
    I don't want to see you when you're hangry (with Ade Edmonson)

    enDecember 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Apple's innovative recycling process with DaisyApple's Daisy robot dismantles iPhones for more sustainable material recovery, while Olive and June offers a convenient and affordable manicure solution at home

      Apple's dedication to recycling goes beyond conventional methods through the use of their disassembly robot, Daisy. Meanwhile, Olive and June offers an affordable and convenient solution for achieving salon-quality manicures at home. Apple's recycling efforts were showcased as Daisy dismantled an iPhone, highlighting the company's commitment to recovering more materials than traditional methods. This innovative approach results in a more sustainable production process. On the other hand, Olive and June provides a complete manicure system that makes it easy for anyone to achieve professional-looking nails at home. With quick-drying polish and long-lasting results, this affordable solution offers significant value. Additionally, the hosts shared their experiences with long queues at their workplace and expressed their excitement about having Adrian Edmondson as their guest on the podcast. Edmondson's memoir, "Berserker," reveals insights into his unconventional upbringing and experiences, offering listeners a deeper understanding of the man behind the comedian and actor.

    • Discovering the Charm of Hampstead HeathHampstead Heath offers a quieter, less touristy area in central London with affordable accommodation options and a romantic atmosphere, making it a great alternative to popular areas like Kensington.

      London's Hampstead Heath is a great recommendation for travelers looking for a central, yet less touristy and quieter area to stay in. The speakers in the discussion shared their fondness for Hampstead Heath, describing it as always empty and a place where romantic encounters often occur. They also mentioned that while there are fewer hotels in Hampstead Heath compared to Kensington, there are plenty of lovely Airbnbs and rental apartments available. The speakers also reminisced about their experiences with cats, with one speaker sharing the story of their late cat Edward and expressing concern for their other cat Tom, who often gets overlooked. Overall, the discussion emphasized the charm of Hampstead Heath and its appeal as a hidden gem in London.

    • The importance of being open to new experiencesExploring new places and embracing their unique aspects can bring immense joy and create unforgettable memories. Be adaptable and appreciate the world around you.

      Sometimes, being in the wrong location can hinder the full experience of a place. The speaker shares her regret of staying in a corporate hotel in the wrong part of Boston, missing out on the city's charm and excitement. On the other hand, a simple orange tree in a Californian backyard brought immense joy to a British exchange student, illustrating how even the smallest things can make a big impact. These stories highlight the importance of being open to new experiences and embracing the unique aspects of different places. Additionally, the speaker's anecdote about taking the driverless metro in Copenhagen showcases the advancements in technology and infrastructure that can enhance travel experiences. Overall, these stories emphasize the importance of exploration, adaptability, and appreciation for the world around us.

    • Innovations in transportation and personal storiesDiscover the excitement of self-driving trains and unique public transport systems, while appreciating the value of sharing personal stories

      We discussed the excitement of advancements in transportation, specifically self-driving trains and the unique public transport systems in different cities. Anna shared her personal preference for carbonated water over squash, leading to a nostalgic conversation about the evolution of beverages. We also learned about Adrian Edmondson, a well-known comedian and actor, who came in to discuss his autobiography and his experiences from childhood to present day. The conversation touched on sensitive topics, so it was recommended for mature audiences. Despite the challenges of coordinating the interview due to Adrian's urgent errand, we were grateful for his presence in the studio. Overall, the conversation highlighted the thrill of innovation and the importance of sharing personal stories.

    • Discovering peace through stillness and reflectionThe speaker found inner peace during lockdown, reflecting on his past and transforming his wild nature into a more balanced self.

      The speaker discovered the value of stillness and emptiness of the mind during the lockdown, which brought him a sense of enlightenment. Growing up, he had a difficult and nomadic childhood, marked by frequent moves and harsh treatment at boarding school. This experience shaped him into a "Berserker," a wild and untamed person, but the lockdown allowed him to reflect on his past and come to terms with it, making him a more equable person. The term "Berserker" comes from Norse mythology, where it refers to a warrior in a frenzied state, and the speaker uses it to describe his own wild and impregnable nature. Despite the progress he's made, the speaker acknowledges that the reminder of stillness and self-reflection is fading as life gets hectic again.

    • From pain to comedy: A survivor's coping mechanismTurning pain into comedy can be a powerful coping mechanism for trauma survivors. Friendship and shared goals can lead to unexpected success in life.

      The speaker, a survivor of past traumatic experiences, found solace in turning her pain into comedy as a coping mechanism. She shares how she faced her tormentors by refusing to give in to their desire for her to cry and instead chose to laugh at them. The speaker also mentions her friendship with Louis de Bernières and their shared goal of acknowledging past wrongs. Comedy played a significant role in the speaker's life, filling a gap where family support was lacking, and leading her and Rik Mayall to unexpected success as comedians. Their rise to fame felt like a party and a welcome escape from their previous jobs.

    • The desire for change can be hindered by past successes and relationshipsRecognize when it's time for a change and have the courage to pursue new opportunities, even if it means leaving past successes behind.

      Success and the focus on past achievements can sometimes hinder personal growth and lead to a desire for change in personal and professional relationships. The speaker, who is a comedian and actor, shares his experience of reaching a peak in his career with his comedy partner and feeling the urge to move on, despite his partner's reluctance. He also touches upon the idea that everyone else tends to pull us back to our past accomplishments, making it hard to move forward. The speaker's relationship with his comedy partner is compared to a marriage, acknowledging the closeness and love, but also the potential for suffocation and yearning for change. The decision to end their partnership was a difficult one for both parties, with the speaker perceiving it as the right time to move on, while his partner never fully understood or got over it. This experience highlights the importance of recognizing when it's time for a change and having the courage to pursue new opportunities, even if it means leaving past successes behind.

    • Finding joy in relationships leads to great accomplishmentsDespite differences, cherishing relationships brings happiness and success. Reflect on past experiences to learn and improve.

      No matter what backgrounds we come from or the challenges we face, finding joy in our relationships and cherishing them can lead us to great accomplishments. Aid Edmondson shared his experience of creating comedy with his partner Rick Mayall, despite their different upbringings. He also highlighted the importance of cherishing his marriage with Jennifer Saunders, who shares the same profession, and how they continue to find joy in simple things. Edmondson also emphasized the importance of reflecting on past experiences and learning from them to make the present and future better for ourselves and those around us. His honest autobiography serves as a reminder of the importance of introspection and appreciation in life.

    • A surprise encounter with Mick Jagger leads to a potential remake discussionUnexpected encounters in the entertainment industry can lead to unexpected outcomes, even if the evening doesn't go as planned.

      The entertainment industry is filled with unexpected encounters and surprising connections. Adrian Edmondson shares an anecdote about a dinner at Mick Jagger's house, where they discussed a potential American remake of "Absolutely Fabulous." Geri Halliwell expressed her desire to play Patsy, and the group was invited for dinner to discuss it further. Upon arriving, Geri was dressed as Patsy, and Mick Jagger, aware of Gerry's intentions, presented himself as a grumpy schoolboy. Despite Adrian's admiration for Mick Jagger, the evening ended disappointingly when they were served cooking sherry instead of wine. The experience left Adrian with a new perspective on the rock star's lifestyle and a reminder that even heroes have their quirks. Overall, Adrian Edmondson's memoir, "Berserker," offers a thoughtful and self-aware look into his own life and experiences in the entertainment industry.

    • Catherine Jaquays' Career in Radio and TelevisionTalented writer and actress Catherine Jaquays made her mark on radio and TV with 'The Archers' and her current project 'The Buccaneers' for Apple Television, despite earlier unrecognized talent at the BBC.

      Catherine Jaquays, a talented writer and actress, has made significant contributions to the world of radio and television, most notably through her work on "The Archers" and her current project, "The Buccaneers" for Apple Television. Before her success in television, Jaquays had a career at the BBC, where her talent may not have been fully recognized. She has also appeared in various other productions, including "Miranda." During the podcast discussion, the hosts expressed their admiration for Jaquays' work and shared their excitement for her current project. The podcast, "Off Air with Jane Garvey and V Glover," can be listened to for free on Times Radio every Monday to Thursday afternoon. Additionally, the hosts encouraged listeners to follow them on Instagram for more behind-the-scenes content. The podcast is sponsored by IOS, which helps users control their location sharing, and Quince, a company that offers high-end goods at discounted prices while prioritizing ethical and responsible manufacturing.

    Recent Episodes from Off Air... with Jane and Fi



    Jane and Fi are away all this week so we're bringing you a special two-part live episode from their show at The Crucible Theatre in Sheffield. In this half, they answer audience questions and discuss retirement, worst interviewees and hand out some highly-coveted tote bags.

    Jane will be back on Monday with a special guest presenter (normal service resumes on Tuesday)...

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    LIVE AT CROSSED WIRES FESTIVAL: Part One (with Richard Coles)

    LIVE AT CROSSED WIRES FESTIVAL: Part One (with Richard Coles)

    Jane and Fi are away all this week so we're bringing you a special two-part live episode from their show at The Crucible Theatre in Sheffield. They're joined on stage by Richard Coles to discuss his latest novel 'Murder at the Monastery'. They discuss fake tan, who God would vote for and getting mistaken for Dumbledore...

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    60 is just a number and a Freedom Card (with Tom Bower)

    60 is just a number and a Freedom Card (with Tom Bower)

    Jane and Fi are about to break up for their summer holidays but there's much to cover before that... In this episode Jane and Fi discuss funeral flowers, Dora's needs and Colin and Connie. Plus, Mystic Garv makes one more appearance before Jane goes on her holidays... Sit tight for that.

    Also, Jane speaks to biographer and journalist Tom Bower about his new book 'The House of Beckham: Money, Sex and Power'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Not in birthday month, please. (with Jill Halfpenny)

    Not in birthday month, please. (with Jill Halfpenny)

    The festivities continue for Jane's impending birthday with several Colins en route - no expense has been spared! After she's finished opening some cards, they discuss blushing, draughts and Jane's toes.

    Plus, Jane speaks to actress Jill Halfpenny about her memoir 'A Life Reimagined: My Journey of Hope in the Midst of Loss'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    But Princess Anne never did sidesaddle! (with Ashley John-Baptiste)

    But Princess Anne never did sidesaddle! (with Ashley John-Baptiste)

    Jane is reflecting on her upcoming birthday and Fi has some hard truths about the milestone... They also chat riding sidesaddle, cruises and retirement plans.

    Plus, Fi speaks to BBC reporter Ashley John-Baptiste about his memoir 'Looked After: A Childhood in Care'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Making noises getting off the sofa...

    Making noises getting off the sofa...

    Mystic Jane is defending her predictions after a weekend of football. More to come on that front... They also discuss milestone birthdays, pro and cons of France and the lunch hour.

    Plus, Fi speaks to leading human rights barrister Susie Alegre about her book ‘Human Rights, Robot Wrongs’.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Your History: A new podcast from The Times

    Your History: A new podcast from The Times

    This Friday we're sharing an episode of a brand new podcast from The Times.

    It's called Your History, and each week it uses the obituary pages of The Times to tell the stories of important and fascinating lives. This week Anna Temkin, deputy obituaries editor at The Times, explores the lives of TV doctor Michael Mosley and pioneering astronaut Bill Anders.

    You can hear future episodes by following Your History wherever you listen to Off Air...with Jane and Fi.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    I think the orgy was in Welsh... (with Andi and Miquita Oliver)

    I think the orgy was in Welsh... (with Andi and Miquita Oliver)

    Jane and Fi are 'bigging up Britain' and some of their suggestions are a bit of a stretch... Do get in touch if you can do any better! They also cover wild wees, mass risotto and sizzling sausages.

    Plus, mother-daughter duo Andi and Miquita Oliver discuss the new series of their podcast 'Stirring It Up'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Residents of Basingstoke! Consider Winchester!

    Residents of Basingstoke! Consider Winchester!

    Jane survived Redcar and she has some thoughts she'd like to share... brace yourselves! Then there's more motor-home tales, advice on ticks and a tiny bit of political chat (despite promises to the contrary).

    Plus, art historian Katy Hessel joins Jane to discuss her podcast 'Death of an Artist'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Warning: May contain some politics (with Matt Chorley)

    Warning: May contain some politics (with Matt Chorley)

    In case you haven't heard (you must be the only one), Jane is in Redcar on the election bus. Times Radio's Matt Chorley fills in today as a double threat: co-presenter and guest. Fi and Matt chat wrap-around ads, shy righties and Trump.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    In today's world, the term "ecology" often evokes images of sacrifice, expense, and inconvenience. In this final episode of our Climate Solutions series, renowned explorer and environmentalist, Bertrand Piccard explains why focusing on ecology is not only profitable but also exciting.

    Piccard is best known for his groundbreaking achievements in exploration: flying around the world in a solar-powered airplane and circumnavigating the globe in a hot air balloon. These adventures allowed him to witness the beauty and fragility of our planet firsthand, instilling in him a deep sense of responsibility to protect and preserve it.

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    About Bertrand Piccard : Clean Tech Pioneer- Founder and President of the Solar Impulse Foundation

    Bertrand Piccard is a pioneering spirit and an influential voice to encourage the implementation of efficient solutions. As one of the first, as early as the 2000s, to consider ecology from a profitability perspective, Bertrand Piccard is considered an opinion leader on the themes of innovation and sustainability. As President of the Solar Impulse Foundation, he promotes qualitative growth by demonstrating the economic potential of clean technologies. Denouncing the absurdity of the polluting and inefficient systems still too often used today, he pleads for the modernization of the legal framework in order to facilitate market access for efficient solutions. His voice is heard within the most important institutions, such as the United Nations, the European Commission, the World Economic Forum and his commitment has earned him several nominations, such as Champion of the Earth, and Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations.

    Connect with Bertrand Piccard via Twitter @bertrandpiccard and @solarimpulse and the Solar Impulse website

    Key Quotes
    • I was born and raised into that vision of running scientific expeditions to protect the environment.
    • It’s wrong to say the sky is the limit. The real limit is the fuel.
    • I wanted to identify in the world all the efficient solutions that are economically profitable to be able to protect the environment.
    • We explore with my foundation, the best solutions, we explore new ways to make them known, we explore new ways to implement them, to create an enthusiasm around these solutions.
    • Ecology is not anymore something expensive, boring and sacrificial. It is something exciting. It is something economically profitable. It's something that can bring people together.
    • You have to give an incentive to people to change.
    • If you see somebody who is afraid of changing, you have to show him that he has inside of himself all the tools, all the resources, all the potentials that can help him to do something differently. We have to show him that it's better to do it in another way.
    • There was a time in exploration when it was new continents, then it was new planets. Now it's really how to live better on this planet, how to protect our planet, how to improve the quality of life, how to find new solutions.
    • When we speak of solutions, it's important to understand that most of the time it's not high-tech solutions, it's common sense.
    Partners and Supporters

    We partnered with the Royal Scottish Geographical Society to bring you this series. Take a look at their Climate Solutions course, developed by leaders and experts in climate change and endorsed by the Institute of Directors.

    We are also supported by Squadcast –the remote recording platform which empowers podcasters by capturing high-quality audio and video conversations.

    Connect with us on Twitter : Facebook : Instagram : LinkedIn : Read our Impact Report

    Actions to take after listening to the podcast

    Sound Editor: Matias de Ezcurra
    Producer: Sue Stockdale

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/access-to-inspiration--4156820/support.

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