
    I Talk To Lubomir Arsov About His Animation In Shadow A Modern Odyssey

    enSeptember 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Creator's dedication to using art for goodLubomir's powerful animation inspires conversations about the human condition and demonstrates the impact of creativity and self-expression in bringing clarity and harmony to the world, even without financial compensation.

      Lubomir Lupesko, the creator of the animated masterpiece "In Shadows," used his talents and skills to make a profound and impactful piece of art as a response to his growing sense of injustice and desire to contribute positively to the world. The animation, which depicts themes of power dynamics and collective delusion, resonated deeply with many people and continues to inspire conversations about the human condition. Lubomir's dedication to using his art for good, even without financial compensation, demonstrates the power of creativity and self-expression in bringing clarity and harmony to the world. The animation, which includes scenes that eerily foreshadowed the pandemic, serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of staying aware and engaged in the world around us.

    • Exploring the cyclical nature of emptiness and seeking fulfillmentArt can reveal the manipulative nature of power structures and help us find wholeness within, becoming conscious participants in society.

      The human condition often leaves us feeling empty and seeking to fill that void through various means, such as adulation, work addiction, and codependent love. As artists, it is our duty to bring harmony, healing, and insight to these aspects of society that we often overlook, which can lead to pain, destruction, and discord. This emptiness is cyclical and has been repeating throughout history. The speaker's art, such as the animation "In Shadows," serves to shed light on the manipulative nature of power structures and the predictable games they play, ultimately revealing the truth and helping us move towards finding wholeness within and becoming alive, conscious participants in society.

    • Living in a manipulated system, taking back power and freedomThe speaker calls for individuals to leave abusive institutions and take back their power through personal growth and collective evolution

      The speaker believes we are living in a manipulated system where our power and choices are being taken away, leading to a loss of sovereignty and freedom. This is evident in various aspects of society, including healthcare and politics. The speaker uses the metaphor of malignant parents to describe institutions that provide safety but are abusive. The invitation is for individuals to face their inner fears, shame, and guilt, and become stronger, more integrated humans who can create new, decentralized ways of functioning based on love, freedom, and human values. The animation "In Shadows" condenses and distills humanity's journey and highlights the need for personal growth and collective evolution. The title "In Shadows" refers to what is concealed from us, and the call is for us to leave the abusive institutions and take back our power.

    • Wearing Masks to Cope with Society's ChallengesAwareness of masks and authentic living leads to power and growth, despite societal lies, corruption, and divisive narratives.

      People often wear masks to hide their true feelings and cope with the challenges of life. These masks can be a form of adaptation to social rules and expectations, but they can also lead to a sense of unhappiness and a lack of authenticity. The current societal climate, with its lies, corruption, and division, can make it even harder for individuals to remove their masks and face reality. The media, as an extension of this system, often exacerbates the situation by promoting divisive narratives and censoring truth. However, becoming aware of these masks and choosing to live authentically is where true power and growth lie. It's important for individuals to educate themselves about the tactics used by those in power to maintain control and to strive for unity and truth in a world that can be overwhelming and confusing.

    • Power shift towards decentralizationPeople are becoming aware of centralized institutions' manipulations and control tactics, leading to a power shift towards decentralization and self-governing pockets of liberty.

      We are witnessing a power shift in 2022 as people become more aware of the manipulations and control tactics of centralized institutions. These institutions, which were once in the shadows, are now overplaying their hand and revealing their true intentions. This race is between how much human ingenuity can free and liberate us, and how much these institutions can centralize and enclose human beings. The ultimate goal is to create self-governing pockets of liberty, but the challenge lies in breaking free from digital prisons and aligning thoughts and emotions with the technological imperative of fearful humans in control. As these institutions continue to show their hands, more people will become aware and resist, leading to a significant power dynamic shift.

    • Overcoming self-deception and seeking truthEmbrace self-discovery, face truth despite fears, and help others awaken for personal and collective growth.

      Many people find it challenging to face the truth and question the reality they've been living in, even when they suspect it's an illusion. Fear of losing their livelihood, social status, or sense of self can keep them trapped in the matrix. However, for those who are willing to embark on the journey of self-discovery and truth-seeking, they have the opportunity to help others awaken to a greater understanding. This requires overcoming self-deception, engaging in honest introspection, and developing inner strength and clarity. Ultimately, the light of truth can only penetrate the shadows when we bring awareness to our blind spots and align with our authentic selves. The process is not easy, but the rewards are profound and necessary for personal and collective growth.

    • A personal journey of curiosity and indignationExploring altered states, deep contemplation, and seeking like-minded individuals can lead to a deeper understanding of reality and meaning in life, despite occasional challenges and concerns.

      The speaker's personal journey towards understanding reality and finding meaning in life was shaped by a persistent curiosity and sense of indignation, fueled by questions about the nature of reality and the collective human journey. This quest led them to explore altered states of consciousness, engage in deep contemplation, and surround themselves with like-minded individuals. Despite occasional despair and concerns about humanity's flaws and susceptibility to manipulation by sociopaths, the speaker maintains a generally positive outlook and continues to seek ways to contribute to the conversation through their art and communication.

    • Practicing artful communication for human connectionEffective communication is essential for breaking polarization and fostering human connection. Use new words and sentences to describe complex issues and approach conversations with humility to avoid cultural booby traps.

      Effective communication is crucial in breaking the cycle of polarization and promoting understanding between individuals. However, the current use of inflammatory language and cultural vernacular can hinder genuine human connection. Instead, we should strive to use new words and sentences to describe complex issues, allowing for more nuanced conversations and avoiding the triggering of cultural booby traps. Ultimately, by practicing artful communication and approaching conversations with humility, we can foster real human connection and move beyond the limitations imposed by the system. This approach empowers individuals to take control of their reactions and experiences, ultimately leading to a more self-respecting and fulfilling way of navigating the world.

    • Asking questions is key to effective communication and learningPresenting facts can be counterproductive, instead ask questions to provoke thought and encourage self-discovery for deeper understanding

      Effective communication and learning often involve asking questions rather than presenting facts. According to the speaker, confronting people with data and facts can be counterproductive as it challenges their worldview and self-image. Instead, planting seeds of curiosity and encouraging self-discovery can lead to deeper understanding. The animation mentioned in the conversation was praised for its ability to provoke thought and questioning, creating a powerful learning experience. The creator intentionally kept their role in the creation of the animation separate to allow viewers to form their own interpretations and connections. This approach fosters a sense of self-empowerment and ownership of knowledge.

    • Exploring the depths of surreal artArt challenges perspectives, invites reflection, and offers a chance to engage with new ideas and emotions. Stay open-minded and present, and find meaning in the journey.

      The power of art to evoke emotions and inspire reflection lies in its ability to challenge our perspectives and provoke thought. The speaker, Lubomir, discusses how some people may feel disgusted or confused by his surreal and symbolic images, while others may find deep meaning and connection. He emphasizes that there is no preaching or judgment intended, but rather an invitation to engage with the images and ask questions. Lubomir also reflects on the importance of staying open-minded and present, and having the courage to make one's own way in life. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, he encourages the listener to keep pushing forward and find meaning in the journey. Overall, the conversation highlights the transformative potential of art and the importance of embracing the unknown.

    • Embrace beauty, truth, and wisdom during difficult timesDuring hardships, focus on beauty, truth, and wisdom to find fulfillment and strength. These virtues have inspired us throughout history.

      Even during difficult times, there is beauty, truth, and wisdom to be found. We should lean into these virtues and remember that they inspire and give us strength. Lubomir, a guest on this podcast, shared his personal experience and emphasized the importance of staying positive and open to new experiences. He also encouraged listeners to appreciate the artistic and creative aspects of life, even if they don't consider themselves artistic. Lubomir's message is a reminder that hardships can lead to treasures and that we should not avoid the difficult times but instead embrace them. By focusing on beauty, truth, and wisdom, we can find fulfillment and satisfaction in life. Lubomir also invited us to remember that these virtues have been with us throughout history and are the foundations that inspire us. So, let us choose to see and cultivate the beauty, truth, and wisdom in our lives, and everything else will fall away.

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    enJune 26, 2024

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    enJune 24, 2024

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    enJune 23, 2024

    #190 - Controlled Opposition

    #190 - Controlled Opposition

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    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Michael is the founder and editor of Actionable Truth. Michael describes his process of awakening here - https://open.substack.com/pub/actionabletruth/p/my-personal-journey-to-awakening. I don’t know how I stumbled across his substack, but I was drawn to an article he wrote titled The Truth about Controlled Opposition - https://open.substack.com/pub/actionabletruth/p/the-truth-about-controlled-opposition. Imagine my surprise, when trying to find Michael’s contact details I discovered that he and Ursula (a supporter, former guest and now friend) knew each other, and are both on the team of Actionable Truth. https://www.actionabletruth.media/about. Michael has since become a good friend and I love our regular chats.

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 20, 2024

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    #189 - From Peak Prosperity To Peak Insanity

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 19, 2024

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 14, 2024

    #186 - Law & Freedom

    #186 - Law & Freedom

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    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Anna de Buisserat is a lawyer, activist and freedom fighter. Anna is a senior employment lawyer specialising in discrimination law, disability discrimination, mental health discrimination, and human rights. Anna has devoted the past four years of her life to the people for the people, as many others have too. A veteran, senior lawyer, and most of all a woman of heart, courage, moral integrity, grit, and determination, she has defended people's rights and stood up for freedom. In this conversation, we discuss the Magna Carta, Common Law, Natural Law, Informed Consent, the Nuremberg Code and much more. Please support her cancer treatment by donating to her Give send go - link below. I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love as always Ahmad Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    enJune 12, 2024

    #184 - Playing God

    #184 - Playing God

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Jacqui Deevoy is a writer, producer and presenter known most notably for her documentary "A Good Death?" co-produced with Ickonic Media which exposed the use of midazolam and morphine during the first 2 years of the Covid "pandemic", and accelerated or in many instances caused the death of thousands of innocent people, and not just the elderly. In this podcast episode, Jacqui talks about her latest documentary "Playing God", directed by award-winning directors Naeem & Ash Mahmood and produced by Jacqui. "Playing God" exposes the medical democide in the UK over the last 50 years. Is it about time that doctors and the medical establishment were taken down from their pedestal? I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love Ahmad Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 05, 2024

    #004 - Supporter Stories

    #004 - Supporter Stories

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: For too long, the Covid Plandemic has been a faceless monolith, represented by the media mainly through charts, graphs and confusing numbers. Science was corrupted, people were manipulated on a global scale and statistical jugglery was used to confuse, guide, and misinform. I have been moved by the messages from my paid supporters, who come from all walks of life and from across the globe. I have read some incredible emails, listened over the phone to amazing minds and beautiful souls, and most importantly I have learnt so much from them. I want to give a voice to these people. Everyone has a story worth telling, and I want to highlight this through this series of podcasts. In this episode, we have Alex from Germany and Yurek from Canada. Both have been some of my earliest supporters and listeners. I thank them both for their messages of support and recommendations. Alex was the one who put me in touch with Dr Sabine Stebel who did the amazing podcast on Spike Protein. If you are one of my supporters and would like to feature in the supporter series, please get in touch. If I have failed to get back to you it's because I'm inundated with correspondence and am struggling to keep up. You have my permission to badger me. I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love as always, Ahmad.



    Hunter & Gather Foods

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    To sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠hello@docmalik.com⁠

    Doc Malik
    enJune 04, 2024

    #183 - Who Is The Real Barbara O'Neill?

    #183 - Who Is The Real Barbara O'Neill?

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Barbara O’Neill is a huge figure in the natural alternative health movement. Barbara states "I am not a healer, I am a teacher. Your body is the healer, and I love to teach whoever is interested, the conditions that allow and encourage this amazing body we live in to do what it has been designed to do .....heal itself!" Barbara has a massive following across the world. Clips of her videos where she advocates natural remedies are shared and viewed by millions across social media. However, Barbara has her detractors who claim she is unqualified, a dangerous misinformation spreader “known for advertising dangerous and unsupported health practices and ideas”. In 2019, the Health Care Complaints Commission in New South Wales ruled that she is prohibited from providing any health-related services following several complaints from the public and health professionals. A subsequent investigation found that she provided dangerous advice to vulnerable patients, such as telling those with cancer to forego prescribed chemotherapy for bicarbonate of soda and to give infants unpasteurised goat's milk. The investigation found that she also had no qualifications in a health-related field and failed to meet the expected standards of unregistered health professionals. But what is the truth? The last few years and my own experience have taught me not to trust the authorities at face value and to question everything. I am also aware that there are always two sides to any story. So I asked Barbara directly about all the allegations and claims against her. I invite you to judge for yourself after hearing her side of the story, not just what is written in Wikipedia or mainstream news. I also asked Barbara about her top tips for staying healthy. See my substack post for further details. I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love Ahmad Links



    Hunter & Gather Foods

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    To sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠hello@docmalik.com⁠

    Doc Malik
    enJune 03, 2024

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    In the Power of Neurodiversity, Jordan will talk about their experiences as a neurodivergent individual and how this has influenced their approach to entrepreneurship and creativity. It's all about using your superpowers to your advantage! 

    Finally, building a Community, we'll discuss the importance of building a community around your brand and how it can lead to greater success and impact. Jordan will share their tips on how to build a strong brand community, as well as their thoughts on the role of entrepreneurship in empowering the Black community.

    In this episode, we've learned about the power of diversity, entrepreneurship, and fashion in the Black community. Jordan has shared his inspiring story of building a brand that celebrates differences and promotes self-expression. We hope this episode has inspired you to embrace your own uniqueness and to use it to make a positive impact in the world.

    Thanks so much for listening! :) 

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    Anti Prophet the Masked Disruptor: Inside the Mind of an Anonymous Provocateur

    Anti Prophet the Masked Disruptor: Inside the Mind of an Anonymous Provocateur

    In this episode, Rob interviews the mysterious masked content creator known as anti-profit. In an anonymous and candid conversation, anti-profit shares his unique origin story from professional violinist to digital marketer to building his own personal brand. He opens up about the challenges of growing an audience while staying anonymous, his views on controversial figures like Andrew Tate, and his thoughts on today's polarizing political climate. Whether you agree or disagree with his opinions, anti-profit aims to challenge listeners' perspectives and encourage deeper thought around complex issues. Tune in for an intriguing glimpse behind the mask with one of social media's most unexpected disruptors.

    Anti-Prophet Reveals:

    • How he got into content creation
    • Why he believes his white mask allows people to project themselves onto his content instead of focusing on his identity.
    • Why he moved from the U.S. to Bali
    • His thoughts on the "red pill" movement
    • How he is combatting polarization online
    • His battle with YouTube demonetizing his videos
    • Why he sees today's "boundaryless" culture as the root of divisions between men and women.


    "I think the white blankness of the mask is what I hope can be a mirror for people to project themselves onto."

    "If an audience aren't behaving the way you want with your message, the problem isn't the people, it's the way you're presenting it."

    "The matrix is more of an internal thing than an oppressive world government."

    "People value consistency in an age of complete pandemonium."

    "I'm just some guy talking shit into a camera."







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    Bonus Email Episode #2

    Bonus Email Episode #2
    It’s another Friday bonus show - if you keep sending us questions, we’ll keep answering them! We tackle… round three of Tom’s celebrity endorsement beef, some advice on getting into acting, dealing with compliments and vegan insult comebacks. Thanks for all your emails - keep them coming at wolfowlpod@gmail.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices