
    “Insurrection: Season Finale.” (Live from Seattle!)

    enJuly 22, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • January 6th committee's season finaleFormer Trump officials testified about the Capitol attack's danger and urgency, with personal accounts and intense moments emphasizing the importance of understanding the events and potential future developments.

      The January 6th committee's second primetime hearing served as a compelling season finale, featuring personal testimonies from former Trump administration officials and intense moments that highlighted the danger posed to government officials during the Capitol attack. The committee chose to broadcast this hearing to a large audience to emphasize the urgency of the situation and to set up potential future cliffhangers. The most memorable moments included the harrowing account of a former Trump security official and the vindictive tone towards Republicans like Josh Hawley. Overall, the hearing provided a gripping insight into the events of January 6th and the personal experiences of those involved.

    • Former President Trump's Refusal to Condemn Capitol RiotsTrump's tweets and speeches during the Capitol insurrection inspired and fueled the rioters, contributing to their violent actions, as shown in new footage and Trump's own speech outtakes.

      During the January 6th Capitol insurrection, former President Trump refused to condemn the violence and urge the rioters to leave, despite repeated pleas from his staff and advisors. Footage from the hearing showed never-before-seen moments, including Josh Hawley's attempt to inspire the riders and his subsequent hasty departure. Trump's outtakes from his speech on the day of the insurrection revealed his struggle to acknowledge the election results and his reluctance to call for peace. The rioters were shown to be actively listening to Trump's tweets and messages, making his words a catalyst for their actions. The committee emphasized that Trump's refusal to intervene had a significant impact on the events of that day.

    • January 6th Committee Hearings: A Costly Reminder of Trump's ActionsThe hearings revealed the damage inflicted on some Republicans, the stark contrast between loyalty and principle, significant power shifts, potential threats to witnesses, and the hypocrisy of some Republicans.

      Learning from the January 6th Committee hearings is the damage it inflicted on some Republicans, particularly Kevin McCarthy, who was portrayed as trying to appease Trump during the Capitol attack but later begged for his forgiveness. The compelling testimonies of witnesses like Sarah Matthews and Matthew Pottinger highlighted the stark contrast between their previous loyalty to Trump and their decision to resign on principle after the events of January 6th. The hearings also underscored the significant power shift during the attack, with Democratic leaders like Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and Nancy Pelosi making critical decisions while Trump remained absent. The hearings came at a great cost to the witnesses, who faced professional damage and potential threats, but many felt it was necessary to speak out about the predictable and disturbing behavior of the former president. The hearings also highlighted the hypocrisy of some Republicans, like Elise Stefanik, who attacked witnesses like Sarah Matthews during the hearings. Overall, the hearings provided a stark reminder of the seriousness of the events of January 6th and the continued importance of holding those involved accountable.

    • January 6th hearings resonating with Americans60% of Americans support the hearings, Trump exhaustion among GOP voters, focus on Trump could be a risk for Dems, ongoing GOP efforts to seize power, notable moments include Cheney's closing statement and lack of Dem voices

      The January 6th hearings are resonating with a large portion of Americans, with over 60% expressing support for the hearings and the DOJ filing criminal charges. Republican voters are expressing Trump exhaustion and expressing a desire for new leadership. However, the hearings' focus on Trump and the past could be a political risk for Democrats in the short term, as they should also highlight the ongoing efforts by the GOP to seize political power through election suppression and other extreme policies. A notable moment from the hearings was Liz Cheney's closing statement, where she highlighted the confessions made by witnesses to the events of January 6th. The hearings were also notable for the lack of Democratic voices and the predominance of witnesses who were supporters of Trump.

    • Bipartisanship essential for election concernsRepublican voices boost belief in election fairness, new bill addresses some concerns but leaves loopholes, judicial review could be safeguard against election overturns, securing bipartisan support crucial for effectiveness

      Bipartisanship is crucial in addressing election concerns and persuading skeptics. The use of Republican voices in promoting election legitacy, as shown in a Stanford University study, increases belief in the election's fairness by 5%. Regarding recent legislative efforts, the proposed bill aims to clarify the vice president's role in election certification and make it harder to challenge election results. While it addresses some concerns, it leaves loopholes that could potentially allow for state legislatures to appoint competing slates of electors. Ultimately, the bill increases the degree of difficulty for insurrections but doesn't eliminate them entirely. The judicial review process it sets up could serve as a potential safeguard against election overturns, even if the judiciary may be perceived as biased. The challenge remains to secure bipartisan support for such legislation to ensure its effectiveness.

    • Manchin's unpredictability compared to a puppy, Dershowitz's beach book incident, and Newsmax's perceived lack of interesting contentThe segment featured a mix of political commentary, humorous anecdotes, and personal experiences, touching upon Senator Manchin's unpredictability, Alan Dershowitz's beach book incident, and the perceived lack of compelling content on Newsmax

      The discussion touched upon various topics, including the passing of the infrastructure bill with Senator Joe Manchin's involvement, Alan Dershowitz's recent experiences, and the perceived lack of interesting content on Newsmax. The Manchin anecdote highlighted the unpredictability of the senator, drawing a comparison between him and a puppy that sometimes pees in the right place. The segment about Alan Dershowitz involved a humorous story of someone punching a man for reading his book on the beach, which was later revealed to be Jeffrey Epstein. The discussion also expressed frustration over Dershowitz's exclusion from a Jewish democratic leaders' event on Martha's Vineyard, leading to speculation about the channel's content and its desperation for attention. Overall, the conversation showcased a blend of humor, political commentary, and personal anecdotes.

    • Democrats promoting extreme Republicans in primariesDebate continues on whether it's smart or dangerous for Democrats to use ads to promote more extreme Republican candidates in primaries, with some arguing it weakens nominees and others seeing it as a risky gambit potentially leading to dangerous nominees.

      The use of Democratic ads to promote more extreme Republican candidates in primaries is a topic of debate, with some arguing it's a shrewd strategy to weaken the eventual nominee, while others see it as a risky gambit that could result in the nomination of a more dangerous candidate. Alan Dershowitz, a prominent figure who has faced cancel culture, discussed this issue during a news segment, expressing his disagreement with the strategy and emphasizing the importance of defeating Republicans who pose a threat to democracy, regardless of their ideology. He also criticized the notion that Democratic ads are solely responsible for the rise of MAGA politicians. The debate continues as to whether this strategy is smart or dangerous, with the potential consequences for both parties in mind.

    • Discussing the effectiveness of focusing on election interference in midtermsFocusing on election interference may not be the most effective use of resources for Dems in midterms. Instead, expanding the electorate and addressing voter concerns are suggested.

      The strategy of focusing on potential election interference may not be the most effective use of resources for Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections. The speakers in the discussion raised concerns about the cost-effectiveness and the potential for negative publicity, suggesting instead that efforts should be made to expand the electorate and focus on issues that resonate with voters. They also acknowledged the importance of understanding the unique circumstances of each race and the potential impact of external factors. Ultimately, the success or failure of this strategy will depend on the election results.

    • Focusing on attacking individual Republicans may not be effectiveInstead, efforts should be made to help Democrats win elections and engage in individual actions to make a difference.

      Attacking individual Republicans for their perceived threats to democracy may not be the most effective strategy for Democrats. Instead, focusing efforts on attacking the entire Republican field and working to help Democrats win elections could be more productive. This was a key point made during a discussion on the Pod Save America podcast, as well as in an op-ed by Crooked Media's editor in chief, Brian Fallon, in The New York Times. Additionally, activist Nicole Grant from Seattle 350 emphasized the importance of individual actions, such as moving money from big banks to credit unions and advocating for climate-friendly initiatives, to make a difference. Overall, the message was to stay engaged and active in supporting Democratic causes and candidates.

    • Washington State Prepares to Be a Sanctuary for Abortion ServicesGovernor Inslee orders law enforcement not to cooperate with out-of-state investigations, allocates $8 million for resources, and urges Biden admin for safe pharmaceutical access to protect women's rights in Washington State

      Governor Jay Inslee of Washington State is preparing his state to become a sanctuary for people seeking abortion services, following the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. He has ordered state law enforcement not to cooperate with out-of-state investigations and has allocated $8 million to provide resources for service providers. The governor expects a significant increase in demand for these services and is committed to making them available, regardless of the cost. Additionally, he is urging the Biden administration to ensure access to safe pharmaceutical products for women across the country. This is a developing situation, and Governor Inslee is determined to protect the rights of women in his state.

    • Actions can be taken at state and executive levels despite setbacksDespite federal inaction, individuals can take action by getting involved in politics and supporting senators who advocate for women's rights and climate change solutions, while states and the president can also take steps to address these issues.

      Despite setbacks in Congress and the federal government, there are still actions that can be taken at the state and executive levels to address critical issues like women's rights and climate change. The Republican attack on reproductive rights and access to contraceptives is a concern, but there are ways to prevent this from advancing. Similarly, while federal legislative action on climate change may not be possible this year, the president still has significant executive authority to take action and states can continue to move forward with their clean energy economies. It's crucial for individuals to channel their anger, disappointment, and despair into action by getting involved in the political process and helping to elect senators who support progressive policies.

    • States making progress against federal inaction on climate changeThe US Climate Alliance, comprised of 24 states, is making significant progress in passing clean energy policies, transitioning to electric grids, and creating jobs, despite federal inaction on climate change.

      Despite federal inaction on climate change, states have the power to make significant progress through partnerships like the US Climate Alliance. This alliance, comprised of 24 states representing 60% of the US economy, has achieved impressive results in passing clean energy policies, transitioning to electric grids, and creating jobs. States like Michigan are demonstrating that investing in renewable energy and electric transportation is not only good for the environment but also a powerful economic opportunity. The US Climate Alliance is a hopeful sign that progress can be made at the state level, even in the face of federal inaction. It's important to communicate the challenges and opportunities of climate change in a way that resonates with people, focusing on what's important to them, such as their family and future generations. The US Climate Alliance is leading the way in showing that states can make a difference and create a better future for all.

    • Connecting on emotions and economics for effective climate change communicationEffective climate change communication requires emotional connection and economic arguments, with visual evidence highlighting urgency. Political reform is necessary in the US to align with public support, while maintaining humility and pride in Washington State.

      Effective communication about climate change involves connecting with people on an emotional level by asking about their feelings towards the next generation and their vision for the world. The second most effective approach is making a compelling economic argument for growth and improvement. Visual evidence is also crucial in conveying the urgency of the issue. Despite the public support for addressing climate change, the political system in the US poses a significant challenge. However, there is hope that political reform can be achieved to align with the will of the American people. As for lighter matters, Governor Inslee is optimistic about the potential return of the Seattle Supersonics and encourages patience for the process. Regarding the new trend of axe-throwing businesses serving alcohol, Governor Inslee emphasizes the importance of maintaining the humility and pride of Washington State.

    • Diverse Perspectives Among American GovernorsSome governors prioritize unity and acknowledge climate change, while others hold controversial opinions, demonstrating the wide range of approaches among American political leaders.

      During a local ax-throwing event, Washington State Governor Jay Inslee emerged as the champion. However, the discussion also touched upon the polarizing views of various governors in the US. Some, like Inslee, acknowledge climate change and prioritize unity, while others hold controversial opinions. For instance, Illinois gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey advised residents to move on after a shooting, disregarding calls for unity. Pennsylvania Republican Doug Mastriano compared various topics, including climate change and election fraud, to the Holocaust. Michigan gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon pledged to put local parents in control of schools, rather than certain entities. These examples illustrate the vastly different approaches and perspectives among American governors.

    • Controversial Statements by Michigan Gubernatorial CandidatesDuring the race, several candidates made divisive statements. It's vital to examine these comments and choose candidates who foster respect, understanding, and unity.

      The Michigan gubernatorial race is seeing a diverse range of candidates, some of whom have made controversial statements. During a discussion, it was revealed that one candidate, D, was identified as a trans supremacist. Another candidate, Ryan Kelly, suggested shouting or even violence if one sees something they don't like about voting machines. Another candidate, Kevin Rinke, allegedly made sexist and racist comments. Garrett Saldano made a poor attempt at a joke about pronouns. Paul LePage, a former governor, made insensitive comments about the Holocaust and black people. Carrie Lake suggested that Americans need to be toughened up by social media scourge. These statements highlight the importance of being informed about the candidates and their views before casting a vote. It's crucial to consider the implications of such statements and their potential impact on the community. Voters should aim for candidates who promote respect, understanding, and unity.

    • Comparing political debates to historical tragedies can be harmful and divisiveAvoid making extreme comparisons in political debates as it can trivialize historical tragedies and distract from the actual issues at hand.

      The use of extreme language and comparisons to historical tragedies, such as the Holocaust, in political debates can be harmful and divisive. During a recent discussion on a podcast, the opposition to a Maryland law regarding parental consent for minors' mental health care was compared to the Holocaust by a political figure. This comparison was met with criticism and discomfort, highlighting the importance of respectful and thoughtful discourse in public debates. The law in question, which allows minors aged 12 and above to consent to their own mental health care, was being opposed by Dan Cox, the Republican nominee for Maryland governor. During a legislative session in April, Cox made a controversial statement, comparing the situation to the Nuremberg trials and the interference of medical professionals with parental rights. This comparison was met with criticism and discomfort, as it trivialized the gravity of the Holocaust and its historical significance. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of using language that is respectful, considerate, and factually accurate when engaging in political debates. Comparing complex issues to historical tragedies, particularly those as significant as the Holocaust, can be harmful and distract from the actual issues at hand. It is crucial that political figures and the public alike strive for a more thoughtful and respectful discourse in order to foster productive and meaningful conversations.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    #15 - Christine Teunissen over klimaatpolitiek en systeemverandering

    #15 - Christine Teunissen over klimaatpolitiek en systeemverandering

    Niemand minder dan Christine Teunissen, de nummer twee op de lijst van Partij voor de Dieren, is in deze aflevering te gast. Hoewel ik de laatste tijd veel positieve dingen zie gebeuren om me heen, vraag ik me ook vaak af of de transitie naar een duurzamere wereld snel genoeg gaat. En omdat het Binnenhof in Den Haag dé plek is waar het klimaatbeleid gemaakt wordt, wilde ik graag eens met iemand praten uit de politiek.  We hebben het over de systeemverandering waar zij zich hard voor maakt, het centraal stellen van de aarde, over de transitie in de landbouw, en over het leven in een kanteltijd. 

    Veel plezier met luisteren! 

    Maker: Cecilia Adorée
    Muziek: David Schwarz
    Illustratie: Michelle de Gruijl

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    Maker: Cecilia Adorée
    Muziek: David Schwarz
    Illustratie: Michelle de Gruijl

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