
    Uniting 179 Members of Congress to Defend Trump before SCOTUS plus Biden Targeting MAGA & DOJ Admits Hunter Laptop is Real

    enJanuary 19, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Impact of small actions, saving lives and moneySupporting organizations like Preborn saves lives and technology like HealthLock saves money. Lawmakers' actions, like Senator Ted Cruz's amicus brief, protect democracy.

      Our actions, no matter how small, can make a significant impact on people's lives. The discussion highlighted the importance of supporting organizations like Preborn, which saves 200 babies from abortion every day by helping mothers hear their babies' heartbeats. Meanwhile, technology like HealthLock can help individuals save money on healthcare costs by identifying errors and fraud in medical bills. Senator Ted Cruz's amicus brief, signed by over 170 lawmakers, is an important step towards defending democracy and allowing voters to choose who they want on the ballot. It's crucial to stay informed and get involved in issues that matter to us, whether it's saving lives, saving money, or protecting our democratic processes.

    • Congress Members File Amicus Brief in Support of Trump's Ballot AccessA group of 179 Congress members argue that only Congress has the power to remove a disability under the 14th Amendment and that removing Trump from the ballot denies this power. They also claim the Colorado Supreme Court's decision lacks neutral principles and could lead to debaloting of political opponents.

      A group of 179 members of Congress, led by Representative Jim Jordan, filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court arguing against the removal of former President Donald Trump from the ballot in Colorado based on the 14th Amendment. They argue that only Congress has the power to remove a disability under Section 3 of the amendment, and that removing Trump from the ballot would deny Congress this power. They also argue that the question of whether Section 3 applies to Trump is a political question, and that the Colorado Supreme Court's decision lacks neutral principles and could lead to widespread debaloting of political opponents. The brief was drafted quickly and signed on to by a large number of lawmakers, emphasizing the importance of this case as a defense of democracy.

    • Congressional Coalition Files Amicus Brief for Christian Conservative Wireless ProviderA bipartisan group of 179 Congress members filed an amicus brief for Patriot Mobile, a wireless provider aligned with Christian conservative values, highlighting the importance of free speech, religious freedom, and other issues for this organization.

      A large coalition of 179 members of Congress came together to file an amicus brief in a matter of days, supporting a Christian conservative wireless provider named Patriot Mobile. This is an unusual occurrence and highlights the importance of the issues at stake for this organization, which includes support for free speech, religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and the Second Amendment, among others. The Supreme Court considers all amicus briefs filed in a case, and in this instance, the court will review the brief submitted by Patriot Mobile and the responses from the parties involved. By choosing to support Patriot Mobile, consumers can align their phone usage with their values, rather than funding causes they disagree with. The ease of switching providers, with the ability to keep one's existing phone and number, adds to the appeal.

    • Congressional Support for Heartbeat Bill179 members of Congress filed an amicus brief for the heartbeat bill, emphasizing its urgency and importance. Personal advocacy can lead to significant results.

      The recent collaboration to file an amicus brief with 179 members of Congress, advocating for the heartbeat bill, is an unusual and significant event. This level of support from both houses of Congress is a testament to the urgency and importance of the issue at hand. The speaker shares his personal experiences, including getting all 50 states on board for a similar case two decades ago, and emphasizes the importance of personal advocacy in achieving such results. Furthermore, the speaker encourages listeners to donate to Preborn, an organization that helps rescue babies from abortion, emphasizing the importance of every life and the impact a small donation can have.

    • Protecting Consumers from Medical Billing Errors and Privacy InvasionsHealthLock helps consumers save money by reviewing medical claims for errors, while the Biden administration's Treasury Department's request for private transaction searches raises privacy concerns

      Ensuring the accuracy of medical bills is crucial to avoid overpayments, and HealthLock is a solution that helps review claims for errors, saving members over $130 million to date. Meanwhile, in a concerning turn of events, the Biden administration's Treasury Department reportedly asked financial institutions to search private transactions for specific keywords, including "Trump," "MAGA," and terms related to religious texts or sporting goods stores without probable cause or search warrants, potentially violating citizens' privacy. This highlights the importance of being vigilant about protecting personal information and understanding the potential misuse of government power. To save money on medical bills and safeguard privacy, visit HealthLock.com and listen to the Armstrong and Getty show for more important, unspun stories.

    • Biden Administration's Treasury Department Requests Customer Data from BanksThe Biden administration's Treasury Department is requesting customer information from banks, raising privacy concerns. Individuals should be cautious about their financial transactions and consider potential implications for privacy.

      The Biden administration's Treasury Department has been requesting customer information from banks, raising privacy concerns. This information includes transactions made at specific retailers, such as Bass Pro Shops, Dick's Sporting Goods, and Cabela's. The banks, being heavily regulated, have complied with these requests out of fear of federal reprisals. This incident highlights the vulnerability of banks as a source of personal financial data. The left, including the Biden administration and figures like Elizabeth Warren, have expressed interest in knowing detailed financial information. While Congress can conduct oversight, the lack of bipartisan support in the Senate means that passing legislation to stop these searches is unlikely. As a result, individuals may want to be cautious about the financial transactions they make and consider the potential implications for their privacy.

    • Biden Administration and Democrats Accused of Deceiving Public on Hunter Biden's LaptopThe Biden DoJ obtained evidence from Hunter Biden's laptop during an investigation but labeled it Russian misinformation, raising concerns about transparency and trust in government.

      The Biden administration and Democrats, including Hunter Biden, have been accused of deceiving the American people regarding the authenticity of Hunter Biden's laptop. This admission comes from the Biden Department of Justice, who obtained evidence from the laptop during an investigation into Hunter Biden's tax violations in 2019. Despite knowing the laptop was real, they, along with other Democrats and corporate media outlets, publicly labeled the laptop as Russian misinformation to influence the 2020 presidential election. This admission raises serious concerns about transparency and trust in government and political institutions. Conservatives argue that this is an election year issue that will resonate with voters who feel their privacy and freedoms are being violated. Additionally, there is good news for homeowners as interest rates have dropped, providing an opportunity to pay off high-interest debt.

    • False claims about Hunter Biden's laptop and Russian involvementDuring the 2020 campaign, several media outlets and officials spread false info about Hunter Biden's laptop and Russian involvement, damaging public trust. FBI, DOJ knew truth but remained silent.

      During the 2020 presidential campaign, several corporate media outlets and high-ranking officials, including then-candidate Joe Biden, spread false information about Hunter Biden's laptop and alleged Russian involvement. Despite evidence to the contrary, these individuals and organizations continued to assert that the stories were Russian disinformation. The FBI and DOJ were also aware of the truth but allowed the lies to persist, damaging public trust in these institutions. The recent admission by the Biden DOJ that the initial claims were lies highlights the need for accountability and truthfulness in political discourse. The incident underscores the importance of fact-checking and questioning the sources of information.

    • Biden Administration's Lack of Transparency in Family Business DealingsGeorge Burgess, a key figure in the Biden family's business investigation, never contacted by the White House or made aware of any ethics agreement, adding to growing evidence of dishonest claims, media's role in enabling lies, impact on 2024 election unclear

      The Biden administration's lack of transparency and apparent disregard for truthfulness has been unprecedented in American political history. George Burgess, a key figure in the ongoing investigation into the Biden family's business dealings, revealed that he had never been contacted by the White House or been made aware of any ethics agreement. This revelation adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that Joe Biden's claims about his family's business dealings have been dishonest. The media's role in enabling these lies has been significant, with CNN's Jake Tapper being called out for his failure to hold the administration accountable. As the investigation continues, it remains to be seen how much this issue will impact the 2024 election. The Armstrong and Getty show aims to cover stories that are often overlooked by the mainstream media.

    • Insightful Perspectives on Current Events from Armstrong and Getty and The Big Take DCListen to Armstrong and Getty for a balanced view on various topics including the election, trials, wars, and social media. The Big Take DC focuses on how money, politics, and power shape government and the consequences for voters.

      There are important stories shaping our lives and the world, and two podcasts, Armstrong and Getty, and The Big Take DC, provide insightful perspectives without left-wing media spin. Armstrong and Getty cover a range of topics including the election, trials of Donald Trump, wars, and social media, while providing a balanced view. The Big Take DC, on the other hand, focuses on how money, politics, and power shape government and the consequences for voters. Both podcasts are available on the Iheart radio app, Apple Podcasts, and other podcast platforms. For those interested in understanding the world's economies, The Big Take from Bloomberg News offers in-depth analysis from the smartest and best-informed business reporters.

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