
    $1,000 In Minimum Monthly Payments Are Ruining Her Life

    enJuly 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • A Content Reviewer's Reality: Struggling to Make Ends MeetDespite earning a decent income, a content reviewer's expenses and financial habits left her feeling uncomfortable and unable to save or prepare for unexpected costs.

      Madison, a 28-year-old content reviewer from Austin, Texas, working for Accenture Flex, earns around $30,000 to $33,000 per year before taxes. She has a realistic view of her financial situation, rating it a 4 out of 10. Despite earning enough to cover her bills, she uses her entire paycheck to pay them off and still struggles with past spending habits. Her financial situation leaves her feeling uncomfortable, and she is working to improve it. It's important to note that while her income may seem adequate, her expenses and financial habits leave little room for savings or unexpected costs.

    • Earn a high yield on treasury bills with Public.comPublic.com lets users easily access and earn a high yield on government-backed treasury bills through their mobile app, with automatic reinvestment and no minimum hold periods or settlement delays.

      Public.com offers a simplified process for individuals to easily access and earn a high yield of 4.7% on government-backed treasury bills through their mobile app, without any minimum hold periods or settlement delays. This is an attractive alternative to traditional savings accounts or high yield savings accounts, which may have variable rates or complicated processes. Additionally, Public automatically reinvest your maturing treasury bills, making it a convenient option for managing your savings alongside stocks and ETFs. Public's treasury accounts also come with the security of being backed by the US government. However, it's important to note that even with a high yield savings account or treasury bills, individuals should carefully assess their financial situation and avoid overspending or accumulating unnecessary debts.

    • Balancing Finances: Debt, Savings, and Personal EnjoymentsFind a balance between paying off debt, saving, and enjoying life. Consider monetizing passions and allocate funds wisely for long-term financial health.

      Managing finances involves balancing spending and debt repayment with personal enjoyments and investments. The speaker in the conversation acknowledges the importance of putting extra income towards debt, but also values experiences and content creation. They are currently working to monetize their YouTube channel and are considering how to allocate the funds from that income towards their debt or savings. The conversation also touches upon the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, both physically and financially. The speaker recognizes the potential dangers of overindulgence, whether it be in food or spending, and is making an effort to prioritize healthier choices. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of finding a balance between financial responsibility and personal enjoyment.

    • Overwhelmed investor struggles with debt and multiple accountsAn individual's focus on debt repayment and managing multiple investing accounts can lead to financial disorganization and overwhelming debt.

      The individual in this conversation has been attempting to learn about investing since 2018 but has become overwhelmed with managing multiple accounts and dealing with debt. They have several underfunded checking and savings accounts, as well as five investing accounts with minimal balances. They've made some recent purchases using Klarna, and one of those purchases resulted in a reversal. They have a checking account at a bank with a balance of $188, which they use primarily for paying off debts. They've been trying to avoid buying new things due to their focus on debt repayment but recently gave in to feelings of FOMO and made some purchases. They also have a checking account with RBFCU specifically for their Rover business. They acknowledged that their financial situation is disorganized and need to prioritize paying off debts and simplifying their financial accounts.

    • Managing Multiple Accounts and DebtsFocus on consolidating finances, using income sources like Rover, and implementing effective budgeting and tracking methods to pay off debts and build wealth.

      Having a large number of accounts for savings, checking, retirement, and investments, along with high credit card debt, can make it difficult to effectively manage and consolidate finances. The speaker's past experiences include using credit cards for unnecessary expenses, such as a failed YouTube channel, and a lack of proper financial education from their parents. Despite paying off a personal loan in the past, they continue to struggle with debt and are now focusing on using services like Rover to increase income and reduce expenses, while also implementing better budgeting and tracking methods. The ultimate goal is to separate business and personal finances, take advantage of tax write-offs, and make a solid plan to pay off debts and build wealth.

    • Acknowledging financial struggles and making changesBeing aware of your spending habits and financial situation is crucial for improving your financial health. Make conscious decisions to avoid unnecessary purchases and be informed about your interest rates to prevent falling into debt traps.

      Understanding your current financial situation and being aware of your spending habits are crucial steps towards improving your financial health. The woman in this conversation expressed her struggle with managing her credit card debt and acknowledged that she needs to make changes to prevent accumulating more debt. She has a plan to pay off certain credit cards by allocating funds until she can move into a larger living space to board more dogs and increase her income. However, she also admitted to making unnecessary purchases and acknowledged the importance of being mindful of her spending. Despite her efforts, she was unaware of the interest rates on some of her credit cards and acknowledged that this lack of knowledge could hinder her progress. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of being informed about your financial situation and making conscious decisions to avoid falling into debt traps.

    • Recognizing the urgency and being honest with oneselfAcknowledge personal challenges, set goals, and strive for growth to overcome setbacks and improve resilience.

      Understanding the gravity of a situation and being honest with oneself are crucial steps towards making positive changes. The speaker shares her intentional approach to having difficult conversations, aiming to ensure individuals recognize the urgency of their circumstances and work towards finding solutions. She also reflects on her own struggles with discipline and impulsive decisions, whether it's related to personal finances or unhealthy eating habits. By acknowledging these challenges and taking responsibility for them, the speaker emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and the power of writing down goals as a means to stay accountable. Ultimately, her message is one of growth, resilience, and the determination to improve despite setbacks.

    • Balancing mathematical reasoning and emotional discipline in managing financesBoth mathematical understanding and emotional discipline are crucial for effective personal finance management. Be mindful of expenses, avoid complacency, and understand interest rates.

      While mathematical reasoning can be effective in managing finances, such as consolidating debt, emotional discipline is equally important. The speaker acknowledges the allure of making progress and the potential pitfalls of feeling complacent. They also discuss the importance of being mindful of expenses, even seemingly small ones, and canceling unnecessary subscriptions. The speaker shares their experience with high-interest debt and the importance of understanding interest rates. They also express their appreciation for good deals and the importance of not using lack of cable or other expenses as an excuse to overspend. The conversation highlights the importance of both mathematical and emotional understanding in managing personal finances.

    • Struggling with High-Interest Credit Card DebtAvoid unnecessary spending and high-interest debt by using a debit card or selective spending card, and commit to a spending plan.

      High-interest credit card debt can lead to unnecessary spending and financial strain. The speaker in this conversation acknowledged their struggle with this issue, as they had accumulated significant debt with a high interest rate. They expressed regret over their past purchases, particularly those that didn't align with their needs or values. The speaker also acknowledged their tendency to justify these purchases based on potential rewards points. To address this issue, it was suggested that the speaker consider using a debit card or a selective spending card, like the Fizz card, instead of relying on credit cards. The conversation also touched on the importance of committing to a spending plan and sticking to it, even if it's challenging. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of being mindful of spending habits and avoiding high-interest debt to maintain financial well-being.

    • Effective financial management with supportPartnering with someone can help manage finances, through regular meetings, goal-related expenses, detailed budgets, and debt repayment prioritization. Transparency and consistent payments are key.

      Utilizing support systems, such as a partner, can help individuals manage their finances more effectively. This can involve setting up regular meetings to stay accountable, or having them contribute to expenses related to specific goals. Additionally, creating a detailed budget and prioritizing debt repayment with the highest interest rates first can help individuals make progress towards debt freedom. It's important to be transparent with partners about financial situations and goals, and to avoid making inconsistent payments that can make it harder to stick to a budget. Interest rates and payment schedules should be clearly understood to effectively manage debt.

    • Unresolved Student Loan Debts in CollectionsIndividuals with old student loan debts in collections should understand their payment options and potential interest rates, while managing current debt payments.

      The individual in this conversation has a significant amount of debt, including student loans that have been in collections for some time. They were unaware of this debt due to signing documents during their time in school. Currently, nothing is actively in collections on their credit report. They are unsure of the next steps to take regarding these old debts, as they have not been contacted by the collections agency recently due to the pandemic. The individual also has gap insurance as part of their loan payments, which increased their monthly payment amount. They are focused on managing their current debt and making payments towards it, but are unsure of the interest rates and future payment plans for their student loans.

    • Discussing Personal Budgets and Financial PrioritiesUnderstand income, expenses, and priorities. Split rent and utilities fairly, consider insurance costs, allocate funds for necessities, and utilize employer-matched 401k contributions. Communicate openly and collaborate on managing household finances.

      Effective budgeting involves a clear understanding of income, expenses, and priorities. In this discussion, the speaker outlined their own budget and encouraged the listener to share theirs. They emphasized the importance of splitting rent and utilities fairly, considering the cost of insurance, and setting aside funds for groceries, gas, and personal expenses. They also recommended taking advantage of employer-matched 401k contributions for retirement savings. The speaker acknowledged the importance of subscriptions and other monthly expenses, but encouraged flexibility in the budgeting process. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of open communication and collaboration in managing household finances.

    • Focusing on reducing expenses and increasing incomeTo improve high expenses and debt, focus on reducing dining out costs, earn extra income, save 25% of new income, and pay off debts starting with the one with the highest interest rate

      The speaker's spending habits, particularly on dining out, are significantly contributing to their high expenses and debt. Currently, you're spending 23% of your income on needs, which is much higher than the recommended amount. To improve this situation, it's essential to focus on reducing expenses and increasing income. The speaker plans to earn around $2,000 a month from a new pet-sitting job and intends to save 25% of that income. They also aim to cut back on eating out and prioritize cooking at home. The remaining income will be used to pay off debts, starting with the credit card with the higher interest rate. This new approach should help the speaker live within their means and work towards becoming debt-free.

    • Aggressively paying off debt and building an emergency fundBe disciplined with finances, prioritize high-interest debt, cut unnecessary spending, and save for emergencies and retirement to achieve financial goals.

      Being aggressive and disciplined with your finances is crucial to getting out of debt and building an emergency fund. In this discussion, the speaker outlined a plan to pay off their debts within 8 months by putting all extra income towards the highest interest debt first. They emphasized the importance of having someone or a system to hold you accountable and cutting unnecessary spending. By the end of the plan, the speaker would be debt-free and have an emergency fund established. It's important to note that this level of dedication and focus is necessary to make significant progress towards financial goals. Additionally, starting to save for retirement as early as possible is essential, even if it means making sacrifices in the present.

    • Staying committed to getting out of debtTo get out of debt, avoid new debt, earn more money, stay accountable, and follow a solid financial plan.

      Fully committing to getting out of debt is crucial, but it requires discipline and consistency. The speaker shares her personal experience of making progress towards being debt-free, only to fall back into old habits. She emphasizes that it's essential to avoid taking on new debt and to find ways to earn more money to pay off existing debts. The speaker also highlights the importance of having a support system to help stay accountable. The conversation also touches upon the importance of having a solid financial plan and working towards retirement. Overall, the conversation underscores the challenges of getting out of debt but emphasizes the importance of staying committed and persistent.

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    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 04:55 How are you surviving? 09:26 SOFI 14:39 These debts keep stacking 18:55 You're F'd 26:37 Your checking is... terrifying 30:50 I'm done with your lies 34:20 What a terrible outlook 36:45 AURA 41:41 You need a budget! 45:15 This is gonna take a while 50:47 Hammer Financial Score

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 05:44 Stop listening to him! 10:33 You're BLIND to your finances 11:19 SOFI 15:05 Do you pay anything on time? 19:34 Do you even care?! 27:53 You can't justify an Apple Watch 30:39 Nothing in checking...who's surprised 36:07 Law school? Yeah right... 41:44 You need a budget! 46:59 Aura 57:38 Hammer Financial Score

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    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 04:12 Worst relationship in the world 09:25 This is more important than finances 11:42 SOFI 13:48 You don't have the income for this! 24:22 Holy checking account! 28:53 There's no excuse with this spending 34:18 AURA 38:14 You need a budget! 44:06 Please just do this 50:00 Hammer Financial Score

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Job and income 03:22 Diving right in! 07:22 What are we doing? 09:07 Do you even care? 14:47 Sondermind 19:32 What is your life, dude? 22:26 What does your GF have to say about this? 27:02 Smoking reality away 30:52 Here's your budget 34:14 Just follow this... 36:10 Credit Rating 41:10 What if it all goes South? 51:06 Hammer Financial Score

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    My socials: ⁠https://linktr.ee/calebhammer⁠ 

    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 06:30 Already with the excuses 10:22 This isn't looking good for you 14:50 Opus Clip 19:35 Your debt is haunting you 26:08 Don't you want to be free? 32:48 Your spending doesn't help 37:24 Last chance for survey! 40:44 So much BS 44:22 You need a budget! 49:26 Let's fix this! 53:24 SOFI 58:42 Hammer Financial Score

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 03:12 Tough break, dude 09:14 You done goofed 16:58 Consolidate...then keep spending? 19:09 Credit Rating 28:51 I've never seen so much Cashapp 32:57 I don't think you know how this works 35:59 $250 Giveaway 37:08 Stick to the budget!!! 42:19 Here's the game plan! 47:52 SOFI 53:07 Hammer Financial Score

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 05:16 How we feelin' about this debt? 10:55 First of MANY debts 18:39 Sondermind 25:07 Check this out (Pun intended) 30:00 Win $250 31:44 You must COMBINE! 38:45 Let's budget your craziness 52:56 The plan steams ahead 54:33 SOFI 55:17 This could be so much worse 59:59 Hammer Financial Score

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 03:47 Survey 05:14 Dude is giving away money 10:08 Sounds like enabling to me 14:50 Your third car by 19? 25:21 Okay this is insanity 28:31 You have a Sugardaddy?! 29:17 SOFI 34:40 Starting with $0 41:49 You're BS'ing me 43:17 Credit Rating 46:43 You need to budget! 52:23 Here's your plan 1:00:19 Hammer Financial Score

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 04:07 How hard is this? 10:00 Addicted to pugs? 10:20 Sondermind 14:42 Bro you're F'ing me.... Nooo 18:07 You need professional help my dude 21:47 Getting back to finances... I guess 29:08 The addiction wasn't enough 35:08 Why all the ATM withdrawals? 38:59 I mean it's something 41:30 Budget breakdown 44:24 Aura 46:22 I'll make a deal with you 52:30 Hammer Financial Score

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 08:22 Diving into risky decisions 17:02 Real Estate 23:27 SOFI 27:39 Your stomach is making financial decisions 37:48 You DON'T want to do this! 43:11 Money isn't everything? 55:51 This is not investment advice 58:55 You have STUDENT LOANS!? 1:06:23 Time to clean up 1:08:14 HINGE TIME!!!! (yes, it's finally here) 1:15:34 On behalf of the guests 1:20:45 SOFI Savings 1:23:19 All time bonehead play 1:27:30 Here's my advice 1:30:30 Stephen Financial Score

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


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