
    Inside the Jimmy Fallon Toxic Workplace Allegations, Karine Jean-Pierre’s “Glitzy” Vogue Exclusive, with Jesse Kelly and Sasha Ayad | Ep. 623

    enSeptember 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Media's glamorized portrayal of Karine Jean-Pierre vs. her public speaking abilitiesEvaluate public figures based on actions and performance, not just image. Media narratives should be scrutinized for accuracy and fairness.

      The media's portrayal of figures like Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, can be overly glamorized and exaggerated. During the Megyn Kelly Show, Megyn and Strudwick discussed Jean-Pierre's recent Vogue feature, where she was described as a potential future leader with a fashionable and disarming style. However, Megyn and Jesse criticized the press secretary's public speaking abilities, arguing that she frequently reads from notes and appears unprepared during press conferences. Despite the media's positive portrayal, they emphasized the importance of evaluating public figures based on their actions and performance rather than their image. Additionally, they discussed the controversial atmosphere at NBC, with Jimmy Fallon being accused of creating a toxic work environment, while Fallon himself joked about the situation on the show. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of scrutinizing media narratives and maintaining a critical perspective.

    • Unprecedented Military Flights Over US, Controversial Hiring, and School PoliciesThe US military flew over the continental US multiple times during the prior administration, diversity hiring concerns and high-profile appointments in the current administration, and woke school policies in New York City underscore the need for accountability and transparency in government and education.

      During the prior administration, the US military jets were allowed to fly over the continental US multiple times, an unprecedented event. Meanwhile, diversity hiring has been a concern in the current administration, with some high-profile appointments raising questions about qualifications. The White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, has been accused of lying and withholding information from the press. In New York City, schools are implementing woke policies, including asking students to share their pronouns, which has led to controversy and resistance. These issues highlight the importance of accountability and transparency in government and education.

    • Protecting Children's Well-being in Schools: Parental Vigilance NeededParents must question teachers with ulterior motives and ensure children's safety and comfort in school, especially regarding sensitive topics like gender identity. Teachers who speak multiple languages are crucial for helping migrant students adjust.

      The speaker expresses concern about the safety and well-being of children in the education system, specifically regarding teachers who may have ulterior motives or push harmful agendas. They believe that parents must be vigilant and question teachers who ask children about gender identity or make them feel uncomfortable. The speaker also mentions the challenges posed by the influx of migrant students into schools, highlighting the need for teachers who can speak multiple languages. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of parental involvement and questioning authority figures to ensure the best interests of children are being met.

    • U.S. border policies are unsustainable and embarrassingThe speaker advocates for stricter border control, expressing frustration with current policies and the lack of political will to enforce them, leading to disrespect from other nations and illegal immigrants.

      The speaker believes that current U.S. border and immigration policies are unsustainable and embarrassing. He argues that countries should control their borders and not allow everyone who arrives to enter, regardless of their reasons. He expresses frustration that migrants are being housed in better accommodations than native citizens and that politicians lack the courage to enforce stricter immigration laws. He believes that the lack of border control leads to disrespect from other nations and illegal immigrants themselves. The speaker expresses his disappointment in the political climate that prevents strong border control measures from being implemented.

    • Mayor Adams' Concerns Over Migrant Influx in NYCMayor Adams worries about NYC's resources being strained by the federal govt's handling of the border crisis, causing overcrowding in schools and community services.

      New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who once welcomed immigrants, now expresses concern about the influx of migrants into the city due to the border crisis. He feels abandoned by the federal government and believes the issue could destroy New York City. The Biden administration is reportedly considering keeping some migrant families in Texas, while red state governors send them to sanctuary cities. The situation is causing overcrowding in schools and straining resources, with legitimate students being moved to off-campus buildings to make room for migrants. The speaker expresses frustration with the political divide and the perceived prioritization of power over the well-being of communities.

    • Deteriorating education and justice systems in blue areasThe education system in some blue areas is declining, leading to mass migration of the middle class. Simultaneously, the criminal justice system in certain locations is disregarding due process, potentially resulting in politically motivated indictments, which could create a deeply divided society.

      The education system in blue areas, such as New York, is deteriorating, leading to mass migration of the middle class. Simultaneously, the criminal justice system in places like Fulton County, Georgia, is exhibiting an alarming disregard for due process, potentially resulting in politically motivated indictments. The grand jury in Fulton County, which was presented with a list of potential indictments, including senators like Lindsey Graham and Kelly Loeffler, had the power to indict but ultimately decided against it. The implications of these developments are concerning, as they suggest a future where education and justice systems are biased towards the wealthy or the politically connected. The potential for miscarriages of justice, coupled with the decline of public education, could lead to a deeply divided society. It is crucial that these issues are addressed to ensure a fair and equitable future for all.

    • Vivek Ramaswami's political stanceRamaswami's stance on Trump's actions on Jan 6 and his current alignment with him sparks controversy, some view it as a strategic move to appeal to far-right voters.

      Vivek Ramaswami's political stance has been a subject of controversy due to his previous criticism of Donald Trump and his current alignment with the former president. During a contentious interview, Mehdi Hasan pressed Ramaswami to clarify if he considered Trump's actions on January 6, 2021, as downright abhorrent and a danger to democracy. Ramaswami argued that Trump should have handled the situation differently but stopped short of labeling the actions as abhorrent. Despite this, Ramaswami has been vocal in his criticism of the litigation against Trump and has entered the presidential race. Some speculate that Ramaswami's alignment with Trump is a strategic move to appeal to the far-right wing voters and take votes away from other candidates. Regardless of the motivations, Ramaswami's political stance serves as a reminder of the complexity and nuance of political alignments and the importance of understanding the context behind public statements.

    • Candidates with bold stances and unwavering positions can gain popularity during campaigns, but their consistency and sincerity can be questioned.Politicians with strong, unwavering positions can attract support during campaigns, but their consistency and sincerity may be questioned due to changes in stance or age-related issues.

      During political campaigns, people are often drawn to candidates who seem to hold strong, unwavering positions on key issues. Vivek Ramaswamy, for instance, has gained popularity by taking bold stances and portraying himself as the only courageous candidate. However, his consistency and sincerity have been questioned due to frequent changes in his positions. The appeal of such candidates can be strong, especially during times of desperation for change. Another topic discussed was the age issue in politics, with Nancy Pelosi facing criticism for her advanced age but refusing to step down. The speaker expressed admiration for Pelosi's tenacity but questioned why politicians cling to power instead of retiring and enjoying life outside of politics. The conversation also touched upon the challenges of working in the media industry, with the speaker sharing personal experiences of toxic work environments.

    • Late night talk show hosts face criticism and low ratingsAllegations of mean-spirited behavior towards staffers and long hours contribute to controversy surrounding late night talk show hosts, with validity of claims debated.

      The late night talk show industry, particularly hosts like Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers, have been facing criticism and low ratings, with Fallon reportedly earning millions while having a small audience. The controversy surrounding Fallon includes allegations of mean-spirited behavior towards staffers, leading some to leave due to mental health issues and even suicidal ideation. However, the validity of these claims is questionable, as some believe this generation is more sensitive and prone to dramatic reactions. The working conditions, including long hours, are also compared to those of previous generations. Ultimately, the line between a toxic work environment and normal workplace criticism remains blurred.

    • Parental Overprotection and Trans IdentityParents should be supportive but not affirming of their child's trans identity without proper evaluation to help them navigate identity explorations healthily.

      In today's society, some parents may be overprotective and overly sensitive to their children's emotions, leading to a lack of resilience and an inability to handle criticism or insults. This trend is contributing to a rise in children identifying as trans and seeking validation from their parents and the media. The authors of the book "When Kids Say They're Trans: A Guide for Thoughtful Parents" argue that it's important for parents to be supportive but not affirming of their children's gender identities if they have no history of gender issues. They believe that this approach can help children navigate their identity explorations in a healthier way and avoid the potential negative consequences of affirmation without proper evaluation. The book serves as a valuable resource for parents seeking guidance on how to approach this complex issue.

    • Concerns over affirming transgender identities in children without proper explorationIt's crucial to handle a child's gender distress with compassion and exploration, rather than simply affirming their new identity. Recognize that not all children are equally vulnerable to gender ideology, and addressing problematic beliefs is important.

      During the mid 2010s, there was a concerning trend emerging where therapists and doctors were affirming transgender identities in children without proper exploration or consideration of the underlying issues. This approach, which rubber stamps new identities, can lead to a medical and psychological burden with potential long-term consequences. Parents, who were looking for compassionate and understanding approaches, often felt isolated and without resources to challenge this affirmative approach. The speakers in this discussion, who wrote and spoke about their concerns, found each other and were flooded with messages from parents experiencing similar situations. They emphasized the importance of handling a child's gender distress with compassion and exploration, rather than simply affirming their new identity. It's crucial to recognize that not all children are equally vulnerable to gender ideology, and even children with a history of gender conformity can be impacted. The belief that one's body is wrong if they are different or struggling with their sexuality or gender expression is a problematic belief that needs to be addressed, and celebrating people's expression and creativity should not come at the cost of their biological sex.

    • Supporting children with gender nonconformityInstead of pushing kids towards medical transitions, celebrate and support their individuality. Not all gender nonconformity leads to medical transitions, and cultural context plays a role in a child's perception of their gender identity.

      It's essential to celebrate and support children who exhibit gender nonconformity instead of pushing them towards medical transitions based on their gender expression or creativity. Glenn Greenwald and Megyn Kelly, during their conversation, shared their experiences of being gender nonconforming as children and emphasized the potential dangers of imposing a medical identity on kids before they have a chance to reconcile with their bodies. The cultural context plays a significant role in influencing a child's perception of their gender identity. While some kids may grow out of their gender nonconformity, others might experience intense gender distress, leading to a diagnosis of gender dysphoria. The book "Gender A: A Wider Lens" highlights the importance of recognizing the differences between gender expression, gender creativity, and medical transition. It's crucial to remember that there's not enough research to definitively link gender nonconformity with the need for a medical transition. Instead, we should encourage and celebrate children's individuality and help them navigate their unique experiences.

    • Encouraging children to express gender freelyAllowing kids to explore gender beyond norms can lead to personal growth and potential career benefits, but it's important to avoid imposing labels and understand differences between transgender and gender nonconforming identities.

      Encouraging children to express themselves freely, regardless of gender norms, can lead to personal growth and potential professional advantages. The speaker shares her personal experience of growing up as a tomboy and how it made her comfortable around men, which later became a professional advantage. However, it's important to note that not all gender nonconforming children will identify as transgender. Some may simply enjoy exploring different expressions of gender without necessarily changing their gender identity. The stigmatization of gender nonconformity in boys, in particular, can lead to vulnerability and difficulty in social situations. Parents should allow their children to play with toys and express themselves in ways that go beyond traditional gender norms, as this can help prevent the development of gender dysphoria. The terms "transgender" and "gender nonconforming" are sometimes used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. Transgender individuals identify as a gender different from their assigned sex at birth, while gender nonconforming individuals express their gender in ways that do not conform to societal expectations for their gender. It's crucial to understand these differences and avoid imposing adult labels on children that may not apply to them.

    • Supporting Children's Gender IdentityApproach each child's gender identity uniquely, offer support without labeling, and focus on their individual needs.

      While it's important to support children in understanding their gender identity, labeling them as "transgender kids" based on their current feelings or experiences may not be accurate or helpful. Children, whether cisgender or transgender, have a clear sense of their gender from a young age. However, the cultural context and societal influences can impact how children perceive their gender and lead to confusion or distress. It's crucial to approach each child's situation individually and offer support without locking them into an identity. Many children who express gender dysphoria may not continue to identify as transgender as they grow older. Instead, they may benefit from alternative forms of support and understanding. Ultimately, it's essential to approach each child's unique situation with empathy, open-mindedness, and a focus on their individual needs.

    • Approaching Gender Identity with Care and CompassionEvery child's journey with gender identity is unique, and it's essential to approach it with care, compassion, and an open mind. Avoid jumping to labels or assumptions, and remember that people's experiences and narratives can change over time.

      When it comes to understanding gender identity in children, it's essential not to jump to labels or assumptions. Instead, we should approach it with care and compassion, recognizing that every child's journey is unique. Transition, whether social or medical, should be seen as a strategy or set of actions, not a definitive label. It's crucial to remember that people's experiences and narratives about their gender identity can change over time. Parents should be aware that seeking help from therapists or clinics can put a child on a medical pathway, and they should trust their instincts if they feel something isn't right. The gender issue might be a symptom of other underlying problems, and ignoring these can lead to missed opportunities for addressing the root causes. Overall, it's essential to approach this complex issue with an open mind, recognizing that every child's experience is unique and deserving of compassionate understanding.

    • Trusting Instincts and Protecting Children's WellbeingParents should trust their instincts and not affirm harmful gender beliefs, seek practical solutions and strategies from resources like 'When Kids Say They're Trans', and advocate for their child's best interests and wellbeing.

      It's crucial for parents to trust their instincts when it comes to their child's wellbeing, even if it goes against popular beliefs or societal pressures. Instinctively recognizing that something isn't right and not affirming a child's perceived gender identity doesn't stem from hate or bigotry but rather from love and knowledge of their child. Denying the reality of a child's experiences and body can be destructive and harmful. The book "When Kids Say They're Trans, a Guide for Thoughtful Parents" offers practical solutions and strategies for parents to help their children instead of affirming harmful gender beliefs. It's essential for parents to be informed and confident in making decisions for their child's future. The attempt to keep children's gender identity a secret from parents, even in schools, is deeply wrong and harmful. Parents have a right to know and be involved in their child's life, and attempts to keep them in the dark can lead to legal action. Ultimately, it's important for parents to advocate for their child's best interests and wellbeing, even in the face of societal pressure.

    • Supporting a child's gender identity journeyParents play a vital role in helping their child explore and understand their gender identity. Encourage activities, keep things broad, address underlying issues, and prioritize mental health.

      When a child is questioning their gender identity, it's crucial for parents to be involved and supportive. This isn't just about changing pronouns or names, but also about providing guidance and care. Parents know their children best, and they play a vital role in helping their child navigate this process. The experts suggest keeping things broad and encouraging children to engage in various activities. It's essential to remember that focusing too much on gender identity might deprive parents of the opportunity to address potential underlying issues. Additionally, parents should ensure they are taking care of their mental health and well-being, as this process can be challenging for them as well. Ultimately, the goal is to help these kids thrive and be happy while fostering a broad perspective on what it means to be a person.

    • Higher risk for harmful online communities for families with gifted or autistic childrenParents should be aware of their children's online activities, implement household rules to limit screen time, and be cautious of potentially harmful online communities, especially those related to gender identity, to protect their mental health and self-perception.

      Families with children who are gifted or have autism are at a higher risk for them getting sucked into harmful online communities, leading to mental health issues and distorted self-perception. It's crucial for parents to be aware of this and approach it as a digital wellness issue rather than focusing solely on the child's maladaptive internet use. Parents should frame it as a family concern and implement household rules to limit screen time for everyone, making it a healthier environment for all. Be cautious of online communities, especially those related to gender identity, as they can expose children to extreme and potentially harmful ideologies. Some kids may be more vulnerable due to their naivety or difficulty distinguishing reality from online interactions. Parents should be vigilant and ensure their children are not subjected to such influences.

    • Navigating the complex issue of transgender childrenParents should communicate openly, respect children's autonomy, and avoid fear-mongering tactics when supporting their transgender child's identity. The authors of 'When Kids Say They're Trans' offer a compassionate and nuanced approach to this complex issue.

      The identity of transgender children should not be reduced to a medical issue, and the pressure on parents to affirm their child's gender identity can be manipulative and emotionally charged. The book "When Kids Say They're Trans" by Sasha and Megan offers a thoughtful and compassionate approach for parents navigating this complex issue. The authors argue against the fear-mongering tactics used to pressure parents into affirmation, such as the claim that their child will commit suicide if they don't. Instead, they advocate for open communication, respect for children's autonomy, and a recognition that gender identity is not fixed or determined by physical characteristics. The book also challenges the medicalization of transgender children and the potential harm it can cause. Overall, the authors offer a nuanced and empathetic perspective that can help parents make informed decisions and support their children through the challenges of growing up transgender.

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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 20, 2024

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    www.commsolutionsmn.com- There is a new group called Minnesota Parents' Alliance that is focused on education, equality, and parents' rights. That has made them public enemy #1 among the left. There are a lot of parents across the country that are starting to stand up. These parents have great reason to stand up when you think about the radical agendas coming out of the schools with critical race theory, gender identity, and other left-wing causes. They speak out at school board meetings, but also back candidates that have run and won races across the state and have a voter guide.

    They network with important groups like the Child Protection League, Upper Midwest Law Center, and Moms for Liberty. They talk about what parents can do to get involved, social emotional learning, antiracism, parental rights, and more. They also keep track of some of recent news regarding the schools. This group is a great resource to help understand what's going on in our schools and just what to do about it.

    We also discuss MN House File 1, the bill that expands access to abortion, including up to the moment of birth, partial birth amendment and excluding double homicides when a pregnant mom and her baby are killed. If you care about life, you have to get involved now.

    Have you checked out our Spotify playlist? At the beginning of each episode, Jason quotes some song lyrics that have to do with the subject matter of the podcast. Andrew never knows what they are, but now he can… and so can you! We’ve launched the Spotify playlist: “Community Solutions Music From the Podcast!” You can listen to Roundabout from Yes after listing to Episode 30 on Roundabouts… or kick back and enjoy a rocking playlist just for the thrill of it. We add a new song every week. Subscribe and enjoy!

    Don’t forget that you can also subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify!

    EP: 62 - Isabelle Cherney, Ph.D - 32 countries - Part 2

    EP: 62 - Isabelle Cherney, Ph.D - 32 countries - Part 2

    A native of Switzerland, Cherney is fluent in several languages and has visited 32 countries on five continents, and 48 U.S. states. 

    Isabelle D. Cherney has served since March 2016 as dean of the School of Education and Social Policy.

    She previously worked at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, where she last served as associate dean of the graduate school and professor of psychology. She is the founding director of Creighton’s Doctor of Education and master’s programs in interdisciplinary leadership, and the school’s undergraduate honors program.

    Shua - شعا ع 
    http://bit.ly/2nc9tZM - Youtube channel
    https://goo.gl/wcF8ZS  - Tunein.com