
    When the World Goes Crazy, Control the Controllables

    en-usOctober 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Maintaining financial stability during challengesHaving sufficient assets allows for flexibility in managing financial setbacks and making informed decisions based on personal goals.

      Having enough financial resources can provide flexibility in handling financial challenges, even when faced with unexpected events or difficult markets. In the discussed scenario, Wayne and his wife had enough assets to weather the storms, both literally and figuratively, despite setbacks with a real estate investment. They were able to maintain their financial stability and consider various options, such as paying off debts or holding onto properties, based on their financial situation and personal goals. Ultimately, the key is to have a solid financial foundation and the ability to make informed decisions based on a clear understanding of one's financial situation.

    • Wisely managing debt and investmentsFinancial planning and discipline are crucial for achieving financial stability and independence. Sell assets when not needed for highest return, have enough cash to pay off debts, avoid relying on credit cards, and seek professional help if needed.

      Managing debt and investments wisely can make a significant difference in one's financial situation. The speaker in the discussion emphasized the importance of having enough liquid cash to pay off debts when the opportunity arises, as it can lead to better deals and financial freedom. They also mentioned that the best time to sell an asset is when one doesn't need to, as it can result in the highest return. Additionally, the speaker advised against relying too heavily on credit cards and encouraged seeking professional help if needed. The discussion also touched upon the importance of having options and making informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Overall, the key takeaway is that financial planning and discipline are crucial for achieving financial stability and independence.

    • Overwhelming Emotional Burden of DebtDespite appearing financially strained, prioritizing debts and exploring settlement options can help individuals pay off debts and reduce emotional stress. In some cases, the legal actions against them may be largely symbolic, and focusing on the math can lead to significant progress.

      While the interviewee's financial situation may seem overwhelming with high debts and multiple lawsuits, the emotional burden is often greater than the actual financial strain. By taking a closer look at their finances, prioritizing debts, and exploring settlement options, individuals can make significant progress in paying off their debts and reducing their emotional stress. For instance, in the conversation, it was discovered that despite having numerous credit cards and lawsuits, the family's situation wasn't as dire as it seemed, and they could potentially settle their debts for less than the original amounts. Additionally, in Texas, where the interviewee resides, creditors cannot garnish wages or place liens on homes, making the legal actions against them largely symbolic. By focusing on the math and taking actionable steps, individuals can regain control of their finances and alleviate the emotional burden that comes with debt.

    • Effective Money Management and Term Life InsuranceOrganize finances, create a plan, prioritize expenses, budget, communicate with creditors, offer settlements, avoid bank access, and secure term life insurance for financial security

      Effective money management involves getting organized, creating a detailed plan, prioritizing expenses, and learning to budget. When dealing with creditors, it's important to communicate clearly, offer a settlement, and avoid giving them access to your bank account. Additionally, having term life insurance is crucial for providing financial security for your family, especially during uncertain times. The process of applying for term life insurance has been simplified with companies like Zander Insurance, which offers competitive rates and a touchless application process.

    • Budgeting brings control and peace to financesCreating a budget helps prioritize necessities, eliminate unnecessary stress, and address financial obligations proactively.

      Having a budget in place brings a sense of control and peace to your finances. Without a budget, money can feel like it's being spent haphazardly, leaving you unsure of where it's going. By creating a budget, you can identify problem areas and make intentional decisions about how to allocate your income. This not only helps you prioritize necessities but also eliminates unnecessary financial stress, which can positively impact your relationships and overall well-being. Additionally, neglecting financial obligations, such as credit card debt, can lead to serious consequences, including lawsuits and damage to your credit score. By addressing these issues proactively and responsibly, you can regain control and confidence in managing your finances.

    • Lawsuits for Unpaid Debts: An Efficient Process for CollectorsStay organized, prioritize essential expenses, communicate effectively with collectors, and maintain a clear financial picture to navigate lawsuits for unpaid debts effectively.

      A lawsuit for unpaid debts is not a modern-day courtroom drama, but rather an efficient process for debt collectors. If you owe money and have not paid, the outcome is almost certain – you will lose the lawsuit. The only way to avoid it is to prove that you have already paid or that there is an error in the accounting. However, collectors don't always settle easily, as they aim to get the most value out of each debt. It's essential to stay organized, prioritize essential expenses, and communicate effectively with collectors. Remember, they see it as a business, while you might be dealing with emotions. By using tools like the EveryDollar app and getting your finances in order, you can navigate this process more effectively. Whether you're starting from scratch or already running a successful business, having a clear financial picture, like NetSuite provides, can make all the difference.

    • Considering Major Financial Decisions: Paying Cash and Avoiding DebtFinancial discipline and careful planning are crucial when making major financial decisions. Paying cash for non-essential purchases and avoiding debt or overpaying for properties can help secure a stronger financial future.

      It's important to carefully consider the financial implications of major decisions, especially when it comes to debt and investments. In the discussion, Ryan was considering buying a 40-acre family land for hunting, but the price tag of $250,000 raised suspicions. The financial advisors warned against going back into debt or sacrificing current financial plans for this expense. They emphasized the importance of paying cash for non-essential purchases and avoiding overpaying for properties. Another caller, Joe, shared his struggle with debt from a truck and car purchases, and the advisors urged him to prioritize paying off his debts and increasing his income before making additional purchases. Overall, the discussion underscored the importance of financial discipline and careful planning when making significant financial decisions.

    • Managing Debts and Expenses for Financial StabilityFocus on increasing income and reducing expenses, consider selling expensive cars, and have a family member work outside the home. Treat business as a side hustle until profitable, and manage rental properties for additional income.

      The individual in this conversation is currently struggling with managing their debts and expenses, which includes a mortgage, a line of credit, vendor debt, personal loans, and high-cost cars. The key to improving their financial situation is to focus on increasing their income and reducing their expenses, particularly by selling their expensive cars and possibly having a family member work outside the home. The individual's business is not yet generating enough income to support their lifestyle, so it should be treated as a side hustle until it becomes profitable. Additionally, they have significant assets in the form of rental properties, which, if managed correctly, could provide additional income to help them get out of debt. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of carefully managing debts, expenses, and income to achieve financial stability and freedom.

    • Balancing Financial Responsibility and EnjoymentConsidering selling rental properties to buy a dream house, individuals are encouraged to be generous with their money, invest wisely, and enjoy life's experiences.

      The individuals in this conversation have accumulated significant wealth through real estate investments and have paid off most of their debts, including their mortgages. However, they are now considering selling some of their rental properties to purchase a dream house and are struggling with the decision. The financial advisor suggests they should be generous with their money, invest it wisely, and enjoy it. Despite their financial success, they have not been prioritizing enjoyment and are encouraged to do so. The conversation also reveals that they are relatively new to the principles of financial management as taught by Dave Ramsey. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of balancing financial responsibility with enjoyment and generosity.

    • Focus on what you can control in personal financePay off debt, invest wisely, stay focused on personal financial goals, and be generous in the community, while accepting uncertainties of global events.

      Individuals can gain financial security by focusing on what they can control, such as paying off debt and investing wisely, while accepting the uncertainties of global events. Rachel's question about preparing financially during times of turmoil was addressed by both Dave and Nikki. They suggested controlling what one can control, like paying off debt and being generous in one's community, while accepting the uncertainties that come with global events. Dave added that while global events can temporarily affect investments, the stock market usually recovers soon after. The speakers emphasized the importance of staying focused on personal financial goals and not letting external events distract from long-term financial planning.

    • Don't let fear dictate investment decisions during global turmoilFocus on controllable factors, maintain balance, and recognize minimal impact of external events on personal finances during global turmoil

      During times of global turmoil or economic downturn, it's essential not to let fear and external events dictate your investment decisions. History shows that the market often recovers quickly, and missing out on these recovery periods can negatively impact long-term growth. International investments, while sometimes perceived as risky, are an integral part of a well-diversified portfolio due to their potential for profit and contribution to overall economic prosperity. It's crucial to focus on controllable factors and maintain a balanced perspective, recognizing that while world events may be significant, their impact on individual financial situations is often minimal.

    • Stay committed to your financial plan, even when faced with unexpected expenses or changesMaintain retirement savings and build an emergency fund, even during financial changes or unexpected expenses.

      Even when faced with unexpected expenses or financial changes, it's important to stay committed to your financial plan as much as possible. In the discussion, a listener was considering halting their retirement contributions to pay off their fiancé's debts after their wedding. However, the financial experts advised against this and suggested keeping their retirement savings on track, while also ensuring they had an emergency fund in place. Another caller, who had been homeschooling and working part-time, was considering using their additional income to pay off their mortgage or enjoy it. They were already debt-free and had a plan in place for their children's education, so the experts advised them to continue with their retirement savings and consider using any excess income for their enjoyment or future financial goals. Overall, the message was to stay committed to your financial plan, even when faced with unexpected expenses or changes.

    • Give, Save, Spend FormulaAllocate extra income to mortgage, savings, fun, and generosity using the 'give, save, spend' formula to be intentional with money and cover all important bases without guilt or neglect.

      Sam and Sharon suggest allocating a percentage of any extra income towards mortgage payments, savings or fun activities, and generosity. This strategy, known as the "give, save, spend" formula, allows individuals to be intentional with their money and cover all important bases without feeling guilty or neglecting any area. The formula can be adjusted based on personal income and preferences, but the key is to be intentional and avoid lifestyle creep. By following this approach, individuals can build wealth, enjoy life, and practice generosity without worrying about being irresponsible. This strategy is effective for all income levels and can help prevent the accumulation of unnecessary expenses.

    • Credit score not the only indicator of financial successFocusing on debt freedom and wealth building can lead to financial security, regardless of credit score

      A high credit score doesn't necessarily indicate financial success or stability, but rather a history of managing debt. Debt-free individuals, like the person in the discussion, may not need to focus on maintaining a high credit score since they have no intention of borrowing more money. The credit score is a tool for lenders to assess the risk of extending credit, and for those who have paid off their debts, it may not be as relevant. Instead, focusing on building wealth and maintaining a debt-free lifestyle can lead to financial security and peace of mind.

    • Financial freedom means less reliance on credit scores and debtAs you accumulate assets and eliminate debts, having a good credit score becomes less important. Use extra cash for emergency funds, investments, or debt repayment.

      As you progress towards financial freedom, the reliance on credit scores and debt decreases. This becomes apparent when you have accumulated significant assets and have eliminated most of your debts, leaving only essential obligations like a mortgage. At this stage, having a good credit score is no longer a priority, and the extra cash can be used for emergency funds, investments, or paying off remaining debts. For instance, Caleb, a business owner from Charleston, West Virginia, had amassed over $300,000 but kept most of it in the bank. He realized the importance of allocating some of that money to an emergency fund and using the rest to pay off his mortgage and other debts. Conversely, Brian, a 25-year-old from Minneapolis, was looking to get out of $35,000 in car debt and start living within his means. Both stories illustrate the importance of financial discipline and the eventual freedom from debt and credit scores.

    • Preparing Financially for a BabyFocus on saving as much money as possible before having a baby by creating a detailed budget and taking advantage of hospital discounts for prepayment.

      During times of significant life changes, such as having a baby, it's crucial to focus on saving as much money as possible beforehand. This can help alleviate financial stress and allow individuals to tackle debt more effectively. Hospitals often offer discounts for prepayment of delivery costs, especially for those without insurance. By creating a detailed budget and sticking to it, couples can save a substantial amount of money in the months leading up to the baby's arrival. This can provide peace of mind and enable them to focus on the joy of welcoming a new family member.

    • Singular focus on debt repaymentFocusing all resources on debt repayment can lead to faster debt freedom and more significant long-term investments.

      In personal finance, focusing all your resources on one financial goal for a short period of time, such as becoming debt-free, can be more effective than taking advantage of a salary match in a 401k, especially for those who are trained to prioritize math and data. This approach, which was discussed on The Ramsey Show, can lead to faster debt repayment and ultimately free up income for more significant long-term investments. While it may feel counterintuitive to overlook the employer match, the psychological and emotional benefits of singular focus can lead to greater wealth accumulation in the long run.

    • Focus on behavior and mindset for debt repayment and wealth buildingSuccessfully managing debt and building wealth requires addressing both math and behavior/mindset. Prioritize one goal at a time and experience the psychological benefits of progress to stay motivated.

      While math plays a role in managing debt and building wealth, it's important to remember that behavior and mindset are equally important. Trying to tackle both debt repayment and investing at the same time without addressing the underlying behavior that led to debt can hinder progress towards wealth building. The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on one thing at a time and experiencing the psychological feedback loop of success to stay motivated. Additionally, the probability of completing complex debt repayment strategies may not be factored into the math, and the human behavior aspect should not be overlooked. The financial industry often focuses too much on math and neglects the behavioral and mindset components, leading to common pitfalls like credit card debt and unnecessary borrowing.

    • Applying math to behavior-based problems can be misguidedConsider learning about investing from a behavioral finance perspective, attend a virtual event, have a plan for unexpected expenses, and use tools like Every Dollar app for better financial future.

      Attempting to apply mathematical solutions to behavior-based problems can lead to confusion and potentially misguided decisions. For instance, when it comes to investing, relying solely on math and market trends can be exhausting and may not yield the best results for your future. Instead, consider attending a virtual event where you can learn about investing from a behavioral finance perspective and get your questions answered live. Additionally, remember that building wealth involves more than just numbers - it's important to have a plan in place for unexpected expenses and to allocate funds appropriately using tools like the Every Dollar app. By focusing on both the financial and behavioral aspects of wealth building, you can feel more confident in your financial future.

    • Separating savings for different purposesKeeping emergency funds separate from other savings prevents impulsive spending and ensures financial security. Credit and debit cards both offer fraud protection through zero liability policies.

      Having separate savings accounts for different purposes, such as emergency funds and discretionary spending, can help prevent impulsive spending and ensure financial security. The speaker emphasized the importance of keeping emergency funds separate from other savings to avoid dipping into it for non-emergencies. He also debunked the myth that credit cards offer more fraud protection than debit cards, stating that both Visa and MasterCard have zero liability policies for both credit and debit card users in case of fraud. Additionally, the speaker shared his experience of using rental income to buy more rental properties, emphasizing the potential for compounding returns through real estate investments.

    • Fraud Protection for Credit and Debit CardsBoth credit and debit cards have fraud protection and users are not liable for unauthorized transactions. Debit cards may require additional steps but the money will be returned.

      Both credit and debit cards offer fraud protection, contrary to popular belief on social media. The issuing bank is required to follow the agreements with Visa and MasterCard to provide zero liability in case of fraud. Debit cards may have additional steps like notifying the bank before traveling, but the money will be returned in case of unauthorized transactions. A listener called in seeking advice about saving money after graduation. The Ramsey Show's recommendation was to get married, start living together, and save money for a year or two before buying a house. The emphasis was on starting a new life together, building a strong foundation, and not getting too focused on the perfect scenario.

    • Start traveling as a nurse earlier for more income and experienceConsidering a travel nursing career? Starting early can lead to more income and valuable experience. If you own a house, get an accurate appraisal before selling.

      If you're considering a career as a travel nurse, it could be beneficial to start your travels early rather than buying a house and renting it out beforehand. With the current nursing shortage, travel nurses are in high demand and can make substantial income. If you're able to go on the road sooner, you can make more money and gain valuable experience. However, if you do own a house and are considering selling it due to a perceived significant loss, it's essential to get an accurate appraisal before making a decision. The housing market may not have dropped as much as you think, and the discussion could change significantly with better facts.

    • Look beyond general market data for accurate informationConsult local real estate agents for accurate housing market info, as individual markets can vary significantly

      While the overall housing market may be experiencing a downturn, individual markets can vary significantly. Some markets may still be experiencing a housing shortage and continuing to increase, while others may have dropped. It's essential to look beyond general market data and consult with a trusted local real estate agent for accurate and reliable information. While Zillow and similar platforms can provide some insight, they should not be the sole source of decision-making as they rely on algorithms and not actual market data. Ultimately, the decision to buy or sell a property depends on an individual's financial situation and ability to withstand potential losses. Remember, there's only one way to true financial peace, and that's through faith in Christ Jesus. If you're interested in learning more about the Ramsay Baby Steps, visit RamsaySolutions.com and click the "Get Started" button for personalized guidance.

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    💵 Sign up for EveryDollar today - Create a free Budget! Jade Warshaw & Ken Coleman answer your questions and discuss: "How do I pay off these student loans?" "How can I increase my income?" "How can I pay off debt and build my savings?" "How do I deal with incompetent coworkers?" "How much car can I afford to buy?" "Am I throwing away money by renting?" 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! Support Our Sponsors: USCCA NetSuite Churchill Mortgage Zander Insurance Neighborly Next Steps 👍 Help us make the show better! Please fill out this quick survey! 📄 Need help with your taxes? See who we trust. 🎟️It's game on! Get your ticket for Total Money Makeover Weekend.  🏠 Find a Ramsey Trusted Real Estate Agent Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy

    How to Become Financially Whole with Tiffany Aliche (The Budgetnista!)

    How to Become Financially Whole with Tiffany Aliche (The Budgetnista!)
    In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast, we're gonna talk to Tiffany, “The Budgetnista” Aliche, about how to get smart with money. Join Our Newsletter here! Learn to Invest with Index Fund Pro! Our complete step-by-step guide to investing! https://mastermoney.co/index-fund-pro/ Thanks to Our Amazing Sponsors!:  Chime: Start your credit journey with Chime. Sign-up takes only two minutes and doesn’t affect your credit score. Get started at chime.com/ Thanks to Ka’Chava For Sponsoring the show! Go to kachava.com/pfp and get 10% off on your first order.  Shopify: Shopify makes it so easy to sell. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at shopify.com/pfp Policygenius: This is where I got my term life insurance. Policygenius made is so easy. To get your term policy go to policygenius.com and make sure your loved ones are safe. Healthy Cell: The best way to get your vitamins and nutrients based on your goals. I take one pouch every day to perform my best mentally and feel better physically. Go to Healthycell.com and use promo code PFP for 20% off your first order! Get all the nutrients your body needs today! Connect with Tiffany The Budgetnista Aliche: Tiffany’s website Tiffany’s Facebook Tiffany’s Instagram Tiffany’s Twitter Tiffany’s Youtube Get Good With Money Website Get Good With Money: Netflix Documentary Checklist of relevant episodes:  21 Ways To Guarantee You Stay Poor (or Make You Rich) with Matt Aitchison From Police Officer to Multimillionaire investing in ATM’s (With Paul Alex) Your Super-Serious Guide to Money Management with Joe Saul-Sehy 5 Realistic Money Goals By Age! From 100K in Debt to Building Generational Wealth as a Couple with Josh and Ali (The FI Couple) Personal Finance Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@thepersonalfinancepodcast  FREE GUIDES: ============== - Free Ebooks here: https://mastermoney.co/resources/  -Check out the free guide on where to put your money in what order!  https://www.mastermoney.co/stairway-to-wealth   -Here is the free How to Ask for A Raise ebook! https://www.mastermoney.co/get-a-raise-ebook   -Get Access to the 75-Day Challenge: https://www.mastermoney.co/75daychallenge    =============   We have a YOUTUBE channel! Check it out here!    Our Latest Videos:  What Would Happen If You Maxed Out Your Roth IRA By Age?! (These Results Will Amaze You!) How to Become a Millionaire With a Small Amount of Money (Is it Really This Easy!?) Pre-tax moves for high earners   Got questions? Ask me on Instagram Here. @mastermoneyco This is the fastest way to get in touch with me.  ============   Want to Support the Show? Follow on Spotify or Follow and Leave a 5-Star Review on Apple Podcasts!   ============   Check out all the Stuff I Recommend!  Check out all my favorite Credit Cards https://milevalue.com/top-offers-mastermoney/    USEFUL RESOURCES: The Year-End Money Checklist https://mastermoney.co/year-end-money-checklist/   The 75 Day Money Challenge https://mastermoney.co/75-day-challenge/  Finally, Get That Raise https://mastermoney.co/resources/  ============     DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. This Podcast is for educational purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am sharing my opinion.    AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this channel are affiliate links, meaning, at NO additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase and/or subscribe. However, this does not impact my opinion.   ============     Check us out on social fam!    Twitter   Tiktok   www.thepersonalfinancepodcast.com   www.mastermoney.co Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep11: Starting A New Journey

    Ep11: Starting A New Journey

    In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we recapped our last ten episodes. Because I revealed that the last ten episodes were the completion of Level 1: The Foundational Principles for Finances! We reminisced about the importance of ditching our old mindset and adopting wisdom and strategy toward money. We wrapped up by declaring that we can rewire our minds to grow our money, starting, today! Join me on our journey to financial freedom!

    $1,000 In Minimum Monthly Payments Are Ruining Her Life

    $1,000 In Minimum Monthly Payments Are Ruining Her Life

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    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 02:40 Her finances are really bad! 04:15 OVERDRAFTING 04:30 Public 06:05 OVERDRAFTING p2 08:50 HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY JUSTIFY THIS 11:40 She wants to do YouTube 12:55 No retirement... 18:35 DISGUSTING personal loan! 23:35 Terrible credit car debt... 25:32 I made her cry 32:25 More credit card DEBT 38:40 I'm scared for your future... 46:00 COLLECTIONS 48:40 Budget, budget, budget! 54:45 CLEAN THIS UP 01:04:40 Hammer Financial Score

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