
    Podcast Summary

    • The truth about milk and its potential health risks.Question the benefits of dairy and explore alternative options for a healthier diet.

      The government's recommendation to drink three glasses of milk a day lacks scientific basis. Despite the dairy industry's promotion of milk as nature's perfect food, it contains reproductive hormones, allergenic proteins, antibiotics, and growth factors that can have negative effects on our health. The dairy industry's influence and lobbying power has contributed to the misinformation surrounding dairy's benefits. It's important to be aware of the potential side effects of consuming dairy, such as weight gain, bloating, acne, allergies, and even cancer. Taking small actions every day to prioritize our health means critically evaluating the role of dairy in our diet and considering alternatives that may offer similar nutritional benefits without the potential drawbacks.

    • The influence of financial ties and industry funding on the information we receive about milk.Consumers should be skeptical of information provided by industries and seek out independent and scientifically sound sources to make informed decisions about their diet and health.

      Financial ties and industry funding can greatly influence the information we receive about certain products, such as milk. The dairy industry has invested significant amounts of money in studies and campaigns that promote milk as a beneficial and healthy beverage. However, it has been revealed that some of these studies were funded by the industry itself, resulting in biased and misleading information. This raises concerns about the reliability of the information we receive, as studies funded by the food industry are more likely to show positive benefits. It is important for consumers to be aware of these influences and seek out independent and scientifically sound information before making decisions about their diet and health.

    • Reconsidering the Role of Milk in Bone StrengthMilk is not essential for strong bones and may not even be the best source of calcium. Prioritizing a healthy diet and avoiding harmful habits are more crucial for maintaining bone health.

      Milk is not necessary for strong bones. Despite what we've been taught, there is no concrete evidence that milk strengthens our bones. In fact, countries with the lowest milk consumption have the lowest rates of fractures and osteoporosis. It is concerning that we force children to have milk in school lunches, even though low-fat milk can actually lead to weight gain. Furthermore, milk is not a reliable source of calcium. It's not about the total calcium intake, but rather how much calcium our bodies actually retain. Bad habits like smoking, consuming sugar, and drinking soda leach calcium from our bones. So, instead of relying on milk, it's important to focus on a healthy diet and avoiding these detrimental habits to maintain strong bones.

    • Exploring Calcium-Rich Alternatives to MilkThere are various non-dairy sources of calcium that are even more beneficial than milk, and focusing on vitamin D for bone health is more important than solely consuming calcium.

      There are alternative sources of calcium that don't involve consuming milk. Mark Hyman highlights several options, such as sesame seeds, sardines with bones, tofu, yogurt from sheep or goat, collard greens, spinach, cheese, sockeye salmon, almonds, and chia seeds. Surprisingly, some of these sources contain even more calcium than milk. Additionally, Mark emphasizes the importance of vitamin D in supporting bone health, rather than solely focusing on calcium intake. He also mentions that milk consumption may increase the risk of cancer, as suggested by leading nutrition scientists. This challenges the commonly advised three cups of low-fat milk per day, encouraging individuals to explore other calcium-rich alternatives.

    • The Link Between Milk and Cancer GrowthConsuming milk can increase the levels of hormones that promote cancer growth and is associated with various health issues, while saturated fat from dairy may have potential benefits for certain individuals.

      Milk contains hormones that may promote cancer. The 60 different hormones found in an average glass of milk can act like miracle grow for cancer cells. Milk is designed to stimulate growth in babies and cows, but it also causes cancer cells to grow. Drinking milk increases levels of IGF one, a known cancer promoter, and is associated with kidney disease, diabetes, heart disease, and lower rates of cancer survival. Contrary to popular belief, the fat from dairy may not be the issue for heart disease. Saturated fat from dairy may actually be beneficial for most people, especially those with metabolic issues. Research shows that saturated fat consumption has little to no effect on heart disease, and in fact, dairy fats may reduce cardiovascular risk and the risk of diabetes.

    • Reevaluating the Benefits and Consumption of ButterEnjoying butter in moderation, especially the grass-fed variety, can provide important nutrients and antioxidants. However, it is important to avoid mixing it with carbohydrates and sugar and opt for grass-fed or regenerative dairy options for optimal health benefits.

      Butter may not be as bad for us as we once thought. While it is true that most of the fats in butter are saturated, it also contains important nutrients and antioxidants. It is fine to enjoy butter in moderation, especially if it is the grass-fed variety, which has a better fatty acid composition and more health benefits. However, it is important to be mindful of how we consume butter. Mixing it with carbohydrates and sugar is not a good idea. Additionally, when choosing dairy products, opting for grass-fed or regenerative options is best, as they are free from antibiotics and hormones and have higher levels of phytochemicals. Alternatively, probiotic-rich dairy kefir and ghee can be used as substitutes for those who are allergic to dairy.

    • Understanding the Differences in Dairy Products: A1 vs A2 CaseinChoose dairy products from heirloom cows, goats, or sheep that contain A2 casein for improved tolerance and reduced inflammation. Look for ethical certifications and avoid conventional, low-fat, and sweetened options. Opt for grass-fed alternatives.

      Not all dairy products are created equal. Cow's milk, especially from modern cows, contains a protein called A1 casein, which can be inflammatory and contribute to various health issues. On the other hand, dairy products from heirloom cows, such as Jersey or Guernsey cows, contain A2 casein, which is better tolerated and has less inflammatory potential. Additionally, goat and sheep dairy products are even better alternatives as they primarily contain A2 casein and are generally more easily digested. When purchasing dairy, look for certifications that ensure ethical animal production. It is recommended to avoid conventionally raised cow's milk, low-fat or non-fat dairy products, and yogurt with sweeteners or additives. Opt for grass-fed ghee, goat or sheep milk, kefir, and grass-fed butter for a healthier dairy option.

    • The Truth About Dairy and its Impact on Our HealthDairy products, particularly those that are processed or imitation, may not be as healthy as we believe. Opting for natural, high-quality options like sheep or goat cheese is recommended for better overall well-being.

      Dairy products, like sweetened yogurt and processed cheese, may not be as healthy as we think. Mark Hyman, a health expert, emphasizes that the fat in dairy is actually beneficial for our bodies. He advises avoiding cheese-like substances and industrial cheese products, as they are not considered real cheese. If you do choose to consume dairy, he suggests trying sheep or goat cheese instead. Hyman warns that dairy may not be nature's perfect food and could potentially contribute to health issues like cancer. Ultimately, he encourages listening to our bodies and paying attention to how different types of dairy affect us individually. This highlights the importance of being mindful of our dairy intake and considering healthier alternatives.

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    [02:52] This is the Definition of Nutrigenomics

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    DISCLAIMER – The information presented on this podcast should not be construed as medical advice. It is not intended to replace consultation with your physician or healthcare provider. The ideas shared on this podcast are the expressed opinions of the guests and do not always reflect those of Margie Bissinger and Happy Bones, Happy Life Podcast.

    #214 - AMA #37: Bone health—everything you need to know

    #214 - AMA #37: Bone health—everything you need to know

    View the Show Notes Page for This Episode

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    In this “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) episode, Peter dives deep into the topic of bone health and explains why this is an important topic for everyone, from children to the elderly. He begins with an overview of bone mineral density, how it's measured, how it changes over the course of life, and the variability between sexes largely due to changes in estrogen levels. From there he provides insights into ways that one can improve bone health, from exercise to nutrition supplements to drugs. Additionally, Peter discusses what happens when one may be forced to be sedentary (e.g., bedrest) and how you can work to minimize the damage during these periods.

    If you’re not a subscriber and listening on a podcast player, you’ll only be able to hear a preview of the AMA. If you’re a subscriber, you can now listen to this full episode on your private RSS feed or on our website at the AMA #37 show notes page. If you are not a subscriber, you can learn more about the subscriber benefits here.

    We discuss:

    • Overview of bone health topics to be discussed [1:45];
    • Bones 101: bone function, structure, and more [5:15];
    • Bone mineral density (BMD), minerals in bone, role of osteoblasts and osteoclasts, and more [8:30];
    • The consequences of poor bone health [13:30];
    • The devastating nature of hip fractures: morbidity and mortality data [17:00];
    • Where fractures tend to occur in the body [23:00];
    • Defining osteopenia and osteoporosis [24:30];
    • Measuring BMD with DEXA and how to interpret scores [27:00];
    • Variability in BMD between sexes [34:15];
    • When should people have their first bone mineral density scan? [36:45];
    • How BMD changes throughout the life and how it differs between men and women [39:00];
    • How changes in estrogen levels (e.g., menopause) impact bone health [44:00];
    • Why HRT is not considered a standard of care for postmenopausal bone loss [47:30];
    • Factors determining who may be at higher risk of poor bone health [50:30];
    • Common drugs that can negatively impact BMD [54:15];
    • How children can optimize bone health and lay the foundation for the future [57:45];
    • Types of physical activity that can positively impact bone health [1:02:30];
    • How weight loss can negatively impact bone health and how exercise can counteract those effects [1:10:45];
    • Nutrition and supplements for bone health [1:14:15];
    • Pharmaceutical drugs prescribed for those with low BMD [1:17:15];
    • Impact of extreme sedentary periods (e.g., bedrest) and how to minimize their damage to bone [1:22:00]; and
    • More.

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