
    'I don't want to think about his penis!'

    enAugust 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Appreciation for good storytelling and documentariesThey appreciate quality entertainment and enjoy discovering new documentaries, like 'Becoming Elizabeth' and 'The Girl from Plainville.' They also prefer buying gifts in the moment, making thoughtful choices, and admire those who excel at it.

      The speakers in this podcast express their strong appreciation for good storytelling and documentaries, particularly the ones they've recently discovered, such as "Becoming Elizabeth" and "The Girl from Plainville." They also share their thoughts on gift-giving and reveal that they prefer to buy gifts in the moment when they find something that suits the person, rather than following a traditional gift-giving schedule. Additionally, they admire people who are good at choosing thoughtful gifts and suggest that there could be a business opportunity in providing gift recommendations and concierge services. Overall, the speakers' conversation highlights their shared enjoyment of quality entertainment and their practical approach to gift-giving.

    • Friends advise on buying a thoughtful giftDiscussed gifts, shared personal experiences, and recommended a documentary. Friends' bond and shared interests highlighted.

      The discussion revolved around various topics including gifts, personal experiences, and a new documentary. Roe, a friend, was seeking advice on buying a thoughtful gift. The friends recommended a show jump and a hold all bag, both of which Roe appreciated. They also talked about a human meat documentary featuring Greg Wallace. Despite not having seen it, they expressed curiosity and recommended it to their listeners. The documentary was said to be thought-provoking and potentially impactful, but not spoilered in detail. The conversation also touched upon the impact of COVID-19 and the exploitation of the lower economic chain. Overall, the discussion showcased the friends' close bond and their shared interests.

    • Unexpected revelations and collapsesStay curious and keep an open mind for life's surprises, be prepared for the unexpected, and rely on communication and community in times of crisis.

      The world can be full of surprises and deception, as demonstrated in the first part of the discussion with the unexpected revelation of a mockumentary about a premium line of meat harvested from children. In the second part, the unexpected collapse of a home office served as a reminder of the unpredictability of life. Despite the initial shock and confusion, it's important to stay curious and keep an open mind. The unexpected events, whether real or staged, serve as a reminder of the importance of being prepared for the unexpected and the importance of communication and community in times of crisis.

    • Speaker's house suffers costly damage, friend's unusual reactionAn old listed house's damage requires expensive repairs, while a friend's morbid fascination brings unexpected comfort.

      The speaker experienced a significant issue with a listed house, where an entire ceiling collapsed, damaging a marble table and raising safety concerns. The house, which uses old lather and plaster, requires costly repairs that the speaker is now responsible for due to its listed status. The speaker's friend, Andrew, who is known for his morbid fascination with a website called "rip.ie," which notifies users of deaths, was unperturbed by the situation. The speaker also shared some amusing banter with Andrew about his accent and their shared Irish heritage. The conversation then shifted to a topic about whales, with the speaker expressing fascination and sadness over a recent incident where a large number of whales beached themselves in Australia and had to be euthanized.

    • Whale beaching and respecting boundariesWhale beaching is a tragic phenomenon, but it's crucial to respect boundaries and avoid making assumptions about people's professions or sexuality.

      Whales, being aquatic creatures, cannot survive outside of water and face a devastating death when beached. The phenomenon of whale beaching has been documented for centuries, with some instances suggesting it may be due to the matriarch leading the pod to shore to die. The conversation then shifted to a personal story about a teacher who made unwanted advances towards a student in a nightclub. The takeaway from this part of the conversation is that boundaries should always be respected, especially in professional settings. It's important to remember that everyone deserves respect and privacy, regardless of their profession or relationship status. The conversation also touched upon stereotypes, but it's essential to remember that not all PE teachers are lesbians, and not all lesbians are PE teachers. It's crucial to avoid making assumptions and respect individuality. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of respecting boundaries, being mindful of stereotypes, and appreciating the beauty of nature.

    • Validating unique and complex emotionsEveryone's emotions and experiences are valid, regardless of societal expectations. Acknowledge and validate feelings of remorse, jealousy, sadness, and more, as everyone's journey is unique and may not follow a predetermined timeline.

      Everyone's experiences and feelings are valid, even if they don't align with societal expectations. The speaker shared a story about a teacher who made a mistake and felt embarrassed, while another listener expressed feelings of jealousy and sadness upon learning that her younger sister was pregnant. Both situations are unique and complex, and it's important to acknowledge and validate the emotions that come with them. The teacher's mistake was a genuine one, and she felt remorse for her actions. The listener, on the other hand, felt a pang of jealousy and sadness upon learning about her sister's pregnancy, despite having a plan to start a family with her boyfriend. Both situations are valid, and it's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique and may not follow a predetermined timeline. It's essential to be kind to ourselves and others, and to remember that there's no need to compare ourselves to others or feel pressured to meet societal expectations.

    • Avoiding the Comparison TrapFocus on your own journey, be happy for others, and avoid seeking validation from external sources to find inner happiness and contentment.

      It's natural to experience feelings of jealousy or FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), especially when we see others moving forward in their lives while we feel stuck or unsatisfied with our own situations. However, it's essential to acknowledge these feelings and not let them consume us. Instead, we should focus on our own trajectory and be happy for others. Comparison and envy never lead to happiness or progress. It's also crucial to remember that everyone's journey in life is unique and non-linear, and there's no set timeline for achieving certain milestones. It's essential to be patient with ourselves and trust that things will happen when they're meant to. Additionally, it's important to avoid seeking validation or comparing ourselves to others through social media or external sources. Instead, we should focus on our inner happiness and contentment. In the end, the only person we should compare ourselves to is our past self and strive to be better every day.

    • Mistakenly Eating Dangerous BerriesDouble-check safety of plants or fruits before consuming, and verify information to avoid potential harm.

      Consuming unknown berries from a garden center can be dangerous and potentially harmful. The speaker and her boyfriend had an unfortunate experience when they mistakenly ate alderberries instead of elderberries, thinking they were edible based on a gardener's advice. The consequences were severe, with the boyfriend becoming violently ill and having to spit out the berries. It's important to double-check the safety of any plants or fruits before consuming them, especially if there's any doubt. Additionally, miscommunications and misunderstandings can lead to unexpected outcomes, as was the case with the gardener's incorrect information. The incident serves as a reminder to always verify information and take necessary precautions to ensure safety.

    • Bakery-Celebrity Partnership Discussion: Normality and EthicsClear communication and setting boundaries are crucial in ethical business collaborations to avoid misunderstandings and accusations.

      The interaction between a bakery and a celebrity, regarding a potential partnership for supplying cakes for a birthday party, has sparked a discussion on the normality and ethics of such collaborations in the industry. The bakery's response, expressing their need for monetary compensation instead of social media exposure, has been met with various reactions, including accusations of celebrities seeking freebies. However, the involved parties have clarified that they were unaware of the emails being sent out, and the celebrity in question is not having a 40th birthday. The speaker shares her personal experience of receiving unsolicited offers for promotions and gifts, which she handles transparently and ethically. The conversation highlights the importance of clear communication and setting boundaries in business collaborations.

    • Approaching Celebrities for Collaborations: Dos and Don'tsTreat celebrities with respect and fairness, communicate clearly, and build a genuine relationship for successful collaborations.

      While it's important for small businesses to seek support and collaborations, especially from celebrities, it's crucial to maintain a respectful and fair approach. Lou shared her experiences of being approached by businesses, some of whom were persistent and annoying, while others were appreciative and understanding. The former, like Catherine Tillsley's bakery, might feel resentful and even refuse to collaborate. The latter, like Aaron from A Clarke Carpets and Flooring, turned a small job into a long-term business relationship. It's essential for businesses to remember that celebrities are customers first, and they should be treated with respect and fairness. If a collaboration is desired, it should be approached professionally, with clear communication and compensation for the exposure provided. Ultimately, building a genuine and mutually beneficial relationship is key to a successful collaboration.

    • Authentic relationships lead to business benefitsSharing genuine love for a business on social media can lead to discounts, hiring opportunities, and increased sales for both parties. However, transparency and comfort with the value exchange are crucial.

      Building authentic relationships with businesses you love and genuinely promoting them can lead to significant benefits for both parties. This was exemplified in the speaker's experience with Dash, a small business she fell in love with through her horse trainer's brother. She shared her enthusiasm for Dash on social media, and the company eventually reached out to offer her a discount code. The weekend she shared the code, Dash's sales increased by 500%. Impressed by her influence, Dash eventually hired her as a social media influencer on a retainer. The speaker emphasized that she still genuinely loves and uses Dash daily, making their partnership authentic and mutually beneficial. However, she also acknowledged the importance of being transparent and comfortable with the value exchange. In another instance, she felt uneasy about accepting too many freebies from a party planner and ended up sending her a significant amount of money instead. She concluded that while the exchange of goods or services for promotion can be seen as a form of currency, it's essential to maintain a moral compass and ensure both parties feel comfortable with the arrangement.

    • Building respectful business relationshipsOpen communication and respect are crucial for successful business collaborations. Remember to approach potential partners with respect and be open to negotiation.

      Business relationships should be built on mutual respect and open communication. In the discussion, it became clear that some business owners feel offended when they are not approached for collaborations or discounts, even if the other party has a large following. The owner of a cake company felt this way when another event company asked for free cakes without any prior discussion. It's essential to remember that both parties should be open to collaboration and willing to negotiate fair deals. The speaker also emphasized that everyone has unique preferences and quirks, like the woman who loves sniffing her dog's paws, and it's essential to respect those differences. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of clear communication, respect, and fairness in business relationships.

    • Intrusive thoughts are common and include sexual fantasies or curiosity about othersIntrusive thoughts, including sexual ones, are normal and universal, and it's important to remember that everyone experiences them differently, without shame or embarrassment.

      People have intrusive thoughts, and these thoughts can include sexual fantasies or curiosity about others' sexual behaviors. These thoughts are common and can occur even during conversations with family members or professionals. While some may find these thoughts unusual, they are a normal part of human thought processes. It's essential to remember that everyone experiences these thoughts differently, and there is no need to feel ashamed or weird about them. Additionally, the conversation touched on body image and the importance of being confident and comfortable with one's appearance. The discussion also highlighted the importance of fairness and respect when addressing sensitive topics. Overall, the conversation emphasized the universality of intrusive thoughts and the importance of self-acceptance and empathy towards oneself and others.

    • Expressing gratitude and looking forward to the futureThe speakers emphasized the importance of continuing their podcast, encouraged engagement, and looked forward to future episodes with special guests.

      The speakers expressed their gratitude for their sponsor, Tenderlady, but acknowledged that they had missed an opportunity in the past. They also emphasized the importance of continuing their podcast, Canison, and encouraged listeners to subscribe, leave reviews, and engage with them through email or WhatsApp. The speakers also mentioned that they were getting older and that the upcoming episode would feature a guest who would be receiving a brush combi. They ended the episode by asking listeners to spread the word about their podcast and inviting them to share their feedback. Despite some past challenges, the speakers remained positive and appreciative of their supporters.

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it.

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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