
    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing discomfort for personal growth and positive outcomes.Facing challenges and embracing vulnerability can lead to personal strength and growth in uncomfortable situations.

      Leaning into discomfort and embracing vulnerability can lead to personal growth and positive outcomes. David Choe shares his experience of feeling nervous and anxious before appearing on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Despite his fears, he recognizes the value in confronting his discomfort and sharing his authentic self. Joe Rogan acknowledges that real canceling exists in today's social media landscape, but he admires Choe's authenticity and resilience. Choe believes that every negative experience in his life has ultimately led to bigger and better things. The conversation highlights the importance of facing challenges head-on, embracing vulnerability, and finding personal strength and growth in uncomfortable situations.

    • Embracing Uniqueness and Appreciating OthersEach individual possesses their own unique qualities and strengths. It is important to appreciate and admire others without constantly comparing oneself, while also embracing and celebrating one's own strengths and qualities.

      Everyone has their own unique qualities and strengths. David Choe admires Joe Rogan's ability to entertain and lead, emphasizing that he is a remarkable individual. Joe Rogan is appreciative of the kind words and acknowledges that he is constantly in the public eye through various platforms. David Choe presents Joe Rogan with a personalized shirt, showcasing their past conversation about ghosts on the beach. They discuss how ghosts tend to be portrayed in more predictable settings, highlighting an interesting observation. Throughout their conversation, David Choe expresses his admiration for Joe Rogan's interviewing skills and storytelling abilities, while also acknowledging his own differences and insecurities. This conversation reminds us that each person is unique and should embrace their own strengths and qualities without constantly comparing themselves to others.

    • Conquering Self-Doubt for Personal Growth and Fulfillment.Recognizing and challenging negative self-talk is vital for personal growth and creativity. Striving for self-improvement while also embracing self-acceptance leads to a balanced and fulfilling creative process.

      Self-criticism and a constant feeling of not being good enough can hinder one's ability to recognize and embrace their own talents and successes. David Choe, despite his remarkable artistic abilities, constantly doubts himself and finds it difficult to acknowledge his own accomplishments. This negative self-perception is a common experience for many individuals in today's society. Overcoming self-doubt and practicing self-acceptance can be challenging, but it is crucial for personal growth and fulfillment. The conversation highlights the importance of recognizing and combatting negative self-talk and the role it plays in the creative process. Struggles and discomfort are often seen as catalysts for creativity, but finding a balance between self-improvement and self-acceptance is essential.

    • Embracing Risk and Freedom for Personal Growth and Societal DevelopmentOvercoming fear and societal constraints enables personal growth and fosters a society that encourages self-expression, leading to happiness and the fulfillment of individual potential.

      Taking risks and pursuing freedom of expression are important for personal growth and for society as a whole. David Choe realized that he had been holding himself back due to fear, ego, pride, shame, and humiliation, and it was only when he let go of these barriers that he found true happiness. Joe Rogan emphasized the need for more "wild" people who are not afraid to express themselves and be different, as societal constraints and self-censorship limit individual potential. The conversation highlighted the transformative power of open and honest communication, as well as the importance of stepping out of one's comfort zone to discover new passions and possibilities.

    • David Choe: Breaking Boundaries in Art and PodcastingDavid Choe's artistic journey showcases the importance of staying true to oneself, embracing risks, and thinking beyond conventions to create truly unique and original work.

      David Choe, as an artist, constantly seeks new ways to express himself and push his boundaries. He starts with realistic art and then explores different styles like cubism and the blue period. He values being true to his artistic self and not conforming to what others expect of him. He also emphasizes the importance of taking risks and thinking outside the box in order to bring something unique to his work. Choe's unconventional approach to podcasting, such as interviewing himself as a kidnap victim or experimenting with provocative props, showcases his desire to challenge norms and create something truly original.

    • Unconventional Forms of Communication and ExpressionEmbracing the uniqueness of individuals' abilities and experiences opens up new ways of perceiving and connecting beyond conventional understanding, fostering diversity and new possibilities.

      Sometimes individuals with unique abilities or experiences can tap into a different level of consciousness or understanding that others may not fully comprehend. David Choe's encounter with an autistic child named Steven, who displayed incredible artistic talent despite struggling with communication, highlights the idea that there are different ways of perceiving and expressing oneself. Additionally, the discussion on speaking in tongues and creating "alien" languages emphasizes the human fascination with exploring unconventional forms of communication and expression. While these experiences may seem peculiar or unusual to some, they provide avenues for self-expression and connection with something beyond the ordinary. It is important to appreciate and respect the diversity of human experiences and abilities, as they bring forth new perspectives and possibilities.

    • The Importance of Perseverance and Self-Reflection in Pursuit of MasteryPerseverance and self-reflection are vital in achieving success, regardless of natural talent. Embracing constant improvement and embracing one's multifaceted inner selves are essential traits for personal and professional growth.

      Individuals who excel in various fields often share a common characteristic of being obsessed with improvement and putting in the necessary work. Joe Rogan emphasizes that while he may not possess natural talents, he compensates with a relentless pursuit of mastery. This focus on constant improvement contrasts with David Choe's struggle with self-doubt and dissatisfaction. However, Joe argues that this drive to constantly better oneself is a human characteristic rather than an alien one. Their discussion also delves into the creativity of musicians who make up words or use gibberish to create compelling music. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of perseverance, self-reflection, and embracing one's multifaceted inner selves.

    • Exploring Voices Within: Rewiring the Brain Through Psychodrama for Personal Growth and HealingBy utilizing psychodrama techniques, individuals can analyze and reframe their experiences to heal from trauma. Self-reflection, personal growth, and prioritizing personal safety are crucial elements in this process.

      Individuals have different voices and personas within them that can affect their actions and decisions. By using tools like psychodrama, one can analyze and rewire their brain to tackle traumatic moments or unresolved issues. It involves identifying the key people and events connected to the trauma and rewriting history to heal oneself. The conversation also highlights the importance of self-reflection and personal growth. Additionally, the conversation touches upon the importance of knowing when to fight, flight, or freeze in dangerous situations. While it's essential to consider ego and instincts, it's crucial to prioritize personal safety above all else.

    • The Persistent Racial Stereotyping and Pressure for Minorities in SocietyDespite progress, racial stereotypes and pressure to conform still persist for minorities, highlighting the need for continued efforts in promoting understanding and acceptance.

      Racial stereotypes and assumptions can still persist despite progress and achievements. David Choe shares his experience of being congratulated by others solely based on his Korean heritage, as if he played a role in the success of a Korean film. This type of racial stereotyping can be seen as both racist and ignorant. Additionally, David highlights the concept of being a perpetual foreigner and the pressure to conform to certain expectations as a minority. However, despite the progress made by the Korean community, racial incidents and discrimination still occur, indicating that there is still work to be done in promoting understanding and acceptance.

    • The dangers of violence and the importance of promoting understanding and kindnessEngaging in violence only perpetuates a cycle of pain. Instead, prioritize personal safety and promote understanding and kindness to avoid further division and hostility.

      Engaging in physical violence can be extremely dangerous and should be avoided. Joe Rogan emphasizes the risks involved, highlighting the unpredictable outcomes and the possibility of encountering someone who is armed. He suggests that retaliating or seeking revenge through violence only perpetuates a cycle of pain. Instead, it is wiser to remove oneself from the situation and prioritize personal safety. Furthermore, the conversation sheds light on the negative impact of hate speech and labeling certain groups of people. The discussion highlights the correlation between inflammatory language and increased violence towards Asians. This reinforces the importance of promoting understanding and kindness rather than fueling division and hostility.

    • The Power of Words and Actions: How Leaders Shape Community Unity or DivisionLeaders have a responsibility to choose their words wisely, as it can either promote unity and support or incite racism and violence. Meaningful actions can be simple yet fulfilling.

      Words and actions have power, especially when coming from a leader. Joe Rogan and David Choe discuss the impact of President Trump's language regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on Asian communities. They highlight the responsibility of leaders to choose their words wisely, as it can either promote unity and support or incite racism and violence. They emphasize the importance of being aware of the consequences of our words and actions, especially when in positions of power. Additionally, the conversation delves into the concept of busyness in our culture and the value of taking time for oneself and engaging in acts of kindness towards others. It reminds us that sometimes the most meaningful and fulfilling actions are the simplest ones.

    • The Power of Understanding and ResilienceBy recognizing that everyone has different backgrounds and experiences, we can develop empathy and resilience to deal with negative behavior and comments from others.

      People's experiences and backgrounds shape their perspectives and actions. We all have different minds, attributes, environments, and life events that influence our behavior and reactions. Life is unfair, and everyone faces unique challenges and struggles. Some people may have had traumatic experiences or lack a sense of purpose, which can lead to negative behavior and interactions with others. It's important to understand this and not take hateful or hurtful comments personally. Responding with confrontation or self-deprecating remarks only gives power to those seeking to bring you down. Instead, an effective approach is to remain calm, stare them down, and give them nothing. By understanding the complexity and diversity of human experiences, we can develop empathy and resilience.

    • The Power of Emotions and AttitudesOur emotions and attitudes can impact our lives and interactions, but we have the power to embrace our unique perspective and connect with others, opening doors to enriching experiences.

      Emotions and attitudes can be contagious, and they can have a significant impact on our lives and interactions with others. When people are angry or aggressive towards us, we can internalize their emotions and feel the effects of their hate. Similarly, growing up in an environment filled with negative emotions and behaviors can shape our mindset and affect our relationships. On the other hand, being seen as nonthreatening, like the experience of the speaker as an Asian person, can open doors and create opportunities for connection and understanding. Despite the potential challenges and stereotypes, embracing one's unique perspective can lead to enriching experiences and the ability to connect with people from all walks of life.

    • The Unpredictable and Dangerous Nature of HitchhikingHitchhiking can expose you to unpredictable and potentially dangerous situations, emphasizing the importance of staying vigilant and making informed decisions when traveling with strangers.

      Hitchhiking can be both unpredictable and dangerous. David Choe shares his experiences of getting free rides from strangers and how conversations with them often take unexpected turns. He recounts incidents where complete strangers have shared deeply personal and disturbing information, including murder confessions and thoughts of rape. He also describes a situation where he and his friend stayed at a stranger's house, only to discover that the man had conflicting views and intentions. While Choe emphasizes that such incidents are rare, the conversation serves as a reminder of the risks involved in hitchhiking and the importance of staying vigilant and making informed decisions when traveling with strangers.

    • The Importance of Caution and Clear Communication for Personal SafetyDon't jump to conclusions or make quick judgments about others. Communicate clearly, establish boundaries, and be cautious of surroundings for personal safety.

      Being cautious and aware of our surroundings is crucial for personal safety. David Choe recounts a disturbing incident where he and his friend encountered a potentially dangerous stranger. Their initial reaction was fear and preparation for self-defense. However, it turned out that the stranger meant no harm and had gone to the store to get eggs for their breakfast. This situation highlights the importance of not jumping to conclusions and making quick judgments about others. It also emphasizes the need to communicate clearly and establish boundaries to ensure our safety. Additionally, this conversation touches on the negative consequences of war and the lasting effects it has on individuals and societies.

    • Journey into the Unknown: David Choe's Unconventional Adventure in the CongoEmbrace curiosity and defy societal norms to embark on a personal journey of self-discovery, regardless of the challenges and dangers that may lie ahead.

      David Choe's adventurous and rebellious nature led him to embark on a dangerous journey to the Congo at just eighteen years old. Despite facing numerous challenges, such as language barriers, civil war, and outbreaks of diseases like Ebola and malaria, Choe's desire to explore the unknown pushed him forward. His experiences in the Congo taught him valuable lessons about the fragility of civilization and the importance of self-acceptance. Choe's willingness to go against societal norms and venture into places others deemed dangerous or off-limits exemplifies his determination to live life on his own terms. This conversation highlights the power of curiosity, resilience, and the pursuit of personal growth.

    • The Transformative Power of Belief and HopePursuing our passions and dreams in the face of uncertainty and adversity can lead to transformative experiences and personal growth.

      David Choe embarked on a dangerous and risky journey to find a dinosaur in the Congo, driven by his belief and desire to discover something extraordinary. Despite encountering various challenges and witnessing violence, he remained hopeful and determined to find evidence of the existence of the dinosaur. This journey not only tested his resilience but also pushed him to confront his fears and confront the harsh realities of the world. The conversation highlights the importance of chasing our passions and dreams, even in the face of uncertainty and adversity, and the transformative power of holding onto belief and hope.

    • Surviving the Jungle: A Lesson in Mindset and MoralityIn challenging situations, maintaining control over one's mindset and sticking to personal values is crucial for survival, reminding us to resist acting out of anger or desperation.

      Being in a hopeless and desperate situation can push someone to their limits, both mentally and emotionally. David Choe's experience of being lost in the jungle with an unsupportive and disrespectful companion highlights the importance of maintaining control over one's mindset in order to survive. Despite being tempted to harm his companion out of frustration and desperation, David chose not to give in to his violent impulses, reaffirming his commitment to his own moral values. This experience serves as a reminder that even in the toughest of circumstances, it is essential to hold onto one's integrity and resist the temptation to act out of anger or desperation.

    • Choe's Jungle Adventure: Art, Connection, and DangerArt can transcend language barriers and create connections with others, even in the most treacherous and unfamiliar environments. Choe's journey showcases the lasting impact of such experiences.

      David Choe had a thrilling and terrifying experience in the jungle while searching for a dinosaur. Despite not being able to communicate due to language barriers, Choe's artistic skills helped him establish a connection with the locals and receive assistance. The jungle was dense and dangerous, with potential risks like disease-carrying leeches. Choe's return trip to the jungle, documented by Vice, showcased the darker aspects of his previous adventure, including witnessing violence and a deadly virus outbreak. This conversation highlights the power of art in bridging cultural gaps and the lasting impact of Choe's extraordinary journey.

    • David Choe's African Journey: Cultivating Humility and GratitudeImmersing oneself in diverse environments can teach humility and gratitude, reminding us to appreciate what we have instead of complaining about trivial things.

      David Choe had a unique experience in Africa that taught him humility and gratitude. He went to Africa to escape his mind losing experiences and find a sense of gratitude. He encountered diverse cultures and deep poverty, realizing that despite having everything, he still complained. David Choe emphasized the importance of being thankful and learning humility, which he believes can be achieved by immersing oneself in different environments. He shared his encounters with the Bantou village, a French Victorian house in the middle of the jungle, and a man named Francois who had multiple Bantou wives. Through his African experiences, David Choe gained a deeper perspective on life and the importance of appreciating what one has.

    • Reflecting on the Impact of Human Waste and Wildlife Conservation through Living with the Hadza TribeLiving with the Hadza tribe in Africa highlighted the need for better waste management practices and the urgency to protect wildlife through sustainable living choices.

      Living with the Hadza tribe in Africa made David Choe realize the impact of human waste and the importance of respecting the environment. Compared to the tribe's zero carbon footprint, Choe's one week stay resulted in a mountain of trash. This experience made him question the habits of modern society and how we handle waste management. Additionally, Choe witnessed the decline in animal population and the challenges the tribe faced in hunting for survival. It shed light on the unsustainable practices that are endangering wildlife. This encounter with the Hadza tribe made Choe reflect on the need to protect the environment and consider alternative, more sustainable ways of living.

    • Indigenous Hunter-Gatherers: A Fascinating Connection to Nature and Unconventional LifestylesThe physical abilities and deep connection to nature of indigenous hunter-gatherers, along with their unique and intense lifestyle, highlight the power of genetics and adaptation.

      Indigenous hunter-gatherers possess incredible physical abilities and a deep connection to nature. Their strength and muscular physiques are a result of their daily activities, such as pulling back their powerful bows and constantly running through the woods. These individuals live a unique and intense lifestyle, relying on their fitness to survive. Additionally, their knowledge of nature allows them to communicate with animals and find resources like honey through the use of bird signals and trained dogs. The conversation also highlights their dietary habits, where they consume unconventional foods like snakes and honeycombs filled with bees. Their bodies have adapted to these conditions, making them immune to the stings and other adverse effects. Overall, it is astounding to witness their harmonious existence with the environment, showcasing the power of genetics and adaptation.

    • Living simply and connected to nature brings peace and fulfillment.Slowing down, appreciating simplicity, and building meaningful connections with others and nature can bring joy and a sense of purpose in life.

      Living in a simpler and more connected way with nature and community can bring a sense of peace, joy, and fulfillment. David Choe's experience in a remote tribe in Africa showed him the power of living without modern distractions like technology and entertainment. Despite physical challenges and language barriers, he found himself free from addictions, depression, and boredom. Engaging in daily activities like hunting, gathering, and celebrating together with the tribe created a deep sense of gratitude and purpose. Additionally, witnessing the tribespeople's resilience, endurance, and resourcefulness highlighted the stark contrast to his own comfortable and disconnected life. This conversation emphasizes the importance of slowing down, appreciating the simple things, and cultivating meaningful connections with others and nature.

    • A Tribe's Hunting Rituals and ResourcefulnessThis conversation sheds light on the unique survival instincts and traditional practices of a tribe, challenging cultural taboos and offering a fresh perspective on their way of life.

      David Choe had a firsthand experience witnessing a tribe hunting and consuming baboons. He describes the intensity of the hunt, with dogs attacking and ripping apart the baboons. The tribe members find pride and happiness in hunting the biggest animal and providing food for everyone. The conversation also reveals the tribe's resourcefulness in utilizing every part of the baboon, from eating the brains and meat to turning the fur into jackets. Despite the cultural differences and the taboo nature of such practices, Choe immerses himself in the experience and tries the baboon meat. This conversation highlights the survival instincts and traditional practices of this tribe, offering a unique perspective on their way of life.

    • Embracing the present moment and the transformative power of art in a tribal community in Africa.Experiencing different cultures can broaden our perspective and remind us of the importance of simplicity, authenticity, and genuine connections with others.

      Experiencing different cultures and ways of life can profoundly impact our perspective and understanding of the world. David Choe's encounter with a tribal community in Africa showed him the simplicity and authenticity of their existence, contrasting with the complexities and materialism of modern society. It made him realize that true fulfillment can be found in embracing the present moment and creating genuine connections with others. This experience motivated him to stay and support the community, highlighting the importance of preserving indigenous cultures and traditions. Additionally, it emphasizes the transformative power of art, as Choe's art supplies brought joy and inspiration to the children. Overall, this conversation reminds us to appreciate and learn from diverse cultures, and to value the simplicity and authenticity they offer.

    • Resilience and Physical Prowess: Exploring the Incredible Abilities of African TribesHuman beings living in challenging environments can develop remarkable physical attributes, displaying resilience and adaptability that awe-inspires others. Studying their unique bacteria may lead to medical advancements.

      Living in a natural, challenging environment can shape individuals into incredibly resilient and physically capable beings. The experiences and rituals of certain African tribes have developed their endurance, pain tolerance, and adaptability to a remarkable extent. These individuals display remarkable physical prowess, with their strong bodies and impressive hunting skills. The conversation highlights how their ancestors' ability to survive and thrive under such harsh conditions has led to their superior physical attributes. This discussion also considers the potential benefits of studying the unique bacteria found in these regions for medical advancements. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the awe-inspiring physicality and resilience of those living in these remote regions of Africa.

    • The Incredible Nature of Elephants and the Importance of their Well-beingElephants are adorable, smart, and emotionally connected to humans. They need proper care, space, and preservation to thrive. They can even showcase artistic talent in painting.

      Elephants are majestic and intelligent creatures. Joe Rogan and David Choe express their admiration for elephants, highlighting their cuteness, intelligence, and the deep emotional connection they have with humans. They discuss the mismanagement of elephants at Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch, emphasizing the importance of providing a proper living environment and care for these animals. The conversation also touches upon the talent of elephants in painting and raises the question of whether they are taught or have innate artistic abilities. Overall, the conversation highlights the incredible nature of elephants and the need for their well-being and preservation.

    • Exploring Curiosity and Creativity with Joe Rogan and David ChoeEmbrace curiosity, explore new hobbies, and find creative outlets for self-expression to enrich your life. Be cautious not to let obsessions consume you.

      Both Joe Rogan and David Choe express their curiosity about crocodiles and elephants. They discuss the age of crocodiles and their survival through the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. They also delve into the topic of elephants that can paint, with Joe Rogan expressing skepticism about the authenticity of the paintings. The conversation then transitions to Joe Rogan's lack of interest in painting despite being surrounded by artwork in his home. David Choe encourages him to explore his artistic side and sends him art supplies. They both reflect on the dangers of becoming obsessed with new hobbies and how it can consume their lives. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of curiosity and finding creative outlets for self-expression.

    • The Complexities of Fame and SuccessFame and success may not bring true happiness and fulfillment. It is important to find balance, be self-aware, and appreciate the present moment in life.

      Fame and success come with their own set of challenges and complexities. While David Choe initially felt drawn towards the idea of being rich and famous, he realized that it wasn't necessarily what he wanted in life. He recognized that he already had a fulfilling life with success in his art and personal achievements. Joe Rogan, being in the spotlight himself, understood the mixed emotions that come with fame. Meeting fans and dealing with constant attention can be overwhelming and disrupt one's peace of mind. Both participants acknowledged the need for balance and careful navigation in the face of fame. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of self-awareness and being content with one's current state of life.

    • Balancing Fitness and Self-CareIt's important to find a fitness routine that suits your preferences and comfort levels while also balancing pushing yourself and listening to your body. Additionally, taking precautions and staying informed about diseases like coronavirus is crucial.

      Taking care of oneself physically is important, but it's also essential to find a fitness routine that suits individual preferences and comfort levels. David Choe discusses his struggle with hair loss and weight gain, wanting to get in shape but not wanting to push himself too hard. Joe Rogan emphasizes the reality of physical fitness and the need for consistent effort and recovery. They highlight the importance of finding a balance between pushing oneself and listening to one's body. The conversation also touches on the unpredictability of diseases like coronavirus, emphasizing the need to take precautions and stay informed.

    • A Grateful Reflection on Joe Rogan's Influence and Personal StrugglesDavid Choe emphasizes the positive impact of selfless individuals like Joe Rogan, while also exploring his own struggles with self-worth and internet addiction.

      David Choe expresses his gratitude towards Joe Rogan for being an uplifting and influential figure in his life. Despite their differences, Choe recognizes Rogan's lack of ego and his ability to promote and inspire others. Choe admires the guests on Rogan's show and feels self-conscious and inferior in comparison. He opens up about his abandonment issues and difficulty accepting authority. Choe also shares his experience with video game addiction, referencing a documentary about internet addiction in China. The conversation highlights the impact of influential figures, the struggle with self-worth, and the dangers of excessive internet usage.

    • Recognizing and addressing addiction in all its forms.Support systems are crucial in overcoming addiction, and it is important to seek help and share experiences with others dealing with similar struggles.

      Addiction can manifest itself in various forms, such as pornography, video games, and gambling. David Choe highlights the struggles he faced with his own addictions and how he sought support through groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). He substituted alcohol with his own vices during meetings and found solace in sharing his experiences with others who were dealing with different addictions. Choe's excessive gaming habits served as an escape from his personal problems and the time he spent playing games became detrimental to his relationships and overall well-being. This conversation sheds light on the importance of recognizing and addressing addiction in all its forms and the need for accessible support systems.

    • The Impact of Early Exposure to Explicit ContentEarly exposure to explicit content can have lasting effects on development and perceptions of sex, highlighting the need for comprehensive sex education and open discussions about sexuality.

      Exposure to explicit content at a young age can have a significant impact on a person's development and perceptions of sex. David Choe shares his experience of encountering scrambled porn and feeling the need for more. He describes the desperate lengths he went to in order to watch a pornographic video, despite the risk of getting caught by his family. This illustrates the intense curiosity and exploration that adolescents may go through during puberty. The conversation highlights the lack of sex education and the potential consequences of unregulated access to explicit content for young individuals. It serves as a reminder of the importance of providing comprehensive sex education and fostering healthy discussions around sexuality.

    • The Impact of Technology on Young PeopleEasy access to explicit content and excessive use of technology can negatively affect young individuals, shaping their perception of relationships and leading to neglecting responsibilities. Setting boundaries and promoting healthy relationships with technology is crucial.

      Easy access to explicit content and excessive use of technology can have detrimental effects on individuals, particularly young people. The conversation highlights how the internet has changed the way people are exposed to sexual content, with explicit material readily available at a young age. This exposure can shape their perception of relationships and create unrealistic expectations. Additionally, the conversation discusses the addictiveness of technology, specifically video games, which can lead to neglecting responsibilities, physical harm, and even death in extreme cases. It serves as a reminder of the importance of setting boundaries, monitoring online activities, and promoting healthy relationships with technology to prevent negative consequences.

    • Recognizing the Hidden Dangers of Acceptable AddictionsAddiction can manifest in various forms, both accepted and stigmatized, and it is crucial to address and seek help for all types of addiction, as they can lead to severe consequences if left untreated.

      Addiction takes many forms, and sometimes the acceptable addictions in our culture can be just as harmful as the more stigmatized ones. Whether it's workaholism, video games, or even substances like marijuana, addiction can consume a person's identity and lead to devastating consequences. The conversation highlights the difficulty of helping others struggling with addiction, as they must first recognize and seek help themselves. It also emphasizes the importance of mental health, as even those who achieve great success can still experience deep feelings of unhappiness and emptiness. Ultimately, we need to foster a culture that is open to addressing and seeking help for all types of addiction, in order to prevent the tragic outcomes that come with untreated struggles.

    • The importance of seeking help and support for personal growth and wellbeing.Asking for help is essential for personal growth and navigating life's challenges, and it is crucial to prioritize self-care and embrace one's unique qualities.

      Asking for help and receiving help are crucial for personal growth and wellbeing. David Choe highlights his own struggles with suffering and the importance of reaching out to others in times of need. Joe Rogan acknowledges the impact of mental health issues and the tragedy of suicide, emphasizing the lingering sadness and feelings of guilt that comes with it. They discuss the tendency to prioritize helping others over oneself, demonstrating the need for a cultural shift in learning how to ask for and accept help. Moreover, the conversation highlights the value of embracing one's unique qualities, even if they involve taking risks and being seen as "wild." Overall, this dialogue emphasizes the significance of seeking support and understanding in order to navigate life's challenges.

    • The Power of Friends: Finding Happiness and Purpose in LifeSurrounding oneself with loyal and caring friends who support and guide through life's challenges is crucial for finding happiness and purpose.

      Friends play a crucial role in one's journey towards finding happiness and purpose in life. David Choe reveals how he experienced intense emotions and struggles, feeling disconnected and ready to die. However, it was his friends who stood by him and made him realize the need for change. These friends, who had known him since childhood, confronted him about his destructive behavior and helped him acknowledge that he needed help. Their support and honesty were instrumental in getting him to a point where he could appreciate life and find enjoyment in the present moment. This conversation emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with loyal and caring friends who are willing to support and guide throughout life's challenges.

    • Pursuing Happiness Beyond Expectations and StereotypesTrue happiness comes from embracing one's true self, focusing on inner healing and personal fulfillment, and prioritizing mental well-being over external success and societal expectations.

      Happiness should be the ultimate goal, rather than external success or societal expectations. David Choe shares his experiences of feeling lost and worthless when he tried to conform to the model minority stereotype, while finding success and acceptance when he embraced his true self and acted in unconventional ways. However, Joe Rogan emphasizes that true happiness cannot be achieved by simply acting out or seeking wealth and fame. He urges David to shift his focus towards inner healing and finding personal fulfillment. Despite David's struggles and mental instability, Joe reassures him that happiness is attainable, and he encourages David to explore ways to improve his mental well-being and find contentment in life.

    • Prioritizing physical health and personal joy, challenging societal expectations, and embracing authenticity for growth and happiness.Focus on physical health, challenge societal expectations, validate individual experiences, and embrace authenticity for personal growth and happiness.

      Improving one's physical health plays a significant role in increasing enthusiasm, energy, and overall happiness. It is essential to prioritize and concentrate on what brings personal joy and focus on self-care. Additionally, the conversation highlights the societal pressures and expectations placed on individuals, particularly in terms of gender roles. Seeking help and opening up about personal struggles is crucial, as pain and trauma are subjective experiences. Everyone's pain is maximum to them, and it is important to validate and respect individual experiences. The conversation also emphasizes the importance of being genuine and authentic, rather than masking emotions or hiding behind coping mechanisms. Ultimately, it is essential to keep an open mind, explore different avenues for growth, and be willing to seek help when needed.

    • Prioritizing and Focusing on SuccessSelf-awareness and prioritization are key to achieving success in any endeavor.

      David Choe has the potential to be a successful comic and musician, but he recognizes the importance of focusing on one thing at a time. Joe Rogan acknowledges Choe's comedic talent and encourages him to pursue comedy, as he has the mindset and creativity of a comic. Similarly, their discussion about music reveals Choe's passion for performing, but he understands the need to prioritize and perfect his craft. This conversation highlights the importance of self-awareness and recognizing one's strengths and limitations. Choe's experience at an intensive outpatient program reinforces the theme of personal growth and the willingness to step out of one's comfort zone for self-improvement. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that it is essential to prioritize and dedicate time and effort to achieve success in any endeavor.

    • Learning to Set Boundaries and Advocate for YourselfStanding up for yourself and expressing your needs may be uncomfortable, but it is essential for personal growth and being heard and respected by others.

      The speaker, David, is learning important life lessons about standing up for himself and setting boundaries. He finds himself in a unique environment where accountability is emphasized, but he struggles with speaking up for himself and letting things go. Through his interactions with his roommate, Walter, David realizes the importance of holding boundaries and expressing his needs. Despite feeling uncomfortable and shaking, he confronts Walter about his actions and firmly communicates his boundary. This experience teaches David the value of advocating for himself and not burying his feelings. He learns that he deserves to be heard and respected, even if it means stepping out of his comfort zone.

    • Empowering Self-Advocacy and Personal GrowthSetting boundaries and standing up for oneself can lead to personal growth, improved relationships, and a sense of empowerment.

      Setting boundaries and standing up for oneself can lead to personal growth and positive change. David Choe shares his experiences of facing physical threats and boundary violations from fans, which prompts him to prioritize his safety and well-being. This newfound assertiveness empowers him to address issues and communicate effectively, not just with strangers but also with his own family, recognizing the importance of establishing boundaries. Through this process, Choe realizes the significance of self-advocacy and its potential to improve his life and relationships. Ultimately, this conversation highlights the transformative power of finding one's voice and embracing personal growth, even in challenging situations.

    • David Choe's Journey to Rediscover Joy and Teach Others the SameEmbracing our inner child and finding joy in life can have a transformative effect on ourselves and those around us, even in the face of unsettling experiences.

      David Choe had a transformative experience during his stay at a place where he learned to become a better version of himself. He observed that the people around him, who were successful lawyers and doctors, had lost the ability to have fun and were consumed by entitlement. Determined to change their perspective, David organized scavenger hunts and taught them how to embrace their inner child. His efforts were met with gratitude and even tears from some individuals who had forgotten what it felt like to enjoy life. However, the conversation also highlights the dark side of David's experience, as he discovered that someone had taken pictures of him while he was sleeping. Despite this unsettling incident, David remains optimistic, inviting Joe Rogan to his future art show and promoting a cause he cares about.

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    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12

    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12
    Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, and Ari Shaffir are stand-up comics, writers, and podcasters. Shane is the co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast" with Matt McCusker and one half of the sketch comedy duo "Gilly and Keeves" with John McKeever. Watch his new comedy series, "Tires," and special, "Beautiful Dogs" on Netflix. www.shanemgillis.com Mark is the co-host of the podcasts "Tuesdays with Stories" with Joe List and "We Might Be Drunk" with Sam Morril. Watch his latest stand-up special, "Soup to Nuts," on Netflix. www.marknormandcomedy.com Ari is the host of the "You Be Trippin'" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube. www.arishaffir.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer
    Tyler Fischer is a stand-up comic, actor, and filmmaker. His latest special, "The Election Special | LIVE at Comedy Mothership," is available now via YouTube. https://youtu.be/FmvJjMGX7hw?si=PyOsFVH4as8HMHBD www.tylerfischer.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh
    Noland Arbaugh is the first human recipient of Neuralink’s brain-computer interface implant: an innovative new technology that allows him to control digital devices with his thoughts. Noland Arbaugh: https://x.com/ModdedQuad Neuralink www.neuralink.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2166 - Enhanced Games

    #2166 - Enhanced Games
    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Finally, building a Community, we'll discuss the importance of building a community around your brand and how it can lead to greater success and impact. Jordan will share their tips on how to build a strong brand community, as well as their thoughts on the role of entrepreneurship in empowering the Black community.

    In this episode, we've learned about the power of diversity, entrepreneurship, and fashion in the Black community. Jordan has shared his inspiring story of building a brand that celebrates differences and promotes self-expression. We hope this episode has inspired you to embrace your own uniqueness and to use it to make a positive impact in the world.

    Thanks so much for listening! :) 

    If you like the listen to what Brilliant Species is all about, Follow Here!


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    Fearful to Fierce - Meet Singer & Entrepreneur Kylie Stephenson

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    In this Fearless Singer podcast - we're talking about one of the biggest challenges many of us singers face - performance anxiety.

    And we have a special guest, Singer, Actor & Entrepreneur Kylie Stephenson, who shares her journey of overcoming it.

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    This led to her taking an extended break from her performing career and singing lessons – she also bravely decided not to continue her tertiary studies in Music.

    However, with inner work, practice, and passion, she's overcome her fears and is performing again and now fronts a gigging pop band.

    In this episode, you will hear about some of the challenges Kylie faced as a young creative child, growing up Hyper Sensory in the 90s in Mt Isa, feeling too quirky and sensitive for those around her, and being raised in a sports-obsessed family.

    Despite this, music programs were available at her school, and Kylie was encouraged to join the concert band, playing the oboe for a year, which she reckons sounded more like a constipated duck. 😆

    This led her to be a part of school musicals, where a Music Teacher told her that she was cast as a particular character due to her natural ability to sing ‘off key’. Don’t you love unwoke adults in Education?

    This was one of the critical events that rattled Kylie's confidence and even affected her in class. She recalls being anxious about putting her hand up or being put on the spot to answer a question. We can all relate to that one!

    If you struggle with pitch, you will find Kylie’s story of developing her voice fascinating and encouraging.

    Kylie worked consciously and consistently to develop her pitch and singing skills, and she can now rely on her muscle memory and trust her pattern recognition.

    Also, if you identify as neuro-divergent, you will also gain a lot from Kylie’s accounts about being hyper-sensory and how it contributed to her anxiety. She talks about taking on the emotions of those around her and often feeling overwhelmed by her surroundings.

    But she has learned to manage her anxiety through Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping), mindfulness, and other embodied practices.

    Kylie discussed how she used tapping to overcome nerves around her first gig in her new band.

    She even used EFT and goal setting to attract her perfect band – which happened quickly! And then, within weeks, they had their first paid gig.

    I know you will find Kylie as inspiring as I do!

    I always love to hear from you! Please let me know what resonates in this episode for you! Hit reply!

    And by the way – if you are keen to prioritise your singing and creativity this year and want a hand to get started, it’s now Term 2, and the Fearless Singer School Doors are open! 

    It's group coaching, mentoring, vocal resources galore and transformative with a beautiful community! Come on over! www.fearlesssinger.com/school


    Mel Xx ️‍🔥🎵

    Lil Nas X: Overcoming the Battle Between Embracing Authenticity & Navigating Society's Expectations

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    Do you feel that you struggle with being authentic? 

    Do you want to overcome the judgment of society's perceptions of what it means to be authentic? 

    Today, Jay sits down with Lil Nas X. Lil Nas X is a 24-year-old award-winning rapper, singer, songwriter from Atlanta, Georgia. Dubbed “an internationally recognized phenomenon” by Billboard, Lil Nas X rose to fame in 2019 when he released “Old Town Road” and shattered genre norms, disrupted the charts and went viral worldwide.  After a highly successful EP and several multi-platinum songs, Nas went on to release his critically acclaimed and GRAMMY-nominated debut album Montero in September 2021, which featured the culture-shifting 6x Platinum hit “MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name)”. Following the release of Lil Nas X’s latest single “J CHRIST”, his beautiful new documentary, Lil Nas X: Long Live Montero, debuted this weekend on HBO and is available to stream now on Max.

    In this vulnerable episode Lil Nas X shares his story from being a shy kid in Atlanta Georgie to achieving his wildest dreams. Lil Nas X has proven that there is power of self-awareness and embracing your true identity, even in the face of loss and grief. He shares with us personal stories that have shaped him into the person he is today, and the person he is working on becoming. 

    The conversation navigates through fears, the misunderstood aspects of Lil Nas' message in his latest single, and the importance of cherishing time with family. They discuss spirituality, the quest for genuine love, dealing with a lack of control, and overcoming inner voices. 

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    • How to embrace authenticity
    • How to deal with societal expectations
    • How to be true to yourself
    • How to genuinely believe in what you love to do
    • How to make peace with your inner voice

    Tune in for a thought-provoking and heartwarming conversation that validates our humanness, flaws and strengths, and our ability to overcome difficult times.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:42 Fascination for Time Traveling
    • 03:55 Lil Nas X Helped Montero Morph Out of Being a Super Shy Kid  
    • 07:04 There’s No Reason to Stop, Even You Mess Up
    • 08:57 What’s Your Favorite Childhood Memory?
    • 10:32 Becoming Self Aware and More In Tune with Your Sexuality
    • 11:24 Losing a Loved One to Cancer
    • 16:22 A Song About not Being Present When a Loved One Needed You So Much
    • 17:39 Appreciating and Cherishing Time Spent with Family  
    • 19:27 What Scares You the Most Right Now?
    • 20:56 What Does Positive Chaos Look LIke?
    • 22:14 The Part of Montero’s Message That Got Misunderstood
    • 26:30 My Relationship with My Father
    • 28:52 We All Have Our Own Ideals in Seeing Other People 
    • 31:09 Freedom to Explore Your Spirituality
    • 35:05 This One Being That’s Connected to Everything
    • 36:28 Being Authentic and Relatable at the Same Time
    • 38:37 Fully Open to Finding Real, Genuine Love
    • 42:10 Overpowering the Voices in Your Head
    • 45:23 The Ability to Recognize that Everything has Its Place
    • 45:58 Allowing Your Younger Self to Grow 
    • 47:35 Things that Haven’t Been Said to My Family Are in the Documentary
    • 50:35 How to Help Others Work on Their Best Self
    • 54:04 How Do We Deal with Our Lack of Control?
    • 56:03 Why We Need to Relax Sometimes to Stay Sane
    • 57:23 The Habit of Watching a Movie to Take a Break
    • 59:34 What Are You Focusing on Over the Next 12 Months?
    • 01:01:39 Do You Believe in Angel Numbers?
    • 01:03:24 What Do You Do When You Can’t See the Signs?
    • 01:05:11 Lil Nas X on Final Five

    Episode Resources:

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    I Talk To Lubomir Arsov About His Animation In Shadow A Modern Odyssey

    I Talk To Lubomir Arsov About His Animation In Shadow A Modern Odyssey

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    Lubomir Arsov IG Twitter
    Lubomir Arsov Youtube
    Lubomir Arsov Youtube Substack
    Lubomir Arsov Substack

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    About Doc Malik: Orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik is on a journey of discovery when it comes to health and wellness. Through honest conversations with captivating individuals, Ahmad explores an array of topics that profoundly impact our well-being and health.

    You can follow us on social media, we are on the following platforms: 
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    Daniel Kaluuya: How to Respond When No One Believes in You & Why Other People's Perception of You is Not Your Reality

    Daniel Kaluuya: How to Respond When No One Believes in You & Why Other People's Perception of You is Not Your Reality

    Do you want to know how to respond when no one believes you?

    Do you know other people’s perception of you isn’t your reality?

    Today, Jay Shetty sits down with Daniel Kaluuya. Known for his role as Fred Hampton in Shaka King's American biographical crime drama film Judas and The Black Messiah, Daniel won the 2021 Academy Award, British Academy Film Award, and Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in Supporting Role. His feature film writing debut with Netflix, The Kitchen has received positive reviews.

    While football is a well loved topic between Jay and Daniel, the conversation shifted on Daniel’s earliest childhood memories that left an indelible mark on his life. We uncover the roots of his resilience and determination and his unwavering interest in writing. 

    Daniel looks back into the challenges he faced for having dark skin and offers his insights on how to change our mindset around racism. We will learn about the cost of chasing our desires, the inspiration behind “The Kitchen”, and the transformative power of bringing ideas into existence. Together they unpack the importance of making peace with people's perceptions, and the courage it takes to share your work and passion with the world. 

    In this interview, you’ll learn:

    • How to pursue your passion
    • How overcome your limits
    • How to turn ideas into reality
    • How to develop resilience

    Join us on this soul-stirring exploration of life, growth, and the resilience that lies within each of us.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 01:19 Earliest Childhood Memory That Changed Your Life
    • 06:07 What Would You Do When No One Believes In You?
    • 08:51 How the Interest in Writing Started
    • 11:52 Learning the Art of Improv
    • 14:25 Shared Love for Football
    • 19:27 Getting Shamed for Having Dark Skin
    • 23:37 How to Change Your Mindset Around Racism
    • 25:41 Standing Up For the Decisions that You Make
    • 27:46 The Cost of Wanting Something is High
    • 30:25 The Inspiration for The Kitchen
    • 33:54 Exposing Why People Live the Way They Do
    • 38:36 Overcoming the Fear of Making an Idea a Reality
    • 43:16 The Power of One Idea
    • 48:21 How Bringing Things into Existence can Change You
    • 52:29 Making Peace with People’s Perception of You
    • 58:51 Sharing Your Work and Passion to the World 
    • 01:01:36 Daniel on Final Five

    Episode Resources:

    Daniel Kaluuya | Instagram

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.