
    Illinois Judge Throws Trump OFF THE BALLOT, Just Hours Before Supreme Court Ruling, plus BlackRock ADMITS that ESG is Costing It Billions & Hunter Admits That He Got Millions from China

    enMarch 04, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Casino Games, Saving Lives, and Ammo DeliveryChumba Casino offers free games with real prizes, Pre Born saves lives through heartbeat technology, HealthLock saves users $130 million on medical bills, and Ammo Squared delivers ammo for peace of mind.

      Chumba Casino offers over 100 free casino games with the potential to win real prizes, while Pre Born is a non-profit organization that saves lives by helping mothers hear their unborn babies' heartbeats, increasing their chances of carrying their pregnancies to term. Another key takeaway is that HealthLock, a technology company, helps individuals ensure their medical bills are accurate and save over $130 million collectively. Lastly, the Supreme Court is expected to make a decision regarding President Trump's ballot status, BlackRock admitted to losing $1 billion due to ESG initiatives, and the Biden family's testimony revealed inconsistencies with Joe Biden's statements. Ammo Squared is a service that automatically stocks and delivers ammunition to customers, providing peace of mind during times of scarcity.

    • Supreme Court to Release Ruling on Trump Primary Ballots TodayThe Supreme Court is expected to release a ruling on Trump's primary ballot controversy, possibly impacting votes in Colorado, Maine, and Illinois.

      AmmoSquared offers convenient ammo management with the ability to easily switch inventories between calibers or sell it back for cash. Meanwhile, in political news, the Supreme Court is expected to release a ruling today, possibly regarding the controversy over some states attempting to remove Donald Trump from their presidential primary ballots. The unusual timing of the announcement, on Super Tuesday, suggests the court may be trying to resolve the issue before the Colorado election. The decisions in Colorado, Maine, and Illinois, if upheld, would effectively suppress votes for Trump, and collectively, these actions are being seen as a significant assault on democracy.

    • Judges' power and impact on political casesJudges have the power to make decisions that can impact elections, but their personal beliefs and backgrounds should be considered. New judges with limited experience may lack the necessary legal expertise to make informed decisions.

      The role and power of judges, particularly in contentious political cases, should not be underestimated. The discussion highlighted the example of activist judges in Colorado and Illinois who have made decisions that could potentially keep former President Trump off the ballot based on their personal beliefs. These decisions, if not overturned, could have significant implications for the electoral process. It's important to pay attention to who our judges are and their backgrounds, as they have the power to issue orders that may not be enforced if they are deemed lawless. The appellate system and higher courts can step in to correct such decisions, but the process can be lengthy and uncertain. In the case of Judge Tracy Porter in Illinois, she is a brand new judge who was appointed to a traffic court position just three years ago and has now been elected to the Cook County Circuit Court. Her quote about "impacting lives and changing communities" suggests a focus on outcomes rather than adherence to the rule of law.

    • Judge Tracy Porter's Decision on Trump's Ballot StatusJudge Tracy Porter's ruling to keep Trump off the Illinois ballot sparks controversy, highlighting the politicized judiciary and the importance of aligning personal values with financial choices.

      Tracy Porter, the Illinois judge who ruled to keep Donald Trump off the ballot, is being hailed as a hero by some Democrats despite concerns over the legality and potential for voter suppression in her decision. This incident highlights how deeply polarized the political climate has become, with some people viewing the judiciary as a means to impose policy and exercise power, rather than upholding the rule of law. Additionally, it's important to be aware of where our money goes when we pay our bills, as some companies use a portion of those funds to support causes that may not align with our values. In this case, Patriot Mobile offers an alternative for those looking to support organizations that advocate for religious freedoms, the sanctity of life, and other conservative causes.

    • Consumers' financial decisions impact companies' valuesConsumers can influence corporate values by choosing to invest in or support companies aligned with their beliefs. Large companies, like BlackRock, are adopting ESG initiatives and using their financial power to vote on political issues, shaping societal values.

      Consumers have the power to support companies that align with their values through their financial decisions. The discussion touched upon Patriot Mobile, a company that aligns with certain beliefs and offers incentives for customers to join. Additionally, the conversation delved into the topic of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives and how large companies, such as BlackRock, have adopted these agendas with significant financial consequences. BlackRock, as the world's largest asset manager with trillions of dollars under management, has begun voting on political issues on behalf of mutual fund shareholders, shifting the corporate landscape towards leftist policies. This trend, driven by CEO Larry Fink, has sparked controversy and debate on the role of corporations in shaping societal values.

    • Major corporations face financial losses due to political agendasDisney lost $1B due to customer displeasure, BlackRock grapples with stakeholder demands, and ESG matters lead to rising energy prices, raising questions about fiduciary duties and shareholder value

      Both Disney and BlackRock, major corporations, have acknowledged that their political agendas are costing them significant financial losses, as stated in their SEC filings. Disney mentioned losing $1 billion due to being out of step with customers, while BlackRock faces competing demands from various stakeholders regarding Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) matters. This raises questions about their fiduciary duties to their shareholders and the potential violation of their legal obligations to maximize shareholder value. The increasing focus on ESG matters is causing energy prices to rise, as mentioned by BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, which may be a good thing for reducing the "green premium" but could also impact shareholder value negatively.

    • ESG Trend and State Actions Against Boycotting IndustriesLarge investment firms like BlackRock are pushing for decarbonization technology and 'forcing behaviors' on companies, while some states are taking action against companies that boycott certain industries, leading to implications for various industries and economies. The book 'Unwoke' suggests strategies to fight back and protect local industries and values.

      The push for decarbonization technology is accelerating, driven by large investment firms like BlackRock. BlackRock's CEO, Larry Fink, has made it clear that he intends to "force behaviors" on companies, despite his own large carbon footprint. In response, some states, like Texas, have taken action against companies that boycott certain industries, such as oil and gas, by refusing to invest state funds in them. This trend, known as ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and "woke" business, has significant implications for various industries and economies. The book "Unwoke" discusses strategies to fight back against these trends and advocates for states to adopt similar measures to protect local industries and values.

    • Political beliefs vs financial interestsThe divide between political beliefs and financial interests poses a risk for companies, potentially leading to reputational damage, client withdrawals, and legal action. Consumers are increasingly aligning with companies that share their values, while transparency and truthfulness in political statements remain crucial.

      The increasing divide between political beliefs and financial interests is becoming a significant risk for companies, as seen in BlackRock's SEC filing regarding potential legislation restricting business with entities identified as boycotting or discriminating against certain industries or considering Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors. This divergence can lead to reputational damage, client withdrawals, and legal and governmental action. Meanwhile, consumers are encouraged to support companies that align with their values, like Blackhawk Coffee, which is committed to conservative values and offers a premium cup of coffee. Additionally, there's ongoing controversy surrounding the Biden family's financial ties to China, which raises questions about transparency and truthfulness in political statements.

    • Hunter Biden's Contradictory Statements on Chinese Business DealsDespite Hunter Biden's admission to receiving money from a Chinese company and allegations of selling favors, limited media coverage exists, with the IRS blocking subpoenas for evidence and Joe Biden denying involvement during the debate.

      Hunter Biden, under oath, admitted to receiving money from a Chinese company, contradicting Joe Biden's statement during the presidential debate that his son had not made money from China. Furthermore, investigators attempted to obtain GPS data to confirm Hunter's claim that Joe Biden was present during a business meeting with a Chinese businessman, but the IRS whistleblowers blocked the subpoena, suggesting an effort to protect Joe Biden. Hunter has also been involved in controversial activities, such as photographing himself using drugs with prostitutes and selling favors from his father's position of public trust. Despite these admissions and allegations, there has been limited coverage of this issue in the media.

    • Hunter Biden's secret meeting with Chinese energy executiveIn 2017, Hunter Biden met with a Chinese energy executive, who was later indicted on bribery charges, despite Joe Biden's previous statement that Hunter didn't receive money from the China deal. Hunter also received $1M for representing him, with no evidence of legal work.

      In September 2017, Hunter Biden had a private meeting with Patrick Ho, an executive from Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC China Energy, whom Hunter described as the "spy chief of China." This meeting occurred just two months before Ho was indicted on bribery charges by federal prosecutors in New York. CEFC China Energy had paid Hunter and Jim Biden $5,000,000, yet Joe Biden had previously stated that Hunter didn't receive any money from the China deal. Hunter also received a $1,000,000 from CEFC China Energy to represent Ho, despite no evidence of legal work being done. The fact that Ho, who was later indicted for bribing public officials, requested a private meeting with Hunter raises questions about the nature of their relationship.

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