
    Introducing: Bloomberg Daybreak Europe Edition

    enJanuary 16, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Iowa Caucus Results and Maritime WarningsDonald Trump wins Iowa caucus, US and UK warn vessels to avoid Red Sea due to missile attack, Tesla CEO Elon Musk seeks more control over AI projects

      The Bloomberg Daybreak Europe Podcast provides concise, daily news updates from around the world, with exclusive reporting, interviews with global leaders, and headline news from a team of over 2,700 journalists and analysts. The podcast covers major stories, including the latest developments in the US presidential race, international conflicts, and business news, all in just 15 minutes. As of January 16, 2023, Donald Trump has won the Iowa Republican presidential caucus, potentially setting him up for a series of victories in the upcoming primaries. The US and the UK have issued warnings to commercial vessels to avoid the Red Sea due to a missile attack on a merchant ship. Tesla CEO Elon Musk is pushing for more control over the company's AI projects. The podcast offers insights into these stories and more, making it an essential listen for those looking to stay informed about global events in a convenient and efficient way.

    • Geopolitical tensions in the Red SeaEscalating tensions in the Red Sea could disrupt global commerce, impacting energy prices, inflation, and international relations. Recent attacks on shipping lanes and infrastructure may lead to prolonged disruption.

      Geopolitical tensions in the Red Sea are escalating, potentially impacting global energy prices and inflation. A December poll showed Trump leading in swing states, but the Red Sea crisis could affect the economy and international relations. The Houthis have attacked a US-owned container ship with a ballistic missile, prompting UK and US air strikes in response. The EU commissioner is concerned about the potential economic fallout. Meanwhile, Iran has launched missile strikes against targets in Iraq and Syria, resulting in casualties. These events could lead to prolonged disruption in shipping lanes, affecting global commerce. The situation is dynamic and requires close monitoring.

    • UK Inflation Drops, Apple Faces Patent Dispute, Musk's AI ConcernsEconomic forecasts predict UK inflation drop to 1.5%, potentially leading to rate cuts. Apple faces patent dispute over blood oxygen feature, which could be banned in US. Musk expresses discomfort with Tesla's AI development without greater control.

      Economic forecasts suggest UK inflation could drop to 1.5% in May, potentially paving the way for interest rate cuts. Meanwhile, Apple faces a potential ban on its blood oxygen feature in the US due to patent disputes with Masimo. Apple is working on a software fix and has a year to find a solution, but the outcome of an upcoming appeal is crucial. Elsewhere, Elon Musk expressed discomfort with Tesla's AI development without a larger share of voting control, despite significant investments in supercomputing and robotics. These developments could impact markets, consumer technology, and the broader economy. In the UK, lower inflation could lead to rate cuts, potentially boosting the economy. For Apple, a successful appeal would allow it to retain the blood oxygen feature, maintaining its health-focused marketing strategy. For Tesla, Musk's stance could limit the scope of its AI and robotics projects.

    • The importance of face-time in the age of AIAI is taking over human tasks, making in-person interactions and learning opportunities more valuable for career advancement

      The rise of AI in the workplace could make face-time more important for junior staff looking to advance in their careers. According to the chair of PwC in the UK, who spoke at Davos, tasks that used to require human training are being taken over by technology, making in-person interactions and learning opportunities even more valuable. Musk, who owns over 12% of Tesla, was also in the news, having won the first Republican Party Caucus in Iowa with 51% of the votes. Despite poll predictions, the results were still considered a surprise, as Iowa voters are known for their independence. This news underscores the significance of both technological advancements and the importance of face-to-face interactions in today's workforce.

    • Iowa Caucus Results: Trump's Surprising Win and Field NarrowingTrump wins Iowa, validating his focus on the state. DeSantis finishes 2nd, Haley 3rd. Ramaswamy endorses Trump, exits race.

      The Iowa caucuses delivered a significant win for Donald Trump, surpassing expectations in the final polls. This victory is a vindication of Trump's all-out bet on Iowa, where he spent considerable time and resources. For Ron DeSantis, who finished second, this result validates his strategic focus on the Hawkeye state. However, for Nikki Haley, who had hoped to use a strong Iowa performance as a stepping stone to New Hampshire and South Carolina, a third-place finish was a setback. Meanwhile, Vivek Ramaswamy, who failed to gain traction beyond a specific voter base, acknowledged the race's outcome by endorsing Trump and acknowledging the presence of only one America First candidate in the race. The caucus results marked a narrowing of the field, with Ramaswamy's departure.

    • Race for New Hampshire Primary and its Impact on General ElectionDeSantis endorses Trump, aligns positions; Trump targets general election against Biden; New Hampshire primary results could influence the race towards November

      Ron DeSantis' positions align with Donald Trump's, and DeSantis has now endorsed the former president. This comes after Trump's strong showing in the New Hampshire primary, which could allow him to pivot sooner towards the general election against Joe Biden. DeSantis faces a different electorate in New Hampshire compared to Iowa, where he hasn't invested as much time. Nikki Haley, who has the endorsement of the governor there, could potentially lead in New Hampshire despite facing DeSantis and Trump in the state. Trump aims to leverage his win in New Hampshire to position himself better for the general election. Keep an eye on the New Hampshire primary results and how they may impact the race towards November.

    Recent Episodes from Merryn Talks Money

    Why UK Bosses Need More Skin in The Game

    Why UK Bosses Need More Skin in The Game

    Activist investors are on a mission to persuade large British businesses to move from London’s stock market to those of New York. Liad Meidar, founder and managing partner of Gatemore Capital Management, joins this week’s episode of Merryn Talks Money to discuss what’s driving this westward push and the steps London can take to head it off. 

    The main incentive for companies to drop London for the Big Apple is the valuation gap. FTSE 100 companies trade at little more than half of the valuation of those on the S&P 500 on a forward price-to-earnings basis. The reason? Meidar says it’s the cost of capital, the UK takeover code and how board members are incentivized. Address those issues, and you’re on your way to solving the problem. 

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    Merryn Talks Money
    enJune 28, 2024

    Why Now Is the Moment for Bitcoin and Gold

    Why Now Is the Moment for Bitcoin and Gold

    Regular listeners of the Merryn Talks Money podcast know that Merryn Somerset Webb usually ends her interviews with one question. If you had to invest all of your money into one of these assets, and hold it for the next 10 years, which would it be: Bitcoin or gold? In this week’s episode, she makes that question the foundation for a conversation with Charlie Morris, chief investment officer and founder of ByteTree, and Alexander Chartres, a fund manager at Ruffer. 

    The episode was taped in front of audience at the Bloomberg offices in London. 

    Want to see Merryn live? Check out her shows in Edinburgh at Fringe Festival this August! 

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    Merryn Talks Money
    enJune 14, 2024

    Reasons to Put Your Money in a ‘Fragile’ Europe

    Reasons to Put Your Money in a ‘Fragile’ Europe

    On this week’s Merryn Talks Money, host Merryn Somerset Webb speaks with Daniel Avigad, partner and fund manager at Lansdowne Partners, a global investment management boutique entirely focused on active equities investing. He explains why Europe, though debt heavy and over-regulated, may actually be a place to put your money.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Merryn Talks Money
    enJune 07, 2024

    Living Longer Means Rethinking How You Work Right Now

    Living Longer Means Rethinking How You Work Right Now

    If aging doesn’t happen all at once, why should retirement? That’s the question Merryn Somerset Webb explores with economist and author Andrew J Scott in this week’s episode of Merryn Talks Money. They discuss the opportunities and challenges of living longer in the 21st century, and the complications it may inflict on your financial planning. 

    Plus, senior reporter John Stepek joins to talk the quadruple lock and the pensions bidding war. 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Merryn Talks Money
    enMay 31, 2024

    How To Protect Your Pension From a New Government

    How To Protect Your Pension From a New Government

    A general election in the UK has been called for July 4. What does that mean for your money—and is there anything you can (or should) do in advance of a possible tide of new policy?

    Those are the questions host Merryn Somerset Webb and senior reporter John Stepek explore with guests Helen Thomas, chief executive of macroeconomic consultancy BlondeMoney, and Tom McPhail, director of public affairs at The Lang Cat. 

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    Merryn Talks Money
    enMay 24, 2024

    The Argument Against Relative Performance

    The Argument Against Relative Performance

    Tellworth’s John Warren tells Merryn Talks Money investors aren’t interested in a manager’s record versus an index—they just want to make money.

    And it has happened again. Another new high for the FTSE 100. Merryn would love to talk about something else, but John Stepek can't. 

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    Merryn Talks Money
    enMay 17, 2024

    Why Everyone Believes What They Want to Believe with Alex Edmans

    Why Everyone Believes What They Want to Believe with Alex Edmans

    On this week’s episode of Merryn Talks Money, London Business School professor and author Alex Edmans joins to discuss his new book, May Contain Lies. Edmans explains why he believes that stories, statistics and studies exploit pre-existing biases.

    Plus, John Stepek joins to discuss yet another boring Bank of England rate decision. 

    Emails to merrynmoney@bloomberg.net

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Making the Case for Active Investing

    Making the Case for Active Investing

    Downing Fund Managers’ Simon Evan-Cook joins this week to talk about the case for active versus passive investing.

    Cook says Jack Bogle, founder of The Vanguard Group and arguably the father of passive investing, did “more for individual wealth than anyone in history.” He deserved a knighthood for creating a low risk, reliable and comprehensive way of investing, Cook says. Nevertheless, the fund manager explains why he’s an investor in active funds, and discusses how to find the rare manager who might make you real money over the long term. 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Why Sunak May Quit Ahead of a July 4th Election

    Why Sunak May Quit Ahead of a July 4th Election

    Get ready for a UK election this summer, says Helen Thomas, an ex-adviser to former Conservative finance minister George Osborne and CEO of BlondeMoney. On this week’s Merryn Talks Money, she joins Merryn Somerset Webb to explain her core scenario for the British government: Rishi Sunak will resign and hand over to Penny Mordaunt, the House of Commons leader. She will call a July 4th election — and Labour leader Keir Starmer will be prime minister by the middle of July.

    Plus, John Stepek joins to discuss a new high in the FTSE 100 and Opinion Columnist Adrian Wooldridge joins the post-interview discussion to share his views on Helen's predictions. 

    Love/Hate mail to the usual address: merrynmoney@bloomberg.net

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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