
    Ilya Sutskever (OpenAI Chief Scientist) - Building AGI, Alignment, Future Models, Spies, Microsoft, Taiwan, & Enlightenment

    enMarch 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the Progress and Challenges of AGIIlya Sutskov discussed the potential economic value of AGI, but also emphasized the importance of addressing alignment and reliability challenges to ensure beneficial outcomes.

      Potential and the challenges of advanced artificial general intelligence (AGI). Ilya Sutskov, the co-founder and chief scientist of OpenAI, discussed his work and the implications of AGI. He emphasized the importance of understanding the differences between scientists who make one breakthrough versus those who make multiple ones. Regarding the use of AI models like GPT, Ilya acknowledged that while there are potential illicit uses, such as propaganda or scams, large-scale tracking is possible. The window of economic value for AI before AGI is a good multi-year window, and it's increasing exponentially. The question of how long until AGI is produced is difficult to answer, but the comparison to self-driving cars suggests that there is still work to be done. By 2030, it's uncertain what percentage of GDP will be AI, but it's clear that the potential for economic value is significant. However, the challenges of alignment and reliability must be addressed to ensure that AGI benefits humanity rather than posing risks. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of continued research and development in AGI, as well as the need for ethical considerations and safeguards.

    • Large language models' reliability crucial for economic valueDespite potential advancements, large language models' reliability is key to determining their economic value. Understanding underlying reality for accurate predictions, ongoing reinforcement learning, and potential integration of ideas are important considerations.

      The reliability of large language models (LNs) is a crucial factor in determining their real-world impact and economic value. The speaker acknowledges that it's difficult to predict the exact percentage of economic value created by LNs in the future, but if it falls short, reliability could be the reason. He emphasizes that even if LNs become technologically mature, they may not be considered reliable enough for widespread use. The speaker also discusses the possibility of generative models going beyond next token prediction to surpass human performance, suggesting that understanding the underlying reality that led to the creation of tokens is essential for making accurate predictions. He believes that this understanding could potentially allow us to make educated guesses about hypothetical people based on their characteristics, even if they don't exist in reality. The speaker also mentions that reinforcement learning on these models is ongoing, and it's unclear how long it will be before most of us are surpassed in mental ability by these advanced models. However, he expresses confidence that the current paradigm will go far and likely not be the exact form factor for AGI, but rather a precursor to the next paradigm, which may involve the integration of all the different ideas that have come before.

    • The future of reinforcement learning is in human-AI collaborationHumans provide initial training and guidance, AI generates data and learns autonomously, humans refine reward functions, and AI models improve with dedicated training and algorithmic advancements. The future lies at the intersection of human expertise and AI capabilities.

      The future of reinforcement learning lies in human-AI collaboration, where humans provide initial training and guidance, and AI generates data and learns from it autonomously. The role of humans is to refine the reward function and teach the next generation of AI models. Currently, models struggle with multistep reasoning but are expected to improve significantly with dedicated training and algorithmic advancements. The data situation is still promising, but the eventual depletion of text tokens may necessitate multimodal approaches or alternative training methods. Retrieval transformers, which store data outside the model and retrieve it as needed, are a promising research direction. OpenAI's decision to leave robotics behind was a necessary one due to the lack of available data at the time. However, with the current advancements in AI, robotics could once again become a fruitful area of exploration. The potential for algorithmic improvements is significant, although the exact magnitude is uncertain. Overall, the future of AI research lies at the intersection of human expertise and AI capabilities, with a focus on continuous improvement and collaboration.

    • Thousands to Hundreds of Thousands of Robots Required for Robotics ProgressTo advance in robotics, a large-scale effort to build and maintain thousands to hundreds of thousands of robots for data collection is essential.

      The field of robotics requires a massive commitment to build and maintain a large number of robots in order to collect sufficient data for progress. While the combination of compute and data has been the primary driver of advancements in the past, the path forward in robotics today necessitates a dedicated effort to build thousands to hundreds of thousands of robots and collect data from them. Companies are considering this approach, but a genuine passion for robots and a willingness to tackle the unique physical and logistical challenges are essential. Regarding current hardware, it is not seen as a limitation, and any ideas that cannot be executed on current hardware can still be pursued. As for alignment, achieving a single mathematical definition is considered unlikely. Instead, multiple definitions focusing on various aspects of alignment are expected to provide assurance. The level of confidence required before releasing a model depends on its capability. The concept of AGI is ambiguous, and the required level of confidence also depends on where the AGI threshold is set. Currently, our understanding of models is still rudimentary, and a combination of approaches, including spending significant compute to find any mismatch between intended and exhibited behavior and examining the neural net's inner workings, is believed to be the most promising path towards alignment.

    • Exploring the Future of AI ResearchSignificant progress in AI research, goal of understanding small neural nets, potential prize for alignment research, end-to-end training, estimating windfall from AI, post-AGI world and finding meaning

      While significant progress has been made in AI research, there is still much more to be discovered. The ultimate goal is to have a well-understood small neural net that can generate fruitful ideas and insights for researchers. A prize for alignment research could be a potential solution, but determining the concrete criteria for such a prize is a challenge. End-to-end training is currently a promising architecture for larger models, but better ways of connecting things together may also be necessary. Estimating the size of the windfall from a new general-purpose technology like AI requires data and careful extrapolation. After AGI comes, the question of what people will do and find meaning in a world dominated by AI is a complex one, but AI could potentially help us become more enlightened and improve ourselves through interaction.

    • Predicting the Future of AIDespite advancements in AI, the world will continue to evolve and transform, with humans remaining free to make mistakes and learn. AGI may serve as a safety net, but it won't dictate society's future.

      The world is constantly changing and it's impossible to predict exactly how it will look in the future. Despite advancements in technology, such as artificial general intelligence (AGI), the world will continue to evolve and transform. The speaker expresses a preference for a world where people are still free to make their own mistakes and learn from them, rather than one where a powerful tool like AGI dictates how society should be run. The speaker also reflects on how his expectations for the capabilities of deep learning have been both exceeded and not met since 2015. He acknowledges that he made aggressive predictions about deep learning's progress, but admits that he didn't fully believe them himself. He also notes that while companies like Google have advantages in terms of resources for training larger models, the fundamental principles of deep learning are not exclusive to any one organization. Another intriguing idea discussed was the possibility of humans choosing to merge with AI to expand their understanding and capabilities. However, the speaker emphasizes that even with AGI, the world will continue to change and evolve. Ultimately, he hopes for a future where humans are still free to make their own choices and learn from their mistakes, with AGI serving as a safety net.

    • Understanding the bottleneck between GPUs and TPUsThe main challenge in machine learning is the time it takes to move data between memory and the processor, leading to the need for batch processing. Cost per flop and overall system cost are key considerations.

      Both GPUs and TPUs, which are key components in machine learning, are similar in that they are large processors with a lot of memory, and there is a bottleneck between the two. The main challenge is the time it takes to move data between memory and the processor, leading to the need for batch processing. The cost per flop (floating point operation) and overall system cost are the primary considerations. The speaker expresses that coming up with new ideas is important but that understanding the results and existing ideas is even more crucial. The AI ecosystem could face a significant setback if there's a disaster in Taiwan, causing a shortage of compute, but alternative solutions can still be found. The speaker's career has been focused on understanding rather than just coming up with new ideas. The experience of using Azure for machine learning has been fantastic, with Microsoft being a great partner in its development.

    • Neural networks offer valuable solutions despite increasing costsThe advancement of neural networks provides valuable solutions, justifying their costs, with price discrimination and specialization mitigating concerns of commoditization and security measures addressing potential leaks.

      While the cost of inference for larger neural networks may increase, it won't necessarily be prohibitive if the models provide valuable and reliable results. The comparison can be drawn to seeking legal advice, where the expense is justified due to the value received. Price discrimination and different models catering to various use cases are already prevalent, and the fear of commoditization can be mitigated by continuous progress in improving models and developing new ideas. However, there may be convergence and divergence in research directions, with some companies specializing in specific areas. Security remains a concern as these models become more capable, but efforts are being made to guard against potential leaks. Overall, the advancement of neural networks will continue to offer valuable solutions, even as costs evolve.

    • Exploring the potential of large-scale language modelsResearchers are scaling language models, seeking reliability, controllability, and predicting specific capabilities. Scaling laws provide insight, but the connection to reasoning is complex. Special tokens and human input can enhance capabilities. Data, GPUs, and transformers' availability is driving progress.

      The ongoing development of large-scale language models, such as transformers, is a complex and interconnected process. Researchers are excited about the potential emergence of reliability and controllability as key properties at this scale, which could lead to solving various problems. While it's not possible to predict all emergent properties in advance, making accurate predictions about specific capabilities is an essential goal. Scaling laws are considered important but complex, as they only provide insight into prediction accuracy and the connection to reasoning capability is not straightforward. Special tokens and human input can potentially enhance reasoning capabilities. The availability of data, GPUs, and transformers at the same time is an interesting coincidence, driven by advancements in technology and the interconnectedness of these fields. The progress in this area is not a coincidence, but rather an intertwined process where improvements in one dimension often depend on advancements in others. The inevitability of this kind of progress is not clear, but the ongoing collaboration and innovation in these areas will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in language modeling.

    • The Role of Pioneers in Accelerating the Deep Learning RevolutionGeoffrey Hinton's contributions may have sped up the deep learning revolution by a year or two, but the continuous advancement of computer technology was also a significant factor.

      The deep learning revolution was likely to happen eventually due to the continuous improvement of computer technology, but the presence of pioneers like Geoffrey Hinton may have accelerated the process by a year or so. Regarding alignment of AI, current models have some solutions, but the challenge increases with smarter models that can misrepresent their intentions. Academic researchers can contribute significantly to alignment research. The impact of language models on the physical world is not distinct from their impact on the digital world. Progress in AI may involve both breakthroughs and implementations of existing ideas, with some advancements appearing obvious in hindsight. The transformer model is an example of a less obvious breakthrough.

    • Inspired by human intelligence, Ilya Sutskever's perseverance led him to the forefront of deep learning revolutionIlya Sutskever's success in deep learning came from being inspired by human intelligence, focusing on essential behaviors, and maintaining a clear focus on AI fundamentals despite skepticism.

      The development of deep learning, specifically the use of large neural networks trained with backpropagation, was a groundbreaking conceptual advancement, even if the novelty wasn't in the neural network or the training algorithm itself. Neuroscientists believe the brain cannot implement backpropagation due to the one-way direction of synaptic signals. The forward-forward algorithm is an attempt to approximate backpropagation's benefits without it. While humans provide valuable inspiration for AI research, focusing on essential behaviors rather than specific cognitive models is crucial. It's perseverance and the right perspective that led Ilya to the forefront of the deep learning revolution. Overall, it's essential to be inspired by human intelligence while maintaining a clear focus on the fundamentals of AI development.

    • Sharing is Caring: Expanding the Reach of KnowledgeThe most valuable way to support a freely available podcast is by sharing it with others, expanding its reach and impact.

      Learning from this podcast episode is that the content provided is freely available to all, and while donations are appreciated, they are not necessary for access. The host encourages listeners to share the podcast with others as the most valuable form of support. The importance of spreading the word and sharing the podcast with others is emphasized, as it helps to expand the reach and impact of the content. So, in essence, the most significant way to contribute is by sharing the podcast with those who might find it valuable. This approach keeps the content accessible to everyone, fostering a sense of community and shared knowledge.

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    Watch the video on YouTube. Read the full transcript here.

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    - This episode is brought to you by Stripe, financial infrastructure for the internet. Millions of companies from Anthropic to Amazon use Stripe to accept payments, automate financial processes and grow their revenue.

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    enJune 26, 2024

    Francois Chollet, Mike Knoop - LLMs won’t lead to AGI - $1,000,000 Prize to find true solution

    Francois Chollet, Mike Knoop - LLMs won’t lead to AGI - $1,000,000 Prize to find true solution

    Here is my conversation with Francois Chollet and Mike Knoop on the $1 million ARC-AGI Prize they're launching today.

    I did a bunch of socratic grilling throughout, but Francois’s arguments about why LLMs won’t lead to AGI are very interesting and worth thinking through.

    It was really fun discussing/debating the cruxes. Enjoy!

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here.


    (00:00:00) – The ARC benchmark

    (00:11:10) – Why LLMs struggle with ARC

    (00:19:00) – Skill vs intelligence

    (00:27:55) - Do we need “AGI” to automate most jobs?

    (00:48:28) – Future of AI progress: deep learning + program synthesis

    (01:00:40) – How Mike Knoop got nerd-sniped by ARC

    (01:08:37) – Million $ ARC Prize

    (01:10:33) – Resisting benchmark saturation

    (01:18:08) – ARC scores on frontier vs open source models

    (01:26:19) – Possible solutions to ARC Prize

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    Dwarkesh Podcast
    enJune 11, 2024

    Leopold Aschenbrenner - China/US Super Intelligence Race, 2027 AGI, & The Return of History

    Leopold Aschenbrenner - China/US Super Intelligence Race, 2027 AGI, & The Return of History

    Chatted with my friend Leopold Aschenbrenner on the trillion dollar nationalized cluster, CCP espionage at AI labs, how unhobblings and scaling can lead to 2027 AGI, dangers of outsourcing clusters to Middle East, leaving OpenAI, and situational awareness.

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here.

    Follow me on Twitter for updates on future episodes. Follow Leopold on Twitter.


    (00:00:00) – The trillion-dollar cluster and unhobbling

    (00:20:31) – AI 2028: The return of history

    (00:40:26) – Espionage & American AI superiority

    (01:08:20) – Geopolitical implications of AI

    (01:31:23) – State-led vs. private-led AI

    (02:12:23) – Becoming Valedictorian of Columbia at 19

    (02:30:35) – What happened at OpenAI

    (02:45:11) – Accelerating AI research progress

    (03:25:58) – Alignment

    (03:41:26) – On Germany, and understanding foreign perspectives

    (03:57:04) – Dwarkesh’s immigration story and path to the podcast

    (04:07:58) – Launching an AGI hedge fund

    (04:19:14) – Lessons from WWII

    (04:29:08) – Coda: Frederick the Great

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe
    Dwarkesh Podcast
    enJune 04, 2024

    John Schulman (OpenAI Cofounder) - Reasoning, RLHF, & Plan for 2027 AGI

    John Schulman (OpenAI Cofounder) - Reasoning, RLHF, & Plan for 2027 AGI

    Chatted with John Schulman (cofounded OpenAI and led ChatGPT creation) on how posttraining tames the shoggoth, and the nature of the progress to come...

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here. Follow me on Twitter for updates on future episodes.


    (00:00:00) - Pre-training, post-training, and future capabilities

    (00:16:57) - Plan for AGI 2025

    (00:29:19) - Teaching models to reason

    (00:40:50) - The Road to ChatGPT

    (00:52:13) - What makes for a good RL researcher?

    (01:00:58) - Keeping humans in the loop

    (01:15:15) - State of research, plateaus, and moats


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    * CommandBar is an AI user assistant that any software product can embed to non-annoyingly assist, support, and unleash their users. Used by forward-thinking CX, product, growth, and marketing teams. Learn more at commandbar.com.

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    Dwarkesh Podcast
    enMay 15, 2024

    Mark Zuckerberg - Llama 3, Open Sourcing $10b Models, & Caesar Augustus

    Mark Zuckerberg - Llama 3, Open Sourcing $10b Models, & Caesar Augustus

    Mark Zuckerberg on:

    - Llama 3

    - open sourcing towards AGI

    - custom silicon, synthetic data, & energy constraints on scaling

    - Caesar Augustus, intelligence explosion, bioweapons, $10b models, & much more


    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Human edited transcript with helpful links here.


    (00:00:00) - Llama 3

    (00:08:32) - Coding on path to AGI

    (00:25:24) - Energy bottlenecks

    (00:33:20) - Is AI the most important technology ever?

    (00:37:21) - Dangers of open source

    (00:53:57) - Caesar Augustus and metaverse

    (01:04:53) - Open sourcing the $10b model & custom silicon

    (01:15:19) - Zuck as CEO of Google+


    If you’re interested in advertising on the podcast, fill out this form.

    * This episode is brought to you by Stripe, financial infrastructure for the internet. Millions of companies from Anthropic to Amazon use Stripe to accept payments, automate financial processes and grow their revenue. Learn more at stripe.com.

    * V7 Go is a tool to automate multimodal tasks using GenAI, reliably and at scale. Use code DWARKESH20 for 20% off on the pro plan. Learn more here.

    * CommandBar is an AI user assistant that any software product can embed to non-annoyingly assist, support, and unleash their users. Used by forward-thinking CX, product, growth, and marketing teams. Learn more at commandbar.com.

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    Sholto Douglas & Trenton Bricken - How to Build & Understand GPT-7's Mind

    Sholto Douglas & Trenton Bricken - How to Build & Understand GPT-7's Mind

    Had so much fun chatting with my good friends Trenton Bricken and Sholto Douglas on the podcast.

    No way to summarize it, except: 

    This is the best context dump out there on how LLMs are trained, what capabilities they're likely to soon have, and what exactly is going on inside them.

    You would be shocked how much of what I know about this field, I've learned just from talking with them.

    To the extent that you've enjoyed my other AI interviews, now you know why.

    So excited to put this out. Enjoy! I certainly did :)

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. 

    There's a transcript with links to all the papers the boys were throwing down - may help you follow along.

    Follow Trenton and Sholto on Twitter.


    (00:00:00) - Long contexts

    (00:16:12) - Intelligence is just associations

    (00:32:35) - Intelligence explosion & great researchers

    (01:06:52) - Superposition & secret communication

    (01:22:34) - Agents & true reasoning

    (01:34:40) - How Sholto & Trenton got into AI research

    (02:07:16) - Are feature spaces the wrong way to think about intelligence?

    (02:21:12) - Will interp actually work on superhuman models

    (02:45:05) - Sholto’s technical challenge for the audience

    (03:03:57) - Rapid fire

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    Demis Hassabis - Scaling, Superhuman AIs, AlphaZero atop LLMs, Rogue Nations Threat

    Demis Hassabis - Scaling, Superhuman AIs, AlphaZero atop LLMs, Rogue Nations Threat

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    We discuss:

    * Why scaling is an artform

    * Adding search, planning, & AlphaZero type training atop LLMs

    * Making sure rogue nations can't steal weights

    * The right way to align superhuman AIs and do an intelligence explosion

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here.


    (0:00:00) - Nature of intelligence

    (0:05:56) - RL atop LLMs

    (0:16:31) - Scaling and alignment

    (0:24:13) - Timelines and intelligence explosion

    (0:28:42) - Gemini training

    (0:35:30) - Governance of superhuman AIs

    (0:40:42) - Safety, open source, and security of weights

    (0:47:00) - Multimodal and further progress

    (0:54:18) - Inside Google DeepMind

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe

    Patrick Collison (Stripe CEO) - Craft, Beauty, & The Future of Payments

    Patrick Collison (Stripe CEO) - Craft, Beauty, & The Future of Payments

    We discuss:

    * what it takes to process $1 trillion/year

    * how to build multi-decade APIs, companies, and relationships

    * what's next for Stripe (increasing the GDP of the internet is quite an open ended prompt, and the Collison brothers are just getting started).

    Plus the amazing stuff they're doing at Arc Institute, the financial infrastructure for AI agents, playing devil's advocate against progress studies, and much more.

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here. Follow me on Twitter for updates on future episodes.


    (00:00:00) - Advice for 20-30 year olds

    (00:12:12) - Progress studies

    (00:22:21) - Arc Institute

    (00:34:27) - AI & Fast Grants

    (00:43:46) - Stripe history

    (00:55:44) - Stripe Climate

    (01:01:39) - Beauty & APIs

    (01:11:51) - Financial innards

    (01:28:16) - Stripe culture & future

    (01:41:56) - Virtues of big businesses

    (01:51:41) - John

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe

    Tyler Cowen - Hayek, Keynes, & Smith on AI, Animal Spirits, Anarchy, & Growth

    Tyler Cowen - Hayek, Keynes, & Smith on AI, Animal Spirits, Anarchy, & Growth

    It was a great pleasure speaking with Tyler Cowen for the 3rd time.

    We discussed GOAT: Who is the Greatest Economist of all Time and Why Does it Matter?, especially in the context of how the insights of Hayek, Keynes, Smith, and other great economists help us make sense of AI, growth, animal spirits, prediction markets, alignment, central planning, and much more.

    The topics covered in this episode are too many to summarize. Hope you enjoy!

    Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript here. Follow me on Twitter for updates on future episodes.


    (0:00:00) - John Maynard Keynes

    (00:17:16) - Controversy

    (00:25:02) - Fredrick von Hayek

    (00:47:41) - John Stuart Mill

    (00:52:41) - Adam Smith

    (00:58:31) - Coase, Schelling, & George

    (01:08:07) - Anarchy

    (01:13:16) - Cheap WMDs

    (01:23:18) - Technocracy & political philosophy

    (01:34:16) - AI & Scaling

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe

    Lessons from The Years of Lyndon Johnson by Robert Caro [Narration]

    Lessons from The Years of Lyndon Johnson by Robert Caro [Narration]

    This is a narration of my blog post, Lessons from The Years of Lyndon Johnson by Robert Caro.

    You read the full post here: https://www.dwarkeshpatel.com/p/lyndon-johnson

    Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or any other podcast platform. Follow me on Twitter for updates on future posts and episodes.

    Get full access to Dwarkesh Podcast at www.dwarkeshpatel.com/subscribe

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    This podcast was generated with the help of artificial intelligence. We do fact check with human eyes, but there might still be hallucinations in the output.

    Music credit: "Modern Situations by Unicorn Heads"




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    Want to get in contact? Write me an email: podcast@argo.berlin

    This podcast was generated with the help of ChatGPT and Claude 3. We do fact check with human eyes, but there still might be hallucinations in the output.

    Music credit: "Modern Situations by Unicorn Heads"

    Revolutionizing AI: Tackling the Alignment Problem | Zuzalu #3

    Revolutionizing AI: Tackling the Alignment Problem | Zuzalu #3

    In this episode, we delve into the frontier of AI and the challenges surrounding AI alignment. The AI / Crypto overlap at Zuzalu sparked discussions on topics like ZKML, MEV bots, and the integration of AI agents into the Ethereum landscape. 

    However, the focal point was the alignment conversation, which showcased both pessimistic and resigned optimistic perspectives. We hear from Nate Sores of MIRI, who offers a downstream view on AI risk, and Deger Turan, who emphasizes the importance of human alignment as a prerequisite for aligning AI. Their discussions touch on epistemology, individual preferences, and the potential of AI to assist in personal and societal growth.

    🚀 Join Ryan & David at Permissionless in September. Bankless Citizens get 30% off. 🚀









    0:00 Intro
    1:50 Guests

    5:30 NATE SOARES
    7:25 MIRI
    13:30 Human Coordination
    17:00 Dangers of Superintelligence
    21:00 AI’s Big Moment
    24:45 Chances of Doom
    35:35 A Serious Threat
    42:45 Talent is Scarce
    48:20 Solving the Alignment Problem
    59:35 Dealing with Pessimism
    1:03:45 The Sliver of Utopia

    1:14:00 DEGER TURAN
    1:17:00 Solving Human Alignment
    1:22:40 Using AI to Solve Problems
    1:26:30 AI Objectives Institute
    1:31:30 Epistemic Security
    1:36:18 Curating AI Content
    1:41:00 Scalable Coordination
    1:47:15 Building Evolving Systems
    1:54:00 Independent Flexible Systems
    1:58:30 The Problem is the Solution
    2:03:30 A Better Future


    Nate Soares

    Deger Turan


    Less Wrong AI Alignment

    AI Objectives Institute


    Not financial or tax advice. This channel is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This video is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

    Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here:

    Empathic AI and its role in understanding human emotions with Hume AI’s Alan Cowen | E1922

    Empathic AI and its role in understanding human emotions with Hume AI’s Alan Cowen | E1922

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    Hubspot for Startups. Join thousands of companies that are growing better with HubSpot for Startups. Learn more and get extra benefits for being a TWiST listener now at https://www.hubspot.com/startups


    Todays show:

    Hume AI’s Alan Cowen joins Jason to demo Hume AI’s Empathic Voice Interface (6:08), Measurement API (16:20), and discuss the future implications of this tech, both positive and negative (44:14).



    (0:00) Hume AI’s Alan Cowen joins Jason

    (3:01) Hume AI and the role of AI in understanding human emotions

    (6:08) Hume AI’s Empathic Voice Interface (EVI) and its responsiveness to human emotions

    (8:27) LinkedIn Jobs - Post your first job for free at https://linkedin.com/twist

    (9:55) The components in speech that Hume AI studies and its application across different cultures

    (16:20) Hume AI’s Measurement API and its design for real-time emotion and expression analysis

    (21:16) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (22:07) What AI can reveal about a person based on their expressions

    (24:12) The impact on customer service and security sectors

    (27:24) Hume AI’s comedy bot and emotional detection capabilities

    (36:08) Hubspot for Startups - Learn more and get extra benefits for being a TWiST listener now at https://www.hubspot.com/startups. Also, be sure to visit https://bit.ly/hubspot-ai-report

    (37:01) Hume AI’s comedy bot / roast functionality

    (44:11) The future implications, both positive and negative, of emotionally intelligent AI on society


    Check out Hume AI: https://www.hume.ai


    Follow Alan:

    X: https://twitter.com/alancowen

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alan-cowen


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (8:27) LinkedIn Jobs - Go to https://linkedIn.com/angel and post your first job for free.

    (21:16) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (36:08) Hubspot for Startups - ****Learn more and get extra benefits for being a TWiST listener now at https://www.hubspot.com/startups. Also, be sure to visit https://bit.ly/hubspot-ai-report


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


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    Will AI Save The World?

    Will AI Save The World?
    That's the claim in Marc Andreessen's massive new 7000 word missive "Why AI Will Save The World." On this week's Long Reads Sunday, NLW voice clones himself with https://play.ht/ to "read" the entire piece.  The AI Breakdown helps you understand the most important news and discussions in AI.  Subscribe to The AI Breakdown newsletter: https://theaibreakdown.beehiiv.com/subscribe Subscribe to The AI Breakdown on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheAIBreakdown Join the community: bit.ly/aibreakdown Learn more: http://breakdown.network/