
    Podcast Summary

    • Importance of finding the right career pathBe adaptable, persistent, and continuously learn to find a career that aligns with your strengths and interests, avoiding unnecessary debt and prioritizing good salary and growth opportunities.

      Having a strong foundation in education and continuous learning can lead to better career opportunities, but it's essential to find the right path that aligns with your skills and interests to avoid accumulating debt. Mikey, a 29-year-old Tableau developer from Kansas City, shared his experience of studying finance in college but realizing he was more interested in data analysis. He started his career in a role that didn't fully utilize his skills, leading him to take on personal loans and credit card debt while making only $30,000 a year. However, he eventually found a better fit as a Tableau developer and saw a significant salary increase. Mikey's story emphasizes the importance of being adaptable, persistent, and continuously learning to find a career that aligns with your strengths and interests. It's crucial to avoid taking on unnecessary debt and to prioritize finding a job that provides a good salary and opportunities for growth.

    • Unexpected expenses and emergencies can lead to financial hardshipHaving an emergency fund is crucial to cover unexpected expenses and avoid relying on debt during financial hardships

      Even with a stable job and income, unexpected expenses and emergencies can still leave individuals in financial hardship. In the speaker's case, getting laid off led to a lack of funds for essential expenses, forcing them to max out credit cards and take out a personal loan. Despite having a good job offer lined up, there was a gap between jobs and not enough savings to cover expenses during that time. It's essential to have an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses and avoid relying on credit or loans in times of need. The speaker's lack of planning and savings led to financial stress and debt, emphasizing the importance of financial preparedness.

    • Avoiding Debt: Importance of Financial Planning and DisciplineEffective financial planning and discipline are essential to avoid debt. Build an emergency fund, avoid relying on credit cards for consolidation, and be mindful of unnecessary expenses. Consolidating debt doesn't solve the underlying issue of overspending, and maintaining good credit won't prevent poor financial habits.

      Proper financial planning and discipline are crucial to avoid falling into a cycle of debt. The discussion highlighted the importance of having an emergency fund, not relying on credit cards for consolidation, and being mindful of unnecessary expenses. The individual shared their experience of being in debt due to a lack of emergency funds and poor financial decisions, leading to a need for a personal loan to consolidate their debt. However, despite making progress, they found themselves back at square one due to accruing interest and new expenses. It's important to remember that consolidating debt doesn't solve the underlying issue of overspending and accruing new debt. Additionally, having a good credit score can help secure loans or better interest rates, but it's essential to maintain good financial habits to avoid falling back into debt.

    • Overcoming Debt and Improving CreditFocus on mental health, make large credit card payments, and consider debt consolidation loans to regain financial control.

      When faced with overwhelming debt and a low credit score, it's important to reassess your situation and seek out resources to help improve your financial situation. This individual was able to turn things around by focusing on getting their mental health in order, making significant credit card payments, and eventually taking out a personal loan to consolidate debt and lower monthly payments. Although the loan came with a high interest rate, the individual saw it as a necessary step to get back on track. The ability to discipline oneself and make positive changes, even in the face of adversity, is a powerful tool towards financial success.

    • Focusing on unnecessary expenses can hinder debt repaymentMindfully managing expenses and prioritizing debt repayment can help individuals progress towards financial goals faster.

      Justifying unnecessary expenses, even with 0% interest, can prolong the debt repayment process and hinder progress towards financial goals. The example given was about a Quicksilver card with a high balance, where the individual was making payments but also adding more debt. The 0% interest may seem attractive, but if the balance isn't paid off before the promotion ends, interest will start accruing. The individual's eBay purchases, which totaled more than their monthly loan payments, were also a concern. It's essential to focus on reducing debt and making progress towards financial goals, rather than adding to it. The individual's coin collection, worth around $4,000, was an example of an unnecessary expense that could have been put towards debt repayment or investments if the individual was in a better financial situation. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of being mindful of expenses and focusing on debt repayment and financial progress.

    • Impulsive Buying and Financial InstabilityImpulsive purchases and accumulating debt can lead to financial instability. Prioritize paying off debts and avoid unnecessary expenses to secure a stable future. High-yield savings accounts are more effective for emergency funds than cryptocurrency.

      Impulsive purchases and accumulating debt can lead to financial instability. The speaker shared how they got drawn into watching a YouTube channel, which eventually led them to make unnecessary purchases, including watches and dining out. These expenses added up, contributing to a significant credit card balance and other debts. It's essential to be mindful of spending habits and prioritize paying off debts to secure a stable financial future. Additionally, the speaker learned that having money in cryptocurrency is not an effective emergency fund. Instead, it's crucial to have a high-yield savings account for unexpected expenses.

    • Exploring Non-Essential Spending on Dating Apps, OnlyFans, and Food Delivery ServicesIndividuals may unknowingly spend significant amounts on non-essential items like dating apps, OnlyFans, and food delivery services, potentially masking underlying emotional issues and leading to financial risks.

      The discussed individual's spending habits reveal a significant amount going towards various subscriptions and purchases on dating apps, OnlyFans, and food delivery services. These expenses, in addition to ATM withdrawals and Cash App transactions, add up to a considerable sum. The individual acknowledges having a past issue with spending and admits that these purchases have not effectively addressed feelings of loneliness. The lack of transparency regarding some transactions raises questions about potential impulsive buying or discretionary spending on non-essential items. The individual also mentions having multiple accounts with various bills and expenses. Overall, the conversation highlights the potential financial risks and emotional implications of excessive spending, particularly in areas that may not lead to long-term satisfaction or improvement in one's life.

    • Monitoring multiple debts for motivationRegularly tracking multiple debts, making disciplined financial decisions, and avoiding new debt can help individuals pay off debts faster and achieve long-term financial success.

      Having multiple high-interest debt balances can act as a motivation to pay them off faster, but it's essential to avoid taking on new debt and looking for shortcuts. The individual in the conversation had a high-yield savings account with Capital One, which they checked frequently to monitor their credit card balances and motivate themselves to pay them off. They also had retirement accounts, including a 401k and two target date funds. The person expressed a desire to explore a Roth IRA but hadn't yet. They had made progress in controlling their spending on discretionary items but acknowledged that their expenses might not keep up with their debt repayment rate. The conversation emphasized the importance of creating a budget, making disciplined financial decisions, and avoiding shortcuts to tackle debt and achieve long-term financial success.

    • Monitoring spending is crucial to sticking to a budgetDespite having a budget, overspending can lead to a deficit, highlighting the importance of closely monitoring expenses and making necessary sacrifices.

      Even with a budget in place, overspending can quickly erase any progress made if not closely monitored. In the discussed scenario, 66% of the income was spent during one month, leaving insufficient funds to cover essential expenses and debts. While it's essential to create a budget, following it and making necessary sacrifices are equally important. The cost of living in certain areas can significantly impact one's ability to stick to a budget, as highlighted by the comparison between Austin and Kansas City. The average monthly expenses for the individual in the discussion included rent ($450), utilities and internet ($150), phone bill ($100), car insurance ($55), therapy ($205), and groceries ($300). Prescription medications added an additional $80 per month. The total monthly expenses amounted to $1,485, leaving a deficit of $3,356 for the individual bringing in an average income of $4,844.

    • Creating a Budget and Saving for EmergenciesDevelop a budget focusing on essentials, save for emergencies, and prioritize debt repayment.

      Developing healthy financial habits is crucial for managing expenses and debt. The speaker acknowledged having spent excessively after taking out a loan, feeling the need to spend the money rather than saving it. They plan to create a budget, focusing on necessary expenses, and limit subscriptions to essentials like Spotify and phone storage. The speaker aims to save $1,000 for an emergency fund and pay off their Discover It card, which has an $8,700 balance, by dividing it by their monthly income of $2,060. This approach will help them live within their means and prioritize debt repayment.

    • Eliminate Debts, Build Savings, and Invest within 1.5 YearsFocus on debt elimination, build a small emergency fund, invest 25% of income for retirement, pay off all debts, and allocate up to 25-35% for discretionary spending.

      With careful planning and discipline, it's possible to pay off debts, build an emergency fund, and start investing within a year and a half. First, focus on eliminating high-interest debts like credit cards, while maintaining a small emergency fund. Then, tackle student loans with a traditional repayment plan. During this time, allocate 25% of your income towards retirement investing. Once all debts are paid off and an emergency fund is fully funded, you can allocate up to 25-35% of your income towards discretionary spending. A high-yield savings account, like SoFi, can help you save and earn interest on your emergency fund.

    • Investing in retirement and mental healthStart early, consistently contribute to retirement accounts for financial gains and secure future. Prioritize mental health, acknowledge depression, and seek help when needed.

      Investing in your future through retirement accounts can lead to significant financial gains and help secure your future. The speaker encourages starting early and consistently contributing, even if it means sacrificing some current expenses. He also emphasizes the importance of mental health and acknowledges that depression, specifically Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), can manifest in different ways, including feelings of hopelessness. He shares his personal experience of struggling with depression and how hearing someone describe his feelings helped him seek therapy and start making positive changes. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of both financial and mental well-being for a fulfilling life.

    • Overcoming Financial Struggles and Prioritizing Mental HealthSeek help for mental health challenges, prioritize mental well-being, communicate with a mental health expert, focus on improving financial habits, create a budget, build an emergency fund, and prioritize retirement savings.

      Even when faced with financial struggles and mental health challenges, it's important to keep trying and seeking help. You never know what small changes might make a big difference in your life. Communication with a mental health expert is crucial during this process, as mental well-being should be prioritized above all else. Additionally, focusing on improving financial habits, such as creating a budget and building an emergency fund, can lead to significant progress. Remember, it's never too late to start making positive changes towards financial stability and overall well-being. The speaker also emphasized the importance of addressing financial issues head-on, using the example of Mikey's "Hammer Financial Score." Mikey's score was currently a 1 out of 10 due to overspending, lack of an emergency fund, and inadequate retirement savings. However, with dedication and effort, Mikey could improve his score and set himself up for a more financially secure future. It's important to remember that everyone's financial situation is unique, and there are resources available to help. Check out the resources linked in the description below for more information and guidance on improving your own financial situation.

    Recent Episodes from Financial Audit with Caleb Hammer

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    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 04:55 How are you surviving? 09:26 SOFI 14:39 These debts keep stacking 18:55 You're F'd 26:37 Your checking is... terrifying 30:50 I'm done with your lies 34:20 What a terrible outlook 36:45 AURA 41:41 You need a budget! 45:15 This is gonna take a while 50:47 Hammer Financial Score

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 05:44 Stop listening to him! 10:33 You're BLIND to your finances 11:19 SOFI 15:05 Do you pay anything on time? 19:34 Do you even care?! 27:53 You can't justify an Apple Watch 30:39 Nothing in checking...who's surprised 36:07 Law school? Yeah right... 41:44 You need a budget! 46:59 Aura 57:38 Hammer Financial Score

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    Her "Baby Daddy" Destroyed Her Life

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 04:12 Worst relationship in the world 09:25 This is more important than finances 11:42 SOFI 13:48 You don't have the income for this! 24:22 Holy checking account! 28:53 There's no excuse with this spending 34:18 AURA 38:14 You need a budget! 44:06 Please just do this 50:00 Hammer Financial Score

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    He’s Single-Handedly Throwing Away Their Future

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Job and income 03:22 Diving right in! 07:22 What are we doing? 09:07 Do you even care? 14:47 Sondermind 19:32 What is your life, dude? 22:26 What does your GF have to say about this? 27:02 Smoking reality away 30:52 Here's your budget 34:14 Just follow this... 36:10 Credit Rating 41:10 What if it all goes South? 51:06 Hammer Financial Score

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    E-Girl Is Going To Die In Poverty, Again

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 06:30 Already with the excuses 10:22 This isn't looking good for you 14:50 Opus Clip 19:35 Your debt is haunting you 26:08 Don't you want to be free? 32:48 Your spending doesn't help 37:24 Last chance for survey! 40:44 So much BS 44:22 You need a budget! 49:26 Let's fix this! 53:24 SOFI 58:42 Hammer Financial Score

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    Burning All His Money On… “Apps”

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 03:12 Tough break, dude 09:14 You done goofed 16:58 Consolidate...then keep spending? 19:09 Credit Rating 28:51 I've never seen so much Cashapp 32:57 I don't think you know how this works 35:59 $250 Giveaway 37:08 Stick to the budget!!! 42:19 Here's the game plan! 47:52 SOFI 53:07 Hammer Financial Score

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    Moving To The US And Taking Out EVERY Credit Card Possible

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 05:16 How we feelin' about this debt? 10:55 First of MANY debts 18:39 Sondermind 25:07 Check this out (Pun intended) 30:00 Win $250 31:44 You must COMBINE! 38:45 Let's budget your craziness 52:56 The plan steams ahead 54:33 SOFI 55:17 This could be so much worse 59:59 Hammer Financial Score

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 03:47 Survey 05:14 Dude is giving away money 10:08 Sounds like enabling to me 14:50 Your third car by 19? 25:21 Okay this is insanity 28:31 You have a Sugardaddy?! 29:17 SOFI 34:40 Starting with $0 41:49 You're BS'ing me 43:17 Credit Rating 46:43 You need to budget! 52:23 Here's your plan 1:00:19 Hammer Financial Score

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 04:07 How hard is this? 10:00 Addicted to pugs? 10:20 Sondermind 14:42 Bro you're F'ing me.... Nooo 18:07 You need professional help my dude 21:47 Getting back to finances... I guess 29:08 The addiction wasn't enough 35:08 Why all the ATM withdrawals? 38:59 I mean it's something 41:30 Budget breakdown 44:24 Aura 46:22 I'll make a deal with you 52:30 Hammer Financial Score

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 08:22 Diving into risky decisions 17:02 Real Estate 23:27 SOFI 27:39 Your stomach is making financial decisions 37:48 You DON'T want to do this! 43:11 Money isn't everything? 55:51 This is not investment advice 58:55 You have STUDENT LOANS!? 1:06:23 Time to clean up 1:08:14 HINGE TIME!!!! (yes, it's finally here) 1:15:34 On behalf of the guests 1:20:45 SOFI Savings 1:23:19 All time bonehead play 1:27:30 Here's my advice 1:30:30 Stephen Financial Score

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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


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    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


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