
    Institutions Are Collapsing, But Here’s The Good News (Ep 1598)

    enSeptember 03, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Dan discusses inconsistency of AMA, importance of online privacy, and Saki's reaction to abortion questionDan criticized Saki for inaccurate statements, highlighted AMA's contradictory stance on Texas heartbeat bill, emphasized online privacy with ExpressVPN, and announced upcoming guests on his show.

      During the latest episode of the Dan Bongino Show, Dan discussed various topics including the inconsistency of the American Medical Association, the importance of protecting online privacy with ExpressVPN, and the reaction of a political commentator, Saki, to a question about abortion rights. Dan criticized Saki for making refutable statements and suggested she should take a break. He also highlighted the AMA's contradictory stance on the Texas heartbeat bill and shared an update on the Corona situation. Dan emphasized the need for online privacy and encouraged listeners to use ExpressVPN to protect their data. He also announced upcoming guests on his unfiltered show.

    • The credibility of institutions, like the AMA, is collapsing due to politically motivated decisions.Institutions are losing credibility due to politically driven decisions that disregard facts and data, but individuals can seek info from trusted sources and learn to discern truth.

      The credibility of institutions, including the American Medical Association (AMA), is collapsing due to their politically motivated decisions that disregard facts and data. The AMA's stance on the Texas heartbeat law is an example of this, as they label it a "blight" on the patient-provider relationship without considering the medical implications. This trend of institutions losing credibility is concerning, but it also presents an opportunity for individuals to seek information from trusted sources and learn to discern truth from propaganda. The collapse of these institutions may not be apocalyptic in the traditional sense, but it does represent a shift in how we access and understand facts and information. Additionally, the ongoing debate about abortion rights highlights the complexity and emotional intensity of these issues, with both sides holding deeply held beliefs. It's important for all parties to respect each other's rights and engage in productive, respectful dialogue.

    • Conflicting Positions of Medical OrganizationsMedical organizations like the AMA have inconsistently applied their stance on patient-doctor relationship, prioritizing politics over science in some cases, leading to erosion of trust.

      The American Medical Association (AMA) and other medical organizations have taken conflicting positions on the patient-doctor relationship, depending on political considerations. The AMA, which generally advocates for not interfering between patients and doctors, has taken a different stance against the use of Ivermectin to treat COVID-19, strongly opposing its prescribing or dispensing outside of clinical trials. The speaker criticizes these organizations for their inconsistency and political capture, comparing them to the media's loss of credibility due to their prioritization of political power over truth. The speaker also criticizes the CDC for its politically motivated mask mandates, which have faced backlash and are starting to be questioned even by left-leaning outlets. Overall, the speaker expresses concern over the erosion of trust and credibility in once-respected institutions due to their prioritization of politics over science.

    • Study finds masking kids in schools may not be effectiveA study in Spain revealed lower transmission rates among younger, mask-free children than older mask-wearing kids, questioning the need for strict mask mandates in schools and raising concerns about potential long-term developmental impacts.

      The effectiveness of mask requirements in schools for containing the coronavirus may not be as self-evident as once believed. A study in Spain found that transmission rates among younger children, who are not mandated to wear masks, were actually lower than those of older children who are. This suggests that masking kids in schools may not provide a significant benefit and could potentially have no effect at all. Despite this, some officials continue to push for stricter mask mandates. The credibility of institutions like the CDC, which have advocated for these policies, is being questioned as a result. It's important for parents to consider the potential long-term developmental effects of masks on their children and to be aware of the differing perspectives and priorities between those who prioritize science and those who prioritize other factors.

    • Growing concerns over mask mandates and school board actionsDespite uncertainty about mask mandates' long-term impact on children, scrutiny increases on school boards, particularly regarding controversial figures. Personalized gifts offer joy and celebration during special moments.

      The long-term effects of mask mandates on children's development are uncertain due to the unprecedented nature of the current pandemic. Meanwhile, there's growing concern and scrutiny over the actions of school boards, particularly in relation to controversial figures like the Antifa teacher caught on tape. On a brighter note, creating meaningful and personalized gifts, such as custom hand-painted portraits from Paintyourlife.com, can be a cherished way to celebrate special moments. It's important to stay informed and engaged with local institutions, even if it's not something we've traditionally paid much attention to. The current climate calls for greater vigilance and accountability. And don't forget, there's a special offer of 20% off and free shipping for a limited time by texting "Dan" to 64,000.

    • Questioning authority and seeking the truthAmidst scrutiny of institutions' credibility, it's essential to demand accountability, question authority, and seek accurate information to make informed decisions.

      The credibility of various institutions, including schools, military leadership, and the media, is under scrutiny and being questioned due to perceived misinformation and poor decision-making. People are seeking out credible sources of information and demanding accountability. The military's handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal and the media's role in spreading misinformation have been major points of contention. The importance of questioning authority and seeking the truth cannot be overstated. Additionally, fact checkers, rather than promoting accuracy, have become a source of frustration and mistrust due to their perceived bias and inaccuracies. It's crucial to stay informed and ask questions in order to make informed decisions and hold those in power accountable.

    • Fact-checker accused of protecting Biden during dignified transfer ceremonyFact-checker Daniel Funke faced criticism for initially downplaying Biden's watch-checking during a dignified transfer ceremony, leading to questions about factual accuracy and sensitivity in reporting, and the potential biases of fact-checkers.

      Daniel Funke, a fact-checker for USA Today, was accused of protecting President Biden by downplaying an incident where Biden was seen checking his watch during a dignified transfer ceremony for fallen soldiers in Kabul. Funke initially labeled the claim as "missing context," but later had to issue a correction after it was revealed that Biden indeed checked his watch multiple times during the event. This incident sparked criticism towards Funke for attacking gold star families who were present at the ceremony and were upset by Biden's behavior. The larger context of this situation highlights the importance of factual accuracy and sensitivity in reporting, especially during moments of national significance. The incident also raises questions about the motivations and biases of fact-checkers and their role in shaping public discourse.

    • Protecting Personal Information OnlineAvoid phishing scams, change passwords regularly, use two-factor authentication, and consider using a service like LifeLock to help detect potential identity threats.

      Protecting your personal information online is crucial in today's interconnected world. Cybercrime and identity theft can have serious consequences, including financial damage and harm to your reputation. Simple steps like avoiding phishing scams, changing passwords regularly, and using two-factor authentication can help keep your information secure. LifeLock is a service that can help detect potential identity threats and alert you if your information is compromised. It's important to be vigilant and take steps to protect yourself online. Additionally, the discussion touched on the political landscape and the potential impact of imposing material losses on political opponents. The climate crisis was also mentioned, with a reminder that extreme storms and natural disasters are a part of life and it's essential to prepare and act accordingly. However, it was noted that not all disasters are caused by climate change, and the number of deaths from climate-related disasters has decreased despite the global population quadrupling since the 1920s.

    • Debate over climate change and extreme weather events, election fraud concernsExperts debate connection between climate change and extreme weather, concerns over election fraud require critical and informed perspective, seek reliable sources for accurate information

      There is ongoing debate about the connection between climate change and the increase in extreme weather events, with some experts arguing that there is little concrete evidence to support the claim that human activities and greenhouse gas emissions are directly causing more frequent and intense storms. Additionally, concerns have been raised about potential election fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, with some arguing that missing or undelivered ballots could have impacted the outcome in certain states. It's important to approach these complex issues with a critical and informed perspective, and to seek out reliable sources of information to help make sense of the available data and evidence.

    • Cultural and political rebellion against established institutions and mediaPeople are turning to alternative platforms for free speech and services, challenging censorship and control by larger corporations. The entertainment industry and financial sector are also experiencing this shift. Be aware of censorship and make informed decisions about where to put trust and resources.

      We are witnessing a cultural and political rebellion against established institutions and the media, as individuals seek out authentic and uncensored sources of information. This is evident in the success of alternative platforms like Rumble and Line Pay, which offer free speech and financial services respectively, as people look to escape censorship and control by larger corporations. The entertainment industry is also experiencing this shift, with figures like Greg Gutfeld and Tom McDonald gaining popularity by challenging the status quo. The left's efforts to silence voices and close bank accounts only serve to fuel this rebellion further. It's important for individuals to be aware of this trend and make informed decisions about where they put their trust and resources. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one example of a corporation that is increasingly censoring content, making it a risky choice for those seeking to protect their free speech. The parallel economy is growing, and it offers a viable alternative for those who value freedom and autonomy.

    • New Digital Payment Service Promises Political NeutralityDan Bongino introduces AlignPay, a new digital payment service for organizations facing censorship and cancellation. Consider building a parallel economy and using alternative social media platforms for those unable to invest.

      The increasing censorship and potential cancellation of digital payment services for organizations based on their political beliefs highlights the need for alternative payment platforms. Dan Bongino, in response, has announced the creation of AlignPay, a new digital payment service that promises to process payments for organizations regardless of their political beliefs. Bongino encourages individuals to consider building a "parallel economy" and escaping the control of leftist tech companies. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of getting a personalized mattress for a good night's sleep, with Helix offering a mattress quiz and customized mattress options. For those interested in supporting the parallel economy but unable to invest, Bongino suggests considering the use of alternative social media platforms. Helix, on the other hand, offers a solution for a good night's sleep with its personalized mattress options and financing plans.

    • Expanding presence on alt social media crucial for advancing conservative causesSetting up accounts on Telegram, Parler, Rumble, and Locals, and actively using them can help build a critical mass of users, forcing big tech to stop censoring conservatives. Campaigning in blue states can still be effective, but resources should be used strategically based on Partisan Value Index (PVI)

      Expanding your presence on alternative social media platforms is crucial for advancing conservative causes. This means setting up accounts on platforms like Telegram, Parler, Rumble, and Locals, and actively using them. Doing so can help build a critical mass of users that will force big tech companies to stop censoring conservatives. Additionally, campaigning in blue states, while not a waste, should be done with caution. The Partisan Value Index (PVI) can help determine if a district is winnable for Republicans. If a district is heavily Democratic leaning (D+7 or more), it may not be worth investing significant resources. However, running quality candidates in these districts can still force Democrats to spend money there, taking away resources from swing districts. Ultimately, the goal is to be strategic with resources and focus on districts where Republican candidates have a chance to win.

    • Start by attending local political club meetingsAttend local political club meetings to network, discover candidates, and find volunteering opportunities, contributing to change

      Getting involved in local political groups is an essential first step for those feeling overwhelmed and wanting to make a difference. The speaker emphasized the importance of networking and meeting like-minded individuals at events such as Republican or conservative club meetings. This can lead to discovering candidates to support and volunteering opportunities, ultimately allowing individuals to contribute to change. Despite the era of social media and the internet, attending local meetings in person is crucial. The speaker shared his personal experience of starting his political career by meeting a gubernatorial candidate at a Republican club meeting. So, if you're feeling overwhelmed and looking for ways to make a difference, the best place to start is by showing up at your local political club meetings.

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    Ficha técnica

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    Descrição da capa: Foto da mão de uma pessoa branca, aparentemente um homem, segurando quadro dados de cantos arredondados, de madeira, com letras nos lados em vez de pontinhos ou números. Os dados estão alinhados e apoiados numa superfície de madeira. Parede branca atrás. Os dois primeiros dados têm as letras F e A, e estão totalmente apoiados na superfície. A mão segura os dois últimos dados de modo que podemos ver, além das letras C e T, que formariam a palavra FACT (fato, em inglês), os lados inferiores dos dados, com as letras K e E, formando portanto a palavra FAKE (falso/a, em inglês). No alto, à esquerda, a logo do Pistolando, preta. Ao lado, número e título do episódio, também em preto. Centralizada na parte inferior, a logo da Estopim, branca.

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