
    Illegal Immigrants Overrun National Guard, Cartels Launch Tens of Thousands of Drones into U.S. & NY Tries to Take a Half Billion from Trump with NO Appeal

    enMarch 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Impactful donations and technology improve livesDonations to organizations like Preborn save lives and technology from HealthLock helps individuals save money on medical bills.

      Both preborn babies and individuals dealing with medical bills have a significant chance for a positive impact with the help of generous donations and technology. The partnership between the organization and Preborn saves lives by providing mothers with the opportunity to hear their baby's heartbeat, increasing their chances of continuing the pregnancy. Additionally, HealthLock helps individuals save money by ensuring medical bills are accurate and handling disputes on their behalf. Both causes offer the chance to make a difference with relatively small investments. The Chinese Communist Party's influence on Hollywood is another pressing issue, as revealed in the documentary "Hollywood Takeover." The border crisis also continues to escalate, with reports of illegal immigrants storming the National Guard and human traffickers utilizing 25,000 drones. Lastly, the New York attorney general's actions against Donald Trump and the ongoing House investigation into the IRS add to the complex political landscape. Overall, these issues highlight the importance of being informed and taking action when possible.

    • Managing Ammunition and the Southern Border CrisisAmmoSquared simplifies ammo management while the southern border crisis strains law enforcement resources and raises national security concerns

      AmmoSquared offers a convenient solution for ammunition management, allowing users to select shipping triggers, exchange inventory between calibers, and even sell it back if needed. Meanwhile, there's an ongoing crisis at the southern border, with illegal immigrants overwhelming law enforcement and border control, leading to record numbers of people being released into the United States. The situation has reached a critical point, with some seeing it as an invasion, and President Biden's administration is being criticized for not doing enough to secure the border. The psychological impact of these events is also significant, as some believe that the perception of weak border control encourages more people to come illegally. Ultimately, this situation raises concerns about national security and the integrity of democratic processes.

    • Border security challenges with illegal immigrants and dronesThe Biden administration's policies are perceived as encouraging illegal immigration and releasing criminal offenders, leading to safety concerns for American citizens and over 1,000 drone incursions per month along the southern border.

      The southern border of the United States is facing significant challenges, with an increasing number of illegal immigrants entering the country and drones infiltrating US airspace. The Biden administration's policies, according to some, are seen as encouraging illegal immigration and releasing criminal offenders, creating a dangerous situation for American citizens. The situation has reached a symbolic moment with the release of violent criminals and the large number of drone incursions along the border. General acknowledges the potential threat of these drones, and the number of incursions is estimated to be over 1,000 in a month. The Democrats' stance on this issue, prioritizing the rights of illegal immigrants and criminals over American citizens, has raised concerns about national security and sovereignty.

    • Cartels' Air Force of Drones Threatens Southern BorderCartels use drones for surveillance and potential hostile activities at the southern border, increasing threat for drug trafficking, human smuggling, and sex trafficking, with Fentanyl being the number one killer drug in the US. The Biden administration and Democrats are doing nothing to stop it.

      The cartels operating at the southern border have an air force of drones, with thousands of sightings reported in one sector alone within the last year. This is not an exaggeration, as testified by senior military officials. These drones are used primarily for surveillance, but they could potentially be used for hostile activities. The cartels have operational control of the border and will not let anyone cross without their permission. The situation is serious, as drones are increasingly used in warfare and are a significant threat for drug trafficking, human smuggling, and sex trafficking, with Fentanyl being the number one killer drug in the US. The Biden administration and Democrats are facilitating this invasion by doing nothing to stop it. The sophistication of these drones should not be underestimated, as they are a new way for adversaries to attack, as seen in various conflict zones around the world.

    • Drones Pose Threat to US National Security Along BorderCartels use drones for drug transportation and surveillance, entering US airspace at alarming rates, with more resources than US authorities, while investors should consider diversifying assets with Freedom Gold USA to protect retirement savings from inflation

      Drones are being extensively used by cartels for drug transportation and surveillance along the US-Mexico border, posing a significant threat to national security. The situation is alarming as thousands of drones are entering US airspace monthly, and the cartels have more drones, flight hours, and funding than US authorities. The Biden administration's lack of action to prevent these drone incursions is concerning, as one manned drone could potentially cause harm. Meanwhile, protecting retirement savings from inflation becomes increasingly important, with gold and silver being historically good hedges. Freedom Gold USA can help investors diversify their assets and save on costs compared to major firms. The border security issue demands a response from the administration, but currently, there seems to be no clear plan.

    • Uncertain Political Landscape and Ongoing EffortsThe November elections offer a solution for those concerned about the current state of the country, while organizations continue saving lives and providing essential services. However, the political climate has become increasingly divisive, with Democrats targeting opponents and concerns about election interference.

      The political landscape remains uncertain with Joe Biden showing no signs of changing his stance, leaving the November elections as the only viable solution for those who are concerned about the current state of the country. Meanwhile, organizations like Pre Born continue their efforts to save lives by rescuing 200 babies from abortion every day, and Consumer Cellular offers affordable wireless service, while Lisa provides comfortable mattresses for better sleep. However, the political climate has become increasingly divisive, with the Democrats focusing their efforts on targeting their political opponents, including former President Donald Trump, raising concerns about election interference. The unprecedented request by AG Merrick Garland to deny Trump's bond appeal highlights this trend. It's a critical time for individuals to stay informed and engaged, and for businesses to consider supporting causes they believe in.

    • Prosecutors targeting Trump with no clear victim or harmDemocrat AGs use power to pursue allegations against Trump, potentially seizing properties to prevent reelection, requiring large bonds that private companies struggle to provide

      Democrat prosecutors, like New York Attorney General Letitia James, are using their power to pursue allegations against former President Donald Trump with no clear victim or harm, and are attempting to seize his properties as a means to potentially prevent him from being reelected. The case in question, which involves a $454 million judgment for alleged real estate fraud, requires Trump to put up a $557 million bond to appeal, which he cannot provide due to the underwriter's insistence on cash or liquid assets. The attorney general's office has stated that such large bonds have been issued before, but the process is extremely difficult for a private company like Trump's. This situation highlights the potential for politically motivated actions against individuals by prosecutors, and the significant financial burden that can result.

    • New York AG's Legal Action Against Trump Could Impact Due Process and Property RightsThe New York AG's legal action against Trump, if successful, could set a precedent limiting due process and property rights, potentially deterring foreign investment and harming New York's economy.

      The legal action against Donald Trump by the New York Attorney General, if successful, could deny him the right to appeal a decision in a case with potential constitutional implications. This situation, which involves a massive bond requirement for an appeal, is being criticized as an assault on America's core values, including due process and property rights. It could deter foreign investment and negatively impact New York's economy. The concern is not just about Trump but the potential long-term implications for the American brand. Many investors are worried and are waiting for adult supervision to address this issue. The absence of a clear stance from Democratic politicians on this matter adds to the concern. This situation underscores the need for a balanced approach to legal matters and respect for due process and property rights.

    • NY AG's power to seize assets without due processThe NY AG's investigation into Trump's business dealings highlights the potential for misuse of power to seize assets without due process, setting a dangerous precedent.

      The power wielded by the New York Attorney General's office, as demonstrated in the ongoing investigation into Donald Trump's business dealings, has the potential to terrorize individuals and companies, both domestic and foreign, by seizing assets without due process. Letitia James' ambition to use this power for political gain sets a dangerous precedent. Similarly, the Internal Revenue Service's use of artificial intelligence to monitor bank accounts and financial information raises concerns about privacy and potential political targeting. The lack of concern or opposition from New York Democrats and the Republican-led investigation into the IRS are alarming signs of the erosion of individual rights and the potential for arbitrary and unchecked power.

    • Hollywood under Chinese influence and US Oil investment opportunityThe documentary 'Hollywood Takeover' exposes China's control over Hollywood, while US Oil and Gas presents a tax-advantaged investment opportunity for accredited investors

      Hollywood, which once symbolized the American dream, is now under the influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), leading to the creation of nightmarish content for some audiences. This control is revealed in the documentary "Hollywood Takeover" by investigative reporter Tiffany Meyer. Additionally, for accredited investors, US Oil and Gas could be a tax-advantaged income investment opportunity, offering potential returns while potentially reducing tax liability. Lastly, for men seeking to maximize their masculinity, CHOQ's Chalk Vitality Stack claims to boost testosterone levels up to 20% over 90 days.

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