
    Podcast Summary

    • Start your day with an intention for self-careSetting daily intentions for self-care and a positive mindset can help align the unconscious mind with goals and create positive habits.

      Setting an intention for self-care and cultivating a positive and growth mindset can have a significant impact on our overall well-being. Kate Cocker, from the Volley network, emphasizes the importance of starting the day with an intention, even if it's something as simple as repeating a statement of commitment to oneself. This statement can include intentions to care for oneself, heal, accept, love, be grateful, live courageously, manage energy, and do the necessary work to thrive. By repeating these intentions out loud or inwardly, we can help our unconscious mind align with our goals and create positive habits. Remember, self-love and self-care are essential components of a positive and growth mindset, and taking the time to prioritize them can lead to a more fulfilling and joyful life. So, take Kate's advice and set your intention for the day, repeating it to yourself with conviction and belief.

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    Cet épisode est une dose de motivation pour toutes celles qui se sentent prises dans le tourbillon du quotidien et qui cherchent des solutions pour prendre soin d'elles.

    N'attends plus, clique sur 'Play' et rejoins-nous dans cette conversation à la fois inspirante et pratique !

    Pour suivre Clarisse et découvrir ses ressources, voici les liens :


    Si tu as aimé cet épisode, n'oublie pas de t'abonner à mon podcast et de laisser une petite note ou un commentaire. Ça m'aide énormément !

    👉 Et pour aller encore plus loin dans ta démarche de bien-être, n'hésite pas à découvrir mes programmes en ligne . Ensemble, on peut faire des miracles ! 

    Ep. 75- Unveiling the #Power Within: Embracing #Self-Love and Breaking Free from #Silence

    Ep. 75- Unveiling the #Power Within: Embracing #Self-Love and Breaking Free from #Silence

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    In this empowering episode, I share my heartfelt anecdotes and pivotal moments from my own life, including grief, health problems, and divorce, that ultimately led to me embracing self-love and breaking free from suffering in silence.

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    • Embrace Cocoon Work and Transformation

    • The Power of Vulnerability and "Sexy Talk" 

    My upcoming book, set to release later this year, will offer even more insights and practical advice to support your journey. Stay tuned for updates on the book's release date and how you can get your hands on a copy. Remember, you are worthy of love, strength, and fulfillment. Embrace your story, and let it light the way for others.

    Announcement: Join me as I take the stage as a guest speaker and fellow coach at the upcoming event, "Bound by Image" on August 12th, hosted by Coach K of @Journeeinhershoes. This event promises to be a profound experience, unveiling the path to self-love and fulfillment for all attendees. Click the link here for more details on how to attend this empowering event.

    Thank you for tuning in to this empowering episode! Don't forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review if you enjoyed it. Until next time, remember to love yourself fiercely and live authentically!


    I am a Mindset Coach + Self-Love Expert.

    I help ambitious moms and women alleviate overwhelm and self-neglect by regaining their inner peace, wholeness, and confidence. Teaching them how to stop neglecting themselves and incorporate more self-love!

    You are not alone! I had to overcome these things too!

    Queen, let’s chat and start your 1:1 12-week transformation coaching today with me as your personal Mindset Coach! 

    Book your Free 1:1 Consultation call with me today!


    For more wisdom nuggets…The FREE full instant replay of the Self-Love & Healing event is available + affirmations/goals/gratitude ebook + more bonuses at Intentionalqueenjourney.com/readytothrive  , so make sure to sign-up to watch it...We blessed the Queens! I have received multiple testimonies about this event...Blessed and Humbled! Make sure to Subscribe to the Email Newsletter on the website, and it will be sent to Refuel you on the Last Thursday of Every Month!



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    - Ep. 73- Believing In Yourself (Daily Affirmations)...Click here.

    - "Dig a Little Deeper" | Self-Belief and Self-Love...Click here.

    - Intentional Queen Journey Booklist Toolkit...Click  here.



    #august #believe #bloom #confidence #self #growth #enough 


    Continue to level up your I. Q. to a better YOU, and subscribe/share with your friends! 

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    Queens, see you on the next episode every 2 weeks on Thursdays!