
    Israel's 9/11-and How the Biden Administration Provided Billions of Dollars that Funded It

    enOctober 09, 2023
    What influence is the CCP having on Hollywood studios?
    How is Iran involved in the current conflict in Israel?
    What percentage of medical bills reportedly contain errors?
    What role does Hamas play in Gaza's conditions?
    What does Pre Born organization do to help reduce abortions?

    Podcast Summary

    • CCP's Influence in Hollywood and Middle East ConflictThe CCP is expanding its reach in Hollywood, while Israel faces a devastating conflict funded by Iran, and over half of medical bills contain errors, making correction crucial

      The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is reportedly exerting significant influence over major studios in Hollywood, as revealed in the documentary "Hollywood Takeover." Meanwhile, in international news, Israel is under attack with thousands dead and wounded, and the situation is being described as grotesque and evil due to the targeting of civilians, including children and women. The attacks are being funded by Iran, and the Biden administration has reportedly transferred over $6 billion to Iran in the last 2.5 years. Elsewhere, it's estimated that over 50% of medical bills contain errors, and HealthLock can help consumers identify and correct these errors to save money.

    • Biden's Decisions Fueling Middle East TerrorismThe Biden admin's decisions to allow $10B from Iraq to Iran, refuse oil sanctions, and send funds to Gaza despite terrorism risks, have resulted in $50B going to Iran, some funding terror groups Hamas & Hezbollah, causing civilian deaths and hostage takings.

      The Biden administration's decision to flood Iran with cash, including allowing $10 billion from Iraq to flow into Iran and refusing to enforce American oil sanctions, has directly contributed to funding terrorism in the Middle East. This includes the recent attacks on Israel by Hamas and Hezbollah, both of which are proxies for Iran. The administration's actions have resulted in approximately $50 billion going to Iran, some of which has been used to fund these terrorist groups. Additionally, the administration knowingly sent money to the Gaza Strip despite the high risk that Hamas could benefit, and they even waived US laws against funding terrorism to do so. These actions have had devastating consequences, including the murder of innocent civilians and the taking of hostages.

    • Biden administration's response to Israel-Hamas conflict criticizedCritics accused the Biden admin of being passive and harmful towards Israel during the conflict, with some urging action and others condemning it. The initial statement urging both sides to refrain from violence was criticized and later deleted.

      During the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas, the Biden administration's response was criticized for being passive and even harmful towards Israel. Senators and representatives from both parties wrote letters urging different actions, with some calling for the release of aid to Gaza and others condemning it. The administration's initial statement, which urged both sides to refrain from violence, was criticized for appearing to side with Hamas. Worse still, as American citizens were reportedly killed and taken hostage during the conflict, the administration was criticized for not speaking out more forcefully to protect them. The administration's initial statement, which urged both sides to refrain from violence, was deleted after criticism, but the lack of a clear and strong response from the president was seen as a missed opportunity to support Israel and protect American citizens.

    • U.S. handling of international conflicts raises concerns about funding terrorism and showing restraintThe U.S. administration's actions towards international conflicts, including payment to Iran and response to Israel-Palestine, are criticized for perceived lack of restraint and understanding, potentially funding terrorism.

      The current administration's handling of international conflicts, specifically the payment to Iran and the response to the Israel-Palestine conflict, has raised concerns about funding terrorism and showing restraint towards acts of violence. The deleted tweet from the US Office of Palestinian Affairs urging both sides to refrain from violence was condemned for its perceived lack of restraint and understanding of the situation. The situation in Israel, including the murder and sexual assault of civilians, has been described as a 911-style assault on the Jewish people, and the American government's financing of the conflict and statements of restraint have been criticized as misguided. The next 24-48 hours are expected to see the Biden administration urging Israel to stop retaliating against Hamas, despite Hamas' use of human shields and deliberate targeting of civilians. The Israeli military aims to take out military targets, but the current administration's actions have been perceived as undermining Israel and elevating Palestinian terrorists.

    • Civilians Caught in Middle of Hamas-Israel ConflictDuring conflicts, civilians suffer, with Hamas using them as shields and Israel making efforts to minimize harm. Consumers can support values by choosing companies whose actions align with their beliefs.

      During times of conflict, such as the ongoing situation between Hamas and Israel, civilians often become unintended victims. Hamas deliberately uses them as human shields, placing them near military targets. Israel makes significant efforts to minimize civilian casualties, but when they do occur, they are often blamed on Israel. The international media often denounces Israel for these deaths without acknowledging Hamas' role in placing civilians in harm's way. The Biden administration's stance of not condemning terrorists and instead urging restraint further complicates the situation. In a different context, consumers have the power to support companies whose values align with their own. For instance, Patriot Mobile, America's only Christian conservative wireless provider, donates a portion of each bill to conservative causes, unlike many other mobile companies that donate to liberal causes. Consumer Cellular offers reliable wireless coverage at half the cost of leading carriers. By making informed choices, consumers can vote with their dollars and promote values they believe in.

    • Hamas' Role in Gaza's SufferingHamas' control and terrorist activities perpetuate the suffering in Gaza. For $28, you can make a difference in a child's life by supporting efforts to help innocent lives.

      While the situation in Gaza may be difficult for its residents, it is important to recognize the role of terrorist organizations like Hamas in perpetuating the suffering. At five weeks, a baby's heartbeat can be heard on ultrasound, and every day, organizations like Pre Born save 200 babies from abortion. Meanwhile, in Gaza, Hamas' control and terrorist activities contribute to the "hellish" conditions. However, it's crucial not to justify their actions or blame external factors for their plight. For just $28, you can make a difference in a child's life. Let's remember that Hamas is the power in Gaza, and their actions, including terrorism and misappropriation of humanitarian aid, are major contributors to the suffering. Instead of sympathizing with the terrorists, we should support efforts to help innocent lives.

    • Senate resolution against Hamas's use of human shieldsThe Senate unanimously passed a resolution condemning Hamas's use of human shields 9 years ago, but the current administration's response lacks clarity and support for Israel.

      The use of human shields by Hamas as a tactic during conflicts with Israel is a clear violation of international humanitarian law, yet it continues to be a contentious issue with some governments and organizations failing to unequivocally condemn this practice. The bipartisan Senate resolution against Hamas's use of human shields, introduced 9 years ago, strongly condemned this tactic and passed with a unanimous vote. However, the current administration's response to the issue has been criticized for lacking clarity and support for Israel. The Israeli ambassador's call for destroying the Hamas war machine in response to recent attacks was met with a noticeable absence of similar strong statements from the Biden administration, raising concerns about inconsistency in foreign policy.

    • Israel vs Hamas: Moral Equivalency is a MisnomerIsrael takes measures to minimize civilian harm while Hamas uses civilians as human shields and commits war crimes.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza is not a moral equivalency. Israel goes to great lengths to minimize civilian casualties and warn them before attacking targets, while Hamas intentionally places military assets among civilians and indiscriminately targets Israeli populations. The Israeli government's efforts to defend its citizens through advanced missile defense systems should not be equated with Hamas's deliberate use of civilians as human shields and commission of war crimes. The Biden administration's call for Israel to uphold the highest standard to avoid civilian casualties while staying silent on Hamas's atrocities is misguided and unfair. The distinction between the two parties is crucial to understanding the situation, and it is essential to acknowledge the profound differences in their actions and motivations.

    • Israel's efforts vs Hamas' tactics in Gaza conflictIsrael aims to minimize civilian casualties, but Hamas targets them & uses civilians as shields. US Sec. of State acknowledged this discrepancy, but some politicians condemn Israel for civilian deaths while calling for ceasefire and ending US support for Israeli military.

      While Israel strives to minimize civilian casualties in Gaza, Hamas deliberately targets civilians and uses their presence as human shields. Tony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, acknowledged this discrepancy but failed to mention Israel's historical efforts to avoid civilian casualties. Meanwhile, some politicians, like Congresswoman Cori Bush, condemn Israel for civilian deaths while simultaneously calling for an immediate ceasefire and ending US government support for Israel's military during ongoing attacks. The far-left's tolerance and even celebration of anti-Semitic rhetoric against Israel is a concerning trend. Ultimately, Israel's efforts to protect its civilians should be recognized and supported, rather than condemned.

    • Biden administration's actions towards Israel criticizedThe Biden administration's refusal to acknowledge the Abraham Accords, renaming of the Office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs, and funding of Iran have raised concerns about the administration's commitment to Israel's sovereignty and standing in the region.

      The Biden administration's actions and policies towards Israel have been a source of concern for many, with critics arguing that the administration has systematically undermined Israel's sovereignty and standing in various ways. Examples given include the administration's refusal to acknowledge the historic nature of the Abraham Accords, the renaming of the Office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs, and the implementation of a policy of boycotting scientific research in Judea and Samaria. Additionally, the administration's funding of Iran, which has been used to finance terrorist attacks against Israel, has been criticized as contributing to the harm being inflicted on Americans and Israelis in the region. Despite this, the administration has not publicly condemned the attacks or offered unwavering support to Americans in Israel, leading some to question the administration's commitment to standing with Israel.

    • Biden funding to Gaza allegedly used for terrorism, 48 hostages rescued, but many still missingBiden funding controversy, hostages rescued, ongoing conflict, Armstrong and Getty's coverage, buying gold through Augusta Precious Metals

      The Biden administration's funding to Gaza has allegedly been used for terrorism, and the Israeli Defense Force has reported rescuing 48 hostages from a dining hall in the ongoing conflict. However, there are still many hostages being held. The Armstrong and Getty show covers news stories ignored by the mainstream media, including the situation in Gaza, and they encourage listeners to use Augusta Precious Metals for buying gold through a trusted and vetted process. The Armstrong and Getty show can be listened to on Iheart Radio, and Hannah Storm's new podcast, NBA DNA with Hannah Storm, can be found on the same platform, exploring her experiences in professional basketball and unearthing wild stories from the world of basketball.

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