
    About this Episode

    Learn why Self-love is the healthiest ‘selfish’ out there and serves everyone.

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    Recent Episodes from Suzanna Jamieson

    Introducing No. 5 of the 5 Shifts: Invest in Expert Mentoring

    Introducing No. 5 of the 5 Shifts: Invest in Expert Mentoring

    Mentoring is Indispensable for accountability, pointing out your blind spots, and offering motivation. Suzanna will discuss why investing in a mentor has a much higher success rate than going it alone.

    Watch Suzanna LIVE on Facebook: Go to www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio

    Introducing No. 4 of the 5 Shifts: Acknowledge what hasn’t brought resolution so far

    Introducing No. 4 of the 5 Shifts: Acknowledge what hasn’t brought resolution so far

    If you keep doing the same things – you get the same results. Why most mainstream approaches are ineffective and how ‘Coming Home to Your Self’ brings profound transformation in all areas of your life lastingly.

    Watch Suzanna LIVE on Facebook and join in the conversation! Go to: www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio

    LoveLight-Sound Healing Frequencies - How They Work and How They Will Benefit You

    LoveLight-Sound Healing Frequencies - How They Work and How They Will Benefit You

    How trauma has affected your past, is affecting your present and can impact your future.

    If what you heard on today's show resonates with you and you'd like to explore more about working with Suzanna, book a complimentary Breakthrough Session with her at: suzannajamieson.com/appointments

    Watch LIVE on Facebook! Go to: www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio