
    Is Your Metabolic Health Suffering? How to Identify Your Weak Metabolism, and How To Fix It

    enApril 08, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Belly Fat and Metabolic HealthHealthcare practitioners can help patients optimize their health by staying informed about functional lab testing and promoting lifestyle modifications, particularly diet, to improve metabolic health and reduce dangerous LDL particles.

      Belly fat, caused by insulin resistance, is linked to increased inflammation and various health issues. As healthcare practitioners, staying informed about functional lab testing is crucial to help patients optimize their health. AG1, a foundational nutrition supplement, supports universal needs like gut optimization, stress management, and immune function. Lifestyle choices, particularly diet, significantly impact the size and composition of LDL particles, with the standard American diet contributing to dangerous LDL particles due to its high carbohydrate, sugar, and processed food content. Poor metabolic health, indicated by markers such as cholesterol, blood pressure, and waist circumference, is a significant contributor to various health issues, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's. By focusing on lifestyle modifications and functional lab testing, healthcare practitioners can help patients improve their metabolic health and overall well-being.

    • Insulin resistance links to unhealthy cholesterol and heart disease riskInsulin resistance from excess belly fat and unhealthy diets can cause inflammation, oxidative stress, and dangerous LDL particle sizes, increasing heart disease risk. Maintain a healthy weight, eat an anti-inflammatory diet, and monitor cholesterol levels and particle sizes.

      Insulin resistance, a key driver of metabolic syndrome and prediabetes, can lead to unhealthy cholesterol particle sizes and increased inflammation and oxidative stress, putting individuals at higher risk for heart disease. A standard lipid panel may not provide the full picture, as optimal cholesterol levels can vary based on particle size. For instance, having a high number of small, dense LDL particles, even with a seemingly normal total cholesterol level, can be dangerous. Insulin resistance, often caused by excess belly fat and an unhealthy diet high in carbohydrates and sugars, contributes to the production of inflammatory molecules and oxidative stress, which can lead to the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and the formation of damaging plaque in the arteries. To reduce this risk, focus on maintaining a healthy weight, eating an anti-inflammatory diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and antioxidants, and regularly monitoring your cholesterol levels and particle sizes.

    • Inflammation and oxidative stress in heart diseaseFunctional medicine approaches can help identify and address the root causes of inflammation and oxidative stress, reducing cardiovascular risk beyond traditional methods like diet and fasting.

      Inflammation and oxidative stress play a significant role in heart disease, potentially even more so than high cholesterol levels. Fasting and a healthy diet can help reduce inflammation, but functional medicine approaches may be necessary to identify the root causes of oxidative stress, which can stem from various sources including poor diet, toxins, and microbiome imbalances. Traditional doctors may not have access to or be knowledgeable about the diagnostic tests needed to assess oxidative stress and inflammation, making functional medicine a valuable alternative for personalized strategies to manage cardiovascular risk.

    • Focusing solely on cholesterol for heart health is not enough, as hypertension is a major contributor to heart disease and other health issues.A holistic approach to managing hypertension, including medication, family history, and lifestyle changes, can help reduce the risk of heart disease and other health issues.

      Focusing solely on cholesterol levels for heart health may not be sufficient, as high blood pressure, a "silent killer," is a major contributor to heart disease, kidney failure, stroke, blindness, and other health issues. The consequences of untreated hypertension can be severe, including the need for amputations. It's estimated that a billion people worldwide and 50-75 million in America have hypertension, but only about 14 million in the U.S. are effectively treated. While medication is a common treatment, it's not always effective and comes with side effects. A more holistic approach, including a detailed family history and lifestyle changes, can help manage hypertension and reduce the risk of related health issues.

    • Trusting the Right Supplement BrandMonitor high blood pressure regularly, consider insulin resistance and sleep apnea as underlying causes, and trust Momentous for supplements, as it's trusted by NFL teams, rigorously tested, and uses leading experts.

      When it comes to choosing supplements, trust is crucial. Dr. Mark recommends Momentous, a brand that collaborates with leading experts and is trusted by over 90% of NFL teams and nearly 200 pro and college locker rooms. Momentous is committed to rigorous third-party testing and independent certification, ensuring that what's on the label is what's in the product. Dr. Mark personally uses Momentous collagen and creatine to support his body. Another important topic discussed was the significance of managing high blood pressure. Dr. Mark emphasized that it's essential to treat high blood pressure, whether through medication or lifestyle changes. He recommended monitoring blood pressure regularly, preferably through a 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure test, to get a clear picture of one's real risks. Insulin resistance and sleep apnea were identified as major causes of high blood pressure that are often overlooked. Insulin resistance, an epidemic in the US, affects over 50% of Americans and can lead to various health issues, including high blood pressure. Addressing these underlying causes can help manage and prevent high blood pressure.

    • Insulin resistance and sleep apnea contributing to high blood pressureInsulin resistance from diet and sleep apnea restricting oxygen supply can lead to inflammation, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance, significantly increasing the risk of high blood pressure. Treating these conditions can result in weight loss and better health.

      Insulin resistance, driven by diet and often undiagnosed conditions like sleep apnea, can lead to inflammation, oxidative stress, and the hardening of arteries, contributing significantly to high blood pressure. Insulin resistance is a metabolic condition where the body becomes less responsive to insulin, leading to increased production and storage of belly fat, which functions as an immune organ and drives inflammation throughout the body. Sleep apnea, an underdiagnosed condition, can restrict oxygen supply to the body, causing an inflammatory and oxidative stress cycle that can lead to high blood pressure and insulin resistance. Both conditions are treatable, and addressing them can lead to weight loss and improved overall health.

    • Hidden causes of high blood pressureAddressing nutritional deficiencies, lifestyle factors, environmental toxins, and gut inflammation can lead to significant drops in blood pressure, sometimes even surpassing medication effects. A vegetable-rich diet, regular exercise, and addressing underlying issues are crucial steps in managing and preventing high blood pressure.

      High blood pressure isn't just caused by traditional factors like genetics or age. Nutritional deficiencies, such as magnesium, and lifestyle factors, like lack of omega-3 fats and excessive weight, can also contribute. Environmental toxins, heavy metals, and inflammation from the gut microbiome are other hidden causes often overlooked in conventional treatments. Addressing these underlying issues can lead to significant drops in blood pressure, sometimes even surpassing the effects of medication. For instance, losing as little as 10-15 pounds can result in a near 10 mmHg decrease in blood pressure for most Americans. Overall, a vegetable-rich diet, regular exercise, and addressing nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins are crucial steps in managing and preventing high blood pressure.

    • Focusing on processed foods with added salt instead of the salt shakerReducing salt intake is essential, but addressing root causes like insulin resistance, inflammation, and deep belly fat through a holistic approach is crucial for managing conditions like high blood pressure.

      While reducing salt intake is important for certain populations, it's not just about avoiding the salt shaker. Processed foods with added salt are the real culprits. Additionally, focusing on overall health and addressing root causes, such as insulin resistance and inflammation, is crucial in managing conditions like high blood pressure. Furthermore, deep belly fat, which is metabolically active and produces inflammatory markers, is a significant contributor to these health issues. It's essential to remember that weight loss through liposuction or focusing only on surface-level changes won't address the underlying problems. Instead, a holistic approach that includes diet, lifestyle modifications, and addressing any underlying health conditions is necessary for effective management and improvement.

    • Measuring waist circumference for metabolic healthRegularly measuring waist circumference is an inexpensive and easy way to monitor metabolic health risks, regardless of weight or BMI.

      Focusing on reducing waist circumference and maintaining a healthy waist-to-hip ratio is an essential step towards improving overall health and preventing various health issues, including high blood pressure, cholesterol, low sex drive, and even some skin conditions. This simple test can be done at home and repeated regularly to monitor progress. It's important to note that individuals of Asian and Indian descent may have significant visceral fat and related complications at lower weights, making regular checks crucial. This measurement is an inexpensive and easy way to determine if you're at risk for metabolic health issues, regardless of your weight or body mass index.

    • Understanding Visceral Fat and Its Health RisksVisceral fat, the deep belly fat, is a major health concern linked to inflammation, high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and liver problems. Lifestyle factors, especially a high sugar diet, contribute the most to its accumulation.

      Visceral fat, which is the deep belly fat, is a major health concern and is linked to various health issues such as inflammation, high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and liver problems. This type of fat is not always detectable through measurements like waist circumference or waist-hip ratio, and other biomarkers like C-reactive protein, fasting insulin, small dense LDL cholesterol particles, oxidative stress, and liver function tests can provide additional information. Lifestyle factors like poor diet, lack of exercise, stress, and environmental toxins can contribute to the accumulation of visceral fat. The most significant contributor, however, is an ultra-processed, high sugar diet, which drives insulin production and keeps fat in the belly, leading to various health complications. It's essential to be aware of these connections and make lifestyle changes to address the root causes and improve overall health.

    • Factors Beyond Diet and Exercise Impact Insulin Sensitivity and Visceral Adiposity as We AgeAging naturally causes muscle loss and exposure to toxins, which can negatively impact insulin sensitivity and contribute to insulin resistance and visceral adiposity. Exercise, particularly strength training, and avoiding toxins can help prevent or mitigate these negative health consequences.

      Maintaining good health as we age involves more than just a balanced diet and regular exercise. While these factors are important, muscle loss and exposure to toxins can also significantly impact insulin sensitivity and contribute to visceral adiposity. As we age, we naturally lose lean muscle mass, making it easier for the body to store excess fat. Exercise, particularly strength training, can help build muscle and improve metabolic function. Additionally, toxins such as BPA can negatively impact insulin sensitivity and contribute to insulin resistance. The microbiome, the bacteria in our digestive system, also plays a role in weight management and inflammation. Understanding these factors and taking steps to address them can help prevent or mitigate the negative health consequences associated with insulin resistance and visceral adiposity.

    • Identifying and addressing causes of inflammation for better metabolismFood sensitivities, mold exposure, and latent infections can cause inflammation, but sugar and starch are the leading culprits. Improve metabolism by identifying and addressing underlying causes, which may involve dietary changes, addressing environmental factors, and working with a healthcare professional.

      Inflammation is a significant contributor to weight gain and poor metabolism. Food sensitivities, mold exposure, and latent infections can all cause inflammation, but sugar and starch are the leading culprits. To improve metabolism, it's essential to identify and address any underlying causes of inflammation. This may involve making dietary changes, addressing environmental factors, and working with a healthcare professional. Remember, everyone's health journey is unique, and it's crucial to have a qualified medical practitioner to guide you along the way. Additionally, staying informed about helpful resources, such as books, podcasts, and supplements, can support your health goals. Keep in mind that this podcast is for educational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice.

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    How To Treat High Blood Pressure And What Causes It?

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, AG1, Beekeepers, and Super Simple Grassfed Protein

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    Dr. George Papanicolaou is a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine and is board certified in family medicine from Abington Memorial Hospital. He is also an Institute for Functional Medicine practitioner. Upon graduation from his residency, he joined the Indian Health Service. He worked on the Navajo reservation for four years at the Chinle Comprehensive Medical Facility, where he served as the Outpatient Department Coordinator. In 2000, he founded Cornerstone Family Practice in Rowley, MA. He began training in Functional Medicine through the Institute for Functional Medicine. In 2015, he established Cornerstone Personal Health, a practice dedicated entirely to Functional Medicine. Dr. Papanicolaou joined The UltraWellness Center in 2017.

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    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, AG1, Beekeepers, and Super Simple Grassfed Protein. 

    Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests with Rupa Health. You can check out a free, live demo with a Q&A or create an account at RupaHealth.com today.

    Head to drinkAG1.com/HYMAN to receive 10 FREE travel packs of AG1 with your first purchase.

    Go to beekeepersnaturals.com/HYMAN and enter code HYMAN to get Beekeeper’s Naturals' exclusive offer of 20% off sitewide.

    Right now, you can get 10% off Super Simple Grassfed Protein by heading to drhyman.com/protein and using code protein10.

    Full-length episodes (and corresponding links) of these interviews can be found here:

    Dr. George Papanicolaou

    Dr. Cindy Geyer

    Dr. Mark Hyman

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    #10: The Hidden Danger of Insulin Resistance: Understanding Its Impact Beyond Diabetes

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    In this insightful episode, Tisha demystifies the concept of insulin resistance and its significance in metabolic health, challenging the common misconception that issues with insulin only concern those taking insulin medication. With a straightforward explanation of insulin's role in the body as a fat-storage hormone, Tisha illustrates how insulin resistance leads to a myriad of health problems, including obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and various chronic diseases. This episode is crucial for anyone looking to understand the critical link between diet, insulin resistance, and overall health. Discover actionable advice on restoring metabolic health, reversing insulin resistance, and improving your life quality, regardless of your current weight.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Insulin's Role Explained: Learn about insulin's vital function in regulating blood glucose levels and its impact as a fat-storage hormone.
    2. Misconceptions Cleared: Discover why insulin resistance matters to everyone, not just those who take insulin medication.
    3. The Path to Insulin Resistance: Understand how lifestyle choices lead to insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, and subsequent health issues.
    4. Consequences of Ignoring Insulin Resistance: Explore the wide range of chronic diseases associated with high blood glucose levels and insulin resistance.
    5. Hope Through Restoration: Find out how restoring metabolic health can reverse many conditions related to insulin resistance, offering improved energy, mental clarity, and overall well-being.
    6. Weight is Not the Only Indicator: Learn why insulin resistance can affect individuals who are not obese, challenging the notion that only overweight people are at risk.


    • Free Download: "5 'Healthy' Foods Making You Sicker & Fatter": Access Tisha's exclusive guide that uncovers the truth about common foods believed to be healthy but may actually be sabotaging your metabolic health. This resource provides insights into how certain foods can impact insulin resistance and offers healthier alternatives to support your journey toward improved wellness.
    • ReThink Food Masterclass Waitlist: Ready to transform your approach to food and health? Join the waitlist for our upcoming ReThink Food Masterclass to be the first to know about enrollment opportunities and receive exclusive early bird offers. Sign up for the waitlist here.

    Episode Quotes:

    • "Whenever insulin is in your bloodstream, your body is in 'storage' mode, storing fat instead of burning it."
    • "Insulin resistance leads to a long list of chronic diseases, not just diabetes."
    • "Restoring your metabolic health is the most important decision you can make for your overall well-being."

    This episode is a call to action for anyone looking to protect and improve their health by understanding and addressing insulin resistance. Join Tisha as she provides valuable insights into changing your health trajectory.


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