
    Idaho Murders Latest, and 1/6 Intel Failures, with Matt Taibbi, Candice DeLong, Brian Entin, and Jonna Spilbor | Ep. 466

    enJanuary 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the Complexities of Current Events: Idaho Murders, Capitol Hill, and Tech CompaniesFormer FBI profiler sheds light on suspect's seemingly contradictory behavior, Capitol Hill's Republican party grapples with McCarthy's opposition, and the Twitter files reveal potential information suppression by tech giants.

      The complexities of current events continue to unfold, from the Idaho College murders and the arrest of Brian Kohberger, to the ongoing drama on Capitol Hill and the speaker race for Kevin McCarthy. In the Idaho case, the question remains: how can a suspect accused of such heinous crimes seemingly show love to his parents? Former FBI criminal profiler insights may provide answers. On Capitol Hill, the anger within the Republican party towards McCarthy's opposition is palpable, with some questioning why they should support him despite his past flip-flops. Meanwhile, the Twitter files and potential revelations from Facebook and Google files add another layer to the ongoing conversation about suppression of information and free speech. Ultimately, these events highlight the importance of open, honest, and provocative conversations to understand the nuances of the world around us.

    • Power struggle for US House SpeakershipRepublicans negotiate for Speakership, contrasting with Democrats' quick surrender last fall, highlighting importance of firm political beliefs and negotiation from strength, with Trump's endorsement of McCarthy illustrating his continued influence

      The ongoing power struggle for the Speakership of the US House of Representatives between Kevin McCarthy and his detractors within the Republican Party is a prime example of the political maneuvering and negotiation that is an inherent part of the political process. Jake Sherman's report of a deal between McCarthy and Chip Roy, despite denials from McCarthy, highlights the intense efforts by both sides to secure votes and assert their political influence. This situation contrasts with the quick surrender of progressive Democrats last fall over a peace letter regarding Ukraine, and underscores the importance of holding firm to one's political beliefs and negotiating from a position of strength. Despite media narratives that Trump no longer holds power, his endorsement of McCarthy underscores his continued influence within the party. Ultimately, this situation demonstrates the complex and dynamic nature of American politics, where power is not guaranteed and must be earned through effective negotiation and persuasion.

    • Trump's Enduring Popularity: Mistrust of Institutions Fueling SupportDespite controversies, Trump's base remains loyal due to public's mistrust in institutions and Trump's effective exploitation of it. Addressing the root causes of this mistrust is a challenge yet to be met.

      The political phenomenon of Donald Trump continues to be a lasting force, despite desires from both sides of the aisle to make it go away. Trump's popularity stems from the public's mistrust in institutions like the media, law enforcement, and Congress, and he effectively channels this mistrust into support for himself. Despite missteps and controversies, his base remains loyal. The January 6th committee's focus on Trump rather than the law enforcement response to the riot is a prime example of this. The real challenge lies in addressing the root causes of this mistrust, a task that has yet to be undertaken effectively by those in power.

    • Perception Gap Between Democrats and Law Enforcement AgenciesThe public perceives a growing divide between Democrats and law enforcement agencies, with concerns over perceived overreach and politicization. The FBI's shift from crime-fighting to domestic intelligence gathering is a significant factor, leading to a preference for a refocus on traditional investigations.

      The divide between the Democratic Party and the perceived overreach of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, such as the FBI and DHS, is widening. This issue is rooted in a perception among some that these agencies are acting in concert with Democratic goals, leading to a denial of any problem and even seeing it as a positive. This perception stems from a belief that the national news media is out of touch with ordinary people and in denial about it. The FBI, once primarily a crime-fighting agency, has evolved into a domestic intelligence agency with questionable methods and priorities. This shift, which began after the 9/11 attacks and was accelerated under the Bush administration, has had severe consequences and been politicized. The public would prefer to see the FBI focusing on traditional crime-fighting and investigations rather than gathering information without clear criminal hints. This issue is complex and may be an unbridgeable problem, especially with the Democrats in power.

    • Twitter's Shadow Banning and Government Requests for Moderation RevealedTwitter's shadow banning practices and government requests for account suspensions have been exposed, revealing a complex system of visibility filtering and manipulation, affecting potentially millions of accounts.

      The Twitter files, which have been made public after Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter, have revealed the existence of shadow banning and a sophisticated system of government requests for moderation on the platform. Shadow banning, also known as visibility filtering, allows Twitter to control how much one account can be seen versus another, ranging from completely unsearchable to highly amplified. The number of accounts affected by this is believed to be enormous, with countless cases of accounts being labeled with notations like "trends blacklist" or "do not amplify." The government sends in requests with lists of suspect accounts, which are often suspended. Twitter's tools for manipulating visibility are extensive, allowing for accounts to be made visible only to followers, searchable only by certain people, and retweetable only by specific groups. These revelations have confirmed the suspicions of many that reality itself was being manipulated on the platform. The extent of this manipulation and the number of affected accounts is still being determined.

    • Government Agencies' Influence on Social Media ModerationGovernment agencies like the FBI and DHS can formally request social media companies to moderate content, raising concerns about potential suppression of First Amendment rights.

      The relationship between social media platforms like Twitter and law enforcement or intelligence agencies raises significant concerns about the suppression of free speech. The discussion reveals anecdotal evidence of individuals experiencing stagnant follower growth, which some attribute to shadow banning or censorship. However, the more concerning issue uncovered through reporting is the formalized system by which these companies receive requests for moderation from government agencies like the FBI and DHS. This coordination goes beyond preventing foreign interference in elections and raises questions about the potential suppression of First Amendment rights. The speakers express concern that the government may be influencing the internal dialogue of Americans, and the revelation of these practices has led to calls for greater transparency and accountability.

    • Governments pushing for control over social media content moderationTwitter admitted to removing Russian state actor content at US intel's request, raising concerns about gov't overreach and impact on free speech.

      The relationship between social media companies and governments is becoming increasingly intertwined, with governments pushing for more control over content moderation on these platforms. This was highlighted in a series of emails where a Twitter executive acknowledged the company's practice of removing content identified as being controlled by Russian state actors at the request of US intelligence agencies. This revelation raises concerns about the potential for government overreach and the impact on free speech. The Twitter files also shed light on the role of social media in political movements and the efforts to control it. The debate around this issue is ongoing, and it's important for individuals to stay informed and engaged in the conversation.

    • Bayless' tweet sparks debate on journalistic ethicsDespite disagreements, the importance of maintaining friendships and standing by one's convictions was emphasized in a discussion about Skip Bayless' tweet and Barbara Walters' memoir.

      The debate revolved around Skip Bayless' tweet about DeMarcus Ware's injury during a football game. While some felt it was insensitive, others defended Bayless as a journalist who is naturally curious and objective. Canadian Debbie, a longtime producer, strongly supported Bayless' actions. Barbara Walters' memoir, "Audition," was also discussed, with Megyn Kelly sharing lessons learned about motherhood from Walters' mistakes. The conversation ended with an update on the Idaho college students' murder case, where new evidence has come to light. Despite disagreements, the importance of maintaining friendships and standing by one's convictions was emphasized.

    • PhD student in criminology suspected of Idaho student murdersA PhD student in criminology, Brian Kohberger, is the prime suspect in the murders of four University of Idaho students. Despite leaving behind a knife sheath with his DNA, the motive and connection to the victims remains unclear.

      Brian Kohberger, a PhD student in criminology, is the prime suspect in the murders of four University of Idaho students. The affidavit reveals that he was in the area of the crime scene multiple times leading up to the murders, and was detected near the house right before and after the crime. However, his cell phone was not detected during the actual time of the murders, leading investigators to believe he may have turned it off or put it on airplane mode. The suspect's lack of caution in leaving behind a knife sheath with his DNA on it at the crime scene is particularly notable for someone with a background in criminology. The connection between Kohberger and the victims is still unclear, and no motive has been established. The investigation is ongoing, and recent developments include the discovery of his father's DNA in a trash can, which may provide a link to the suspect. The FBI has been following Kohberger for at least four days before his arrest.

    • FBI's quiet investigation leads to Brian Kohberger's arrestThe FBI used technology, surveillance, and witness statements to identify and locate Brian Kohberger, highlighting the importance of transparency and timely information sharing in crime investigations.

      The FBI had been investigating Brian Kohberger for over a month before his arrest in December 2022. The investigation began when a Hyundai Elantra, registered to Kohberger, was identified in surveillance footage near the crime scene. The FBI had been quietly gathering information, including cell phone data and witness statements, without sharing much with the public or the victims' families. One of the surviving roommates, who was initially reported to be sleeping during the murder, had actually witnessed important details. She heard crying, barking, and a man's voice, and even saw the killer wearing a mask and bushy eyebrows as he walked by her bedroom window on the second floor. The FBI used this information, along with the description of the car, to identify and locate Kohberger. The investigation highlights the extensive use of technology and surveillance in modern crime solving, as well as the importance of gathering and sharing information with the public and victims' families in a timely and transparent manner.

    • Evidence collection in Moscow, Idaho murders investigation was more proactive than reportedLaw enforcement obtained significant evidence, including suspect's name and surveillance footage, by end of November 2022. Traffic stops of suspect in Indiana were possibly orchestrated for more evidence, but poor video quality and lack of ticket raise suspicion.

      The small police department involved in the investigation of the Moscow, Idaho murders was more proactive than it appeared in media reports. They had obtained significant evidence, including surveillance footage and the suspect's name, by the end of November 2022. However, the traffic stops of the suspect in Indiana in late November, which law enforcement officials initially claimed were organic, are now suspected by some to have been orchestrated by the FBI to obtain visual evidence and gather more information. The poor quality of the video evidence from these stops and the lack of a ticket issued to the suspect add to the suspicion. Overall, the investigation was more complex and deliberate than initially portrayed, with law enforcement agencies working together to build a strong case against the suspect.

    • Traffic stop leads to suspect identification and arrestA traffic stop for tailgating led police to identify the suspect, Brian Kohlberger, and obtain crucial evidence from his cell phone records, ultimately leading to his arrest for a premeditated murder.

      The car stop led the police to the suspect in the case, Brian Kohlberger, despite initial assumptions that the FBI might have been involved. The traffic stops were not for speeding, but for tailgating, and the police had probable cause to obtain a search warrant for Kohlberger's cell phone records, which provided crucial evidence. It's unlikely that the FBI would involve local police departments and put the investigation at risk of leaks. The police had identified Kohlberger as the driver of a white Hyundai Elantra by 11:29, and had been tracking him before his arrest on December 29th. Kohlberger, who was new to the Washington State region, had recently moved there from Pennsylvania, where he had completed his undergraduate and master's degrees. His parents, who were reportedly struggling financially, had planned a trip to drive him home, raising suspicions that the murder was premeditated.

    • Suspect's trash bags yield potential evidenceA suspect has been arrested in a murder case based on a probable cause affidavit. Evidence includes trash bags containing potential evidence that were found in a neighbor's bin and are now being searched. Defense will challenge aspects of the case, and investigation continues.

      The ongoing investigation into the murders of four individuals has led to the arrest of a suspect based on a probable cause affidavit. The affidavit contains evidence suggesting the suspect may have attempted to dispose of the trash bags containing potential evidence in his neighbor's bin. The police have retrieved these bags and are conducting a thorough search of the suspect's apartment and car for additional evidence. The defense team will likely challenge certain aspects of the case, including the reliability of DNA evidence and potential alternate explanations for the observed facts. The investigation is ongoing, and more information will be revealed in the coming weeks and months. The case is intriguing from both a human and legal perspective, with many unanswered questions and potential complexities.

    • Roommate's delayed call to police raises questionsThe DNA evidence from the crime scene may not be enough for a conviction and the roommate's delayed response to the crime adds complexity to the investigation

      The DNA evidence found at the crime scene may not be enough for a conviction, and the roommate's delay in calling the police raises questions about her behavior. The case involves multiple victims, and the only potential DNA connection is a sheath from a knife, but it's unclear if it's the murder weapon's sheath. The prosecution may face challenges if this is the only DNA evidence. The roommate, Dylan, reported hearing strange noises and voices during the night, but she didn't call the police until almost noon the next day. She described seeing a figure in black clothing and a mask, but she didn't recognize him. The investigation is ongoing, and a 911 call from the roommate that allegedly came in at 11:58 AM is not available to the public. The roommate's behavior, especially her delay in calling the police, has raised eyebrows, but it's important to remember that everyone reacts differently to traumatic situations. The lack of a clear DNA connection and the roommate's delayed response to the crime add complexity to the case.

    • Possible motives for Idaho College murdersAnger, potential revenge, or deep resentment towards women could have motivated the Idaho College murders. The suspect's violent behavior towards women, lack of former intimate partners, and knowledge of forensics suggest a calculated attack.

      The accused killer in the Idaho College murders may have been motivated by anger, potential revenge, or a deep sense of resentment towards women, possibly due to his perceived inability to form intimate relationships. This theory is supported by the fact that one victim was brutally murdered with multiple stab wounds, while the other victims were not harmed as severely. Additionally, there have been reports of the suspect's angry and short-tempered behavior towards women, and no former intimate partners have come forward. The suspect's knowledge of forensics and lack of leaving behind any incriminating evidence also suggest a calculated and planned attack, but not necessarily an attempt at a perfect murder. Overall, the investigation is still ongoing, and this theory is speculative, but it sheds light on a potential motivation for the crime.

    • Pre-crime behavior and mistakes could provide crucial clues for investigatorsExamining the attacker's behavior before the crime and potential mistakes made during the crime could help investigators understand the motivations behind the incident and identify the perpetrator.

      The discussion suggests that the attacker's behavior leading up to the crime scene, such as potential mistakes made during the crime and his age, could provide important clues for investigators. The attacker's apparent focus on the victims in the house and lack of prior violent history may indicate that this was a first-time, isolated incident rather than the work of a serial killer. The speaker also notes that the victims being in a state of sleep when attacked raises questions about the motivations behind the crime. Additionally, the potential presence of traumatic shock in the victims could explain their inability to react or call for help before the attack. Overall, the investigation should focus on any potential pre-crime behavior or mistakes made by the attacker, as well as the possibility of the victims being in traumatic shock.

    • Understanding the Mindset of CriminalsIndividuals capable of heinous crimes can hide their dark thoughts and obsessions, appearing loving towards their families, but their fascination and obsession can lead them to commit such acts

      Individuals who commit heinous crimes, such as murder, may appear to be high-functioning and even loving towards their families, but they may have been harboring dark thoughts and obsessions for extended periods. The case of Brian Koberger, who studied criminal thinking during his doctoral thesis, is a chilling example of this phenomenon. Koberger's thesis focused on understanding the mindset of a criminal during the commission of a crime, which raises the question of how someone could both love their family and commit such acts. The example of Ted Bundy, who lived with a woman he loved while committing multiple murders, demonstrates that this is indeed possible. These individuals may not remember the exact moment they made the decision to commit the crime, but their obsession and fascination with the act can drive them to carry it out.

    • Psychopaths' Capacity for Love vs. Lack of RemorseDespite their ability to love, psychopaths lack the capacity for remorse or guilt for their actions. Dennis Rader (BTK) and Brian Kohlberger are two examples of this paradox.

      Psychopaths, despite their capacity for love, lack the ability to feel remorse or guilt for their actions. The case of Dennis Rader, also known as BTK, serves as a chilling reminder of this fact. Married and a father of two, Rader's loved ones were shocked to discover that he had been raping and killing women for years. His daughter, who has spoken out about the situation, wonders if there might be a connection between Rader and Brian Kohlberger, another killer with a similar background. Kohlberger, who is currently accused of the Idaho murders, had a professor, Dr. Katherine Ramsland, who also studied Rader extensively. Although there are similarities between the two cases, it's essential to note that there's no concrete evidence linking Kohlberger to sexual assault or rape, unlike Rader's crimes. However, some speculation exists based on a podcast conversation between a caller claiming to be Kohlberger and a podcast host prior to his arrest. Ultimately, the ability to love does not exclude the possibility of committing heinous acts, and the absence of remorse or guilt is a defining characteristic of psychopaths.

    • Did Sigma Chi fraternity members ask Kohlberger about getting away with murder?The conversation raises questions about potential motivations for a suspect in a double murder case, including possible influence from his fraternity and the incel subculture.

      The discussion raises questions about the potential motivations of Brian Kohlberger, a doctoral student in forensic psychology, who is a suspect in a double murder case. The conversation suggests that Kohlberger may have been asked by members of his fraternity, Sigma Chi, about getting away with murder. It's unclear if this was a serious inquiry or a joke taken too far. Additionally, the theory of incels, or involuntarily celibate individuals, was brought up as a possible motivation for Kohlberger. Incels often blame others for their own social and sexual struggles, dividing people into categories such as Staceys, Chads, and betas. The discussion also touched on Kohlberger's reported difficult childhood and social awkwardness with women. Overall, the conversation sheds light on the complexities of understanding a potential killer's state of mind and motivations.

    • The unpredictability of human behavior and its potential to lead to violent actsEven seemingly insignificant interactions can ignite deep-seated resentment and anger in some individuals, leading to violent behavior, and understanding the motivations behind such acts can be complex and unpredictable.

      The human mind can be unpredictable, and even a brief interaction could potentially ignite a chain of events leading to violent behavior. The case of a suspected stalker and potential killer, whose victims were two college-aged girls, raises questions about the motivations behind such acts. For most people, being slighted or disregarded is just part of life, but for some individuals, it can be a trigger for deep-seated resentment and anger. The crime scene was brutal, with the first victims being two beautiful blonde girls. It's uncertain if the suspect will ever admit to his crimes in court, but he might open up to someone in prison. The family of the suspect is in denial, and it's understandable for a father to believe that his son, whom he raised, couldn't be capable of such heinous acts. The father's white Hyundai Elantra being near the crime scene might have led to a false suspicion, but it's a reminder that people tend to see what they want to see. The suspect has two older sisters, one of whom is a psychotherapist, and the other, Candace, starred in a slasher movie. These details add layers to the complexity of the case, highlighting the unpredictability of human behavior.

    • Comparing a movie scene to a real-life crimeThe analysis of a movie clip and its potential influence on a criminal's behavior highlights the complexities of criminal profiling and the importance of evaluating information critically.

      The discussion revolved around the analysis of a movie clip and its potential connection to a criminal case. The movie clip featured a scene where a character, who was a forestry student, was planning to stage a protest against the cutting down of protected woodlands. This scene was compared to a real-life case where a man was arrested for a series of murders that occurred in the woods. The speakers discussed the potential significance of the movie clip and the man's age at the time of its release, as well as the possibility of the man having been influenced by it. They also addressed a report of a woman's claim that she had been in jail with the man and witnessed inappropriate behavior from him. However, the speakers expressed skepticism towards this report and emphasized the importance of relying on information from law enforcement. The conversation also touched upon the stress and trauma that a person might experience when facing the consequences of being arrested for a serious crime. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexities and nuances of criminal profiling and the importance of critical evaluation of information.

    • Former FBI Agent Candace DeLong's Unusual Interaction with the UnabomberDuring Ted Kaczynski's arrest, Candace DeLong made a human connection with him through cooking lessons, providing a brief respite in a tense situation.

      Candace DeLong, a former FBI agent, had a pivotal role in the Unabomber case. She was present during Ted Kaczynski's arrest in Montana and shared an unusual interaction with him in a hunter's cabin. Despite being unable to interrogate him due to his invocation of his constitutional rights, she managed to connect with him over cooking lessons and sharing her son's parka. This encounter provided a brief moment of human connection in an otherwise tense situation. The Unabomber's arrest came after agents identified a crucial piece of evidence, and DeLong's experience and expertise played a significant role in the investigation that ultimately led to the capture of the notorious serial bomber.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 20, 2024

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    Episode 20: The [Un]Sanctioned Citizen Podcast

    Episode 20:  The [Un]Sanctioned Citizen Podcast

    We are making preparations for the budding of the [Un]Sanctioned Citizen podcast at Callin.com.


    3/13 UPDATE:  To no real surprise to anyone your Host admits to oversecuritized microphone settings.  I liken it to hiding a safe key code so well even you cannot find it.  So until the microphone and other hyper-private settings are managed, I am moving forward with old school guest-talk interview formatting, to post right here at Podomatic.  

    We really like Callin because you can have a panel of guests and issue commmentators on for a discuss and then open the phone partition to take caller questions and frame the discussion. 

    Callin is going to be awesome because you can produce Town Halls and side bar public input comments on issues where say, Zoom locks you out of US City Hall meetings. Meetings where no one is admitting the public in-person to deliver comments and everyone is still wearing masks. This models as an excuse to not serve and not answer the public, yet still tax us for those services.  [If this is you, Callin.com.]

    We needed a port in a storm of phone applications hang ups. So we are posting the flagship content here.  It's going to require a visit to the phone service to unlock some of the microphone applications options.  You cannot yet upload static mp3 files to Callin, yet!  While it would be cool to drop in cutaways from prior recordings, I think the point is to have an open dialogue.  It's not just for you to talk but for others to talk as well.

    There is currently no Callin phone schedule to date.  I will be updating this post with some air-times.  We may have to experiment with air-times that are going to work for other people to listen in and participate.  So what may happen is we have one Callin with a Guest for a good while, semi-longform. Think midi vs maxi in airtime length. The reason is we want other people to get on and talk.  From there, I will just have the Guest call back in. Then we can take some calls. 

    So here is an example of what it might look like:

    It lasts for approximately 30 minutes.  We announce a move to  the "Green Room Discussion".  We end this room and start another room, titled "[Un]Sanctioned Green Room with #1 NERD EVER".

    1) Get a Callin profile using a phone number of choice.  If you want to use a burner number you can.  There are ways to do it with the Burner app, but just choose a phone you can use that Callin will like and accept for either single or multiple uses.
    2) Enable your phone and your settings to allow access to your microphone.  You can revoke access for privacy later.  This is so if you want to call in on Callin, you can actually talk.
    3) I'll do my best to screen for people I know vs. complete strangers. Developed relations with my show increases your chances dramatically that you can speak.  I am still learning content moderation policies and options as a Callin talker. 
    4) Invite me to your show so I can drop in and thank you for stopping by at a later time AND HAVE FUN!


    Questions for me about the show?  SheilaMDean.com/contact
    Put [UnSanctioned] Citizen in the Subject line.