
    Podcast Summary

    • The Dangers of Over-Leveraging in Real EstateOver-reliance on debt and leverage in real estate investments can lead to financial ruin. Consider building wealth through hard work and smart financial decisions instead.

      Relying heavily on debt and leverage, especially in real estate investments, can lead to financial ruin. The story shared by the caller, who had amassed a large real estate portfolio but eventually went bankrupt, serves as a cautionary tale. The caller's experience echoes the experiences of many people throughout history, including the infamous real estate guru Robert Allen, who famously bought houses with no money down but later filed for bankruptcy. The callers' question about using equity lines for more investment properties highlights the temptation to borrow and leverage, but the risks and potential consequences should be carefully considered. The hosts emphasized the importance of avoiding debt and building wealth through hard work and smart financial decisions, rather than relying on get-rich-quick schemes.

    • Personal Experience of Losing and Rebuilding Wealth in Rental Real EstateInvesting in rental real estate without financial stability can lead to debt and potential bankruptcy. Protect personal information to avoid ID theft and tax fraud. Learn from others' mistakes and prioritize financial education and conservatism in building wealth.

      Investing in rental real estate without being financially stable can lead to debt and potential bankruptcy. The speaker shares his personal experience of losing everything and then rebuilding his wealth through careful saving and cash purchases. He also warns against the dangers of ID theft and tax refund fraud, emphasizing the importance of protecting personal information. The speaker encourages learning from others' mistakes rather than making them yourself and becoming a "sample idiot." He also emphasizes the importance of financial education and conservatism in building wealth.

    • Emotions and Financial DecisionsEmotions like fear, greed, and pride can influence financial decisions, sometimes leading to risky or irrational behavior. Be aware of these emotions and their potential impact.

      People's desperation with the economy and inflation can lead them to make risky financial decisions driven by fear, greed, and pride. These emotions can result in behaviors like seeking shortcuts, ignoring warnings, and prioritizing impressions over financial stability. Greed can manifest as an excessive focus on money to the exclusion of other important aspects of life. Fear can cause people to take unnecessary risks or avoid opportunities out of fear. Pride can lead to unnecessary spending or investments to impress others. Desperation, the worst of the three, can lead to irrational decisions and financial ruin. It's important to be aware of these emotions and their potential impact on financial decision-making.

    • Striving for improvement in all areas of lifeAddress emotional challenges through therapy, allocate extra money wisely for debt or next goal

      Despite the odds, people continue to strive for improvement in various aspects of their lives, whether it's in their finances or personal situations. The caller on the show, who had been homeless but managed to accumulate wealth, is a testament to this. However, it's important to address all areas of one's life, not just the financial aspect. The call also touched on the importance of therapy in dealing with emotional challenges and the benefits of online therapy through BetterHelp. In terms of budgeting, any extra money left over after accounting for expenses should be allocated towards debt repayment or the next financial goal.

    • Manage money effectively with a budgetCreating and sticking to a budget helps pay off debt faster, build an emergency fund, and gain peace of mind

      Managing your money effectively by creating and sticking to a budget allows you to pay off debt faster and build an emergency fund. During the budgeting process, any extra money found in your monthly expenses can be added to your debt payments or saved for your emergency fund. The EveryDollar app is a helpful tool in this process as it allows you to see every dollar coming in and going out, enabling you to make informed decisions about where your money is allocated. By actively managing your money, you gain peace of mind and confidence for the future. For those interested in learning more about setting up a budget with the EveryDollar app, Rachel Cruz is offering a free webinar on August 24th, where she will provide additional details on how to handle irregular income and implement the baby steps. To sign up, visit EveryDollar.com/budgeting.

    • Consider focusing on paying off debt and saving for a house instead of keeping a 'healthy' car loanThough a low-interest car loan can be considered a 'healthy debt', it might be more advantageous to pay it off and increase savings for a house, especially when income covers living expenses and has significant savings.

      While Jason's current financial situation allows him to keep his car loan as a "healthy debt" due to its low interest rate, it might be more beneficial for him to focus on paying off the debt and increasing his savings for a house instead. Jason, who makes $100,000 a year, has a car loan of $36,000 with an interest rate of 1.99%, and rental income from a condo worth $230,000. He also has three months of living expenses saved up and is planning to use $25,000 for a house down payment. However, the interest he earns on his savings is not significant enough to justify keeping the car loan, especially since he already has a solid emergency fund. The conversation also highlighted the importance of understanding the true value of your income and the potential returns on savings.

    • Eliminating debt and building wealthPrioritize debt elimination, focus on income, and make smart financial decisions to build wealth, as shown by millionaires' experiences

      Focusing on eliminating debt and building a solid financial foundation is key to wealth building. The speaker shares his advice to his son, encouraging him to sell a condo, pay off a car, and use the proceeds as a down payment for a new home with a spouse. This strategy allows them to leverage their combined income and avoid giving it to banks. The speaker emphasizes that income is the largest wealth building tool and that debt, such as a car loan, only serves to decrease wealth as the asset depreciates. The speaker also shares data from a study of millionaires, which showed that none of them became wealthy through borrowing for investments or leasing cars. Instead, they all expressed regret about debt and financial mistakes. Therefore, the takeaway is to prioritize debt elimination and focus on building wealth through income and smart financial decisions.

    • Investing in land as a legacy or family toyBuying land as a personal investment can bring joy and create memories, even if it doesn't yield an immediate financial return.

      While investing in real estate or income-producing properties can be a wise financial decision, buying land as a personal legacy or family toy, especially when you have sufficient wealth, can also bring joy and create meaningful memories, even if it doesn't yield an immediate financial return. The Ramsey Show's co-host, George Campbell, advised a listener who was considering buying a piece of farmland to leave as an inheritance for his grandkids, emphasizing that the enjoyment and memories created with family on the land could be worth more than any potential financial gain. The listener, who had saved and invested diligently throughout his life, had enough wealth to afford the land without jeopardizing his retirement, and was encouraged to view the investment as a personal and familial one, rather than a purely financial one.

    • Investing in experiences and memoriesConsider the long-term value of experiences and memories over material wealth. Explore faith-based alternatives for affordable healthcare and choose payment methods based on personal preference and priorities.

      Sometimes, investing in experiences and memories can be more valuable than accumulating material wealth. Dave shared his experience of finding joy and connection through working on his land and passing on traditions to his grandchildren. He encouraged Tom to consider the long-term benefits of purchasing a bulldozer, even if it seemed like an extravagant expense. Rachel added that faith-based alternatives to health insurance, like Christian Healthcare Ministries, can help make healthcare more affordable while allowing members the freedom to choose their healthcare providers. In response to a listener's question, the discussion touched on the convenience and potential risks of using digital payment options versus cash or debit cards. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and priorities.

    • Digital Payments Make Spending EasierDigital payments can make spending easier, leading to potential overspending. During financial pressures or while trying to establish better spending habits, adding friction to the payment process, like using cash or debit cards, may be beneficial.

      Digital payments, while convenient, can make it easier for people to spend more money without fully realizing it due to the lack of emotional registration or pain associated with the transaction. Marketers use this to their advantage by making the buying process as frictionless as possible, leading to increased sales. However, during financial pressures or when trying to establish better spending habits, it may be beneficial to add more friction to the payment process until better financial habits have been established. This could mean using cash or debit cards instead of digital payment options. The ultimate example of this frictionless buying experience can be seen in stores like Amazon and Apple, where customers can simply walk out with their purchases without going through a traditional checkout process. It's important to be aware of this trend and consider the potential consequences on personal spending habits.

    • Add friction to financial transactions for better money managementIntentionally making purchases harder can help establish better financial habits and lead to financial freedom

      Making financial transactions more inconvenient can help us better manage our money and become more mindful of our spending. By adding friction to our purchases, such as having to walk inside to pay for gas or separating our food budget into categories, we can develop new habits and gain a better understanding of where our money is going. This can ultimately help us live within our means and achieve financial freedom. Dave Ramsey, a financial expert, emphasizes the importance of budgeting for all aspects of life and encourages using tools like his simple budgeting app to help plan, save, and spend wisely. Ultimately, by intentionally making our financial transactions more difficult in the beginning, we can establish better financial habits and take control of our money.

    • Staying committed to a financial plan despite challengesPersisting through financial difficulties and staying focused on long-term goals can lead to significant financial gains

      Persistence and commitment to a financial plan, even when faced with challenges, can lead to significant financial gains. The couple in this discussion started their financial journey unwillingly, but once they began, they stuck with it through thick and thin. They cash flowed improvements on their home and invested in various projects, ultimately seeing their initial investment grow to over $250,000. Their journey began during their honeymoon when one was forced to attend Financial Peace University against their will, and they credit this experience with changing their financial mindset. Through teaching the classes and building a community of like-minded individuals, they found accountability and support, which helped them stay committed to their goals. Their shared pain and victory created lasting bonds, and they were able to pay off their home and start a family while still in their mid-twenties. The power of staying focused on a financial goal, even when faced with setbacks or distractions, can lead to impressive results.

    • From financial stress to debt-free life and its impact on familyBecoming debt-free can lead to financial peace, change family dynamics, and ripple through generations. Prioritize and make room for important things through budgeting.

      Financial freedom brings not only financial peace but also changes the entire family dynamic. The Debt-Free Scream shared by Kyle and Tiffany, parents of two young boys, Ryan and Bradley, is a testament to this. Their journey to becoming debt-free after 157,000 dollars in debt took nine and a half years, and their determination and contentment with their simple life led to a profound impact on their children. Their story shows that finding joy in the life you've built and sticking to your financial goals can lead to a debt-free life, and this change can ripple through generations. As George and Rachel from the Ramsey Show emphasized, budgeting is a crucial tool to prioritize and make room for the important things in life.

    • Investing beyond a Roth IRAFully fund a Roth IRA with 15% of income, consider increasing income, and stay consistent with investments to potentially become a millionaire by retirement.

      Having a budget and investing wisely can lead to financial freedom and the ability to save and invest more. A listener named Christopher, who is 25 and debt-free, asked about investing beyond maxing out his Roth IRA. The expert advised him to fully fund his Roth with 15% of his income and consider increasing his income through other means. The expert also shared that even with a relatively low income of $30,000, fully funding a Roth could lead to becoming a millionaire by retirement. Additionally, the expert highlighted the importance of staying consistent with investments, even during market downturns, as evidenced by the growth of the 401k millionaire club, which saw a 26% increase in the second quarter of 2023.

    • Investing in the S&P 500 can yield significant returns, even in challenging economic timesConsistently invest in the S&P 500 for long-term growth, regardless of economic conditions. Ordinary people can become millionaires through regular contributions and staying the course.

      Despite economic challenges such as inflation and market volatility, investing in the stock market, specifically in the S&P 500 index, has the potential to yield significant returns, even reaching 15% in a year. This is encouraging news, but it's essential to remember that retirement savings require consistent contributions and long-term commitment, rather than trying to time the market or get caught up in hypothetical analyses. The average millionaire investor is not a financial prodigy but an ordinary person who stays the course and invests regularly. So, the key is to start investing, keep contributing, and avoid getting paralyzed by analysis. Common sense and consistency are more valuable than complex financial theories.

    • Considering the Cost of a Second HomeWhen buying a second home, consider the financial impact, aim for cash payment or small percentage of net worth, and prioritize financial goals.

      When considering a significant purchase like a second home, it's essential to carefully consider the financial implications. The speaker, Bob, who has a net worth of $8 million and makes nearly $700,000 a year, is facing this decision with his wife. She wants to spend $2.5 million on a second home, but Bob is uncomfortable with the cost. He follows the rule of thumb that second homes, or toys as he calls them, should be paid for in cash or not pursued. He also suggests that if the second home won't produce income, it should represent a small percentage of one's net worth that can be afforded to lose. In this case, $2.5 million is a substantial chunk, equivalent to 30% of Bob's net worth. Despite his wife's desire to buy the home soon, Bob plans to work for a few more years and then live off his net worth. This means that spending a large sum on a second home would significantly impact their lifestyle and savings. Ultimately, the decision requires compromise and careful consideration of their financial goals and priorities.

    • Maintaining Financial Discipline and Reducing AnxietyMaintaining a steady income is crucial for reducing financial anxiety. Adjusting income due to large expenses can be uncomfortable, but necessary. Proper income management and financial discipline are key to enjoying the fruits of your labor.

      Managing income and expenses, especially during financial setbacks, is crucial for maintaining a steady financial situation and reducing anxiety. The speaker shares his experience of having to adjust his income due to a large investment in a second home, which made him uncomfortable with his current income level. He emphasizes the importance of keeping income steady to avoid financial stress and to continue enjoying the fruits of one's labor. The speaker also mentions the upcoming release of Dr. John Deloney's book, "Building a Non-Anxious Life," which offers guidance on recognizing and breaking free from anxiety caused by financial and other life challenges. The call also touches on the importance of setting proper income for a business and the difference between making a profit and paying oneself. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of financial discipline and mindfulness in managing income and reducing anxiety.

    • Making tough decisions for business successBe clear and direct while maintaining kindness to ensure business success, balance financial realities with kindness, and avoid passive aggression.

      Running a business requires making tough decisions, including letting go of team members and making a profit, in order to ensure the long-term stability and success of the organization. Being kind and helping people is important, but it must be balanced with the financial realities of running a business. Avoiding confrontation and being passive aggressive may seem nice in the moment, but it can ultimately lead to harm for both the business and the people involved. Being clear and direct, while also being kind, is essential for maintaining a healthy and profitable business.

    • The Power of Determination and Financial PlanningStaying committed to debt repayment, even during tough times, and having a solid financial plan can help individuals achieve financial freedom, as shown by Jason and Kendall's inspiring journey from owing $350,784 to being debt-free in just 4 years and 5 months.

      Being in control of your finances is crucial and can make a significant impact on your life. The story shared by Jason and Kendall highlights the importance of staying committed to debt repayment even during challenging times. Their experience of going from owing $350,784 to being completely debt-free in just four years and five months, despite facing unexpected job losses, underscores the power of determination and the importance of having a solid financial plan. Moreover, the involvement of their children in their financial journey, despite their initial reluctance, shows that even teenagers can learn valuable lessons about the importance of being debt-free. Overall, their inspiring journey serves as a reminder that anyone can take control of their finances and achieve financial freedom, no matter the circumstances.

    • The power of community in achieving financial peace and freedomSharing your financial journey openly in a supportive community can inspire and motivate others to take control of their finances and achieve financial peace and freedom.

      Having a supportive community and sharing your financial journey openly can be a powerful catalyst for achieving financial peace and freedom. As shared by Jason and Kendall, having Brad Pitt and other influential figures in their local church community join and support their Financial Peace University (FPU) classes made a significant impact. By being open and transparent about their own financial struggles and successes, they created a welcoming and inspiring environment for others to follow suit. This sense of community and shared experience can provide encouragement and motivation for individuals who may feel overwhelmed or hopeless about their own financial situations. By deciding to take control of their finances and sharing their progress, Jason and Kendall were able to pay off their debts and become baby steps millionaires, inspiring others in their community to do the same.

    • Focus on building a solid financial foundationCreate a budget and emergency fund to take control of your finances and work towards financial security and freedom.

      The key to improving one's financial situation is to focus on building a solid foundation, rather than comparing oneself to others or dwelling on the past. The speaker, Shannon, acknowledges her past financial struggles, including debt and lack of savings, but is determined to change her financial future. The first step in achieving this goal is to create a budget and establish an emergency fund. Shannon's income from her business is sufficient, but she needs to learn how to allocate her funds effectively. By implementing a budget and prioritizing debt repayment, Shannon can take control of her finances and work towards financial security and freedom.

    • Focus on eliminating debts and creating an emergency fundPay off debts in order from smallest to largest balance, create an emergency fund with 6 months expenses, and manage finances with emotional detachment to achieve financial peace

      To build wealth and achieve financial peace, it's essential to avoid going into debt and focus on paying off existing debts in order from smallest to largest balance, a method known as the debt snowball. This strategy allows individuals to eliminate debts quickly and free up more money to put towards the next one. Additionally, creating an emergency fund with six months' worth of expenses is crucial to prevent the need to turn to debt in the future. To effectively manage finances, it's helpful to emotionally step aside and view the situation as if managing someone else's money. By following these steps and staying organized, individuals can take control of their finances and work towards financial peace.

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    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 19, 2024

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    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "How can I operate my business without debt?" "Can we move to get out of my wife's toxic job situation?" The best way to "lower" credit card debt, Insurance vs. investments, "Everyone seems to be winning except me," Dave's message to congress Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite Zander Insurance Christian Healthcare Ministries Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📖 Your summer reading list is here. Don’t miss these (cool) summer reads! Beat the heat with bestselling books that will make 2024 your best summer yet.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
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    The Ramsey Show
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    It’s Time to Manage Your Finances

    It’s Time to Manage Your Finances
    Are you the person who never checks their bank account and prefers to live in the dark? Do you Uber everywhere and order Postmates for every meal? Haley Sacks (aka Mrs. Dow Jones) is the zillenial finance queen and she’s here to give us the basic tips we all should know but were never taught. Dow Jones breaks down how you should be spending each paycheck and thankfully it does not involve budgeting item by item. She explains why everyone should build an emergency fund and the best way to tackle debt. Alex and Dow reflect on their early relationship with spending and give you the courage to finally take control of your finances no matter how much or how little you are making. -- FREE Debt Pay-Off Planner: https://www.financeiscool.com/debt-free-planner -- FREE Emergency Fund calculator: https://www.financeiscool.com/free/emergency-fund -- Finance 101 Courses: https://university.financeiscool.com/ Code: DADDY for 15% off -- Call Her Daddy apparel is here. Shop at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠shop.callherdaddy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    $1,000 In Minimum Monthly Payments Are Ruining Her Life

    $1,000 In Minimum Monthly Payments Are Ruining Her Life

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    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 02:40 Her finances are really bad! 04:15 OVERDRAFTING 04:30 Public 06:05 OVERDRAFTING p2 08:50 HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY JUSTIFY THIS 11:40 She wants to do YouTube 12:55 No retirement... 18:35 DISGUSTING personal loan! 23:35 Terrible credit car debt... 25:32 I made her cry 32:25 More credit card DEBT 38:40 I'm scared for your future... 46:00 COLLECTIONS 48:40 Budget, budget, budget! 54:45 CLEAN THIS UP 01:04:40 Hammer Financial Score

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    Will The Bank STEAL Your Money??

    Will The Bank STEAL Your Money??

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    This video is for entertainment purposes ONLY & designed to help your thinking, not direct it. These videos shall NOT be construed as tax, legal or financial advice and may be outdated or inaccurate; all decisions made as a result of viewing are yours alone.

    Sponsorships: Neil McCoy-Ward may earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus from any product or service listed or discussed.

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    Episode 5: The 10 Commandments of Personal Finance #2

    Episode 5: The 10 Commandments of Personal Finance #2
    As an African American, I know firsthand the pressures of financially supporting family and friends. We often feel a strong sense of loyalty to those closest to us and feel obligated to offer financial assistance when needed. However, over the years, I have learned that loaning money that I do not have to loan can lead to detrimental consequences for both the lender and the borrower. In this podcast post, I will explain why I have chosen to prioritize my financial well-being and the importance of setting boundaries when it comes to loaning money.

    Learning To Let Go of Your Financial Mistakes

    Learning To Let Go of Your Financial Mistakes
    Rachel Cruze & Ken Coleman answer your questions and discuss: Letting go of past financial mistakes, "My husband doesn't want me to stay at home," "We feel guilty spending our money," "I barely make any money, what can I do?" "Should I take out more loans to continue my education?" "How do I talk to my parents about money?" Money lessons from Christmas movies, "Paying off debt while unemployed," "Should we sell our house when we move?" "Should I tell my boss that I'm looking for a new job," "Did we buy too much home?" "Take out student loans to start a business?" "Is our childcare cost too high?" Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET Support Our Sponsors: DreamCloud Churchill Mortgage Zander Insurance BetterHelp Neighborly Start your EveryDollar Free Account today: Click Here You could WIN $5,000! Enter the Ramsey Christmas Cash Giveaway today! Find a Ramsey Trusted Real Estate Agent: Click Here Want a plan for your money? Find out where to start: Click Here Listen to all The Ramsey Network podcasts: Click Here Interested in advertising on The Ramsey Show? Click Here Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy