
    Podcast Summary

    • Building Community Connections in Uncertain TimesVolunteering, fashion, and wellness initiatives offer ways to build community connections and promote self-care during uncertain times.

      Even in uncertain times, building strong community connections can bring hope and preparedness. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on local neighbors for social bonds and disaster readiness. Meanwhile, JCPenney encourages individual expression and comfort through their diverse clothing options. In the realm of CBD products, Lazarus Naturals stands out for their transparency and commitment to quality. Amidst the chaos and fear, it's crucial to remember the power of community and self-care. Whether it's through volunteering, fashion, or wellness, these initiatives offer ways to connect and thrive.

    • Guardian removes Osama Bin Laden's letter, sparks debate on censorshipThe Guardian's removal of Osama Bin Laden's letter led to its widespread dissemination on social media, sparking a debate on censorship and access to information.

      The Guardian's decision to remove Osama Bin Laden's "Letter to America" from their platform led to a widespread dissemination of the letter on social media, with many people expressing concerns about censorship and access to information. The letter, which was originally published by The Guardian, was taken down due to its sensitive nature and potential to incite violence. However, the move backfired, as the letter gained even more attention and became a topic of discussion on TikTok. The letter, which was written by Bin Laden prior to the 9/11 attacks, provides insights into his motivations and worldview. While Bin Laden was a terrorist responsible for the deaths of thousands, some argue that understanding his perspective can help us better understand the complexities of the global political landscape and the roots of extremist ideologies. The incident serves as a reminder of the power of the Internet to disseminate information and the importance of handling sensitive content with care.

    • Simplistic and derogatory portrayal of Osama Bin Laden in American mediaPost-9/11, Bin Laden was often depicted as a one-dimensional villain in media, ignoring his complex motivations and beliefs.

      Following the 9/11 attacks, Osama Bin Laden was portrayed in a simplistic and often bigoted manner in American media, with little nuance or complexity. This was evident in songs, TV shows, and other forms of entertainment, where Bin Laden was often depicted as an avatar of evil with no redeeming qualities. One notable example is an episode of South Park that came out shortly after the attacks, which presented Bin Laden in a cartoonish and derogatory way. This portrayal has carried over into contemporary discourse, particularly on social media platforms like TikTok, where Bin Laden's letter to America is being shared and mocked without proper context. It's important to remember that Bin Laden was a complex figure with motivations and beliefs that should be understood in the context of history and geopolitics, rather than reduced to a caricature.

    • Glorying Osama Bin Laden: A Disturbing TrendRecognize the importance of education and media literacy to counteract harmful trends, like glorifying Osama Bin Laden, and promote a more informed understanding of history and current events.

      There exists a subculture where individuals hold extreme and controversial views, such as praising Osama Bin Laden or justifying his actions. These individuals often find validation in online spaces, leading to a disturbing trend of glorifying Bin Laden and disregarding the harm he caused. This phenomenon can be compared to other groups, like American Maoists, who similarly overvalue extreme thinkers without fully understanding their context or implications. It's essential to recognize the importance of education and media literacy to counteract these harmful trends and promote a more informed and nuanced understanding of history and current events.

    • The need for history and media literacy after the 2016 electionDespite the importance of understanding historical context and media literacy, focus on STEM education led to their neglect. The Osama bin Laden trend on TikTok illustrates this issue, with censorship reminding Americans of its significance.

      The importance of teaching history and media literacy was emphasized after the 2016 election due to a lack of understanding among the public. However, focus on STEM education led to neglecting the humanities, resulting in a population that values complex math problems over historical context. The recent Osama bin Laden trend on TikTok serves as an example of this issue. TikTok's censorship, which involves taking a heavy-handed approach and removing all content related to a trend, is similar to the Chinese style of censorship. This is Americans' firsthand encounter with such censorship and highlights the importance of media literacy. People's reactions to the Osama bin Laden trend show that they may be deconstructing one form of propaganda but jumping to another. It's crucial to be aware of the sources of information and critically evaluate their validity.

    • Understanding Complex Historical TextsApproach historical texts critically, recognize the importance of education, and understand the role of primary and secondary sources.

      Engaging with complex historical texts like Osama bin Laden's letters requires a critical and informed perspective, rather than accepting simplistic or propagandistic interpretations. The speaker emphasizes that education plays a crucial role in developing this perspective, and that it's essential to understand the motivations and geopolitical factors behind historical events. Additionally, it's important to recognize that all media, including those from other countries, can be biased and propagandistic. To gain a more accurate understanding of history, it's necessary to read primary sources in their proper context, which often involves consulting secondary sources and academic research. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding the difference between primary and secondary sources and the role of journalists and academics in historical research. In conclusion, approaching historical texts with a critical and informed perspective, recognizing the importance of education, and understanding the role of primary and secondary sources are key takeaways for understanding complex historical texts.

    • Osama Bin Laden's Letter: Complex Grievances Against USOsama Bin Laden's letter to Americans justified 9/11 attacks through grievances against US imperialism, Western 'degeneracy', and involvement in conflicts in Middle East and beyond.

      Osama Bin Laden's infamous letter to the American people, which justified the 9/11 attacks, was driven by a complex set of grievances against the US and its actions in the Middle East. While his anger towards Israel and Palestine was prominent, he also accused the US of involvement in conflicts in various other regions, including Iraq, Somalia, Chechnya, and Kashmir. Bin Laden's letter was not just about US imperialism, but primarily about Western "degeneracy" and the spread of immorality, and he called for the US to convert to a more fascistic version of Islam. Although he did mention the US's complicity in the deaths of over a million Iraqis due to sanctions, his obsession with personal issues, such as President Clinton's affair, and the sex trade, seemed disproportionate to the scale of American crimes.

    • Cherry-picking Bin Laden's Speeches for PropagandaBe cautious when evaluating extremist leaders' criticisms, as their harmful intentions should not overshadow valid points. Anti-colonialism is complex, and it's essential to critically assess various perspectives.

      Osama bin Laden's speeches, like some sections of Hitler's, can be cherry-picked and distorted to spread propaganda and recruit followers, often by wrapping criticisms of imperialism and capitalism in a fascistic package. However, it's crucial to remember that these individuals have harmful and violent agendas, and their valid criticisms should not be overlooked due to their heinous actions. For instance, Bin Laden's comment about democracy being for whites only and the US's destructive policies towards other nations resonates with many, especially those new to anti-colonialism. But it's essential to understand that anti-colonialism is a complex and diverse political ideology, and not all versions share the same goals. While the US is the world's premier colonial power, and we don't have the same distinction between left and right-wing anti-colonialism, it's crucial to critically evaluate various perspectives and not be swayed by propaganda that oversimplifies or distorts the truth.

    • Bin Laden's motivations rooted in class position and wealthBin Laden's war on US influenced by religious ideology, access to wealth, and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories

      Osama bin Laden's motivations for declaring war on the US were not solely based on religious or ethnic reasons, but were also influenced by his class position and access to wealth. Bin Laden was not an impoverished Palestinian kid, but rather, he came from a wealthy Saudi family with extensive business interests. The Saudi bin Laden group was not a typical company, but a conglomerate, which meant that the Bin Laden family owned hundreds of companies. Bin Laden's argument against the US being an imperialist power was rooted in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, accusing Jews of controlling the US economy and media. This perspective, which is reflective of right-wing anti-colonialism, overlooks the role of capitalism in perpetuating imperialism. It's essential to recognize that Bin Laden's actions were fueled by a combination of religious ideology and access to significant financial resources.

    • God's amusement with human behaviorUnderstanding the nuances behind people's beliefs and actions is crucial for fostering meaningful connections and promoting peace.

      God, in this philosophical musing, is depicted as a being amused by human behavior and actions, whether it's the clever marketing tactics of Chick-fil-A or the complex motivations of figures like Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden's beliefs and actions were shaped by his specific context and upbringing, and it's crucial to distinguish genuine anti-colonialist sentiments from those driven by prejudices and personal grievances. Bin Laden himself acknowledged that security lies in individual hands rather than in political leaders or organizations. It's essential to understand the nuances behind people's beliefs and actions to foster meaningful connections and promote peace.

    • Connecting with neighbors and preparing for unexpected eventsBuild strong community bonds, help each other out, understand history critically, and appreciate loved ones on Mother's Day

      Building strong community bonds and preparing for unexpected events can be achieved by connecting with neighbors and working together. This was discussed in relation to the Neighbor to Neighbor initiative and the importance of helping each other out. Another key takeaway is the significance of understanding history and the importance of not relying on misinformation or misconceptions. This was highlighted during a conversation about the fall of the Roman Empire and the misconception that gay people were responsible for its downfall. Instead, it's important to approach historical events with a critical and informed perspective. Lastly, Mother's Day was mentioned as a time to celebrate and show appreciation through shopping at Whole Foods Market for special gifts and treats.

    • Misconceptions of Rome's HistorySome individuals hold distorted views of Rome's history, ignoring facts and chronology to fuel their biases. This stems from ancient Roman propaganda and the enduring influence of Rome on Western civilization. It's crucial to challenge these inaccuracies and promote historical understanding.

      Certain individuals hold a distorted and historically illiterate view of the Roman Empire, which they use as a tool for their own bigotry. This misconception of Rome as an eternal, unchanging entity allows them to ignore historical facts and chronology, and instead focus on their own biases. For example, they may believe that the fall of Rome was caused by "degeneracy," ignoring the fact that Romans themselves had expressed similar concerns centuries before the empire's actual decline. This flawed understanding of history can be traced back to ancient Rome's own propaganda and the enduring influence of the Roman Empire on Western civilization. It is important to recognize and challenge these historically inaccurate beliefs, rather than allowing them to shape our worldview.

    • Roman Empire's supposed collapse: A simplistic viewThe Roman Empire's supposed collapse due to 'degeneracy' or other modern interpretations is a misconception. Roman contact with Greek ideas didn't cause the empire's downfall. Instead, the concept of historical 'reboots' may provide a more accurate explanation for similarities between ancient Roman politics and modern issues.

      The Roman Empire's supposed collapse due to "degeneracy" or other modern preoccupations is a simplistic and often inaccurate interpretation of history. The idea that Roman contact with Greek ideas led to the empire's downfall is not supported by evidence. Instead, some argue that the concept of a "reboot" or recycling of content through history may be a more valid explanation for the apparent similarities between ancient Roman politics and modern issues. It's important to study the Roman Empire with rigor and avoid using it as a prop in culture wars or modern debates based on misconceptions. For instance, the belief that Roman emperors' sexuality could have impacted historical events is a homophobic misconception with no historical basis. Overall, understanding the complexities of Roman history is crucial for avoiding misconceptions and deepening our appreciation of its enduring influence on modern society.

    • The Roman Empire was not destroyed by immigration, but rather thrived on inclusivityThe Roman Empire was a multicultural entity from its inception, with inclusivity leading to prosperity and survival during crises

      The idea of the Roman Empire being destroyed by immigration or non-Romans being uncivilized is a myth. The Romans themselves were not a homogeneous ethnicity but rather an idea and set of beliefs and practices that could be adopted by anyone. The resistance to letting in non-Romans was a recurring conflict in Roman history, but when the Romans embraced the idea of inclusivity, they thrived. The Roman Empire was a multicultural entity from its early stages, with Italians and others being considered non-Roman until later in the republic. The arrival of new peoples and leaders from various regions, including North Africa, Arabia, and Illyria, played a crucial role in saving the empire during its crisis in the 3rd century. Therefore, the notion that immigration weakened the Roman Empire is contradicted by historical facts.

    • The 'bread and circuses' argument for Rome's fall is a misconceptionThe fall of Rome was not primarily due to excessive entertainment spending but rather a complex mix of military, economic, and political factors

      The argument that Rome's fall was due to a culture of entitlement and excessive spending on entertainment, often referred to as "bread and circuses," is a simplification and misrepresentation of historical facts. While there were urban hubs with grain distributions and occasional games or festivals, the number of people directly benefiting from imperial largesse was a small fraction of the total population. The idea that Rome's decline was primarily due to such spending is a common misconception, often fueled by modern political debates. Historian Victor Davis Hanson's argument that affluence and laxity led to a culture of entitlement and eventual state impoverishment is not supported by evidence. Instead, Rome's fall was likely due to a combination of military, economic, and political factors.

    • Late Roman Empire's Financial Stability and Peasants' Better LifeDespite financial challenges in the Late Roman Empire, the majority of rural peasants had better lives due to bureaucratic normalization, while the Republic's chaotic regime extracted excessive funds from governors.

      The Roman Empire, particularly during the late period, faced financial difficulties, but life for the majority of the population, who were rural subsistence peasants, was arguably better than under the Republic. The Republic's bureaucratic regime was chaotic, with new governors each year extracting as much money as possible for themselves. The Roman Empire, on the other hand, brought some normalization and tightening of the bureaucratic regime. While there were economic difficulties in the later empire, they were due to larger structural reasons unrelated to the grain doles given to major urban areas. Additionally, it's important to note that the Roman Empire was not solely sustained by the Romans themselves, but also by various other groups. Therefore, the notion that the Roman civilization required a small "DNA spark" of Romans to keep it going is a form of sneaky backdoor racism. This perspective overlooks the contributions of non-Romans to the Roman Empire's success and expansion.

    • The concept of degeneracy as a way to describe societal issuesBe wary of using the concept of degeneracy to explain societal problems. It's often used as a distraction from real issues like wealth inequality and sociopathic indifference.

      The concept of "degeneracy" has been used throughout history, including during the rise of fascism, as a way to describe perceived moral decay in society. However, it's important to remember that degeneracy is not a tangible, measurable force, but rather a way of thinking about societal issues. The Nazis, for example, claimed that moral degeneracy was a cause of societal decline, but in reality, other factors such as the centralization of wealth and power, were more significant contributors to societal problems. It's crucial to be aware of attempts to divert attention from real issues by focusing on moral panics and cultural decadence. Instead, we should focus on addressing the root causes of societal challenges, such as greed and sociopathic indifference to others' lives.

    • Challenging Outdated Narratives of 'Civilized' and 'Barbaric' CivilizationsRecognize that historical narratives dividing civilizations into 'civilized' and 'barbaric' groups are often rooted in racist and orientalist traditions and lack accurate historical understanding.

      It's important to be mindful of simplistic and misguided historical narratives that divide civilizations into "civilized" and "barbaric" groups, often rooted in racist and orientalist traditions. These narratives, as discussed, have been prevalent for centuries and can be seen in various contexts, including the Roman Empire and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It's crucial to recognize that these divisions are not based on accurate historical understanding but rather on self-centered and biased perspectives. Furthermore, it's essential to acknowledge that ancient civilizations, such as the Roman Empire, did not have a modern understanding of race or whiteness. Instead, they had their unique group identities and hierarchies, which were not based on racial superiority. Therefore, it's necessary to challenge and deconstruct these outdated and harmful narratives to promote a more nuanced and accurate understanding of history.

    • From cultivated plant to global phenomenonCorn, a human invention, is a versatile crop yielding over 6% of all food calories for humans, with applications in ethanol production, livestock feed, and plastic manufacturing.

      The history and significance of corn extend far beyond its status as a common food staple. Corn, a human invention, has become one of the world's most important crops, with over a million tons produced annually and yielding over 6% of all food calories for humans. Its versatility extends beyond consumption, with applications in ethanol production, livestock feed, and even plastic manufacturing. The journey of corn from a cultivated plant to a global phenomenon is a fascinating exploration of human innovation and adaptation. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of community and connection, with examples of shared experiences centered around corn in various cultures. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, was introduced as a platform for building stronger communities and preparing for future challenges. Overall, the conversation emphasized the power of human ingenuity and the importance of coming together to create meaningful bonds.

    • From Teosinte to Corn: A Long JourneyThrough thousands of years of selective breeding, the unpromising teosinte plant evolved into the corn we know today, revolutionizing agriculture and leading to new civilizations.

      The development of agriculture in central Mexico was much more complex and time-consuming than in the Middle East due to the lack of suitable plants and seed-hoarding animals. The New World farmers had to work with an unpromising mutant plant called teosinte, which took thousands of years to evolve into an integrated food-producing plant. This transformation involved a sexual transmutation that produced the many-ranked ears of corn we know today. Despite these challenges, corn eventually became a staple food in North and South America, spreading from Mexico to the eastern woodlands and eventually reaching Europe with the help of Christopher Columbus. The history of corn's development has had a significant impact on humanity, as it led to the rise of new civilizations and agricultural practices. Today, scientists and plant breeders continue to work on improving corn through traditional methods and genetic engineering to make it more productive and resilient.

    • Revolutionizing Corn Production in AmericaThrough technological advancements like the iron plow, canneries, and railroads, corn became a large-scale, affordable food staple in America, leading to its widespread use in various industries beyond human consumption, with government subsidies further boosting production.

      While Europe misunderstood and overlooked the potential of corn, in America, it became a staple food due to technological advancements and its affordability. The iron plow, canneries, and railroads revolutionized corn production and distribution, making it possible for farmers to grow corn on a large scale and keep it fresh for long periods. Corn's adaptability and ease of manipulation led to breakthroughs like hybrid strains, industrial fertilizers, and efficient farm tools, resulting in increased corn output and lower prices. Today, corn is used in various ways beyond human consumption, such as ethanol production and animal feed, due to its affordability and usefulness as an energy source. Despite the small percentage of corn directly consumed by humans, the government subsidizes its production to encourage ambitious growing goals, leading to a surplus of corn and its integration into various aspects of the food system.

    • Corn's Cultural and Culinary SignificanceCorn, a versatile ingredient, is deeply ingrained in American and international diets, used in various processed foods and traditional dishes.

      Corn, specifically dent corn, is deeply ingrained in the American diet, despite people often associating it with nostalgic symbols like corn on the cob. This type of corn is used in various processed foods, including high fructose corn syrup, which is prevalent in beverages and animal feed. Corn's dominance extends beyond the United States, as Mexican cuisine heavily relies on corn for popular dishes like tortillas and elote. While corn may not have a magical history as some may believe, it holds significant cultural and culinary importance around the world. Ultimately, corn's ubiquity in modern diets and cuisines makes it an essential and nearly inescapable ingredient.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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