
    I WAS CAUGHT CHEATING -You Should Know Podcast-

    enAugust 15, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Accessing Affordable Weight Loss Treatments with XelphiXelphi is an online platform offering FDA-approved weight loss treatments, insurance coverage assistance, and significant discounts, creating a supportive community through Discord.

      Xelphi is an online platform that makes it easy and affordable to access FDA-approved weight loss treatments, including medications like Wegovy and Zepbound. These medications can be expensive, but Xelzi can help get them covered by insurance or offer significant discounts. The platform also provides a supportive community through Discord, where users can engage with each other and get exclusive content. Xelphi aims to make weight loss treatment accessible to everyone, regardless of insurance coverage or financial situation. The podcast host emphasizes the importance of community and connection, encouraging listeners to engage with the platform and share their experiences. If you're struggling with weight loss, Xelphi may be a helpful resource for you. To get started, text "lose" to 203100.

    • Relax and enjoy the moment with You Should Know podcastThe podcast offers listeners a chance to unwind, discuss various topics, and promote self-care and hygiene while encouraging listeners to take advantage of exclusive offers from sponsor Manscaped.

      The You Should Know podcast episode offers listeners a chance to relax and forget about their problems for an hour. The hosts, Payton and Cam, create a welcoming and light-hearted atmosphere where they discuss various topics and encourage their audience to enjoy the moment. They also promote self-care and hygiene, emphasizing the importance of feeling good about oneself. The episode is sponsored by Manscaped, a brand that provides below-the-waist grooming products, and listeners are encouraged to take advantage of exclusive discounts and offers to enhance their daily routine. Overall, the podcast aims to provide entertainment, relaxation, and practical advice, reminding listeners to take care of themselves and appreciate the little things in life.

    • Embarrassing moments in childhood classroomChildhood classroom experiences, including seemingly minor incidents, can leave lasting impacts due to heightened sensitivity and pressure felt during that time.

      Childhood experiences, particularly those that occur in a classroom setting, can be some of the most embarrassing moments in life due to the heightened sensitivity and pressure felt during that time. These moments are often magnified because students are not yet fully-fledged adults and their primary concern is school, making any embarrassment seem more significant. For instance, something as simple as coughing in class could feel mortifying, leaving the student feeling self-conscious and on display in front of their peers. These experiences can leave a lasting impact and serve as a reminder of the unique pressures and vulnerabilities that come with being a student.

    • Laughing as a coping mechanism in intense situationsPeople sometimes use laughter as an unexpected response to cope with intense or awkward situations, even if it's not socially acceptable.

      People sometimes cope with awkward or stressful situations by laughing, even if it's inappropriate or not the socially acceptable response at the moment. This was exemplified in the speaker's experiences with getting yelled at by teachers and witnessing a student assaulting his coach. These situations were so intense that the speaker's coping mechanism was to laugh, despite the seriousness of the situation. The speaker also mentioned that these teachers and coaches were generally cool and funny people, which added to the unexpected nature of their reactions. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the complexity and unpredictability of human emotions and behaviors in response to stress and awkward situations.

    • High school moments of embarrassmentHigh school can bring about embarrassing moments, but staying true to values and principles is important.

      High school can bring about embarrassing moments, even if they seem trivial at the time. For instance, a growling stomach in a silent classroom can lead to unwanted attention and assumptions. Another example is cheating, which might seem like an easy way out, but can result in consequences. The speaker shared a story about a friend, Steven, who was caught cheating during a test. Despite being a "high character dude," Steven's cheating was discovered, leading to embarrassment and consequences. The speaker also shared his personal philosophy on cheating, stating that he never cheated during his academic career due to a belief in having integrity. Another embarrassing moment the speaker shared was an incident where he had an itch in his eye that caused it to appear as if it was inverted, leading to confusion and concern. These stories illustrate that high school can bring about unexpected and sometimes embarrassing moments, but it's important to stay true to one's values and principles.

    • Respecting teachers and attending classes despite strugglesRegular class attendance and respect towards teachers are essential, even when facing academic challenges. Effective communication skills, particularly in English, are crucial for success in any profession.

      Even if a student may struggle with certain subjects like math, they should still attend classes regularly and respect their teachers. The speaker shares his personal experience of cheating in a statistics class during high school, but emphasizes that he was always attentive and respectful towards his teachers. He believes that effective communication skills, particularly in English, are crucial for any job or profession, and he was naturally good at it. The speaker also acknowledges that cheating is not an advocated solution and encourages students to focus on their strengths and find alternative ways to succeed in their studies. The conversation also touches upon the importance of clarity in communication, whether verbal, nonverbal, or written, and the role of English classes in developing these skills.

    • The power of studying togetherCollaborating with peers and receiving support can help overcome challenges and lead to academic success.

      Despite the challenges and accusations faced during school, the power of studying together and supporting each other can lead to success. The speaker shares an experience where they were accused of cheating, but the truth was they were studying with a friend who helped them understand the material. The teacher, unable to prove the cheating, made the speaker sit on the opposite side during the final exam. However, they managed to pass by taking pictures or airdropping answers during the test. This method was not ideal and is not recommended. The incident left a lasting impact on the speaker, who felt misunderstood and not accepted by their peers. However, the support and collaboration with their friend ultimately helped them succeed. It's important to remember that everyone has unique learning styles and may require different types of support. Collaboration and understanding from peers and teachers can lead to a more positive and successful educational experience.

    • Misconceptions in Trivia QuestionsPaying close attention to details and not making assumptions is crucial when answering trivia questions.

      While some trivia questions may seem simple, they can often be deceiving and require careful consideration. During a conversation, various questions were presented, and while some were answered correctly, others proved to be more challenging. For instance, the question about Benjamin Franklin serving as a president was met with several incorrect answers, including the assertion that he was the doctor in the tragic doctor-son story. Another common mistake was the assumption that all months have at least 31 days, leading to incorrect answers regarding the number of days in certain months. However, the interlocutor demonstrated impressive knowledge in other areas, such as correctly identifying the capital city of the United States and the state where the Boston Tea Party took place. The conversation also touched upon more complex topics, such as why women go through menopause but men don't, and the significance of leap years for people born on February 29th. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of paying close attention to the details and not making assumptions when answering trivia questions.

    • Cats vs. Dogs: Different Levels of ConnectivityCats are more independent and may not respond to human communication or form strong bonds with humans like dogs do.

      Despite their popularity as pets, cats are not as easily trainable or connectable with humans as dogs. The speaker shared his personal experience of a cat attack in his childhood, which shaped his perspective on cats. He believes that cats are self-sustaining animals that don't belong in homes yet, and they don't respond to human communication in the same way dogs do. Dogs can learn commands, respond to their names, and even have therapy sessions with their owners. Cats, on the other hand, are more independent and may not show the same level of attachment or affection towards humans. The speaker acknowledged that some people may have different experiences and may have successfully trained their cats, but in general, he prefers dogs due to their ability to form stronger bonds with humans.

    • Grandmother's Secret: Protecting Loved Ones from PainSecrets can protect loved ones' feelings but may cause long-term deception. Genuine connections in community can provide lasting support and friendship.

      Sometimes, people keep secrets to protect the feelings of their loved ones, even if it means continuing the deception long after the person they're deceiving has moved on. The speaker's grandmother lied to her and her brother about the fate of their beloved pet cat, Spot, for an entire year after its death. The grandmother believed that shielding her grandchildren from the truth would spare them the pain of losing their cherished companion. The speaker only discovered the truth long after her grandmother had passed away. Despite the deception, the speaker holds her grandmother in high regard and cherishes the memories they shared together. Another takeaway from this conversation is the power of community and the importance of genuine connections. The speaker and Apollo, a long-time fan of the podcast, have formed a close bond over their shared love for the show. Their connection has endured through various platforms, including livestreams and Discord calls, and has grown into a meaningful friendship.

    • The Power of Positive ConnectionsAppreciating positive connections and shared experiences can significantly improve mental well-being. Laughter and humor strengthen bonds and create cherished memories.

      The connection between individuals, built on good vibes and shared experiences, can have a profound impact on mental well-being. The speaker expresses his appreciation for the positive energy brought by another person, and the comfort and joy they bring during difficult times. This connection, established through shared humor and experiences, has led the speaker to desire meeting the person's mother and even inviting them to the studio. The podcast moment they shared, filled with laughter and teasing, serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining these connections and cherishing the memories made together.

    • Embrace the value of your experiencesHonesty and authenticity are essential, even in difficult situations. Embrace experiences, learn from mistakes, and enjoy the journey.

      No matter how difficult or seemingly insignificant your current situation may be, it holds value and purpose. Even if you feel like lying to get through it, remember that honesty and authenticity are essential. The speaker shared a personal experience of lying and the negative consequences that followed. They emphasized the importance of being truthful and acknowledging the impact of our actions. Additionally, they encouraged embracing our experiences, even the uncomfortable ones, as they shape us into who we are. So, give your all to whatever you do, enjoy the journey, and learn from your mistakes.

    • Effective Communication in Relationships: Avoiding MisunderstandingsClear, concise, and considerate communication can build stronger relationships and prevent misunderstandings, even in phone conversations.

      Effective communication is key to avoiding misunderstandings and frustrations in relationships, whether in-person or over the phone. The speakers in the conversation shared various pet peeves related to phone etiquette, such as not indicating if someone is in the room during a call or struggling with bad reception. However, the most significant issue discussed was the importance of clear communication about where people are and what they're doing. Misunderstandings, such as going to the wrong office or assuming someone is available when they're not, can lead to wasted time and feelings of frustration. The speakers acknowledged that they were not alone in experiencing these issues and encouraged others to share their experiences. Effective communication involves being clear, concise, and considerate of the other person's time and needs. By being mindful of these things, we can build stronger relationships and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

    • Navigating Communication ChallengesEffective communication requires respecting boundaries and trying new things, even when it's difficult. Avoiding proper phone call etiquette and forcing new foods can lead to frustration.

      Communication can be challenging, whether it's through phone calls or trying to understand each other's preferences. The speaker shared her frustration with people who don't end phone calls properly and the annoyance of being told to lower the volume of her music. She also expressed her dislike for packaged meat and her reluctance to try new foods, even if they're common. Despite these challenges, the speaker emphasized the importance of trying new things and not giving up on communication, even when it's difficult. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of clear communication and respecting each other's boundaries.

    • The Importance of Being Open-Minded About New ExperiencesBe open-minded and give new things a chance, even if they initially seem unappealing. Don't let fear or disgust prevent you from trying new experiences, and remember to ensure food safety.

      Even though people may have strong opinions or reactions to trying new things, it's important to give them a chance and not judge them solely based on appearance or initial impressions. In the discussion from the podcast, the hosts tried various foods, including tuna, and had very different reactions. One host was hesitant and found the tuna unappetizing, while the other encouraged him to try it and eventually convinced him to swallow it. This experience highlights the importance of being open-minded and not letting fear or disgust prevent us from trying new things. It's also important to remember that food safety is a concern and it's essential to ensure that the food is FDA approved before consuming it. Overall, the conversation shows the importance of trying new things, even if they may initially seem unappealing, and the benefits of having a supportive friend or community to encourage and guide us through new experiences.

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    TOUR TICKETS: https://linktr.ee/youshouldknowpodcast?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=cf28649f-95a7-4878-8701-fc4ea9c2f071 NEW MERCH: https://youshould-know.shop/password PATREON: Patreon.com/YouShouldknowPodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/You-Should-Know-Podcast/61552092953106/ NEW TWITCH CHANNEL: https://m.twitch.tv/peytonhardin/home Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 0:00 TOUR TICKETS 1:51 CAM JOINS! 5:07 Prerequisites LISP 6:05 What Kind Of Drunk Are You? 9:40 BOOKING.COM 10:52 Peyton Doesn’t Believe in Castles 13:09 The BATH Debate 14:06 Peyton’s Teeth Are Falling Out 15:53 We aren’t Close Anymore 21:10 FUM 22:49 TESTING OUR ZODIAC SIGNS 29:21 Not Brushing Teeth On Tour 32:38 KLEENEX 33:46 THE FISH GILL DEBATE 43:33 HELLO FRESH 45:15 Inventing a New Game! 49:05 Cam Has Swine Flu 50:25 Grandmas CRAZY LAST WORDS 52:21 Do Mosquitos Know Who They Are? 53:16 The HUNTING Debate 56:27 Playing With Taxidermy Mouths 58:15 The OATMEAL Debate 1:04:41 POP CULTURE (YOUR HONOR/MAVS) 1:13:16 ANNOUNCEMENTS Todays Sponsors: Booking.com: BOOK YOUR NEXT TRIP! https://www.booking.com KLEENEX: Get Your Kleenex to fight this allergy season! FUM: GET A FREE GIFT WITH YOUR JOURNEY PACK! GO TO TRYFUM.COM USE CODE YSK HelloFresh: GET FREE APPETIZERS FOR LIFE AT https://www.hellofresh.com/pages/podcast?c=YSKAPPS&mealsize=3-2&dm=meals&utm_source=podcast&utm_medium=cpm&utm_campaign=podcastfafl&utm_content=act_podcast_podcastads&dm_custom=apps&discount_comm_id=69a00013-80db-4f6e-8cdb-87ca07973397&dis_channel=audio YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    TOUR TICKETS: https://linktr.ee/youshouldknowpodcast?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=cf28649f-95a7-4878-8701-fc4ea9c2f071 PATREON: Patreon.com/YouShouldknowPodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/You-Should-Know-Podcast/61552092953106/ NEW TWITCH CHANNEL: https://m.twitch.tv/peytonhardin/home Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 0:00 TOUR TICKETS 1:45 MANSCAPED 3:28 CAM JOINS! 5:02 Called For Jury Duty! 6:17 Peyton’s Skin Infections 10:00 How many Times Have You Seen It? 11:45 MANDO 13:33 JOINING THE SECRET SERVICE 16:29 Cam Got in a Wreck! 19:00 PEYTON TAKES U.S. CITIZEN QUIZ 29:45 WILD Internet Games! 32:42 Sleeping With My Parents 33:49 CAMS INSANE AVATAR! 35:05 Cam was at January 6 36:10 CUTS 38:10 PEYTONS LISP RETURNS 41:02 $200/hr OR Drive Speed Limit 44:56 CEJAYS ROTTEN BREATH 48:25 SURVIVING IN ANIMAL KINGDOMS 52:16 HIPPOS VS EAGLES 54:29 WILD V*rginity Stories! 57:07 Do Birds Make Love? 1:01:52 OLD ENGLISH INSULTS 1:07:31 Stuttering On A Voicemail 1:11:18 DR.P (GOT HER PREGNANT) 1:16:43 ANNOUNCEMENTS Todays Sponsors: Manscaped - 20% off + free shipping Manscaped.com Code: PSH Mando - Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @shop.mando and get $5 off off your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% off) with promo code YSK at shopmando.com! #mandopod Cuts - Refine your style with @cutsclothing and get 20% off with code YSK at https://www.cutsclothing.com/YSK #cutspartner YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 FOLLOW PEYTON: https://instagram.com/psh8?igshid=ZDg1NjBiNjg= JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/V5WYhSte2R Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    TOUR TICKETS: https://linktr.ee/youshouldknowpodcast?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=cf28649f-95a7-4878-8701-fc4ea9c2f071 NEW MERCH: https://youshould-know.shop/password PATREON: Patreon.com/YouShouldknowPodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/You-Should-Know-Podcast/61552092953106/ NEW TWITCH CHANNEL: https://m.twitch.tv/peytonhardin/home Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 0:00 TOUR TICKETS 1:38 CAM JOINS 4:10 NY Portal & Red Carpet is INSANE 8:03 The “ GREAT” Britain Debate 10:42 FÜM 12:08 Revealing Our Insecurities 14:15 Cam & Peyton Fight Zombies 19:23 HIMS 20:31 Peyton’s InGrown Secret 22:02 The Fitted Sheet Debate 23:45 Insensitive School Holidays! 26:51 Chased By Ted B*ndy Vs. Cops! 32:11 PDS DEBT 33:39 Peyton has a STALKER?! 37:30 WILDEST Kahoot Names! 40:34 Kids Dont take Safety Drills Serious 43:45 SPELLING BEE 57:12 The Lunchables Debate! 1:05:23 DR.P (Dating My Friends Fiancé) 1:10:03 ANNOUNCEMENTS Todays Sponsors: FUM: https://tryfum.com HIMS: https://www.hims.com/consult-start-qn-mbg-dlp-holiday?utm_source=QCode&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=hims&utm_content=YSK&utm_product=zeus&utm_term=rsu PDS DEBT: https://pdsdebt.com/free-debt-assessment/?ref=ysk YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 FOLLOW PEYTON: https://instagram.com/psh8?igshid=ZDg1NjBiNjg= JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/V5WYhSte2R Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    BLIND DATE GONE WRONG! -You Should Know Podcast-

    BLIND DATE GONE WRONG! -You Should Know Podcast-
    TOUR TICKETS: https://linktr.ee/youshouldknowpodcast?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=cf28649f-95a7-4878-8701-fc4ea9c2f071 NEW MERCH: https://youshould-know.shop/password PATREON: Patreon.com/YouShouldknowPodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/You-Should-Know-Podcast/61552092953106/ NEW TWITCH CHANNEL: https://m.twitch.tv/peytonhardin/home Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 Todays Sponsors: KLEENEX: Get Your Kleenex to fight this allergy season! Manscaped: 20% off + free shipping Manscaped.com Code: PSH Rocket money: https://app.rocketmoney.com/signup?_forward_params=1&_smtype=3&cl=on&utm_campaign=ysk&utm_medium=podcast&utm_source=podcast&wpcid=ysk&wpcn=ysk&wpsnetn=podcast YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 FOLLOW PEYTON: https://instagram.com/psh8?igshid=ZDg1NjBiNjg= JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/V5WYhSte2R Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    HOOKING UP AT THE DENTIST! -You Should Know Podcast-

    HOOKING UP AT THE DENTIST! -You Should Know Podcast-
    TOUR TICKETS: https://linktr.ee/youshouldknowpodcast?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=cf28649f-95a7-4878-8701-fc4ea9c2f071 NEW MERCH: https://youshould-know.shop/password PATREON: Patreon.com/YouShouldknowPodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/You-Should-Know-Podcast/61552092953106/ NEW TWITCH CHANNEL: https://m.twitch.tv/peytonhardin/home Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 0:00 TOUR TICKETS 1:14 Manscaped 2:34 CAM JOINS! 4:16 Seven Minutes In Heaven 5:57 Cams a Peeping Tom! 7:29 Finding The Wild Magazines 9:39 DROWNING During CAMP ROCK 11:50 Wild Mothers Day Observation 12:53 Holiday Conspiracy Theory 14:25 Peyton Sleeps UNDER his Bed! 16:20 Waking Up With Ants! 17:37 HIMS 18:55 Peyton Dissected BUGS! 21:07 Cam Confronted SUPERMAN 23:52 Faking The BULDGE 25:58 BETTER HELP 27:12 CRAZY COLLEGE HALLOWEEN STORY 30:13 “FEELS LIKE” GUY?! 32:52 Worlds Strangest Jobs 35:06 Moaning At The Dentist 39:24 Blame It On The Fame 40:34 Homeless Calendar? 45:45 We Are CONTROLLED! 50:45 COLORS OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS? 57:58 POP CULTURE Kendrick Vs. Drake 1:05:32 DR.P (2 GIRLFRIENDS!) 1:09:17 ANNOUNCEMENTS Todays Sponsors: Manscaped: 20% off + free shipping Manscaped.com Code: PSH BetterHelp: https://www.betterhelp.com/get-started/?slug=ysk&utm_source=podcast&utm_campaign=2520&utm_term=ysk&promo_code=ysk&landing_page_img=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2Fkiaehr7.png&aff_channel=podcast&discount_rate=10&discount_period=P1M&date_interval=P1M&percentage_off=10&amount=1&amount_spelled_out=one&unit=month&gor=start-go HIMS: https://www.hims.com/consult-start-qn-mbg-dlp-holiday?utm_source=QCode&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=hims&utm_content=YSK&utm_product=zeus&utm_term=rsu Follow Blame It On The Fame: Milli Vanilli on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 FOLLOW PEYTON: https://instagram.com/psh8?igshid=ZDg1NjBiNjg= JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/V5WYhSte2R Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    SHARING HER HUSBAND? -You Should Know Podcast-

    SHARING HER HUSBAND? -You Should Know Podcast-
    TOUR TICKETS: https://linktr.ee/youshouldknowpodcast?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=cf28649f-95a7-4878-8701-fc4ea9c2f071 NEW MERCH: https://youshould-know.shop/password PATREON: Patreon.com/YouShouldknowPodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/You-Should-Know-Podcast/61552092953106/ NEW TWITCH CHANNEL: https://m.twitch.tv/peytonhardin/home Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 Todays Sponsors: HARRYS: Get started with a $13 trial set for just $3 at https://www.harrys.com/lpg/us-podcast/?utm_source=You%20Should%20Know%20Podcast&utm_medium=new-podcast&utm_campaign=ft-lp-redeem&name=You%20Should%20Know%20Podcast%20listeners%21%20Your%20discount%20has%20been%20applied LECTRIC EBIKES: TELL THEM YSK SENT YOU https://lectricebikes.com LIQUIDIV: That’s 20% off your first order when you shop better hydration today using promo code YSK. https://www.liquid-iv.com/YSK MACK WELDON: Get timeless looks with modern comfort from Mack Weldon. 20% off your first order! https://mackweldon.com/ysk KLEENEX: USE KLEENEX THIS ALLERGY SEASON! YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 FOLLOW PEYTON: https://instagram.com/psh8?igshid=ZDg1NjBiNjg= JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/V5WYhSte2R Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    WE ALMOST ENDED IT ALL! -You Should Know Podcast-

    WE ALMOST ENDED IT ALL! -You Should Know Podcast-
    TOUR TICKETS: https://linktr.ee/youshouldknowpodcast?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=cf28649f-95a7-4878-8701-fc4ea9c2f071 NEW MERCH: https://youshould-know.shop/password PATREON: Patreon.com/YouShouldknowPodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/You-Should-Know-Podcast/61552092953106/ NEW TWITCH CHANNEL: https://m.twitch.tv/peytonhardin/home Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 0:00 TOUR TICKETS/MERCH OUT NOW 1:34 Cam Joins! 3:15 Strange Way To Dry Off 9:30 Peyton Wants a Prost*te Exam 12:46 Peyton Dated Zendaya?! 14:16 Rocket Money 15:56 Exposing Our Embarrassing Passions 18:19 Movie Theater Pet Peeves! 22:51 Exposing Cams Bottom Teeth 26:05 Our Famous Last Words 31:46 The Worst Way to Leave a Convo 33:54 How We Interact With Fans 39:13 Living in a van vs Camping 46:17 Hallucination Story! 47:11 Rolls In Our Intimate Relationship 49:44 Learning The Meaning of Words 52:37 Having Fake Friends! 53:28 What if We Weren’t Friends? 56:35 EMBARRASSING FAST FOOD STORY 59:20 PULLED OVER BY POLICE STORY 1:07:10 Peyton Is Scared Of Mascots? 1:08:33 Wild Recess Stories 1:14:14 Accidentally Stealing From Store 1:15:30 Pocket Placement Debate 1:20:19 TRIVIA COMPETITION 1:43:02 ANNOUNCEMENTS Todays Sponsors: Rocket Money: https://app.rocketmoney.com/signup?_forward_params=1&_smtype=3&cl=on&utm_campaign=ysk&utm_medium=podcast&utm_source=podcast&wpcid=ysk&wpcn=ysk&wpsnetn=podcast YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 FOLLOW PEYTON: https://instagram.com/psh8?igshid=ZDg1NjBiNjg= JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/V5WYhSte2R Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    ep.53 - How to Make Peace With Food & Yourself - Avril Carpenter - Clinical Hypnotherapist

    Welcome to Episode 53 of the #SPAITGIRL Talk Show with Podcast Host Yvette Le Blowitz

    and our very special guest

    Avril Carpenter is a Leading Clinical Hypnotherapist who specialises in weight loss hypnotherapy for women and she helps them reset sabotaging habits with  virtual gastric hypnosis 

    She shares that looking at her photos it's easy to assume that I've always had a happy relationship with my body and food.

    But in the kindest sends of the word I have been around the block when it comes to struggling with food and body confidence.

    Like so many women, I have a history of dieting, binge eating, and hating my body.

    Family-sized tubs of ice-cream, salt and vinegar chips and liquorice all sorts were my hidden shame.

    It wasn't until she stopped dieting and acknowledged some of the 'stuff' in my head with hypnotherapy that my relationship with food and body changed.

    Hypnotherapy had such tremendous echo in ever part of her life, that she left the corporate world and now spends her days helping women feel comfortable .

    In this podcast show host Yvette Le Blowitz - Author of It Starts With Me founder of #SPAITGIRL an online spa, self care, travel blog community also open's up about her own struggles with her body, body image issues and how even as an online spa travel blogger, travel presenter how she has to take her own self hate thoughts on as it's easy to get caught up comparing yourself when using social media especially Instagram as she has personally experienced blogging when it had nothing to do with modelling to now it is more about modelling thanks to apps like instagram. 

    Are you ready to be your happy shape and size to make peace with food, to live the joyful life you truly crave.

    Then get ready to plug your ear phones in to go for a walk outside while listening or to lay on the couch if you have to stay in side to this week's brand new #spaitgirl podcast show

    After you tune in I would love to hear what you think...

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    Did it bring you value? was it of help in anyway?

    Did you love the real talk feel unscripted non pc with both the podcast host and guest saying how they truly feel?

    I can't wait to read your comments and thoughts.

    If you would love to receive more weekly #spaitgirl podcast shows every Monday besure to 

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    - to stay connected via social media on any app by searching for Spa it Girl 

    - podcast show page on instagram can be found at @spaitgirl 

    You can access free tools, resources, content thanks to our very special guest Avril Carpenter visit her website at www.avrilcarpenter.com

    or follow Avril Carpenter on instagram @avril.carpenter

    or via her Facebook page Avril Carpenter 



    Episode #34: Back-2-Basics Part 3

    Episode #34: Back-2-Basics Part 3
    In this episode, Lia recaps Part 2 of her Back to Basic Series and moves forward with the idea of leveling up, holding yourself accountable, creating and reviewing your 24 hour plan, and realizing that through habit, you will be ready to change your behavior with food.

    Lia is one smart cookie. Despite holding degrees from both Stanford and UC Berkeley she was unable to crack the code on her struggle with overeating for decades. No matter how many books read, diets tried, or mindful eating methods subscribed to she could not resolve her struggle with food and weight. After becoming a life coach in 2016 she learned about weight loss coaching and was totally skeptical-- after all, if it worked she would have tried it already! She decided to give it a go anyway and was blown away by the results. Not only did she lose weight without using willpower or resistance, but she no longer experienced the over-hunger and cravings that had plagued her since childhood. Weight loss coaching provided the missing link!! It not only helped her figure out what to eat, but it addressed her mindset around food and weight. She learned to think differently which led her to eat differently and in a simple, sustainable way. That was 30 pounds ago. Today she lives happily with her family in California and maintains her natural weight without counting calories or carbs. She’s on a mission to teach other women how to ditch the diet drama and create the lives they crave, unapologetically.

    Connect with Lia Pinelli!
    Join the Level Up: Ditch The Diet Drama Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/ditchthedietdrama
    Website - https://www.liapinelli.com/
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/liapinellicoaching
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/liapinelli/

    Episode 5: Does Eating Fat Make You Fat? with Jon Peterson

    Episode 5: Does Eating Fat Make You Fat? with Jon Peterson

    Back in the 1970s, the government recommended we eat a low-fat, high-carb diet, which led to a spike in heart disease and an increase in obesity in America.


    In this episode, Alyson and Dr. Jon discuss the popular misconception that eating fat makes you fat. They both share their experiences of weight loss and weight gain and why listening to our bodies is the key to being healthy.


    They also touch on the benefits of the keto diet, the Mediterranean diet, intermittent fasting, and the role of carbohydrates in our diet. What we eat and when we eat affects our cholesterol, brain function, energy levels, and so much more.


    Want more? 

    Visit www.PetersonFamilyCoaching.com to find out more about us.


    Ready to make healthy changes to your lifestyle and diet?

    Visit www.FatToFuel.com to get started


    Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for more @PetersonFamilyCoaching


    Follow us on YouTube for more videos @PetersonFamilyCoaching