
    Podcast Summary

    • The impact of inadequate parentingIneffective parenting can lead to a cycle of disconnection and struggle, making it essential to learn and apply proper parenting skills to break the cycle and foster individual development.

      The lack of proper parenting can lead to a negative spiral of feeling unsupported and unmotivated. This can result in individuals feeling disconnected from their parents and struggling to foster their own development. The low barrier to becoming a parent means that many people may not have learned the necessary skills to be effective parents themselves. This can perpetuate a cycle of inadequate parenting. It's important to recognize the challenges of being a good parent and the impact it can have on future generations. To break this cycle, it's crucial to understand what proper parenting entails and make a conscious effort to learn and apply those skills.

    • Growing up without proper guidance can lead to feelings of inadequacyRecognize that perceived deficiencies may not be personal failings but rather a lack of exposure to essential life lessons during childhood. Reframe perspective and focus on growth.

      Growing up without proper guidance and parental support can leave individuals feeling inadequate and disconnected from society. This lack of foundational skills, such as work ethic, social interaction, and self-care, can lead to feelings of low self-worth and a belief that one is lazy, incompetent, or socially awkward. However, it's essential to recognize that these perceived deficiencies may not be a result of personal failings but rather a lack of exposure to essential life lessons during childhood. These lessons include observing healthy relationships, learning to deal with arguments, and seeing parents take care of each other during difficult times. By acknowledging the advantages that others may have had, one can begin to reframe their perspective and focus on areas for growth rather than dwelling on perceived shortcomings.

    • Observing Parenting Can Teach Essential Life SkillsRecognizing the importance of good parenting and learning essential life skills from it can help individuals overcome perceived life challenges and lead more fulfilling lives

      The lack of proper parenting can leave individuals feeling disadvantaged and unsure of how to navigate life's challenges. However, recognizing this and understanding the fundamental skills that good parenting instills can serve as a roadmap for personal growth. For instance, observing how parents approach difficult tasks can teach us valuable problem-solving skills. Some parents may adopt a victimhood mentality, conditioning their children to believe that life's difficulties are insurmountable. This can lead to a diagnosis-heavy approach to addressing issues, when the root cause may be a lack of essential life skills. Therefore, focusing on learning these basic skills can help individuals overcome the perceived "shit life syndrome" and lead more fulfilling lives.

    • Learning essential skills and competenciesIt's never too late to learn essential skills and competencies, such as work ethic, through intentional effort and observation, even if not acquired during upbringing.

      Even if you may have missed out on certain essential life skills or competencies during your upbringing, it's never too late to learn and catch up. The example given was learning a new language, where someone can become proficient in a relatively short period despite not growing up speaking it. However, it requires intentional learning and effort. One of the essential competencies discussed was work ethic. The way our parents worked and the principles they instilled in us can significantly impact our understanding of productivity and dedication. For instance, observing parents who work long hours and still manage household chores can teach us about the importance of a strong work ethic and the division of labor within a relationship. However, it's crucial to remember that everyone's experiences and upbringings are unique, and there's always room for intentional learning and growth.

    • Upbringing shapes work ethic and relationshipsEarly experiences shape our values and skills in work and relationships. Prioritize hard work and assertiveness, regardless of upbringing.

      Our upbringing significantly influences our work ethic and relationships. Regarding work ethic, the speaker shared how they were taught to prioritize hard work and sacrifice personal time for the sake of providing for their family. This mindset was instilled in them from a young age and continues to shape their work habits today. On the other hand, the speaker also discussed their experiences with relationships, specifically how they learned to navigate uncomfortable situations and stand up for themselves. They shared an anecdote about being asked intrusive questions by intoxicated adults, and how they eventually realized they were being manipulated. This experience taught them how to assert themselves and not be swayed by external pressures. Overall, these experiences have shaped the speaker's values and beliefs around work and relationships. If you didn't see a strong work ethic modeled for you growing up, remember it's not a reflection of your character, but rather a lack of conditioning. Similarly, if you faced challenging social situations, remember that standing up for yourself is a valuable skill.

    • Learning from Challenging ExperiencesBullying as a child led to resilience and handling scrutiny. Understanding relationships, their foundations, and managing conflict are crucial. Consider the thought and intention behind actions, not just the price tag.

      Our experiences, even the challenging ones, can shape us in meaningful ways. The speaker shared an example of how being bullied as a child led him to learn how to stand up for himself and handle pressure. This experience, while initially toxic, ultimately helped him develop resilience and the ability to handle scrutiny, including public speaking. Another important lesson he emphasized was the value of understanding relationships and how they function. He encouraged thinking about the foundations of our relationships, how people demonstrate affection, and how to manage conflict. Lastly, he touched on the importance of considering the thought and intention behind actions, such as gift-giving, rather than just focusing on the price tag. Overall, the speaker's reflections highlight the importance of learning from our experiences and using them to grow.

    • Experiences and environments shape our development like in MMORPGsUnderstand influences, prioritize self-care, and recognize the importance of emotional and creative growth for a balanced and fulfilling life

      Our individual development and skills are shaped by our experiences and environments, much like in an MMORPG where opportunities for growth vary based on location. Physical and emotional self-care, for instance, can be influenced by upbringing and societal norms. Emotional self-care, in particular, is crucial yet often overlooked, with some cultures placing more emphasis on passive methods like temple visits or walks. Meanwhile, understanding our emotions and addressing the root causes of our struggles can be a more effective approach than constant problem-solving. Creative pursuits, such as music or art, can also be neglected due to societal pressures favoring academic achievements. Ultimately, recognizing these influences and prioritizing personal growth in all areas can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

    • The Impact of Upbringing on Various Aspects of LifeOur upbringing shapes our perspectives and behaviors in creativity, personal hygiene, financial management, and household chores. Recognizing and addressing any gaps can promote personal growth and success as adults.

      Our upbringing significantly influences our perspectives and behaviors in various aspects of life, including creative pursuits and basic adulting skills. The discussion highlighted the impact of parents' actions and values on their children's understanding of creativity and work, personal hygiene, financial management, and household chores. Some people grew up with parents who encouraged creative pursuits and made a living from them, while others were taught that creativity was a hobby and not a viable career option. Similarly, parents' approaches to personal hygiene, financial management, and household chores shaped their children's attitudes and abilities in these areas. It's essential to recognize the impact of our upbringing and make intentional efforts to address any gaps in knowledge or skills that may hinder our personal growth and success as adults.

    • Learning Essential Life Skills in a WeekIn a week, you can make progress in cooking, grooming, and home repairs. Mastering these skills boosts self-sufficiency and confidence, but may require overcoming limiting beliefs and societal norms.

      Within a week, you can make significant progress in essential life skills such as cooking, grooming, and even basic home repairs. This may seem daunting, especially if you've never learned these skills before, but with dedication and the right resources, it's achievable. The benefits of mastering these skills are numerous, from improving your self-sufficiency to boosting your confidence. However, it's important to acknowledge that not everyone has had the same opportunities to learn these skills growing up. Some people may have been conditioned to believe that certain tasks are not for them based on societal or cultural norms. But it's never too late to start learning and breaking free from these limiting beliefs. Moreover, while it's essential to focus on acquiring these skills, it's also crucial to be mindful of the underlying beliefs and attitudes that may be holding you back. Reflecting on your upbringing and the messages you received about work ethic, motivation, and relationships can help you better understand yourself and the challenges you face. Ultimately, the key is to take small steps towards self-improvement, starting with learning basic life skills and building from there.

    • Break down large tasks into manageable pieces and learn new skills one step at a time.Despite feeling overwhelmed, focus on making progress in adulting by breaking down tasks and learning new skills one step at a time, utilizing available resources and giving yourself credit for improvement.

      Even if you feel overwhelmed by the many aspects of adulting that you haven't learned yet, it's important to remember that you can still make progress. Your parents may have taught you how to handle difficult situations in different ways, but regardless, you can break down large tasks into manageable pieces and learn new skills one step at a time. The internet is full of resources to help you get started, and making small improvements in areas like cooking, self-care, and financial management can lead to a positive spiral of growth and improved self-confidence. Don't let a lack of experience define your self-worth – instead, focus on making progress and giving yourself the credit you deserve for taking steps towards becoming a more self-sufficient adult.

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    Ep.88 HIGHLIGHT I Learning from past mistakes
    WANT THE FULL EPISODE? Check out yesterday's episode Ep.88 I Spencer Klavan I Deciding to Save the West, or download it directly using this link.

    Spencer Klavan joins the show to discuss the modern crises that threaten Western civilization and the decisions required to overcome them.

    Aristotle’s lasting influence on modern decision-making.
    The pseudo-religious tendencies of Stoicism.
    The 5 modern crises that threaten the fabric of our civilization.

    Order your copy of Spencer’s book, “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”: https://www.amazon.com/How-Save-West-Ancient-Wisdom/dp/1684513456

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    At Decidedly Wealth Management, we focus on decision-making as the foundational element of success, in our effort to empower families to purposefully apply their wealth to fulfill their values and build a thriving legacy.


    Join us every Wednesday for more strategies to DEFEAT bad decision-making - one episode at a time!

    “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”: https://www.amazon.com/How-Save-West-Ancient-Wisdom/dp/1684513456

    Gateway to the Stoics: Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations, Epictetus’s Enchiridion, and Selections from Seneca’s Letters: https://www.amazon.com/Gateway-Stoics-Meditations-Epictetuss-Enchiridion/dp/1684514002

    Instagram: @sklavan
    Twitter: @spencerklavan
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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/spencer-klavan-0a963631/
    “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”: https://www.amazon.com/How-Save-West-Ancient-Wisdom/dp/1684513456
    Gateway to the Stoics: Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations, Epictetus’s Enchiridion, and Selections from Seneca’s Letters: https://www.amazon.com/Gateway-Stoics-Meditations-Epictetuss-Enchiridion/dp/1684514002
    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/young-heretics/id1513602173

    Spencer Klavan is a scholar, writer, and podcaster who has harbored a lifelong devotion to the great works and principles of the West. After studying Greek and Latin as an undergraduate at Yale, he spent five years at Oxford University to earn his doctorate in ancient Greek literature. Now an editor at the Claremont Institute, he has written for many outlets, including The Atlantic, the Los Angeles Times, City Journal, Newsweek, the Claremont Review of Books, The Federalist, The American Mind, and The Daily Wire.

    His most recent work sounded the alarm on the cultural decline of the Western world, titled “How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises”. Spencer’s deep understanding of the roots of Western civilization makes him a trustworthy guide for navigating our evolving culture, and what we can do to help. His analysis: The situation is dire. But every crisis we face today we have faced—and surmounted—before.

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    Website: www.monica-parker.com

    Instagram: @monicacparker



    02:06 Monica’s background and expertise

    03:26 The Power of Wonder

    06:41 Cycle of Wonder

    17:22 The wandering mind

    22:18 Wonder shifts our perception

    27:15 Slow thought and quality sleep

    30:21 Wonder-prone mindset

    32:28 Wonderstruck during crisis

    36:26 Wonder bringers

    39:14 Teaching wonder in schools

    45:29 There’s more to life

    47:37 Take a daily wonder walk

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    224: Self-Empowerment and better mental health

    224: Self-Empowerment and better mental health

    What is self empowerment, and how does it help to improve your mental health? Well, for starters, empowering yourself is a choice to work on your world within and start showing yourself greater kindness and support… and it’s also a choice to draw your motivation from within, rather than relying on others. After all, it’s your life… so why not learn how to be your own cheerleader?!

    If you’ve ever wondered about how to build a stronger relationship with yourself, then this episode will help you to find new ways to approach your life. Ready to start empowering yourself more? Then let’s talk! 🙂

    📝 Episode transcript: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=13101 

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    ⏱️ Timestamps: 

    0:00 Self-empowerment and mental health

    1:06 Introduction

    3:32 What is self-empowerment?

    6:36 Why self-empowerment matters for good mental health

    14:37 How to empower yourself more

    25:00 Summary & Next Time

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    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that makes mental health simple, with tips based on quality research and the experience of writer/presenter Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do immediately to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health: making mental health simple.

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