people to discover our podcast. We thank you for your support.  

    About the Inner Green Deal 

    The Inner Green Deal is a non-profit organisation based in Cologne and Brussels with a growing community around the world. We address the human dimension of sustainability and support leaders, change makers and facilitators to accelerate the green transformation. We offer a range of short and longer programmes cultivating capacities such as collaboration, systems thinking and compassion. In addition to programmes for organisations, we empower facilitators and offer train-the-trainer programmes, access to curricula and digital tools to create cohesive communities of change. Our podcast is hosted and produced by Tamsin Walker. Executive producer is IGD co-founder Jeroen Janss. For more information, visit us on LinkedIn, innergreendeal.com or write to info@innergreendeal.com.  

    Change & Complexity | Carlos Alvarez Pereira of the Club of Rome | S3E6

    Change & Complexity | Carlos Alvarez Pereira of the Club of Rome | S3E6

    We welcome Carlos Alvarez Pereira, Vice President of the Club of Rome, who talks about change, complexity and the human dimension of transformation. 


    Carlos started out studying aerospace engineering and teaching applied mathematics before founding a research institute specializing in modelling complex systems and big data applications. And it is this interest in and affection for systems thinking that ultimately led him to his current role with the Club of Rome, where he says the mission, simply put, is to ask better questions.

    Inner Green Deal host Tamsin Walker sat down with Carlos and asked him why reconnecting with ourselves, others and the natural world is important in looking for ways to navigate convergent crises, how we can move beyond deeper polarisation and what lies at the heart of collective transformation.

    Please consider subscribing to our podcast or leaving a review. In doing so you make it easier for people to discover our podcast. We thank you for your support.  


    About the Club of Rome: 

    The Club of Rome describes itself as a platform of diverse thought leaders who identify holistic solutions to complex global issues and promote policy initiatives and action to enable humanity to emerge from multiple planetary emergencies. https://www.clubofrome.org/ 


    About the Inner Green Deal :

    The Inner Green Deal is a non-profit organisation based in Cologne and Brussels with a growing community around the world. We address the human dimension of sustainability and support leaders, change makers and facilitators to accelerate the green transformation. We offer a range of short and longer programmes cultivating capacities such as collaboration, systems thinking and
    compassion. In addition to programmes for organisations, we empower facilitators and offer train-the-trainer programmes, access to curricula and digital tools to create cohesive communities of change. Our podcast is hosted and produced by Tamsin Walker. Executive producer is IGD co-founder Jeroen Janss. For more information, visit us on LinkedIn, innergreendeal.com or write to info@innergreendeal.com.   

    The path to inner and outer development | With Jan Artem Henriksson of the IDGs | S3E5

    The path to inner and outer development | With Jan Artem Henriksson of the IDGs | S3E5

    We are excited to share the inspiring story of Jan Artem Henriksson, Executive Director of the Inner Development Goals. He talks about his Ukrainian roots, the role of inner development in his life and the immense resonance of the Inner Development Goals.


    Jan is a man who wears many different hats. Besides co-founding two companies, he is a Stockholm School of Economics Executive Education faculty member and a Senior Fellow with the Flourishing Network, part of Harvard University's Human Flourishing Program. 


    These days he is perhaps best known as the Executive Director of the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) Initiative. Launched in 2020, the IDGs provide organisations and even countries with an open source inner development framework to support collective efforts to reach the UN's sustainable development goals, the SDGs. 

    In this episode of the podcast, our new host Tamsin Walker spoke to Jan about the path to his current role, what defines personal inner development and how that can make a difference to and in the world around us.

    About the Inner Development Goals
    The Inner Development Goals (IDGs) is a non-profit and open-source initiative to promote inner development to accelerate the SDGs. At the core of its work lies a simple communication tool summarising 23 important inner skills and qualities, which was derived through consultation with over 4000 scientists, practitioners and other experts. The IDGs organisation has a strong following, with over 300 hubs around the world and many partners. This includes sustainability professionals, large systemic organisations (e.g. UNDP), and even countries (e.g. Costa Rica). At the Inner Green Deal we collaborate closely and together we developed and delivered the first Global Leadership for Sustainable Development programme based on the IDG framework. More information about the Inner Development Goals can be found here: https://www.innerdevelopmentgoals.org/.

    Are you interested to join the IDG's summit taking place on October 11-12 of 2023? We are pleased to share 50 free online tickets! To get your ticket, register here: https://questionpro.com/t/AYFXgZzqcT

    About the Inner Green Deal

    The Inner Green Deal is a non-profit organisation based in Cologne and Brussels with a growing community around the world. We address the human dimension of sustainability and support leaders, change makers and facilitators to accelerate the green transformation. We offer a range of short and longer programmes cultivating capacities such as collaboration, systems thinking and compassion. In addition to programmes for organisations, we empower facilitators and offer train-the-trainer programmes, access to curricula and digital tools to create cohesive communities of change. Our podcast is hosted and produced by Tamsin Walker.  For more information, visit us on LinkedIn, innergreendeal.com or write to info@innergreendeal.com. 

    Mindfulness as a vehicle for climate action | With Jamie Bristow | S3E4

    Mindfulness as a vehicle for climate action | With Jamie Bristow | S3E4

    In this episode, we are welcoming Jamie Bristow. He is the former director of the Mindfulness
    Initiative, a policy institute which was born out of a mindfulness teaching programme in the British Parliament. 

    Though he is still involved with the initiative, his main focus is now on sustainability work across various organisations. We spoke to him about his journey, the role of mindfulness in politics and how the climate crisis is, at heart, a crisis of relationship.

    About the Report "Reconnection: meeting the climate crisis inside out"

    The report explores the role of mindfulness and compassion in addressing the climate crisis. Written by Jamie Bristow, Rosie Bell and Professor Christine Wamsler of Lund University. To read the report download a free copy here: https://www.themindfulnessinitiative.org/reconnection

    About the Mindfulness Initiative

    The Mindfulness Initiative bridges contemplative practice and public policy, championing the inner dimension of social change. More information about the Initiative can be found here: https://www.themindfulnessinitiative.org/

    About the Inner Development Goals

    The Inner Development Goals seeks to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through inner development. More information about the Inner Development Goals can be found here: https://www.innerdevelopmentgoals.org/

    About the Inner Green Deal 

    The Inner Green Deal is a leadership development organisation based in Cologne and Brussels with a growing community around the world.  

    Its mission is to accelerate the green transformation through inner development, reconnection to nature and collaboration.  

    The Inner Green Deal works with large systemic organisations such as the EU and the UN as well as with community leaders and facilitators.  

    The organisation is incorporated in Germany as a non-profit (gGmbH). To sustain the wide range of programs and community activities, we welcome donations as well as funding for specific activities. If you are in a position to support us, please write to info@innergreendeal.com.  

    About the Podcast 

    This podcast episode was recorded by Tom Weimann in the fall of 2022. It was edited by Tamsin Walker and narrated by Jeroen Janss. It contains original music by Marc Matthaei and Tom Weimann. For more information, please send an email to info@innergreendeal.com. 

    To explore all episodes go to: https://podcast.ausha.co/inner-green-deal/

    Courage and conscious food systems | With Thomas Legrand of UNDP | S3E3

    Courage and conscious food systems | With Thomas Legrand of UNDP | S3E3

    In this episode our guest is Thomas Legrand. He is the lead advisor for the Conscious Food Systems Alliance (CoFSA) convened by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 

    The initiative focuses on the role of inner development to support the ecological and social transition of the food and agriculture sector. 


    We spoke to Thomas about the importance of community building, his recent book - the Politics of Being and the need for courage at this point in history. 

    About UNDP's Conscious Food System Alliance

    The Alliance brings together a range of global and local partners to support the ecological and social transition of the food and agriculture sector. The Inner Green Deal is a partner and co-created a first leadership development program for the initiative. More information about CoFSA can be found here: https://consciousfoodsystems.org/

    About his book the "Politics of Being"

    What would a wisdom-based approach to politics look like? Building on a wealth of scientific research and teachings of wisdom traditions, he explores how politics can support human flourishing and the collective shift of consciousness that our current challenges demand. More information can be found here: https://politicsofbeing.com/politics-of-being/

    About the Inner Green Deal

    The Inner Green Deal is a leadership development organisation based in Cologne and Brussels with a growing community around the world.  


    Its mission is to accelerate the green transformation through inner development, reconnection to nature and collaboration.  


    The Inner Green Deal works with large systemic organisations such as the EU and the UN as well as with community leaders and facilitators.   

    The organisation is incorporated in Germany as a non-profit (gGmbH). To sustain the wide range of programs and community activities, we welcome donations as well as funding for specific activities. If you are in a position to support us, please write to info@innergreendeal.com.  

    About the Podcast

    This podcast episode was recorded by Tom Weimann in the fall of 2022. It was edited by Tamsin Walker and narrated by Jeroen Janss. It contains original music by Marc Matthaei and Tom Weimann. For more information, please send an email to info@innergreendeal.com.

    The art of bridging divides. With Climate Envoy Prince Jaime de Bourbon de Parme | S3E2

    The art of bridging divides. With Climate Envoy Prince Jaime de Bourbon de Parme | S3E2

    Prince Jaime de Bourbon de Parme, Climate Envoy of the Netherlands, talks about the current state of the climate negotiations and the importance of listening, bridging divides and collaboration.

    He reflects on the impact of the war in Ukraine and the human dimension of the climate crisis.

    Prince Jaime's experience as a diplomat ranges from conflict management and posts in Iraq and Afganistan, to being the ambassador at the Vatican and working for the UN addressing the refugee crisis.

    The podcast was recorded by Inner Green Deal co-founder Jeroen Janss in the run-up to COP27, but the the insights on the human dimension in climate negotiations are timeless.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you may also be interested to listen to our episode from season two titled "how can we all be climate diplomats" with previous Dutch Climate Envoy Marcel Beukeboom.

    Please consider subscribing to our podcast or leaving a review. In doing so you make it easier for people to discover our podcast. We thank you for your support. 

    The Inner Green Deal is a non-profit organisation based in Cologne and Brussels with a growing community around the world.

    It addresses the human dimension of sustainability and supports leaders, change makers and facilitators to accelerate the green transformation. The non-profit offers a range of short and longer programmes cultivating collaboration, systems thinking and compassion. In addition to programmes for organisations, it empower facilitators to create communities of change by offering train-the-trainer programmes, access to curricula and digital tools.

    The Inner Green Deal podcast is produced by Tom Weimann. Original music by Marc Matthaei and Tom Weimann. For more information, send an email to info@innergreendeal.com.

    The Story of the Inner Green Deal - The human dimension of sustainable leadership with Liane Stephan & Jeroen Janss | S3-E1

    The Story of the Inner Green Deal - The human dimension of sustainable leadership with Liane Stephan & Jeroen Janss | S3-E1

    Inner Green Deal founders Liane Stephan and Jeroen Janss explore the inner, human dimension of sustainable leadership by telling their own personal story of why they created the Inner Green Deal and what they learned during these first three years.

    They share about their relationship with nature, their search to integrate climate action in their contemplative work and how they see leaders transform in their programmes.

    With this episode, we are starting Season 3 which will bring you inspiring stories about the human dimension of sustainability. 

    This season also marks the beginning of our regular community events. Are you a listener or subscriber of this podcast and would like to connect with like minded and explore your personal Inner Green Deal? Then visit our interactive monthly community events. You can find the dates on the Inner Green Deal page on LinkedIn. 

    The  Inner Green Deal is a non-profit organisation based in Cologne and Brussels with a growing community around the world. We address the human dimension of sustainability and support leaders, change makers and facilitators to accelerate the green transformation. We offer a range of short and longer programmes cultivating collaboration, systems thinking and compassion. In addition to programmes for organisations, we empower facilitators and offer train-the-trainer programmes, access to curricula and digital tools to create cohesive communities of change.  

    Our podcast is produced by Tom Weimann from Hamburg. Music by Marc Matthaei and Tom Weimann.

    For more information, visit us on LinkedIn, innergreendeal.com or write to info@innergreendeal.com.