
    IRS Whistleblowers on Hunter Biden Investigation Roadblocks, Significance of Laptop, and Accusations of Political Bias | Ep. 591

    enJuly 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • IRS Agents Express Dismissal of Their Concerns during Hunter Biden Tax HearingTwo experienced IRS agents testified about obstacles in investigating Hunter Biden's taxes, but felt disrespected and dismissed due to political biases and irrelevant topics. They chose to come forward as whistleblowers to ensure ongoing investigation.

      Two IRS agents, Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who testified about their concerns with the handling of the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden's taxes, were treated disrespectfully during a recent hearing and felt that their allegations were dismissed due to political biases and the introduction of irrelevant topics, such as race. The agents, who have over 20 years of combined experience at the IRS, claim that they faced obstacles in their investigation, including being prevented from pursuing certain warrants and leads, and being told not to ask questions about certain individuals. Despite these challenges, they chose to come forward as whistleblowers, both anonymously and now on the record, in order to bring attention to their concerns and ensure that an investigation into the matter continues. The agents have already reported their allegations to the relevant agencies, but blowing the whistle to Congress adds an additional layer of oversight. The treatment of these agents during the hearing left them questioning the effectiveness of Capitol Hill as a means of oversight.

    • IRS Agents Discuss Unaddressed Concerns over Racial Disparity in Audits, Focus on Allegations of Misconduct in DOJIRS agents expressed disappointment over lack of action on racial disparity in audits, but focused on allegations of misconduct in DOJ investigation into Hunter Biden's tax returns. They emphasized fairness and equal treatment for all taxpayers.

      The recent hearing did not address the issue of racial disparity in IRS audits, but rather focused on allegations of unethical behavior and misconduct within the Department of Justice, specifically regarding an investigation into Hunter Biden's tax returns. The two IRS agents involved in the case expressed their disappointment that their concerns were not taken seriously by some members of Congress, and emphasized the importance of fair application of justice. They also clarified that the prosecutors and FBI had initially agreed on felony charges for Hunter Biden, but he ultimately pleaded guilty to tax misdemeanors instead. The agents' mission is to instill confidence in the tax code and ensure equal treatment for all taxpayers. The public's attention is drawn to this story due to the serious nature of the allegations and the involvement of high-level officials.

    • Allegations of inequitable treatment and potential retaliation in Hunter Biden's tax investigationSpeakers claim DOJ removed key agents, brought lesser charges, and potentially retaliated against those who made protected disclosures in Hunter Biden's tax investigation, going against their own manual's requirement to charge felonies if present.

      There are allegations of inequitable treatment and potential retaliation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) in the handling of the investigation into Hunter Biden's tax affairs. The speakers in this discussion claim that key agents, who were deep in the investigation and had made protected disclosures, were removed from the case just after they came forward, and that lesser charges were brought against the subject despite the presence of potential felonies. They believe this was a form of retaliation, and that the DOJ had not followed its own manual, which dictates that if a felony is present, it must be charged. The speakers also mentioned past leaks from the investigation and how the DOJ did not remove or move people around in those cases. Additionally, one speaker mentioned their personal information being leaked and being falsely identified as the case agent.

    • IRS agents clarify their roles in Hunter Biden investigationIRS agents Erin Collins and Gary Shaprio clarified their roles in the Hunter Biden investigation, denying any political motivations and emphasizing the importance of accountability and non-partisan investigations.

      The IRS agents involved in investigating Hunter Biden felt they were not supported by their agency during the process, leading to public accusations and personal attacks. Agents Erin Collins and Gary Shaprio clarified that they were not leakers to the media and did not have any political motivations. They emphasized the importance of holding those involved accountable and learning from the situation. Both agents shared their personal beliefs and emphasized the non-partisan nature of their investigation. Despite growing up in different political households, they maintained that their investigative decisions were not influenced by politics. The agents' statements aim to dispel any allegations of bias and political affiliations.

    • IRS Whistleblower Uncovers Hunter Biden's Suspicious Bank ReportsAn IRS agent discovered unreported income and suspicious payments in Hunter Biden's financial dealings, but faced resistance in pursuing the investigation due to perceived political sensitivity.

      The interview reveals how the investigation into Hunter Biden's financial dealings began with a whistleblower, who was an IRS agent, in November 2018. The agent, Joe, came across suspicious bank reports mentioning payments to alleged prostitutes and discovered unreported income from Hunter Biden's work with Burisma. Despite having enough evidence to initiate a case, the agent faced resistance from his supervisor, who deemed the case politically sensitive and required more evidence. After multiple reports, the case was eventually sent to the Department of Justice tax division, but the venue for the case was controversially decided to be Delaware, despite the fact that Hunter Biden was living in Washington D.C. at the time. The interview highlights the challenges faced by the whistleblower in pursuing the investigation and raises concerns about political interference in the handling of the case.

    • Investigation into Hunter Biden's alleged financial wrongdoings faced numerous roadblocks during Trump administrationPolitical interference concerns arose during the investigation into Hunter Biden's financial wrongdoings due to complications, magistrate judge's recusal, and the Biden family's prominent status in Delaware. The US attorney's office reportedly withheld approval for search warrants and simple investigative steps faced resistance.

      The investigation into Hunter Biden's alleged financial wrongdoings in Delaware faced numerous roadblocks during the Trump administration, raising concerns about political interference. The magistrate judge's recusal and the Biden family's prominent status in Delaware added to the complications. The US attorney's office in Delaware reportedly withheld approval for search warrants, and even simple investigative steps were met with resistance. The testimony suggests that the US attorney, David Weiss, may have had limited authority in the case, and disagreements with the DOJ were common but unresolved. The pattern of preferential treatment towards the subject, who was an attorney, and the political figure involved, is evident in the testimony. These issues call into question the integrity of the investigation and the extent to which political considerations may have influenced the handling of the case.

    • Political figure or attorney protection doesn't grant immunityDelays and obstacles in investigations can hinder progress and potentially allow targets to destroy evidence

      While being a political figure or an attorney may provide certain protections, it does not grant immunity from criminal conduct or investigations. Delays and obstacles in the investigative process, such as the lack of a special counsel or the refusal to grant search warrants, can hinder the investigation significantly. In the case discussed, the team was investigating potential criminal activity involving Hunter Biden and encountered resistance in the form of lengthy delays and eventual denial of a search warrant for a crucial storage unit. This resistance not only slowed down the investigation but potentially allowed the target to destroy or hide crucial evidence. It's essential to address these issues early on in an investigation to ensure a thorough and effective investigation.

    • Waiting for a deadline before executing a search warrantProsecutors sharing search warrant info with defense team is unethical, investigating a storage unit without interviewing family members adds complexity

      During an investigation involving a storage unit and document request, the team proposed waiting for the deadline to elapse before executing a search warrant if the subject did not comply. However, the prosecutors shared the search warrant information with the defense team, which was deemed unethical and exhausting for the investigative team. In a typical case, the least intrusive means of obtaining records from a storage unit is through a search warrant, especially when no one is living there. The team wanted to interview Hunter Biden's adult children and members of the Biden family, but were told they couldn't. These roadblocks made the investigation more complicated and time-consuming.

    • DOJ officials hindered investigation into Hunter Biden's tax affairsSenior DOJ tax officials prevented interviews with key individuals and instructed against investigating Joe Biden, hindering the investigation into Hunter Biden's tax affairs.

      During the investigation into Hunter Biden's tax affairs, the team was prevented from interviewing key individuals, including Joe Biden's grandchildren, due to directives from senior DOJ tax officials. These officials also reportedly instructed them not to ask about or investigate Joe Biden, despite his involvement in some of the transactions under investigation. This restriction raised questions about the independence of the investigation and whether David Weiss, the US Attorney for the District of Delaware, was truly in charge, as Merrick Garland had claimed. The refusal to allow interviews with certain individuals and the instruction to avoid investigating Joe Biden significantly hindered the investigation and limited the team's ability to gather crucial information.

    • Investigation into Hunter Biden led by Biden appointee raises questions of impartialityDespite claims of impartiality concerns, Biden administration approached other US attorneys to bring charges but were declined, adding to doubts about the investigation's motivations and potential interference.

      The investigation into allegations against President Biden's son, Hunter, is being led by a Trump appointee, David Weiss, which some argue raises questions about its impartiality. However, it was revealed that the Biden administration approached other US attorneys, who were also Biden appointees, to bring charges in DC and California, but were turned down. This contradicts the narrative that the investigation is being led solely by a Trump appointee. The denial to present evidence to the DC US attorney's office also adds to concerns about interference. The case has evolved from allegations of tax issues and business dealings to potentially more serious matters involving foreign companies like Burisma in Ukraine and China. The lack of transparency and communication from the DOJ has fueled skepticism and calls for further explanation.

    • Impact of absence of felony charges on Hunter Biden investigationThe absence of felony charges related to Burisma Ukraine conduct in 2014 hindered the investigation into Hunter Biden's financial dealings, raising questions about unpaid taxes and potential bribery allegations, but there's no evidence of improper authorization for reviving the case.

      The absence of felony charges related to Burisma Ukraine conduct in 2014 significantly impacted the public record in the investigation into Hunter Biden's financial dealings. This removal of substantial evidence led to questions about other unpaid taxes and potential bribery allegations that were not substantiated but could have corroborated other evidence. The timeline of events shows that the case was stymied in DC, and there is conflicting information regarding the authority of US attorney Weiss to revive the charges without Merrick Garland's involvement. Despite this, there is no evidence that Weiss attempted to go over anyone's head or bring the charges without proper authorization. The inconsistencies in DOJ's statements and letters add to the confusion surrounding the investigation.

    • Contradictory information about Weiss's role in Hunter Biden investigationNew evidence revealed that David Weiss did not have the final say in the Hunter Biden investigation, contradicting previous statements from Merrick Garland and others. This discovery marked a significant moment in the investigation, highlighting the potential for political interference.

      During the investigation into Hunter Biden's financial dealings, David Weiss of the Delaware US Attorney's office was believed to be the deciding official on whether charges would be brought. However, it was revealed during an October 2022 meeting that Weiss did not have the final say, and the case was being handed over to the Central District of California. This contradicted previous assertions from Merrick Garland and others that Weiss had full authority and that the DOJ would not be interfering. The meeting was documented by Gary, who sent an email to senior executives corroborating the account of what transpired. This discovery marked a significant moment in the investigation, as it became clear that Weiss was not in charge and that the process was being used to delay the case. Despite this, Weiss now denies not being in charge.

    • Misrepresentation of U.S. Attorney's AuthorityAG Merrick Garland misrepresented U.S. Attorney David Weiss's authority in ongoing investigations, raising questions about transparency and accountability.

      Merrick Garland, the Attorney General, has misrepresented the extent of the authority held by David Weiss, the U.S. Attorney for Delaware, in ongoing investigations. Garland had previously stated that Weiss had the power to make decisions and bring cases in different jurisdictions without needing approval. However, Weiss has admitted in a meeting that he had requested special counsel status, which was denied, and he does not have the authority to make such decisions unilaterally. The discrepancy between Garland's statements and the truth raises questions about the transparency and accuracy of the information being provided to the public regarding these investigations. It also highlights the importance of fact-checking and holding public figures accountable for their words.

    • Unanswered questions about Hunter Biden investigationConcerns of political interference and differing treatment in the justice system highlight the need for transparency and accountability in Hunter Biden's investigation. Public trust requires clear answers and communication.

      There are unanswered questions regarding the handling of the investigation into Hunter Biden's alleged crimes. The discussion highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in the justice system, as there are concerns about potential political interference and differing treatment for individuals based on their connections. The lack of communication and sudden change in the outcome of the investigation, resulting in only misdemeanor charges, raises doubts about the impartiality of the process. The call for documents and clear answers is crucial to restore public trust and ensure fairness for all parties involved.

    • FBI restricted access to Hunter Biden's WhatsApp message with Chinese officialDuring Hunter Biden's tax investigation, the FBI obtained his laptop but were restricted from accessing a significant WhatsApp message between Hunter and a Chinese Communist Party official, despite it being obtained through a search warrant. This raises questions about transparency and evidence handling.

      During the investigation into Hunter Biden's tax affairs, the FBI obtained Hunter's laptop through an IRS criminal investigation affiant search warrant. However, some information from the laptop was withheld from the investigators, which they felt was a problem. For instance, they were not allowed to see a WhatsApp message between Hunter and a Chinese Communist Party official, despite it being obtained through the search warrant. This information was significant, as it suggested that Hunter was attempting to influence someone regarding an unfulfilled commitment. The fact that this information was withheld from the investigators raises questions about transparency and the handling of evidence during the investigation. Additionally, it was confirmed that the FBI had verified the laptop belonged to Hunter by matching the device number against his Apple iCloud ID.

    • Attorney for Hunter Biden acknowledges authenticity of WhatsApp message involving business dealings with Joe BidenDuring a court hearing, Hunter Biden's attorney admitted the authenticity of a message discussing business matters between Hunter and Joe Biden, but argued the online presentation was inaccurate. The defense attempted to downplay the significance, but the prosecution was not allowed to explore further.

      During the testimony, Abby Lowell, an attorney for Hunter Biden, acknowledged the authenticity of a WhatsApp message that appeared to involve Hunter discussing business matters with his father, Joe Biden, who was then the Vice President. However, Abby Lowell argued that the way the message was presented online was inaccurate and a fake representation. The defense attempted to downplay the significance of the message and exonerate Joe Biden from any involvement in Hunter's business dealings. However, the prosecution was not allowed to pursue this line of questioning further. The two witnesses, who came forward with information regarding the Biden family's business dealings, are still at the IRS, and their current situation will be discussed further. Despite the defense's argument that the prosecutors always want to charge more than they ultimately do, the memos and the prosecutors' initial intentions suggest that they wanted to pursue the same felonies as the team. The team was, however, stiff-armed in two jurisdictions.

    • IRS Agent Faces Retaliation for Hunter Biden InvestigationAn IRS agent, Joe, reported retaliation after exposing potential issues in the investigation of Hunter Biden's tax affairs. Despite presenting evidence and filing complaints, he's faced silence and potential undercover assignments. GOP seeks a special counsel to look into the matter.

      The IRS agent, Joe, faced retaliation after coming forward with concerns about the investigation into Hunter Biden's tax affairs. Despite making protected disclosures and presenting evidence of retaliation to the Office of Special Counsel and Inspector General, Joe has experienced silence from his leadership and potential undercover operations being assigned to him. The GOP is now pushing for a special counsel to be appointed to investigate these allegations. Joe remains confident that the retaliation is unlawful but acknowledges the potential for quiet retaliation, such as performance reviews or being sidelined from important cases. He continues to stand by his decision to come forward, believing it was the right thing to do for his colleagues and the integrity of the IRS.

    • Congressional investigation into Biden family dealingsBipartisan efforts needed to follow evidence in Biden investigations, accountability and fairness are crucial.

      The ongoing investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden's international dealings and incomes is a significant issue that requires congressional action. The interviewee emphasized the importance of bipartisanship and following the evidence, while expressing admiration for those who speak out for fairness and transparency. The burden is on Congress to move forward with investigations, and the equal application of justice cannot be overlooked. The interviewee also announced that Donald Trump Jr. would be appearing on the show for the first time the next day. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of accountability and the role of Congress in addressing allegations of wrongdoing.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    In this episode, we dive into the highly publicized indictment of Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden. From the charges laid against him to the collapse of his previous plea agreement, we unravel the legal complexities surrounding his case. Join us as we analyze the potential defenses, including a surprising Second Amendment argument, and examine the political backdrop against which this indictment unfolds. Stay tuned as we shed light on what this indictment means for Hunter Biden's future and the implications it holds for American politics. 

    Here are the three key takeaways from the episode:

    1️⃣ Hunter Biden is facing three felony charges related to gun possession and his gun purchase. He allegedly lied on a federal form when purchasing a gun, stating that he was not using controlled substances when he actually was. Additionally, he was in possession of a firearm when he shouldn't have been allowed to.

    2️⃣ The plea agreement that was previously in place fell apart in open court. Part of the agreement included a pretrial diversion program, which would have allowed Hunter Biden to avoid prosecution on these gun-related charges. However, the judge expressed concern about the structure of the plea deal, and the Department of Justice couldn't reach an agreement with Hunter Biden's defense team.

    3️⃣ Hunter Biden may present two key defenses. First, he may argue that the pretrial diversion agreement still remains in effect and should be honored. However, the Department of Justice maintains that it was never signed by a probation officer and is null and void. Second, Hunter Biden may claim protection under the Second Amendment, arguing that the law prohibiting certain drug users from possessing a gun violates his rights.

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    Hunter Biden Probe Continues After Tax And Gun Charges, DOJ Says

    Hunter Biden Probe Continues After Tax And Gun Charges, DOJ Says
    Hunter Biden, the president's son, has been charged with federal offenses related to his taxes and business dealings, the U.S. Justice Department said Tuesday.

    The younger Biden has agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor offenses related to his filing of federal income taxes. Federal authorities also charged him with a felony firearm offense, for which he agreed to enter a pretrial diversion agreement that allows him to avoid prosecution.

    This episode: political correspondent Susan Davis, senior political editor and correspondent Domenico Montanaro, and national justice correspondent Carrie Johnson.

    The podcast is produced by Elena Moore and Casey Morell. Our editor is Eric McDaniel. Our executive producer is Muthoni Muturi.

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    Breaking Down the Hunter Biden Indictment: Gun Charges, Plea Deal Fallout, and Political Backdrop

    Breaking Down the Hunter Biden Indictment: Gun Charges, Plea Deal Fallout, and Political Backdrop

    In this episode, we dive into the highly publicized indictment of Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden. From the charges laid against him to the collapse of his previous plea agreement, we unravel the legal complexities surrounding his case. Join us as we analyze the potential defenses, including a surprising Second Amendment argument, and examine the political backdrop against which this indictment unfolds. Stay tuned as we shed light on what this indictment means for Hunter Biden's future and the implications it holds for American politics. 

    Here are the three key takeaways from the episode:

    1️⃣ Hunter Biden is facing three felony charges related to gun possession and his gun purchase. He allegedly lied on a federal form when purchasing a gun, stating that he was not using controlled substances when he actually was. Additionally, he was in possession of a firearm when he shouldn't have been allowed to.

    2️⃣ The plea agreement that was previously in place fell apart in open court. Part of the agreement included a pretrial diversion program, which would have allowed Hunter Biden to avoid prosecution on these gun-related charges. However, the judge expressed concern about the structure of the plea deal, and the Department of Justice couldn't reach an agreement with Hunter Biden's defense team.

    3️⃣ Hunter Biden may present two key defenses. First, he may argue that the pretrial diversion agreement still remains in effect and should be honored. However, the Department of Justice maintains that it was never signed by a probation officer and is null and void. Second, Hunter Biden may claim protection under the Second Amendment, arguing that the law prohibiting certain drug users from possessing a gun violates his rights.

    Follow Our Host:

    On Twitter @LevinsonJessica