
    If You Want To Be Wealthy, Do What Wealthy People Do!

    en-usApril 02, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on paying off student loans before buying a housePay off student loans first, consolidate finances, build an emergency fund, save for a down payment, and prioritize debt repayment for a debt-free and homeownership future.

      A listener named Leticia, who has paid off most of her debt but still has $160,000 in student loans, was seeking advice on buying a house despite her remaining debt. The Ramsey Solutions team, including Dave Ramsey and George Camel, advised Leticia to focus on paying off her student loans first before buying a house. They emphasized the importance of combining finances and working together as a couple to reach financial goals more effectively. Leticia currently has $10,000 in savings and makes $200,000 as a household income. The team suggested that she and her husband should consolidate their finances, pay off their debts, build an emergency fund, and save for a down payment before buying a house. They encouraged Leticia to prioritize paying off her student loans within two years and temporarily stop contributing to her 401k during that time to focus on debt repayment. Overall, the team emphasized the importance of financial discipline, teamwork, and prioritization to achieve long-term financial goals.

    • Effective financial management in marriageOpen communication and teamwork lead to faster wealth building and financial security in marriage. Secure life insurance for added protection.

      Effective financial management and debt reduction are stronger when approached as a team in a marriage. The discussion emphasizes the importance of combining resources, goals, and efforts to build wealth faster and protect each other financially. The lack of transparency and communication about finances can lead to unnecessary stress and uncertainty. It's crucial for couples to have open and honest conversations about their financial situation and make decisions together. Additionally, securing life insurance coverage is a vital step in ensuring financial security for families in case of unexpected events.

    • Communicating assertively about financial transparency issuesEffective communication and setting clear boundaries are crucial when dealing with financial transparency issues in a relationship. Seeking help from a marriage counselor can be beneficial if your partner refuses to share financial information and manipulates or gaslights you.

      When dealing with financial transparency issues in a relationship, it's essential to communicate assertively and set clear boundaries. If your partner refuses to share financial information and disregards your requests for transparency, it may indicate a deeper issue such as manipulation or control. In such cases, seeking help from a marriage counselor can be beneficial. The counselor can teach you how to confront the situation effectively and assert your rights as an equal partner in the marriage. It's crucial to remember that feeling like the crazy one or the problem in the situation is a common manipulation tactic known as gaslighting. Don't let yourself be gaslighted, instead, stand firm on your boundaries and seek professional help if necessary. Additionally, research shows that healthy relationships can have positive impacts on financial prosperity and overall well-being.

    • The Power of a Healthy Marriage and Virtuous PartnerInvesting in a healthy marriage and virtuous partner, personal growth, and openness to learning can lead to longer, better lives and greater prosperity.

      Having a healthy marriage and finding a virtuous partner can lead to longer, better lives and greater prosperity. According to the research, couples who make decisions together, speak into each other's dreams and sacrifices, and trust each other have a significant advantage. This concept, often referred to as the "marriage advantage," is still relevant today. Additionally, investing in personal growth, whether through therapy or career assessments, can help individuals navigate life's challenges and find their path to success. By prioritizing relationships, seeking wisdom, and staying open to learning, individuals can create a strong foundation for a fulfilling life.

    • Crypto Regulation: A Necessity or a Hindrance?The absence of regulation in the crypto world can enable illegal activities, as seen in the collapse of FTX and the conviction of its founder. Reading to children, on the other hand, is an essential activity for their growth and development.

      The lack of regulation in the crypto world can lead to devastating consequences. In the case of Sam Brinkman Fried, his misuse of depositor money to fund personal expenses and investments resulted in the collapse of FTX, a major cryptocurrency exchange, and his conviction on multiple fraud and money laundering charges. The incident served as a reminder that while the absence of government oversight may seem appealing to some, it can also create opportunities for individuals to engage in illegal activities with impunity. Meanwhile, in a lighter vein, the importance of reading to children was also emphasized, with the latest in Rachel Cruz's series of kids' books being highlighted for their educational value.

    • Actions have consequences, even for 'sweet kids'Be aware of the implications of your actions and consider the potential consequences before taking bold risks.

      Being naive or unaware of the implications of one's actions does not excuse them, even if the person is perceived as a "sweet kid." The discussion revolved around a person who stole eight billion dollars, tried to return it, and used other people's money to buy things without realizing it wasn't his. The speaker emphasized that this behavior is not representative of all math nerds or awkward individuals and that the person in question may have been devoid of ethics and possibly a psychopath. The speaker also warned against the dangers of being bold and taking risks without considering the potential consequences, using the example of a crypto investment leading to prison time. In a different context, a caller shared his financial struggles with debt and considering a new job offer. The speaker provided advice on evaluating the situation and making informed decisions based on knowledge and experience, rather than acting impulsively.

    • Unexpected wealth: a blessing or a curse?With the right mindset and resources, one can effectively manage unexpected wealth by committing to ongoing learning and growth, turning a potential financial curse into a blessing.

      Receiving a large sum of money unexpectedly can be both a blessing and a curse, depending on one's level of financial knowledge and competence. In the conversation, the speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging one's limitations and taking proactive steps to learn and grow in order to effectively manage the newfound wealth. The use of the metaphor of buying an engineering firm underscores the idea that taking on a large financial responsibility requires a significant investment of time and effort to gain the necessary skills and knowledge. The speaker encourages humility and a commitment to wise financial decision-making, and emphasizes that everyone, including the listener, has made mistakes with money in the past but can learn from those experiences and strive to improve. The key takeaway is that with the right mindset and resources, one can turn a potential financial curse into a blessing by taking control of their financial situation and committing to ongoing learning and growth.

    • Merging Finances in Marriage: A Team EffortCommunicate openly, manage jointly, and treat finances as mutual property to build a strong financial partnership in marriage

      When combining finances in a marriage, it's essential to merge accounts and consider all assets and debts as shared. This includes jointly managing a checking account, discussing investments as mutual property, and treating mortgages and other debts as collective obligations. Illinois law states that a primary residence is automatically shared upon marriage, regardless of whose name is on the deed. Dave Ramsey encourages treating financial management as a team effort, using tools like the EveryDollar budgeting app to help achieve common goals. It's important to communicate openly about finances and adjust pronouns to reflect the new shared status. While changing names on deeds may provide comfort, it's the mindset and actions that truly matter in building a strong financial partnership.

    • Focus on financial unity and partnershipWork together, combine resources, and move towards common financial goals for a healthy, collaborative financial partnership. Pay off debts to become debt-free for wealth-building.

      While technically keeping separate names on accounts and assets can persist in a marriage, focusing on the spirit of unity and partnership in financial decision-making is essential for building wealth and prosperity. This means working together, combining resources, and moving towards common financial goals, even if the labels on the deeds may still take time to change. The ultimate objective is to avoid toxic dynamics and instead foster a healthy, collaborative financial partnership. Additionally, paying off mortgages and other debts to become debt-free is a significant step towards wealth-building, as evidenced by data from millionaires.

    • Take control of your finances with EveryDollar appEveryDollar app helps manage money by creating a budget, tracking net worth, debt repayment, and offering paycheck planning tools to avoid unexpected tax bills.

      The EveryDollar app is a powerful tool for managing personal finances. It offers features like tracking net worth, debt repayment, and budget planning. The app has gained popularity due to the increasing importance of financial responsibility. The EveryDollar app allows users to take control of their money by creating a budget and telling their money what to do instead of wondering where it went. It's not about being restrictive, but rather being grown-up and responsible. The app also offers a paycheck planning tool to help users avoid unexpected tax bills. The key is to calculate your income and deductions at the beginning of the year to determine the correct amount of taxes to withhold from each paycheck. By staying aware and proactive, users can avoid financial surprises and work towards their financial goals.

    • Understanding tax changes and seeking professional helpSignificant life changes or income fluctuations require professional tax advice to accurately calculate and adjust withholding. Expert guidance and peace of mind are worth the investment.

      If you have a consistent income and no major life changes, you can estimate your annual tax payments and adjust your withholding accordingly. However, if there are significant changes such as marriage, moving states, income fluctuations, or having children, it's recommended to consult a tax professional for accurate calculations. The peace of mind and expert guidance are worth the investment. If you're feeling overwhelmed and unsure, consider seeking help from a trusted tax professional. Remember, it's essential to understand the reasoning behind their advice and not blindly follow it. Additionally, staying informed and engaged in your financial situation can help you make proactive decisions and improve your overall financial literacy. Don't hesitate to reach out to Ramsey Solutions for endorsed local tax professionals to help guide you through the process.

    • Convert traditional retirement accounts to Roth for long-term benefitsConsider converting traditional retirement accounts to Roth if you have large balances, plan to leave untouched, and can pay conversion taxes

      Converting a traditional retirement account to a Roth account can be a smart move, especially if you have a large balance and plan to leave the money untouched for a long time. This is because you'll avoid mandatory withdrawals and taxes on inheritance. However, it may not make sense if you plan to use the money within a few years or if you don't have enough additional funds to pay the conversion taxes. Overall, the decision to convert should be based on your individual financial situation and goals. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the importance of sharing valuable information with others and the entertaining way the speakers presented complex financial concepts.

    • Convert Traditional 401k to Roth IRA for tax-free growth and estate planningConsidering converting 401k to Roth IRA for tax-free growth, estate tax savings, and RMD flexibility. Consult a financial advisor for optimal strategy.

      Strategically converting traditional 401k savings to Roth IRAs can be beneficial, especially when considering estate taxes and required minimum distributions (RMDs). This strategy allows tax-free growth of savings, which can result in significant wealth for future generations. However, it's essential to plan carefully and consider factors such as age, financial situation, and tax implications before making a conversion. The best time to consider this move is typically after completing baby steps one through six, particularly when a home is paid off and extra funds are available. By converting a portion of traditional savings to Roth IRAs, individuals can reduce the government's future tax claims on their retirement income. Consulting a financial advisor can help determine the optimal conversion strategy.

    • Weighing the Pros and Cons of Moving vs. StayingCouple's significant savings and frugal lifestyle help them save for a house despite a long commute, but the impact on quality of life should be considered before making a decision.

      While the couple's current living situation with cheap rent allows them to save a significant amount each month, the long commute one of them would face if they move closer to their job could negatively impact their quality of life. The difference in rent between their current location and the area near their work would result in having to purchase a house worth $250,000 instead of $300,000 in five years. However, the couple's incredible savings rate and frugal lifestyle keep them on track to achieve their goal. Ultimately, the decision to move or stay depends on their priorities, as the value of time and work-life balance should not be underestimated.

    • Considering trade-offs in financial decisionsWeigh the cost of full vs. partial debt repayment, considering potential tax liabilities and individual circumstances.

      Making intentional financial decisions involves considering the trade-offs. Dave Ramsey and his co-host discussed the importance of living below your means to build wealth. In the context of a listener's question about paying off collections, Ramsey advised that the listener should weigh the cost of paying the full amount versus the partial payment. While paying the full amount would avoid the potential tax liability from debt forgiveness, it might not be the most financially advantageous decision, especially if the difference in tax owed is significantly less than the full amount. Ultimately, it's essential to be aware of the potential consequences of financial choices and make informed decisions based on individual circumstances.

    • Deciding to pay off old debts: A moral and spiritual considerationCheck credit reports for accuracy, consider paying off debts for moral reasons, seek advice from financial advisors for expert strategies, and practice regular credit report checks to prevent fraud.

      While there are mathematical and financial considerations when deciding whether to pay off old debts, there is also a moral or spiritual component. Paying off debts because you feel you owe it, rather than out of fear of taxes or credit damage, can be beneficial. However, it's important to ensure that any improvements to your credit report are accurate and that you're not overlooked any other bills with late payments. Even if you're not actively using credit, regularly checking your credit report is a good practice to prevent fraud and ensure accuracy. Additionally, having a financial advisor can provide valuable insights and strategies that may not be apparent to individuals managing their finances alone. They can offer expertise in areas such as tax planning, investment maximization, and minimizing taxes.

    • The Value of Financial Advisors and ResourcesFinancial advisors offer expertise, ongoing market knowledge, and personalized guidance, justifying their cost through improved investment performance and financial literacy.

      While individuals can manage their own mutual funds, the value of using a financial advisor lies in their expertise, ongoing market knowledge, and personalized guidance. The cost of their services is often outweighed by the benefits they provide. Additionally, Ramsey Solutions offers various events and resources, such as the Total Money Makeover weekend and Dave Ramsey's Investing Essentials, to help individuals learn effective investing strategies and gain financial literacy. These events provide unique opportunities to engage with experts and receive valuable insights that go beyond what is publicly available.

    • Unexpected job loss: Pause debt repayment, save cash, and seek new opportunitiesDuring financial hardships, save cash, pause debt repayment, and aggressively seek new employment opportunities to secure your financial future

      During unexpected financial hardships, it's essential to remain focused and take proactive steps to secure your financial future. In this conversation, a couple, Lee and her husband, faced an unexpected job loss. Despite their initial calmness, they were advised to put a pause on debt repayment and instead save as much cash as possible during this transition period. Additionally, they were encouraged to seek new employment opportunities aggressively and avoid withdrawing from retirement accounts, instead opting for a direct rollover to an IRA. By taking these steps, they could potentially turn a seemingly negative situation into a financial blessing.

    • Considering cutting car insurance coverage? Think twice.Weigh potential costs and benefits before reducing car insurance coverage, as peace of mind and risk transfer may outweigh additional cost.

      When facing setbacks or difficult decisions, it's important to have a resilient mindset and not let temporary setbacks deter you from moving forward. For instance, when considering reducing car insurance coverage on an aging car, it's essential to weigh the potential costs and benefits. While it may seem tempting to opt for a liability-only plan to save money, it's crucial to consider the potential financial consequences of an accident. The peace of mind and risk transfer offered by maintaining collision coverage may outweigh the additional cost. Ultimately, it's essential to carefully evaluate the situation and make an informed decision based on individual circumstances. Additionally, listeners were encouraged to pre-order Dave Ramsey's new book, "Find the Work You're Wired To Do," which comes with access to career assessments to help discover one's unique strengths and find fulfilling work.

    • Falling behind on taxes can lead to a significant financial burdenNegotiate with tax professionals for payment plans, increase income, and stay current with taxes to avoid further debt accumulation.

      Falling behind on taxes can lead to a significant financial burden. A woman shared her experience of owing around $50,000 in taxes since 2015, while also dealing with credit card debt and living paycheck to paycheck. Her income of $50,000 a year was not enough to cover her debts and taxes, leading to the possibility of a long-term payment plan with the IRS. The expert suggested negotiating with tax professionals to establish a payment plan and encouraged increasing income to pay off debts faster. He also advised considering full-time employment or a side hustle to generate more income. The expert emphasized the importance of staying current with taxes to avoid accumulating new debt. Ultimately, the woman needed to take decisive action to improve her financial situation and get the IRS out of her life as soon as possible.

    • Seeking multiple opinions for complex medical issuesWhen facing expensive medical procedures, don't accept the first answer from insurers or doctors. Keep working for solutions, gather more opinions, and consider legal help if necessary.

      When facing a complex medical issue with significant financial implications, it's crucial to seek multiple opinions from specialists and exhaust all options before accepting a diagnosis or insurance company decision. In the case discussed, a family is dealing with their daughter's need for prosthetic jawbone joint replacement, which their insurance considers a cosmetic procedure. The family, who cannot afford the $65,000 cost, is advised to keep working the problem and obtain more opinions from specialists in different locations. If they can establish the procedure as a medical necessity, they may consider hiring an attorney to negotiate with the insurance company. The key is to not accept the first answer and to remain persistent in finding a solution.

    • Navigating complex medical situationsStay informed, seek advice, remain persistent, hold professionals accountable, stay hopeful, remember the road to recovery is worth it, and personal growth is crucial for leaders.

      Navigating complex medical situations, such as dental surgery, can be a challenging journey filled with unexpected costs and battles with insurance companies. However, it's important to stay informed, seek advice from those who have gone through similar experiences, and remain persistent in advocating for yourself. As the speaker shared, even in the medical field, there can be mistakes made, and it's crucial to hold professionals accountable for their performance. Ultimately, the best approach is to stay informed, stay hopeful, and remember that the road to recovery may not be easy, but it's worth the effort. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of personal growth for leaders, as the success of an organization is limited by the growth of its leader.

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    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "How can I operate my business without debt?" "Can we move to get out of my wife's toxic job situation?" The best way to "lower" credit card debt, Insurance vs. investments, "Everyone seems to be winning except me," Dave's message to congress Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite Zander Insurance Christian Healthcare Ministries Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📖 Your summer reading list is here. Don’t miss these (cool) summer reads! Beat the heat with bestselling books that will make 2024 your best summer yet.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 18, 2024

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    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "Should we combine finances in our unique situation?" "My girlfriend will lose her pension if we get married..." "My rent is more than my income, what can I do?" "When will the overbidding on houses end?" "Should I stay at my job until they close?" "Does it make sense to pay off my mortgage?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp Yrefy Health Trust Financial Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📚 Teach Kids About Money!  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 17, 2024

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    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 01:32 Finances are a mess 03:10 SPENDING EVERYTHING SHE MAKES!!!! 06:10 Spending it all on gem games!!!!!! 08:32 This is incredibly ridiculous... 09:28 Absolutely no savings... 11:02 401k 13:30 INSANE credit card debt!!!! 23:55 $75,000 in student loan debt!!! 27:30 Kind of stupid to get a mortgage in your situation... 28:50 She needs a new car... 29:50 YOU SPEND 5/3 OF YOUR INCOME!!!!!!!!! 33:00 You need to grow up... 36:00 CLEAN UP THIS MESS 38:40 You need to bring in more money!!! 45:10 You are so far behind in life... 49:09 Hammer Financial Score

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/calebhammer/support

    140: Financial Habits & Mistakes That Sabotage Retirement

    140: Financial Habits & Mistakes That Sabotage Retirement

    Patti welcomes Bernadette Hunter, the Director of Client Engagement for Key Financial, into the studio to discuss the top financial mistakes people make that can sabotage their retirement plans.  Patti also reveals the top habits that can help set people up for success in their retirement. It is never too early in a career to engage in those habits that, decades later, produce big results. Patti believes there are specific, actionable steps to take in three seasons of life that are critical to successful retirement planning. Listen today to find out what they are!

    Everything you Need to Know About Your Student Loans (and How to Prepare to Start Paying Them Off!)

    Everything you Need to Know About Your Student Loans (and How to Prepare to Start Paying Them Off!)
    In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast, we are going to talk about everything you need to know about your student loans and how to prepare for starting to pay back your student loans. How Andrew Can Help You:  Join The Master Money Newsletter where you will become smarter with your money in 5 minutes or less per week Here! Learn to invest by joining  Index Fund Pro! This is Andrew’s course teaching you how to invest!  Watch The Master Money Youtube Channel!  Ask Andrew a question on Instagram or TikTok.  Learn how to get out of Debt by joining our Free Course  Leave Feedback or Episode Requests here.  Thanks to Our Amazing Sponsors for supporting The Personal Finance Podcast. Chime: Start your credit journey with Chime. Sign-up takes only two minutes and doesn’t affect your credit score. Get started at chime.com/ Shopify: Shopify makes it so easy to sell. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at  shopify.com/pfp Policygenius: This is where I got my term life insurance. Policygenius is made so easy. To get your term policy go to policygenius.com and make sure your loved ones are safe. Factor 75: Head to factormeals.com/pfp50 and use code pfp50 to get 50% off your first box. These are amazingly easy and nutritious meals. Relevant Episodes: 7 Ways to Pay Down Your Student Loans Faster Should You Pay Your Student Loans Since They Keep Postponing Payments? (Plus the Best Investing Books!) Here's What to Do if Your Student Loans Have been Forgiven  Links Mentioned in This Episode:  Student Aid Student Federal Aid Contact Information +1-800-433-3243 Connect With Andrew on Social Media:  Instagram  TikTok Twitter  Master Money Website  Master Money Youtube Channel   Free Guides:   The Stairway to Wealth: The Order of Operations for your Money  How to Negotiate Your Salary  The 75 Day Money Challenge  Get out Of Debt Fast  Take the Money Personality Quiz Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Getting Out of the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Cycle

    Getting Out of the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Cycle
    Jade Warshaw & Ken Coleman answer your questions and discuss: "I'm feeling financially stuck," "How can I get rid of my car loans?" Report back from our Washington DC trip, "How can I turn $20K into passive income?" "Should I sign a six-year business lease?" "Our HOA is making changes we don't like" "Setting myself up for the future," "I feel broke because of my adult kids," "Should an emotional shopper stay out of malls?" "What should I do with money left over?" "How quickly should I pay off my house?" "How do I get out of the payday loan cycle?" "Keep paying out of pocket for school?" Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET Support Our Sponsors: USCCA Zander Insurance BetterHelp Churchill Mortgage Neighborly Start your EveryDollar Free Account Today: Click Here For help with investing, get connected with a SmartVestor Pro: Click Here  Protect yourself with the right coverage—take our coverage quiz! Want a plan for your money? Find out where to start: Click Here Listen to all The Ramsey Network podcasts: Click Here Interested in advertising on The Ramsey Show? Click Here Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy

    $1,000 In Minimum Monthly Payments Are Ruining Her Life

    $1,000 In Minimum Monthly Payments Are Ruining Her Life

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 02:40 Her finances are really bad! 04:15 OVERDRAFTING 04:30 Public 06:05 OVERDRAFTING p2 08:50 HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY JUSTIFY THIS 11:40 She wants to do YouTube 12:55 No retirement... 18:35 DISGUSTING personal loan! 23:35 Terrible credit car debt... 25:32 I made her cry 32:25 More credit card DEBT 38:40 I'm scared for your future... 46:00 COLLECTIONS 48:40 Budget, budget, budget! 54:45 CLEAN THIS UP 01:04:40 Hammer Financial Score

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/calebhammer/support