
    Improve your sense of direction

    en-usMay 06, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Spatial Anxiety and its CausesDevelop a better sense of direction to reduce anxiety, feel more confident, and better navigate both familiar and unfamiliar environments by practicing navigation skills regularly and using landmarks to help orient yourself.

      Our reliance on technology for navigation can sometimes lead to feelings of anxiety and disorientation when we're unable to access it. According to Mary Hagerty, a cognitive psychologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, this phenomenon is known as spatial anxiety. People experience this anxiety when they have to navigate unfamiliar environments or suddenly realize they've lost their bearings. While technology like Google Maps can be helpful in these situations, it's important to develop a better sense of direction to reduce our dependence on it and alleviate spatial anxiety. Benjiro, an outdoors recreation specialist, emphasizes the importance of having backup navigation skills, especially when we're away from technology. Hugo Spears, a professor of cognitive neuroscience, suggests practicing navigation skills regularly and using landmarks to help orient ourselves. By taking steps to improve our sense of direction, we can reduce anxiety, feel more confident, and better navigate both familiar and unfamiliar environments.

    • Exploring new areas and navigating environmentsEmbrace the journey by exploring new areas and improving navigation skills through practice

      Having a good sense of direction is more than just getting from point A to point B. It's about the connection we have with our environment and the power we hold in navigating it. London taxi drivers, for instance, gain a unique sense of ownership of their city after mastering its streets. The ability to navigate also seems to be influenced by both genetic and experiential factors. While some people may naturally excel at it, others can improve their skills through practice. Mary Hagerty from the Spatial Thinking Lab suggests treating navigation as a "use it or lose it" skill and encourages us to explore new areas on foot. So, next time you have some extra time, try taking a different route and embrace the journey rather than focusing solely on the destination.

    • Explore your surroundings and practice navigation skillsTaking a leisurely approach to navigation can improve orientation and broaden perspective, while practicing skills and using distal landmarks as reference points enhances effectiveness.

      While it's understandable to want to get to our destinations as efficiently as possible, taking a more leisurely approach to navigation can have unexpected benefits. By exploring your surroundings and practicing navigation skills without relying solely on a GPS, you can gain a better sense of direction and a broader perspective of the world around you. Additionally, identifying and using distal landmarks as reference points can improve your overall sense of orientation. It's important to remember that the use of GPS is not being discouraged, but rather, the value of practicing navigation skills and paying attention to the environment should not be overlooked.

    • Creating personal landmarks aids effective navigationAttaching personal significance to experiences and ideas helps memory retention and aids in creating a mental understanding of their relationships

      Effective navigation, whether physical or metaphorical, relies on creating distinct landmarks and narratives. Ben shared that growing up, having Lake Erie as a constant north reference helped him navigate physically. Neuroscientifically, our brains remember experiences and memories more deeply when we attach personal significance to them. Expert navigators use this principle by turning abstract concepts into stories or narratives. For instance, instead of just remembering 12th Street, we might remember it as the place where we had churros with a friend. This deeper connection aids in memory retention. This process of creating meaningful connections between ideas is called building a cognitive map. It doesn't mean having a literal map, but rather having a mental understanding of where things are and how they relate to each other.

    • Explore and make decisions for a stronger sense of directionActively engaging with your environment by making decisions and navigating without relying on GPS can help build a stronger sense of direction and understanding of surroundings.

      Actively engaging with your environment by exploring it and making decisions is essential for building a strong sense of direction and understanding of your surroundings. This can be achieved by being the decision maker when navigating, paying extra attention to intersections, recognizing patterns in street names, and frequently looking back at your previous path. These techniques can help you develop a more holistic understanding of a place, whether it's a new location or a familiar one. So, next time you find yourself in an unfamiliar environment, try putting down your GPS and taking a more active role in navigating your way around. You might be surprised at how much more connected you feel to the space around you.

    • Using landmarks for effective navigationPersonal connections and narratives can help remember landmarks' locations. Some landmarks may not be reliable, so look at them from different angles for better understanding.

      Using memorable landmarks to navigate is more effective than relying on their appearance alone. However, some landmarks may not be as helpful as others. For instance, a featureless building might not be a reliable navigation aid. Instead, try to make personal connections to landmarks and use narratives to remember their locations. Additionally, consider looking at places from different angles to gain a better understanding of your surroundings. For more practical tips, listen to other Life Kit episodes on packing for a trip or being a great roommate, available at npr.org/lifekit. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter for more Life Kit content and share your feedback and episode ideas with us at lifekit@npr.org. This episode was produced by Claire Marie Snyder, with engineering support from Becky Brown. Special thanks to the Life Kit production team and our guests. I'm Andrew Limbaugh, and thanks for listening.

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