
    Podcast Summary

    • Connecting with Neighbors and Creating Meaningful Social BondsBuilding strong community connections can bring hope, support, and preparedness during uncertain times. Engage with neighbors and foster meaningful social bonds to strengthen your network.

      Building strong community connections can bring hope, support, and preparedness in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of connecting with neighbors and creating meaningful social bonds. Meanwhile, in a different context, Amy Winehouse's biopic, "Back to Black," highlights the power of self-expression and being true to oneself. Elsewhere, financial empowerment and unlearning limiting beliefs were discussed in relation to State Farm's partnership with DJ Dramos from Life as a Gringo. In the news, a left-wing journalist's disturbing response to criticism of Anthony Fauci showcased the importance of fact-checking and understanding the background of individuals and their motivations. Overall, these discussions emphasized the importance of community, self-expression, and factual knowledge.

    • Misinformation about HIV and AIDS caused by Carey Mullis and amplified by Max BlumenthalCarey Mullis's denial of HIV as the cause of AIDS, despite scientific evidence, gained mainstream attention through Max Blumenthal's amplification, leading to unnecessary deaths and suffering.

      The misinformation surrounding HIV and AIDS, perpetuated by individuals like Carey Mullis, has had deadly consequences. Mullis, a Nobel Prize winner, denies that HIV causes AIDS and instead believes it's caused by malnutrition and poverty. His views gained mainstream attention, leading many to believe the lie that HIV doesn't cause AIDS. This belief had significant consequences, such as in South Africa during the late 1990s, where President Thambombeke's denial of HIV as the cause of AIDS led to the unnecessary deaths of 330,000 people. Max Blumenthal, a journalist, amplified Mullis's message, attacking Anthony Fauci on behalf of right-wing anti-lockdown activists. It's crucial to understand how this ideology came to be and why so many people followed it, particularly in the context of the post-2008 financial collapse and the rise of the internet. This misinformation is not only dangerous but also tragic, as it took the lives of countless individuals and left many grieving.

    • Understanding the complexities of leftist ideologiesLeftists can hold contradictory beliefs, supporting socialist principles in some contexts while embracing capitalism in others. Debates within the left can lead to ideological cooption and targeting by right-wing figures.

      The individuals in question learned about the history of American imperialism and its connection to genocide, slavery, and capitalism. They became anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, and rejected liberal interventionism. However, their beliefs led them down a complex path, which included supporting China as a socialist state despite its capitalist economy, and eventually aligning with right-wing figures like Donald Trump. This ideological cooption was a result of debates within the left about the nature of capitalism, socialism, imperialism, and nationalism. Despite contradictions, such as supporting high minimum wages in China while celebrating low wages there, these individuals were able to insulate themselves from reality and became targets for right-wing grifters.

    • Origins of the term 'tankies' and their historical contextModern 'tankies' are Marxist Leninists who support authoritarian regimes, deviating from the original tankies' belief in socialist transition through state control.

      The term "tankies" originated from the Soviet Union's response to the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, where they sent tanks to crush the workers' rebellion seeking democratic control of their factories. The label "tankies" was used to describe those who supported the Soviet Union's actions, but modern usage extends to Marxist Leninists who continue to advocate for authoritarian state control. However, it's essential to recognize that today's Marxist Leninists differ significantly from the original tankies, as they no longer believe in the socialist transition to communism through state ownership of the means of production. Instead, they've become "suicide net socialists," fully supporting authoritarian regimes like China, which rely on the exploitation of their working class.

    • Borrowing from the Past: Dangerous Traps in Political IdeologiesBeing aware of historical influences on modern political movements is crucial, but be cautious not to let the past overshadow the present, as outdated ideologies can perpetuate harmful beliefs.

      Throughout history, during times of revolutionary crisis, people have a tendency to borrow ideas and symbols from the past to present their new ideas in familiar terms. However, this can be a dangerous trap as it can lead to the perpetuation of outdated and harmful ideologies. This discussion specifically focused on how this phenomenon has played out in the context of Marxist-Leninist ideology and its influence on modern political movements. The speakers argued that figures like Stalin and Mao have been used as masks to present new ideas, but the weight of the past continues to weigh heavily on the present. It is essential for new generations to break free from these outdated ideologies and create their unique content. In the case of the new crop of right-wing Palestine grifters, this means understanding their origins as progressives before they adopted their current ideologies. Max Blumenthal, for example, was once a real journalist but has since become a controversial figure in the political landscape. It is crucial to be aware of these historical influences and the dangers of allowing the past to overshadow the present.

    • Max Blumenthal's shift in stance on SyriaMax Blumenthal, a journalist, attended a Russian event and met with officials, causing him to flip his stance on Syria and align with Russian propaganda

      Max Blumenthal, a journalist who grew up proximally to power and was once a progressive journalist, took a principled stand on Palestine in the early 2010s, which led to his isolation and loss of work. In 2015, he attended a week-long gala event held by Russia Today, where he met with Russian officials and other influential figures. Before this event, Blumenthal was a critic of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and wrote articles denouncing Assad's use of the "Al Qaeda card" to stoke fears of Islamic takeover. However, after attending the event, Blumenthal's positions suddenly flipped, and he founded Grayzone, an outlet that has been criticized for promoting Russian propaganda. This flip in positions is significant because it shows how Blumenthal's stance on Syria shifted after his encounter with Russian officials, aligning him with forces he had previously criticized. This example highlights the complexities of political ideologies and the potential influence of personal experiences and interactions on one's views.

    • Flip-flopping journalist Max Blumenthal's positions on Syria and AssadJournalist Max Blumenthal's change in stance on Syria and Assad after a meeting could be due to Russian influence or payment, but there's no concrete evidence. He now portrays opposition to these governments as CIA-backed terrorists, part of a larger trend of laundering right-wing dictators on the left.

      Max Blumenthal, a journalist who has written for the Grayzone outlet, has been criticized for flip-flopping on his positions, particularly regarding Syria and Assad, after attending a meeting. Some argue this is due to Russian influence or payment, but there's no concrete evidence. However, Blumenthal's post-meeting positions align with those he held before 2015 and involve portraying opposition to these governments as CIA-backed terrorists. This strategy is part of a larger trend of laundering right-wing dictators on the left. An example of this can be seen in the defense of Slobodan Milošević during the Yugoslavia conflict, as depicted in an article by Jeremy Scahill in Huffington Post. However, many of the claims made in this article, such as the presence of Al-Qaeda trading camps in Bosnia, are not factually accurate.

    • Manipulating narratives in political situationsPolitical narratives can be manipulated to shape public perception and further ideological agendas, as seen in the cases of Bosnia and Syria, with significant impacts on political ideologies.

      The portrayal of certain political situations, particularly in the Middle East, can be manipulated to shape public perception and further ideological agendas. This was seen in the case of the Mujahideen in Bosnia during the 1990s, where the narrative was twisted to frame Milosevic as a leftist savior despite his history of violence against Muslims. Similarly, in the Syrian civil war, the narrative was used to rehabilitate Assad, who had previously worked with the CIA, by labeling the opposition as Islamist terrorists. These manipulations have significant impacts on the development of political ideologies, particularly on the American Marxist-Leninist left, which has been shaped in large part by the discourse surrounding Syria. This manipulation of narratives is a powerful tool used to legitimize right-wing dictators and divide public opinion.

    • The Syrian conflict led some to adopt a pro-Assad stance, spreading insensitive memes and even embracing fascist propaganda.During the Syrian conflict, a pro-Assad stance led to the spread of insensitive memes and fascist propaganda, normalizing hate speech in online culture.

      During the Syrian conflict, a pro-Assad, seemingly anti-imperialist stance became popular among a group of people who weren't hardcore Marxist Leninists, but rather edgy supporters of figures like Bernie Sanders. This shift led to the spread of cruel and insensitive memes, such as those making light of the suffering of Syrian children, and even embracing propaganda from known fascists. The incentive for this behavior was the desire to be edgy and contrarian, as well as the urge to "own the libs." This cross-pollination of ideologies between leftist circles and white supremacists resulted in the normalization and spread of hate speech, ultimately contributing to a bleak and harmful online culture.

    • Grey Zone movement's conspiratorial thinking on Syria and 'color revolutions'The Grey Zone movement falsely accuses the White Helmets in Syria of being a CIA front and plants evidence of attacks. They also label mass protests as 'color revolutions' and CIA operations, contributing to ideological polarization and a fragmented reality.

      The Grey Zone movement on the far left has embraced conspiracy theories surrounding events in Syria, particularly regarding chemical weapons attacks and the civil defense group, the White Helmets. They claim the White Helmets are a CIA front and plant evidence of attacks. This conspiratorial thinking has led to denial of verifiable events and the fragmentation of reality, similar to what is seen on the far right. Additionally, the Grey Zone movement has applied the label of "color revolution" to mass protests in countries they don't support, claiming they are CIA operations and that protesters are being paid by the CIA. This slanderous narrative has been used in various contexts, including in an article by Ben Norton about protests and elections in Ecuador. The Grey Zone movement's embrace of conspiratorial thinking and slanderous accusations has contributed to the fragmentation of reality and ideological polarization.

    • Radical indigenous groups accused of being CIA opsSome individuals, with far-right connections, have accused indigenous organizations of being CIA ops. These accusations lack factual basis and harm the credibility of the left.

      Some radical indigenous organizations have gone from being praised to being accused of being CIA ops within a short period of time. This shift is based on the work of certain individuals, including William Engdahl, who is known for his far-right views and connections to organizations like the LaRoucheites. Engdahl's accusations of color revolutions, including those related to Black Lives Matter, are common in right-wing circles. However, it's important to note that Engdahl's claims are not factually accurate and are often used as insults. The discussion also touched on the case of R.L. Stevens, a leftist who was elected to the Democratic Socialists of America's governing body but was later exposed as an abuser. In response to allegations of sexual assault against Stevens, some leftist figures, including Ben Norton and Max Blumenthal, made baseless accusations of COINTELPRO, a historical FBI counterintelligence program used to discredit and disrupt leftist groups. These actions were widely criticized for undermining the credibility of the left and causing harm to sexual assault victims.

    • Left's response to sexual assault allegations can be problematicSome on the left attack victims and side with accused, causing damaging consequences. Question sources and motivations to avoid harm.

      The left's response to allegations of sexual assault can sometimes be problematic, with some individuals attacking the victim and siding with the accused, particularly when the accused holds certain ideological views. This behavior was evident in the case of R.L. Stevens, who was falsely accused of being a COINTELPRO op by Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton, despite Stevens being an anti-imperialist. This incident, which involved the purge of Stevens' friends from the DSA, showcases the damaging consequences of such actions. Additionally, Blumenthal's shift to promoting anti-lockdown and anti-vax views in 2021, which was supported by right-wing think tanks, highlights the importance of questioning the motivations and sources of individuals and organizations, especially when they deviate from previously held beliefs. Overall, these incidents underscore the need for a more nuanced and compassionate approach to handling allegations of sexual assault and a critical examination of the sources and agendas of those making accusations.

    • Journalist Max Blumenthal's articles promoting anti-lockdown and conspiracy theories during the COVID-19 pandemicJournalist Max Blumenthal wrote articles advocating for ending lockdowns and promoting conspiracy theories about social credit systems during the COVID-19 pandemic, collaborating with far-right sources and contradicting previous anti-imperialist stance.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, certain individuals and organizations advocated for ending lockdowns and reopening businesses despite the health risks, with some even promoting pro-business campaigns that could lead to increased harm and deaths. Max Blumenthal, a journalist, was found to be writing articles about this issue and collaborating with individuals associated with far-right news sources, some of whom had a history of controversial and offensive statements. Additionally, Blumenthal wrote about the implementation of social credit systems in the West, which is a right-wing conspiracy theory that claims the government will restrict people's ability to use credit cards or other services based on their political views or actions. It's important to note that social credit systems do not exist in this way in China or the West. The Grayzone, which positions itself as an anti-imperialist outlet, published articles on these topics, despite the contradiction with their previous stance on supporting China against American imperialism. By 2022, these issues culminated in events like the trucker convoy in Canada.

    • Canadian Trucker Protest: A Wide Ideological SpectrumThe Canadian trucker protest, while initially having a broad base of support, became a breeding ground for conspiracy theories and extremist beliefs, ultimately failing to achieve its goals.

      In early 2022, a convoy of truckers and other conservatives protested in Ottawa, Canada, calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The event, which lasted for several weeks, caused chaos in the city and was compared to the U.S. Capitol insurrection. However, unlike the U.S. event, the Canadian protest had a wide ideological spectrum, with some participants holding fascist and Nazi beliefs. Max Blumenthal, a left-wing journalist, initially supported the protest, but later shifted to promoting anti-vaccine and conspiracy theories, such as the lab leak origin of COVID-19. This demonstrates how some individuals can pivot their beliefs and use divisive issues to gain followers. The protest ultimately failed to achieve its goals and was shut down by law enforcement. The event also saw attempts to replicate it in the U.S. and Canada, but with little success.

    • Left-leaning media figures shifting ideologiesSome left-leaning media figures adapt stances to expand audience, potentially aligning with right-wing views for growth

      Some individuals in left-leaning media, like Max Blumenthal, have been criticized for making ideological shifts that align more with right-wing views. This was highlighted in Blumenthal's change of stance on the origin of COVID-19, from dismissing the lab leak theory as a conspiracy to inviting Jeffrey Sachs, a controversial figure known for his role in privatizing Russian economy, on his show to discuss it. The reason for these shifts, according to the speaker, is the need to expand the audience base beyond the limited leftist audience, which is small and fractured. The only viable options for growth are attracting liberals or conservatives. However, given the antagonistic nature of leftist factions and the limited financial resources compared to mainstream media, making overtures to conservatives may be a more feasible strategy. This dynamic exposes a structural issue in left media, where the need to grow can lead some individuals to make ideological compromises.

    • Blurred lines between left and right ideologiesSome individuals on the left pander to right-wing audiences for financial gain, leading to a loss of authenticity and meaning.

      The lines between left and right ideologies have become blurred, with some individuals on the left panderering to right-wing audiences for financial gain. This is evident in the case of Max Blumenthal, who shifted from promoting anti-vaccine content to pro-Palestinian content to regain support from the left. However, this betrayal of principles comes at a cost, leading to a loss of authenticity and meaning. The use of divisive issues like vaccines and gender ideology to create content that appeals to both right and left audiences has become a lucrative but ultimately hollow strategy. As the culture war intensifies, it's essential to remember that authenticity and principles should not be sacrificed for financial gain or fleeting popularity.

    • Marxist Leninism and NationalismMarxist Leninists tried to rehabilitate nationalism within leftist ideologies, but this can lead to problematic outcomes when applied to authoritarian nationalist movements, like Ba'athism, and it's essential to consider whose nation is being liberated and the consequences of class collaboration and ideological collapse within nationalist movements.

      The evolution of Marxist Leninism into modern communist ideologies, such as "patriotic communism" or "MAGA communism," can be traced back to the Left's discourse on nationalism. Marxist Leninists attempted to rehabilitate nationalism within the left by arguing that anti-colonial nationalisms, particularly non-white ones, are revolutionary. However, this argument can lead to problematic outcomes when applied to authoritarian nationalist movements, like Ba'athism in Iraq, which may be opposed to American imperialism but also suppress minority groups and enforce strict nationalist ideologies. The question of whose nation is being liberated and the consequences of class collaboration and ideological collapse within nationalist movements are crucial considerations that are often overlooked. The example of West Papua, a brutally colonized region by Indonesia, illustrates the importance of examining these issues.

    • Nationalist movements can lead to oppressionNationalist movements, while potentially bringing liberation, can also lead to the marginalization of certain groups. It's crucial to approach them critically and recognize their complexities.

      Nationalist movements, even those with anti-imperialist intentions, can lead to the oppression of certain groups. For example, the Indonesian nationalist movement under Sukarno resulted in the marginalization of West Papuans. However, it's important to note that not all nationalist movements are the same, and some can lead to positive outcomes. Yet, it's crucial to be aware of the potential for nationalism to be used as a tool for power and control, rather than true liberation. Furthermore, the Marxist-Leninist (ML) ideology, which advocates for supporting every non-Western nationalist movement, can lead to contradictory positions and the ignoring of problematic behaviors within those movements. Overall, it's essential to approach nationalist movements with a critical and nuanced perspective, recognizing both their potential benefits and risks.

    • Ideological shift from communism to economic nationalism in Marxist-Leninist ideologyThe prioritization of nationalism over class struggle in Marxist-Leninist ideology can lead to the distortion of anti-imperialist values, the elevation of non-socialist nations as anti-imperialist powers, and the creeping in of regressive policies on social issues.

      The ideological shift from communism to economic nationalism in Marxist-Leninist ideology, as exemplified by the BRICS alliance, has led to a distortion of anti-imperialist values. This distortion has resulted in the elevation of non-socialist nations as anti-imperialist powers, ignoring their human rights abuses and capitalist economies. The blurring of lines between nationalism and socialism has also allowed the creeping in of right-wing social values into Marxist-Leninist spaces, resulting in regressive policies on issues like LGBTQ rights and gender affirmation. This history lesson serves as a reminder of the dangers of prioritizing nationalism over class struggle and the importance of staying true to socialist principles.

    • The infiltration of hardline right-wing elements in marginalized communities within certain political ideologiesFailure to address and challenge discrimination and hate speech within supposedly progressive movements can lead to the infiltration and distortion of ideologies, allowing for the rise of hardline homophobic, transphobic, and racist individuals.

      The lack of genuine acceptance and support for marginalized communities within certain political ideologies can create space for hardline right-wing elements to infiltrate and distort those ideologies. The discussion highlights the issue of Marxist Leninist spaces in China, where the focus on nationalism and anti-American sentiment allowed for the rise of hardline homophobic and transphobic individuals. This was exemplified by the controversy surrounding Vicki Osterweil's book "In Defense of Looting," which led to a convergence of transphobia, antisemitism, and anti-black racism as a right-wing strategy to suppress post-2020 uprisings. This incident underscores the importance of addressing and challenging discrimination and hate speech within supposedly progressive movements to prevent such infiltration and distortion.

    • January 6th and the denunciation of a book shape the political landscapeJanuary 6th was not a working class revolt, but an expression of fascism, with troops, cops, and small business owners in attendance. Avoid conflating large groups with the working class.

      The denunciation of a particular book and the events of January 6th have significantly shaped the political landscape on the left, creating a divide between those fully supporting the uprising and those concerned about small businesses. January 6th was not a white working class revolt, but rather an expression of the social base of fascism, with the most common attendees being troops, cops, and small business owners. Misidentification of large groups of white people as the working class is a recurring issue, as seen in the Belgian farmers protests and the Canadian truckers convoy. The emergence of "patriotic socialism" around 2020 is another significant development, combining elements discussed earlier. It's important to distinguish between different social factions and avoid conflating large groups with the working class.

    • Patriotic socialism: A failed attempt to blend American values with socialist idealsThe uncharismatic and incoherent nature of patriotic socialist proponents hindered the success of their approach, which aimed to win over supporters by adopting a pro-American stance but failed due to obscure theories and self-promotion tactics.

      The far-right political ideology known as "patriotic socialism" emerged as a strategy to win over supporters by adopting a pro-American stance, flipping the direction of traditional nationalist anti-American sentiments. However, this approach did not gain widespread popularity due to the uncharismatic and incoherent nature of its proponents, who were mostly known for their obscure theories and self-promotion through content creation platforms. Despite their efforts to boost their personal brands, the lack of a clear political essence and the unappealing presentation of their ideas hindered the success of patriotic socialism.

    • Building a large-following with simple ideologies and meme-based contentIndividuals can gain a massive following by adopting simple ideologies, producing meme-based content, and catering to specific grievances and beliefs, even without extensive intellectual depth or political consciousness. However, the ideologies and beliefs being promoted can be harmful and divisive.

      In the digital world, the path to building a large-scale brand and gaining a massive following doesn't necessarily require deep theoretical knowledge or adherence to traditional ideologies. Instead, some individuals have found success by adopting simple, authoritarian-leaning ideologies, such as MAGA communism, and producing and sharing content that caters to specific grievances and beliefs of certain groups, particularly those on the right. This approach, often meme-based and propagandistic in nature, can lead to significant growth in followers and media attention, even if the content creators themselves lack extensive intellectual depth or political consciousness. However, it's important to note that the ideologies and beliefs being promoted can be harmful and divisive, and the individuals involved may hold extremist views, as seen in the case of Jackson Hinkle and his connections to known far-right figures.

    • A Right-Wing Influencer's Anti-Semitic Agenda Masked in Controversial ContentRight-wing influencer Hinkle masks his anti-Semitic beliefs by spreading controversial content, but his tweets contain blatant Neo-Nazi rhetoric, revealing his true agenda.

      Hinkle, a right-wing influencer, has built a brand based on spreading anti-Semitic content, but he masks it by trying to outflank openly anti-Semitic figures on the right. He uses controversial topics to gain attention and clicks from both the right and left, making it difficult to determine his true beliefs. His tweets, such as the one about Grand Theft Auto 6, contain blatantly Neo-Nazi rhetoric, accusing Jews of promoting degeneracy. Despite the uncertainty of his personal beliefs, Hinkle's actions and words demonstrate his anti-Semitic agenda. He is not a purist or a human being, but rather a content mill, a brand, and a fascist trying to fling the anti-Semitic narrative from the fringes into the mainstream.

    • U.S. individual's social media influence in Palestinian-Israeli conflictDespite potential harm, deplatforming individuals with massive followings for spreading misinformation in sensitive conflicts is not a viable option due to the challenges of content moderation on social media platforms.

      Hinkle, a U.S.-based individual, has become an influential figure in the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict through his extensive use of social media, specifically Twitter. His large following and high digital impressions make his content widely circulated, often surpassing that of actual Palestinian journalists and intellectuals. Hinkle's tweets often involve sharing graphic images, some of which are mislabeled or taken from unrelated conflicts, leading to the spread of misinformation. Despite the harmful consequences, deplatforming him is not a viable option due to his massive following. This situation highlights the challenges of content moderation on social media platforms and the potential for individuals to exploit sensitive issues for personal gain.

    • Exploiting Controversial Issues for Personal Gain in Leftist SpacesIndividuals exploiting sensitive issues like Palestine to build their brand can create a toxic environment, allowing hateful groups to regain relevance and divide the leftist community, hindering genuine social change.

      Some individuals have exploited controversial issues, such as Palestine, to build their brand and gain support, even if their content is offensive or hateful. This behavior is problematic as it can create a toxic environment in leftist spaces, allowing the presence of transphobes, antisemites, and other right-wing extremists. These groups often prey on more radical leftist organizations, exploiting their stances on issues like Palestine to regain relevance and clicks. This situation is particularly concerning within Marxist Leninist organizations, which have a history of mishandling sensitive issues like sexual assault and transphobia. The result is a disconnect within the leftist community, with some individuals using divisive issues to further their own agendas, rather than working towards genuine social change. It is crucial to address and challenge this behavior to create a more inclusive and effective leftist movement.

    • Understanding the importance of recognizing the value of all livesButler's concept of grievability challenges us to consider whose lives matter and are mourned, and encourages us to strive for a more inclusive way of recognizing precariousness through concrete social policies.

      The concept of grievability, as coined by Judith Butler, highlights the importance of recognizing the value of all lives, especially during times of war. Butler's work challenges us to consider whose lives are considered valuable and mourned, and whose lives are not. Precariousness, a condition that links human life and humans to non-human animals, underscores the fact that living beings are always in some sense in the hands of others and that dying and death are socially facilitated as much as humans persisting and flourishing. Only when we understand that the loss of a life matters can we truly value and mourn that life. The idea of grievability is a presupposition for the lives that matter, and it's essential to recognize that every life, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, has the potential to be celebrated and grieved. Butler's work encourages us to challenge the acceptance of human death as an inevitable reality and instead strive for a more inclusive and egalitarian way of recognizing precariousness through concrete social policies.

    • The ability to grieve and mourn is a fundamental aspect of what makes a life worth living.Grief is a powerful emotional response that is highly regulated and sometimes censored by regimes of power, and the ability to publicly mourn and grieve can challenge political hierarchies.

      According to Judith Butler, the ability to grieve and mourn a life is a fundamental aspect of what makes a life worth living. Grief presupposes the reality of death and the value of a life that has been lived. In times of war, this concept of grieveability is used to divide populations into those whose lives are considered valuable and mourned, and those who are not. The regulation and control of public grieving is a political issue of significance, as the display of a life lost and the testimonials of their story have the potential to evoke outrage and challenge political hierarchies. Butler also draws a parallel to Plato, who sought to regulate the exposure to tragedy in the Republic for fear of disrupting political order. Overall, the ability to grieve and mourn is a powerful emotional response that is highly regulated and sometimes censored by regimes of power.

    • Regulating images and emotions in war impacts public perceptionUnderstanding the impact of selective image dissemination and emotional conditioning on public opinion during war is crucial for informed decision-making and empathetic human rights advocacy.

      The regulation of images and emotions in times of war can significantly impact public perception and participation in democratic traditions. Those in power may seek to limit the dissemination of images and emotions that could potentially turn public opinion against a war, but it is essential for the public to have access to full evidence to understand and make informed judgments. The selective outrage towards certain lives lost in war and the conditioning of moral responses by interpretive frameworks are complex issues that require critical examination. The feeling of heightened nationalism during times of war can also lead to the unconscious differentiation of populations into "grievable" and "ungrievable" lives, with those perceived as a direct threat to one's own life and existence being dehumanized. This was illustrated in the discussion about the portrayal of Islam in the media and the justification for killing those who do not conform to Western norms. Overall, it is crucial to question the unconscious biases that shape our emotional responses and to strive for a more inclusive and empathetic understanding of human rights and dignity.

    • The societal norms and biases shaping our perception of value and grief towards different livesUnderstanding that all lives are 'precarious' and inherently valuable, regardless of societal norms and biases, is crucial for creating a more compassionate and just society.

      Our perception of value and grief towards different lives is shaped by societal norms and biases. The discussion explores how certain lives are deemed more valuable or "grievable" than others, leading to varying reactions to their loss. This phenomenon is not limited to specific conflicts, such as Israel-Palestine or America's history with Native Americans, but is a pervasive issue in our society. Judith Butler's work challenges us to recognize the interdependency among all lives, regardless of their perceived value. War and conflict perpetuate this divide, creating a false sense of self-defense and justification for the destruction of "ungrievable" lives. However, we are all "precarious lives," bound to each other in our shared vulnerability and interdependence. Understanding this concept can help us question our own biases and strive for a more inclusive and empathetic world. It's essential to recognize that the value of a life is not determined by external factors, but by the inherent worth of every individual. By acknowledging this interconnectedness, we can work towards creating a more compassionate and just society.

    • Building community connections and considering human consequencesStrengthening community bonds and showing empathy towards vulnerable populations are crucial during times of need and when making policy decisions.

      Building strong community connections with neighbors can be crucial during times of need and for preparing for emergencies. Meanwhile, political debates, such as those surrounding border security, can have far-reaching impacts on vulnerable populations, potentially making life more dangerous for those seeking safety. It's essential to consider the human consequences of policies and remember that the people we aim to keep out are often fleeing from unimaginable hardships. Ultimately, it's important to strive for empathy, understanding, and a more inclusive world. For entertainment, check out the film "Back to Black" or try your luck at High Five Casino. Remember, we're all in this together.

    • Democratic immigration policies could lead to power imbalance and human rights concernsDemocratic policies may grant border patrol too much power, potentially denying asylum to those in need, while expedited removal may unfairly favor wealthier migrants and detention mandate could criminalize legal immigration.

      The proposed Democratic immigration policies, including allowing border patrol to summarily expel migrants, implementing expedited removal, and mandating detention of certain migrants, could lead to significant issues. These policies may place the power to grant asylum in the hands of border patrol agents who may not speak the language or understand the circumstances of the migrants, potentially denying safety to those in need. The expedited removal process may unfairly privilege wealthier migrants who can afford legal representation, while the detention mandate could criminalize legal immigration and infringe on human rights. These policies, which have been accelerated under the current administration, have roots in past Democratic complicity and could perpetuate the criminalization of asylum seekers.

    • U.S. Immigration System Pushing Migrants to Enter IllegallyThe U.S. immigration system's long wait times, visa rejections, and lack of safe alternatives force migrants to enter the country illegally. Insufficient detention space and past foreign policies contribute to this issue.

      The current U.S. immigration system, particularly the use of CBP 1 application and Title 42 policy, is pushing migrants to enter the country illegally due to long wait times, visa rejections, and lack of safe alternatives. This situation is a result of past U.S. foreign policies and the lack of legal avenues for asylum seekers. The detention of migrants pending their claims also poses a challenge due to insufficient detention space. The speaker expresses frustration towards the Biden administration's handling of the situation and the lack of transparency or excuses provided. Additionally, the speaker criticizes companies like Novo Nordisk for profiting from essential medications while denying access to those who cannot afford them.

    • Disappointing Stance on Asylum SeekersThe Biden administration continues to detain asylum seekers despite campaign promises to address human rights issues, highlighting a lack of political will and public protest to bring about meaningful change.

      The Democratic Party's stance on immigration, specifically regarding asylum seekers, has remained inconsistent and disappointing. Despite campaign promises to dismantle structural racism and address human rights issues, the detention of asylum seekers by third-party contractors continues under the Biden administration. This lack of action, coupled with the absence of significant public protest or political change, suggests a cynical exploitation of public outrage against previous administrations' immigration policies. The result is a political climate where those seeking asylum have few advocates and even fewer options for change through the electoral process. It's crucial for individuals to recognize this reality and explore alternative avenues for advocacy, such as mutual aid and community support, to help address the human rights issues faced by asylum seekers and other marginalized communities.

    • Unsustainable immigration policies require systemic changeStructural racism and misallocated resources fuel unsustainable immigration policies, causing harm and necessitating a more humane and effective solution

      The current state of immigration policies in the United States is unsustainable and requires fundamental systemic change. The speaker expresses concern that things will only get worse without addressing the root causes of the issue, such as structural racism and the vast resources spent on border control instead of aiding vulnerable people. They also mention Title 42, which results in people attempting to cross through dangerous and difficult terrain to avoid being sent back to Mexico, highlighting the need for a more humane and effective solution. The speaker emphasizes that voting for Democrats is not the answer and that only systemic change can address the issue.

    • Border policies force migrants to take riskier routesBorder policies don't stop migration but increase danger, while root causes remain unaddressed, and policies sometimes exacerbate violence and persecution.

      Border policies do not stop migration, but rather force people to take more dangerous routes, increasing the likelihood of harm and death during their journey. The root causes of migration, such as poverty, violence, and persecution, remain unaddressed, and in some cases, policies exacerbate these issues. For example, U.S. and U.K. policies have contributed to the rise of transphobia and violence against trans individuals in Mexico and Central America, making it even more dangerous for them to stay in their home countries. The fundamental issue is that people leave their homes not because they believe the journey will be easy, but because they are not safe where they are. The U.S. and U.K.'s responsibility in creating and perpetuating these dangerous conditions cannot be ignored. The authoritarian nature of the U.S. immigration system, which can result in people living in constant fear of deportation, is a stark reminder of the human cost of these policies.

    • Border security expansion threatens human rights and privacyExpanding border security infringes on human rights, poses a threat to all, and can be countered through mutual aid and community building

      The expansion of border security and surveillance, fueled by massive funding, not only infringes on the human rights of migrants but also poses a threat to all individuals, regardless of political beliefs or tax-paying status. The surveillance state created for border control could potentially be used against anyone who is not in lockstep with the government. Furthermore, the undocumented status of immigrants makes them invisible and untaxable to the government, which goes against its core desire for legibility and taxability. Instead of relying on political solutions, the speaker suggests taking action through mutual aid and community building, as it is the only meaningful way to make a difference right now. So, consider volunteering, donating, or starting your own mutual aid project to help those in need and push back against the expanding surveillance state.

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    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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