
    Inside an Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy Session with Glennon & Richard C. Schwartz

    enApril 02, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring ourselves for personal growthRecognizing and understanding different parts of ourselves can lead to effective communication, healing from past traumas, and improved overall well-being.

      Understanding the complexities of ourselves can lead to significant personal growth. 3rd love revolutionized the bra industry by addressing common issues like size exclusivity and finding the right fit. Meanwhile, Pampers offers gentle and effective solutions for taking care of babies' delicate skin. In the realm of self-understanding, Dr. Richard C. Schwartz's Internal Family Systems approach provides a framework for addressing self-sabotaging behaviors. By recognizing and understanding the different parts of ourselves, we can communicate more effectively and heal from past traumas. Whether it's finding the perfect bra, caring for a baby, or exploring our inner selves, these solutions offer practical and effective ways to solve problems and improve our lives.

    • Understanding the Complexities of Our Inner WorldIFS is a therapeutic approach that recognizes and understands the different parts within us, each with its own story and role, to live a healthier, more balanced life.

      Our minds are like complex communities with different parts, each with unique roles and experiences. This idea, called Internal Family Systems (IFS), was discovered by a family therapist named Richard Schwartz during his work with eating disorder patients. At first, he believed that family therapy could solve all issues. But he found that even after reorganizing families, some clients continued to struggle with binge eating and self-harm. He was puzzled and started to listen to his clients, who spoke of these parts as if they had a life of their own. Schwartz initially saw these parts as out-of-control impulses or internalized voices. But when he tried to control or fight them, things got worse. One client, who also self-harmed, challenged Schwartz's approach. After hours of trying to make her stop, she finally agreed not to harm herself. Schwartz was shocked to discover that this part had been protecting her from past trauma. From this turning point, Schwartz began to understand that each part had a story and a role. They carried burdens from past experiences and believed extreme emotions and thoughts. By understanding and appreciating these parts, Schwartz found that clients could heal and find peace. So, IFS is about recognizing and understanding the different parts within us, each with its own story and role, and learning to work with them to live a healthier, more balanced life.

    • Understanding Our Complex Selves: IFS TheoryIFS theory suggests we're made up of multiple parts or subpersonalities, each with unique thoughts, emotions, and experiences. The essential self, or 'capital S self,' possesses qualities like calm, curiosity, confidence, compassion, creativity, courage, clarity, and connectedness, and can't be damaged.

      Our minds are not as simple as we think. According to Internal Family Systems (IFS) theory, we are made up of multiple parts or subpersonalities, each with its own thoughts, emotions, and experiences. These parts can be shaped by traumas and negative experiences, leading them to adopt extreme roles. However, there is a healthy, essential self, often referred to as the "capital S self," which possesses qualities like calm, curiosity, confidence, compassion, creativity, courage, clarity, and connectedness. This self is the true essence of who we are and can't be damaged. By accessing this self and learning to relate to our parts from this perspective, we can heal and build healthier relationships. In essence, we are all complex beings with various aspects, and understanding and nurturing this complexity can lead to growth and self-improvement.

    • Finding the Right Fit: Businesses and Dogs AlikeRobert Half connects businesses with skilled talent using specialized recruiters and AI technology. The Farmer's Dog provides customized, fresh, and healthy meals for dogs, ensuring their nutritional needs are met. Individuals with eating disorders can find compassion and healing by acknowledging and understanding their parts.

      Both businesses and dog owners face challenges in finding the right fit – be it top talent or high-quality food. Robert Half, with its specialized recruiting professionals and AI technology, helps businesses connect with skilled talent. The Farmer's Dog offers customized, fresh, and healthy meals for dogs, ensuring their nutritional needs are met. For individuals dealing with eating disorders, acknowledging and understanding the different parts within can lead to compassion and healing. By focusing on these aspects and showing love and compassion, growth and self-discovery can occur.

    • Building trust through effective communication and understandingDuring a conversation with an internal entity, the speaker acknowledged its feelings, validated them, and asked for clarification to build trust and reassure different parts of the psyche. They agreed to focus on the entity's needs for a test period and emphasized the importance of patience, listening, and understanding.

      Effective communication and understanding are key to building trust and reassuring the different parts of one's psyche. During a conversation with an internal entity, the speaker acknowledged its desire to keep them small and lovable, and in response, validated its feelings and asked for clarification. The entity expressed excitement at being understood, but remained uncertain about the speaker's maturity. The speaker reassured it, acknowledging past failures but expressing confidence in their ability to lead and take care of things. The entity seemed hopeful but unsure, and the speaker asked it to clarify its hesitancy. The entity expressed fear of being put in difficult situations and asked if the speaker was committed to avoiding them. The speaker agreed to consider this request, acknowledging the presence of conflicting desires and the need to find a balance. The entity expressed a desire to be the most important, and the speaker agreed to commit to focusing on it for a test period of six months. Throughout the conversation, the speaker emphasized the importance of patience, listening, and understanding in building trust and working through internal conflicts.

    • Understanding and navigating inner conflictsRecognize and acknowledge inner parts, ask reluctant parts about past fears, give space for emotional release, and maintain a curious mind to find balance

      Our inner selves consist of various parts, each with distinct desires and fears. Some parts may want to express themselves freely, while others may push us to conform to societal expectations or past experiences. These conflicting parts can create inner turmoil and hinder personal growth. To navigate this complexity, it's essential to acknowledge and understand each part's emotions and motivations. By asking the reluctant parts where they might be stuck in the past and giving them space, we can help them release their fears and allow the joyful parts to come forward. It's also crucial to recognize that each part has a role in protecting us, even if it feels controlling or bossy. By maintaining a curious and open mind, we can learn from these parts and find balance within ourselves.

    • Embracing our inner partsAcknowledging and validating our inner parts can lead to healing and transformation, revealing a glowing, energetic core within us. Self-compassion and acceptance of all aspects of ourselves promote happiness and fulfillment.

      Our inner parts, which we may perceive as worthless or problematic, are actually valuable contributors to our overall being. They may have been protecting us or trying to help in their own way, even if their methods seem destructive or counterproductive. By acknowledging and validating these parts, we can allow them to heal and transform, leading to a more harmonious and integrated sense of self. This process can be compared to calming a tornado into a resting blob, revealing a glowing, energetic core within us. It's essential to remember that we are a community of helpers, and each part plays a role in our complex emotional landscape. By understanding and accepting all aspects of ourselves, we can cultivate compassion and self-love, ultimately leading to greater happiness and fulfillment. Additionally, investing in comfortable and versatile clothing, like Vuori, can contribute to our overall well-being and happiness.

    • Embrace new experiences, learn new skills, and give space to the exiles withinExpanding horizons through language learning, self-care, and personal growth can lead to significant personal development. Rosetta Stone is recommended for effective language acquisition, Pampers is trusted for baby skin care, and healing from 'exiles' can lead to self-acceptance.

      Expanding your horizons, whether it's through language learning or self-discovery, can lead to significant personal growth. The speaker shares her experience of wishing she had learned a non-English language more fully during her time abroad and recommends Rosetta Stone for effective language acquisition. Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of caring for a baby's delicate skin and endorses Pampers as the trusted brand for gentle protective care. On a deeper level, the speaker discusses her personal journey of healing from eating disorders and discovering suppressed parts of herself. She calls these parts "exiles," which were locked away due to not fitting in with her family or being difficult to deal with. By spending time with these exiles, she was able to give them a voice and allow them to express themselves, ultimately leading to growth and self-acceptance. Overall, the speaker encourages listeners to embrace new experiences, learn new skills, and give space to the parts of themselves that may have been overlooked or ignored. Whether it's through language learning, self-care, or personal exploration, the potential for growth is limitless.

    • Understanding our inner world: exiles, managers, and firefightersExiles are wounded inner children, managers are protectors, and firefighters are impulsive parts that develop in response to traumas and rejections. They carry emotional burdens, control emotions, and save us from emotional pain, respectively. Self-awareness and connection with these parts can lead to personal growth and healing.

      Our inner world is complex and consists of various parts, including exiles (wounded inner children), managers (protectors), and firefighters (impulsive parts). These parts develop as a response to traumas and rejections, and they carry emotional burdens, control emotions, and save us from emotional pain, respectively. When an exile gets triggered, it can lead to overwhelming emotions and feelings of vulnerability, making us feel delicate and perceiving the world as dangerous. Managers and firefighters help us cope with these emotions, but they can also limit our experiences and relationships. The self, the part that can observe and connect with these parts, is essential in healing and integrating them. Understanding and connecting with these parts can lead to self-compassion, self-awareness, and personal growth.

    • Healing Inner Wounds with Internal Family Systems (IFS) TherapyIFS therapy aims to heal exiled parts within us, develop a relationship, understand their fears, and unburden them to reduce the need for protective parts to be triggered.

      Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy focuses on healing the exiled parts of our inner selves, which are the parts we've locked away due to past traumas or experiences that we've deemed unbearable. These exiles carry heavy burdens, such as feelings of worthlessness or terror, and they trigger protective parts of us to take action. The ultimate goal is to develop a relationship with these exiles, understand their fears, and unburden them, so they no longer need protection and the protective parts don't get triggered as frequently. However, it's crucial to obtain permission from the protectors before approaching the exiles to avoid a severe backlash. Common examples of exiles include vulnerable parts that carry feelings of worthlessness and terror, which we've locked away to protect ourselves from the overwhelming emotions they bring. It's essential to remember that the identity of the exile is arbitrary and based on what we've assigned to it.

    • Embracing suppressed parts after traumaRecognizing and welcoming suppressed emotions, memories, and experiences after trauma leads to accessing creativity, curiosity, and living authentically from our true selves.

      People often suppress their most precious and valuable parts after experiencing trauma, without realizing it. This can be due to societal pressure to move on quickly and forget about the past. These suppressed parts can include emotions, memories, and experiences that bring pain and grief. However, when these parts are acknowledged and allowed to surface, individuals can access creativity, curiosity, and other positive qualities. It's important to recognize and welcome these parts, even if it feels like having a favorite child, without neglecting or dismissing others. By doing so, we can live more authentically and fully from our true selves. This process of self-discovery and acceptance is a continuous journey, and it's okay to seek help and support along the way.

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    This week's episode is a rather special one. In fact, I would say this is potentially one of the most important episodes I've ever released on my podcast because today, I am talking to Dr. Richard Schwartz. He's the creator of an incredible treatment modality called internal family systems, also known as IFS.

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    Dick begins by explaining how IFS rejects the idea that we each have one ‘true’ identity. Having multiple parts or personalities is not, as the movies would have us believe, a dangerous pathology. It’s a normal, healthy way for the mind to function. We often want to wish certain parts of ourselves away – if only we could get rid of our destructive streak, or silence the inner critic, say. But in IFS all our parts are welcome. Dick explains that they start out as valuable, but in early life trauma or attachment injuries can force these parts into destructive roles. He calls these ‘legacy burdens’. He explains how IFS works in the moment to help us revisit a trauma, retrieve the ‘stuck’ part of yourself and bring it to safety, thereby rewriting your story. It’s a guided self-healing.

    The very best way to understand IFS is to witness a live demonstration. And that is exactly what happens in today’s conversation - I become the patient and Richard takes me through a real-time session.

    IFS is an evidence based framework that helps a whole variety of different conditions - PTSD, addictions, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, back pain and so much more. My firm belief is that IFS is a system that can help pretty much anyone whether they have a mental health diagnosis or not.

    This really is a powerful conversation. I am so grateful to Dick for creating IFS but also for making time to come and speak to me on my podcast. I really hope that you enjoy listening.

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    Show notes available at https://drchatterjee.com/244

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

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    Connecting With Your Inner Child

    Connecting With Your Inner Child
    One of the common topics on the podcast is developmental psychology: how what happened to us as a child can influence our lives today. Alongside that, there can also be a lot of value in reconnecting with the person we were when we were young, before the world got in the way. This can give us a sense of our true nature, and new ideas for how to become an ever-more-complete version of ourselves out in the world. Follow this link to watch the conversation on YouTube! Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Key Topics: 1:10: Uncovering our true nature. 4:20: Our cultural view of children. 7:20: “Feeling down” into younger layers. 13:30: What were you like when you were young? 18:20: A process of contacting your true nature. 25:00: What were your innate desires? 34:00: Compassion for our source. 39:00: Guiding questions, and the layers of self we can access. 43:00: The core needs of most young people. 51:40: Writing a letter to your younger self. 53:00: Recap Sponsors: From Dr. Hanson: The Foundations of Well-Being brings together the lessons of a lifetime of practice into one year-long online program. Podcast listeners can use the code BEINGWELL25 at checkout for an additional 25% off! Please don't hesitate to apply for a scholarship if you're in need.  Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month!  Want to sleep better? Try the legendary Calm app! Visit calm.com/beingwell for 40% off a premium subscription. Start a new healthy habit with Seed! Visit seed.com/beingwell and use code BEINGWELL to get 20% off your first month of Seed’s Daily Synbiotic. Connect with the show: Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Subscribe on iTunes Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Self-Doubt, Confidence, and Authenticity

    How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Self-Doubt, Confidence, and Authenticity
    Forrest and Dr. Rick explore how to overcome imposter syndrome, the common psychological experience of self-doubt and feeling like a fraud. You'll learn why even very accomplished, capable people experience imposter syndrome, strategies to break free from the cycle of self-doubt, and how to move away from comparison, embrace authenticity, and believe in yourself. Topics include how to build self-confidence, reframe negative self-perceptions, and find support from mentors and allies. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 1:15: Defining imposter syndrome, and watching out for “construct creep” 9:25: Where the notion of imposter syndrome originates 11:30: Stages of development, trust, shame, and belonging 13:50: Myths around accomplishment, and when we’re actually good enough 16:30: The typical cycle of imposter syndrome 20:00: Why people get trapped in this cycle 25:00: Moving away from comparison 28:10: Shame about shame, and sharing authentically with others 32:15: What helps us face our fears 36:35: Acknowledging what you are not 40:15: Your locus of control, and how you interpret your experience 49:25: Mentors, role models, and allies 51:50: Recap Watch the Episode: Prefer watching video? You can watch this episode on YouTube. Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors: Get 15% off OneSkin with the code BEINGWELL at https://www.oneskin.co/   Go to BrioAirPurifier.com and use code BEINGWELL to save $100 on a Brio Air Purifier. Finally get that project off the ground with Squarespace! Head to squarespace.com/beingwell for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch use coupon code BEINGWELL to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! Want to sleep better? Try the Calm app! Visit calm.com/beingwell for 40% off a premium subscription. Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices