
    Podcast Summary

    • NFL Schedule Release, Amy Winehouse Biopic, Podcast, and Militant KindergartenThe NFL schedule is being released in May, Amy Winehouse's biopic is coming to theaters, a podcast episode was recorded, and Militant Kindergarten is a new seminar-style study promoting militancy and anarchist tendencies

      The discussion covers various topics, including the release of the 2024 NFL schedule, a podcast episode compilation, and a project called Militant Kindergarten. Amy Winehouse's biopic, "Back to Black," is coming to theaters on May 17th. The NFL schedule release, presented by Verizon, will be announced in May and can be watched on NFL Network, ESPN 2, and NFL Plus. Leesa offers mattresses for good sleep, with discounts and free pillows. The podcast "It Happened Here" had a successful recording, featuring guests Carl Eugene Stroud and Reid Engels. Militant Kindergarten is a seminar-style study of a text, aiming to spread the importance of militancy and educate about various anarchist tendencies. It started in response to burnout and lack of strategy in activism during the 2020 uprising.

    • Exploring Social Anarchism and Especifismo in North AmericaA group founded the Center for Espacifismo Studies to deepen their understanding of social anarchism and especifismo, and to spread these ideas in English context in North America through resources like audio versions, zines, and pamphlets.

      A group of individuals came together with a shared interest in deepening their understanding of anarchist strategy and organization, specifically focusing on social anarchism and its application. They discovered a comprehensive text on social anarchism and organization, which provided a modernized and sophisticated introduction to anarchist principles, theory, and organizational strategies. Inspired by this text, they founded the Center for Espacifismo Studies to formalize their studies and articulate the ideas in English for wider application in North America. Especifismo is an organizational strategy originating from the anarchist Federation of Uruguay in the 1960s, which imagines the revolutionary process as having two distinct rails: the social level (class struggle) and the political organization (anarchist principles and ideologies). The Center for Espacifismo Studies aims to develop these ideas in the English context and create resources such as audio versions, zines, and pamphlets to spread the ideas of especifismo in North America.

    • Exploring the origins and relevance of anarchist ideologies like especifismoUnderstanding historical contexts helps anarchists adapt and apply ideologies effectively in current social movements, acting as catalysts for change

      Understanding the historical context and origins of political ideologies, such as especifismo, is essential for acknowledging their relevance and potential application in current contexts. Social insertion, a strategy of anarchist involvement in social movements, requires the existence of these movements and the need to theorize their nature in the specific context of the US. The role of anarchists is to move between different movements and generate a flow of ideas and energy, acting as a catalyst within larger systems. The ongoing process of theorizing and adapting to new situations is crucial for anarchism to remain a relevant and effective force in social change.

    • Building Bridges: Continuity and Storytelling in Social MovementsFlexible and independent engagement with political ideas and social movements in North America requires open, educational spaces for trust-building and learning within a community, acting as a bridge for continuity and storytelling to keep momentum going.

      The engagement with political ideas and social movements in North America requires a flexible and independent approach, as the needs and contexts vary greatly across regions. The theoretical aspect of especifismo, a current in leftist politics, has shown us the importance of popular power, unity, and commitment. However, social movements don't last forever, and there's a need for continuity and storytelling to keep the momentum going. This can be achieved through open, educational spaces that bridge the gap between political organizations and social movements, allowing for trust-building and learning within a community. The absence of organizational continuity and loss of memory in social movements can be addressed by having an organization act as a bridge, allowing for discussion, reflection, and learning. This approach can help ensure that valuable knowledge and experiences are not lost and can be passed on to future generations.

    • Creating accessible learning spaces for social struggles and organizational methodsMilitant Kindergarten and the Center for Esposifismo Studies aim to provide accessible learning spaces for anarchist and radical ideologies, emphasizing unity on the political level and sharing detailed notes publicly starting in January 2024.

      There is a need for accessible and open spaces for learning about social struggles and organizational methods, which can help prevent the ghettoization of anarchist and radical ideologies. This need was identified by the speakers as a problem they encountered, and they believe their group, Militant Kindergarten and the Center for Esposifismo Studies, can provide a solution. They emphasized the importance of creating unity on the political level while facing antagonism on the social level. To facilitate this, they produce and share detailed notes from their sessions, which will be released publicly starting in January 2024. They encourage interested individuals to reach out to them via email to get involved. Additionally, they mentioned that even if someone cannot make the scheduled sessions, they should still reach out for future opportunities.

    • Exploring Meaningful Learning and Navigating Chaotic Political ClimateAnnual program offers flexible learning, focusing on navigating chaotic political climate, with meaningful ideas for action. Concerns about racial bias in gunshot detection technology mentioned.

      The annual program offers flexibility for attendees to learn at their own pace, as it's expected that not everyone will be able to attend all sessions. It's designed as an endurance study group, allowing people to cobble together sessions over several years. The content is meant to provide meaningful ideas to navigate the chaotic political climate, especially leading up to the 2024 NFL season and election. The importance of meaningful learning and taking action to make the world a better place was emphasized. Additionally, there was a mention of a gunshot detection system called ShotSpotter, which uses audio sensors to detect potential gunshots, primarily installed in black and brown neighborhoods, leading to concerns about racial bias.

    • Criticism of ShotSpotter's accuracy and consequencesShotSpotter's false alarms lead to unnecessary police interventions, wasting resources and potentially endangering civilians and officers.

      The use of ShotSpotter technology by law enforcement, specifically the Chicago Police Department, has been criticized for its inaccuracy and potential negative consequences. The technology, which is designed to detect gunshots and alert police, has been shown to generate false alarms frequently, leading to unnecessary deployments of officers and potentially dangerous encounters. These encounters can result in unjustified police interventions, as seen in the case of the Adam Toledo shooting. Furthermore, the incentive structure of the system, where both the company and the police have a vested interest in reporting every detection as real, exacerbates the issue. This not only wastes resources but also puts officers and civilians at risk.

    • ShotSpotter's relationship with law enforcement raises concernsShotSpotter's gunshot detection system is criticized for high error rates and close ties to law enforcement, with potential conflicts of interest. Chicago's mayor initially pledged to cancel the contract but later backtracked, adding to concerns about transparency and accountability.

      The relationship between ShotSpotter, a gunshot detection system, and law enforcement raises concerns about accuracy, reliability, and potential conflicts of interest. The system, which is often used to inform police responses, has been criticized for its high error rate. ShotSpotter also has close ties to law enforcement, with the company advising departments on how to use the technology and even influencing contract awards. This raises questions about the neutrality and objectivity of the system. Additionally, Chicago's newly elected mayor, Brandon Johnson, ran on a campaign promise to cancel the ShotSpotter contract but has since backtracked, maintaining a lack of transparency on the issue. This pattern of obfuscation and the continuation of the contract despite initial promises adds to the concerns surrounding the use of ShotSpotter and its relationship with law enforcement.

    • CPD Scandal: Officers Behaving Like a GangThe Chicago Police Department has faced a recent scandal involving officers engaging in unlawful activities, such as unjustified stops, shaking down citizens, and filing false reports, which is reminiscent of LAPD gangs. Some officers were allegedly trying to pad gun retrieval statistics or sell confiscated guns and drugs.

      The Chicago Police Department (CPD) has a history of scandals, with the most recent one involving a group of officers behaving like a gang and engaging in unlawful activities such as unjustified stops, shaking down citizens for cash and drugs, and filing false reports. This group, which has had at least one officer indicted, was caught on video evidence, and their actions are reminiscent of the LAPD gangs. Chicago has had similar scandals before, and there are rumors of entire sections of the CPD that function as burglary or drug rings. The officers in question were allegedly trying to pad gun retrieval statistics or sell confiscated guns and drugs. The body cam footage showed some instances of turning off the cameras during suspicious activities, raising questions about what else might have happened off-camera. Additionally, a recent Sun Times investigation revealed that a number of officers in the Special Operations Section, which was disbanded due to similar scandals, were also members of far-right militias like the Oath Keepers.

    • The dangerous convergence of police, far-right groups, and organized crimePolice units with a history of military service and extreme beliefs can become criminal organizations, justifying their existence as necessary for dealing with 'really bad guys' while overlooking potential for corruption and perpetration of violence.

      The relationship between the police, far-right groups, and organized crime can form a dangerous convergence, creating a cult-like culture where individuals hold extreme beliefs and have a history of military service. This convergence is particularly prevalent in special operations units, which have a high likelihood of turning into criminal organizations. The justification for creating and funding these units under the guise of dealing with "really bad guys" is a common selling point for maintaining them, despite their tendency to go rogue. The speaker also notes the neoliberal perspective that emphasizes the need for highly skilled and well-equipped police forces to handle mass shootings and other violent incidents. However, this perspective overlooks the potential for these same units to become corrupt and perpetrate violence themselves. The discussion also touches upon the recent budget increases for police raises in Chicago and the potential implications of such investments.

    • Chicago's Police Union Contract Sparks CriticismCritics argue that large funds for police come at expense of other services, signaling a lack of commitment to progressive policies

      The recent contract passed for Chicago's police union, which reportedly includes significant raises and benefits, has been met with criticism from some quarters due to the city's financial struggles and the perceived underfunding of other essential services, such as education. Critics argue that the large sums of money being allocated to the police force come at the expense of other areas, and that the new contract, along with other controversial moves by the mayor, signals a lack of commitment to more progressive or reformist policies. The speaker also expresses disappointment in the mayor's choice of a new police superintendent, who has a background in counterterrorism, and raises concerns about the potential expansion of surveillance technology in the city. Overall, the conversation highlights the complex and contentious issues surrounding public safety, budget priorities, and political leadership in Chicago.

    • Elected officials may misuse power despite promisesHold elected officials accountable for their actions, not just their promises, to ensure they align with the values and goals of their constituents.

      Putting activists or radical politicians in power doesn't always lead to the desired change. The Barcelona mayor, elected on a left-wing platform, evicted an immigrant squat without community support, showcasing the potential for misuse of power. This can also be seen in the case of Biden and his border wall policy, where liberal politicians visit the site as a symbolic gesture but don't take significant action to stop the issue. It's crucial to hold elected officials accountable for their actions, not just their promises. It's essential to scrutinize their decisions and ensure they align with the values and goals of their constituents. The border wall issue serves as a reminder that even if we elect individuals we believe share our values, we must remain vigilant and demand real change.

    • Listening to the experiences of migrantsThe complex realities of migration require empathy and understanding, as individuals like Amos face dangerous journeys and legal barriers to reunite with their families.

      The experiences of individuals like Amos, who have been through the harsh realities of migration, should not be overlooked in discussions about migration. Amos shared his personal journey from North Africa to the United States, detailing the challenges he faced in trying to reunite with his family legally. He was eventually denied a visa, leading him to embark on a dangerous journey to the border. The conversation also touched on the efforts of volunteers like Emmett and David to provide shelter and aid to migrants in Hakumba, only to have their structures destroyed by border patrol. These stories highlight the complex and often unjust realities faced by migrants and the importance of listening to their experiences.

    • Embassies' lack of transparency fuels border migrationThe lack of accountability and transparency in embassies denying visas contributes significantly to mass migration at the U.S. border, leading many to resort to dangerous and illegal crossing.

      The lack of transparency and accountability in the functioning of embassies in denying visas to applicants, particularly those from underrepresented communities, contributes significantly to the issue of mass migration at the U.S. border. The speaker's personal experience and encounters with fellow immigrants reveal a pattern of denials without valid reasons, leading many to resort to dangerous and illegal crossing. The embassies' absolute power with no accountability or oversight creates a "black hole" of taxpayer money and fuels frustration and distrust towards the system. The speaker calls for greater scrutiny and transparency into the embassies' decision-making processes to address this root cause of border migration.

    • North and West Africans risking lives, spending thousands to reach Latin AmericaDespite challenges, Africans risk lives and spend thousands to travel to Latin America for better opportunities, but obtaining visas is a significant obstacle with long wait times and limited availability.

      Despite economic and personal challenges, many individuals from North Africa and West Africa are risking their lives and spending thousands of dollars to travel through dangerous routes to reach Latin America in search of better opportunities. These journeys involve multiple countries and can cost upwards of $10,000. Some individuals have even braved the treacherous Darian Gap in the jungle between Colombia and Panama. However, obtaining visas for these countries can be a significant obstacle, with long wait times and limited availability, adding to the difficulty and expense of these journeys. Additionally, tensions between countries and pressure from the United States can make the process even more challenging for those seeking to migrate legally.

    • Unreliable immigration system causes lengthy detentions for travelersThe current immigration process, particularly the use of the CBP 1 app for appointments, can lead to prolonged detentions and frustration for travelers due to its unreliability and lack of transparency.

      The current immigration system, specifically the use of the CBP 1 app for appointments, can be unreliable and result in lengthy detentions for travelers. This was the unfortunate experience of Amos, who faced multiple detentions in different countries due to issues with the app. Despite trying for extended periods, he and many others were unable to secure appointments, leading to prolonged stays in detention centers. The system, which relies on a lottery selection process, left many feeling confused and frustrated, with little recourse or transparency. The situation highlights the need for a more efficient and effective immigration process to prevent such incidents and ensure the dignity and well-being of travelers.

    • Amos's Journey to Seek AsylumSeeking asylum is a legal process, but treatment of those going through it can vary greatly, highlighting the need for compassionate and effective border control policies.

      While the actions of Amos, a man seeking asylum in the United States, were not illegal, the process he went through was far from ideal. He encountered aggressive media and was met with hostility from some border patrol agents. Despite the challenges, Amos was able to find help from other asylum seekers and eventually managed to set up a temporary shelter. However, the experience left him deeply affected by the conditions endured by other migrants, particularly children. It's important to remember that seeking asylum is a legal process, but the treatment of those going through it can vary greatly. The situation highlights the need for compassionate and effective border control policies.

    • Understanding the complexities and humanizing the situation at the borderRemember the humanity of those involved, challenge misconceptions, and approach the situation with empathy and understanding to find solutions respecting the dignity and rights of all individuals.

      While the situation at the border is complex and frustrating for all involved, it's important to remember the humanity of those on both sides. Misconceptions about the asylum process can be detrimental, and it's crucial to approach the situation with empathy and understanding. The National Guardsmen and border patrol agents are doing their jobs, but their attitudes towards the migrants can be dehumanizing for everyone involved. Volunteers like David and Caesar provide a necessary contrast, showing the compassionate side of the American spirit. It's essential to recognize the challenges faced by all parties and work towards finding solutions that respect the dignity and rights of all individuals.

    • Migrants' experiences at the border: Frustration, separation, and harsh conditionsDespite challenges, compassion, community, and effective solutions are crucial for supporting migrants at the border.

      The experiences of Amos and other migrants at the border are complex and traumatic, involving frustration, separation, and harsh conditions. Amos shared his story of being asked to help the border patrolmen, only to be later picked up himself. Meanwhile, volunteers like Emmett have been building shelters to help those in need, recognizing the importance of coming together to support each other and hear each other's stories. The situation at the border is a challenging one, with extreme weather adding to the risks for migrants. Through it all, the need for meaningful action and meaningful beauty - in the form of compassion, community, and effective solutions - remains a priority.

    • Building shelters for those in needCollaborative shelter building fosters community, connection, and empathy during humanitarian crises

      During a humanitarian crisis, simply providing supplies may not be enough. Volunteers at the U.S.-Mexico border recognized the need to create long-term safety for those in need, leading them to build shelters using pallets, cardboard, plastic sheeting, and tarps. This collaborative effort not only provided immediate shelter but also allowed individuals to customize their living spaces. The experience highlighted the importance of community building and connection, even when language barriers exist. Through the act of constructing shelters together, volunteers were able to show solidarity and empathy towards those affected by the crisis.

    • The dehumanizing experience of border detentionDespite inhumane treatment, detainees remain hopeful and focused on reuniting with loved ones, showcasing human resilience and the universality of the human condition.

      The experience of being detained at the border involves being treated as a subject rather than an alien, undergoing a dehumanizing process that strips individuals of their belongings and dignity. The intake process includes being searched, having belongings thrown away, and being assigned a detention cell. Despite the inhumane treatment, those detained remain hopeful and focused on their ultimate goal of reuniting with their loved ones and finding safety. The use of language like "drills" and "building" highlights the human desire to protect and support one another, even in the face of adversity. The speaker's personal journey to reunite with his children serves as a reminder of the importance of perseverance and the universality of the human condition.

    • Harsh Conditions in Immigration DetentionDetainees face cramped, cold, and poorly lit spaces with limited comforts and communication, potentially leading to sickness or hunger strikes.

      The conditions in immigration detention facilities can be harsh and isolating. The detainees are kept in small, cramped spaces with minimal comforts, such as gym mats on the floor and inadequate blankets. The temperature is kept extremely low, and detainees are only given one shirt. The lights are kept on 24/7, and detainees are only allowed out for cleaning three times a day at inconvenient hours. Detainees are not allowed to ask questions or request additional blankets directly, and communication between different agencies managing the facility is limited. These conditions can lead to detainees becoming sick or going on hunger strike in protest.

    • Maintaining communication and convictions lead to positive outcomesEffective communication with loved ones and standing firm in personal beliefs can lead to a successful resolution in difficult situations

      Even when faced with harsh and unfamiliar circumstances, maintaining communication with loved ones and standing firm in personal convictions can lead to a positive outcome. The speaker in this text was detained and faced hostility from the staff, but he managed to call his wife and eventually secured his release. Despite the unpleasant experience, he refused to compromise his beliefs, even when offered medication and invasive procedures. This determination ultimately paid off and allowed him to reunite with his family. It's essential to hold on to our values and communicate effectively, especially during challenging times.

    • The horrors of absolute power in an immigration detention centerAbsolute power can lead to mistreatment, abuse, and dehumanization, particularly in institutions like immigration detention centers where accountability and empathy are lacking.

      Absolute power can lead to mistreatment and abuse, as seen in the example of the immigration detention center where individuals were subjected to harsh conditions and unfair treatment. The lack of accountability and empathy from those in authority created a horrific experience for detainees, some of whom had been detained for extended periods of time due to administrative errors. The speaker's own experience of being mistreated and feeling powerless in the face of bureaucracy and corruption added to the overall sense of injustice and hardship. The situation was particularly distressing for those who were seeking asylum and had no other recourse. Overall, the detention center experience was a dehumanizing and traumatic ordeal that left a lasting impact on those who went through it.

    • Profound Impact of Helping ImmigrantsThe speaker's experience at an immigrant shelter showed the power of community and gratitude, and emphasized the importance of treating immigrants with dignity and providing resources for them to thrive.

      The speaker had a profound experience helping immigrants at a shelter, and was deeply affected by the sense of community and gratitude he received in return. He believes that with small adjustments, the system could be kinder and more effective in integrating new citizens. Despite the challenges he faces in his own life, including being separated from his family and navigating the legal system, he remains hopeful and determined. The speaker also emphasized the importance of treating immigrants with dignity and providing them with the resources they need to thrive. Overall, the discussion highlights the human impact of immigration policies and the potential for compassionate solutions.

    • An Immigrant's Struggle: Eibos's StoryThe current system for immigrants seeking asylum and support in the US is complex, cruel, and overwhelming. Individual stories like Eibos's highlight the urgent need for systemic change and support, particularly for those facing unique challenges from Africa and outside of specific demographics.

      The current system for immigrants seeking asylum and support in the US is complex, cruel, and overwhelming. Eibos, a father of two, shared his personal struggle to provide for his family and navigate the welfare and job system while facing legal fees. He emphasized the unique challenges faced by migrants from Africa and expressed his desire for help and support. Despite the availability of jobs, Eibos and others face numerous barriers to employment and self-sufficiency. The lack of resources and assistance from organizations, especially for those outside of specific demographics, further exacerbates the situation. Hearing individual stories like Eibos's humanizes the issue and highlights the urgent need for systemic change and support.

    • The Power of Individual and Collective Efforts to Alleviate SufferingSupport organizations, perform small acts of kindness, and enjoy offerings from various companies to make a difference in people's lives.

      Importance of helping those in need, especially during difficult times. Amos shared his personal struggle to provide for his family, and the hosts suggested supporting organizations and even small actions like helping him buy presents for his kids. This conversation underscores the power of individual and collective efforts to alleviate suffering. Additionally, the episode featured various plugs for organizations and initiatives, such as Cool Zone Media, EBay Motors, NFL, and Leesa's natural hybrid mattress. These entities offer solutions, entertainment, and essentials that cater to diverse needs and interests. Lastly, the episode concluded with reminders of upcoming events, such as the NFL schedule release and the availability of the natural hybrid mattress. Overall, this episode encourages listeners to make a difference in their own ways, whether it's through supporting organizations, small acts of kindness, or enjoying the offerings from various companies.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    The Fall of Stefan Molyneux. Can There Be a Recovery? Part 1

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    Wes Bertrand joins me to discuss a couple emails he recently sent to Stefan Molyneux and Mike DeMarco from Freedomain Radio. Those emails are reprinted below:


    From: Wes Bertrand
    Subject: Ominous parallels
    Date: September 4, 2015 at 8:41:45 PM EDT
    To: Michael DeMarco

    Hello, Michael, and by extension, Stefan. I’ve appreciated the many helpful and insightful messages FDR has sent its listeners and viewers over the years. Thank you for all the time and effort you’ve expended to inspire individuals in so many enriching and enlightened ways. Though this is not a fan email, I hope you note the vital significance of it, so that your show is able to gain more respect from those who value truth. Basically, I’m writing to express my grave concerns about the ideas that have been promoted on your podcast, particularly in this episode:
    FDR3052 Donald Trump’s Immigration Plan: An Honest Conversation

    I realize that both of you believe in the efficacy and morality of free markets instead of tyranny, which in the past have been articulated extensively. So, your advocacy of Trump’s anti-immigration views and his overall anti-economic agenda (which Jeffrey covered with sufficient clarity here: https://tucker.liberty.me/trumpism-the-ideology/ ) runs noticeably discordant. This particular topic of policing statist “borders" really hits home with me, despite not being an “illegal” person (one must be privy to The Anatomy Of Slavespeak - http://www.mind-trek.com/reports/tl07a.htm ). In 2009 I was detained (with threat of being gunned down) by the so-called U.S. border patrol for about 6 hours with my Indonesian friend Siska, who had a student visa, just not with her at the time since we were going to photograph wild flowers, so her sister was ordered to drive for hours to deliver her paperwork to us in the desert of Ocotillo, CA on her behalf. The papers her sister brought were insufficient for our captors, however. Had it not been for a bureaucratic paperwork glitch, she would have been deported that day (through no fault of her own). It might come as a surprise to you that we weren’t crossing any statist borders. The jackboots in southern California were running a check point approximately 12 miles inside the arbitrary statist line in the sand (still present here - https://goo.gl/maps/Y4Bj0 ), which I recounted in this episode of Complete Liberty Podcast:
    Episode 63 - Freedom to travel, reside, and work without government, where property rights are respected -> link

    When I heard Stefan read Trump's proposed policy of actually building a physical wall from California to Texas (the ultimate police-state boondoggle, aside from the insane NSA data mining process) in order to supposedly keep out Mexicans, as well as any Americans like myself desiring free travel, I waited for some sign of objective, critical philosophical analysis from him. Tragically, there was none, and I’m still waiting to hear it. Instead, I heard various economic fallacies about “illegals” harming the economy for “citizens" amidst the domestic ills of welfare statism. I encourage you to process your fears and concerns with the principles of voluntaryism (honoring individuals and markets, strictly disavowing governmental methods) as well as more evidence; Benjamin Powell has done a lot of freedom-oriented work in this realm - http://www.independent.org/aboutus/person_detail.asp?id=1023 .

    I’m puzzled about why you did not explicitly note the massive contradictions and intolerable harm involved in playing politics too, i.e., granting any legitimacy to the enforcement of statist “laws”—since no one has ANY right to such a rights-violating process. Not to explicitly and consistently denounce statist policies (i.e., aggression) is not to be philosophical. It’s a massive contradiction to say that, in the absence of a free market, we need to engage in the coercive, political means; such pragmatism only perpetuates rights-violations. The really odd thing is that I suspect you know that a paradigm shift in the philosophy of a society cannot happen with more advocacy of the political status quo (collectivistic, in-group/out-group, tax-fed, law-enforcing, welfare-statist thinking).

    As you know, many of the podcasters in the liberty community viewed your initiation of the DMCA take-down process on YouTube as being pro-IP and, thus, a major departure from your previously voluntaryist moorings. I disagreed with that position too, because it violated property rights, as well as Stefan’s previously stated beliefs against IP. Yet, the gravity of your recent choice to promote the totalitarian fascist agendas of Trump overshadows this (as does endorsing the costly, coercive strategies of the spurious “freedom club,” via the collectivistic abstraction of "Western civilization”). This strikes me as eerily similar to the intellectual inception of Nazi Germany—definitely no joke. Trump’s views are the epitome of populism, nationalism, and mob mentality, based on contradictions, fear, distrust, and aggression. There are ominous parallels in our culture to those of Nazi Germany (as Peikoff outlined decades ago: link ), which were evidenced at the end of your episode regarding a survey of Americans’ confused views on immigration.

    from http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424127887324577904578557352244619768
    "Their theses were often focused on racial and biological studies within populations, particularly where German minorities lived. The controversial borders that were drawn after 1919 in countries like Poland and Czechoslovakia rankled many of them.”

    from http://www.slate.com
    "Hitler, the suitable ruffian, could never have done it on his own. He could never have done it with all his party. He needed a climate of belief—the belief that Weimar was a problem requiring a solution. Having solved it, he was free to answer his version of the Jewish Question—the question that the intellectuals had fooled with on paper. Only the madmen among them had ever thought it needed to be answered with fire. But the sane ones had helped open the door for the avenger that the madmen had dreamed of.”

    wikipedia link

    Please let me know if you want to discuss these matters either in public or private. Understanding and promoting the principles of true freedom mean a great deal in an age of philosophical confusion and psychological unawareness.

    Thank you for your time and consideration, Wes

    p.s., I have a lengthy list of notes I’ve taken over the last year concerning various other ideas conveyed by FDR, because they diverge from logic and sound evidence in places, so clarification is needed. The issue above takes precedence for now, however.


    From: Wes Bertrand
    Subject: Fwd: Ominous parallels
    Date: September 24, 2015 at 3:37:12 PM EDT
    To: Michael DeMarco
    Cc: Chris Stefanick

    Hi again, Michael. It’s been nearly three weeks since I sent the email below to you, and I’ve gotten no reply. Am I correct in assuming that you and Stefan do not want to have a conversation about this disturbing and confusing trend in FDR’s message these days? I want you to know that there is still the possibility to reverse course, make amends, and engage in restorative justice with your listeners who seek philosophical rigor and objectivity. As I see it, that is the only way you can regain credibility as a philosophy show, which I’d like to see you do. If you believe that I’ve somehow misinterpreted your present views, then let’s have a discussion about it (again, in private or on your call-in show).

    A few days after I sent this first email, I was waylaid by armed enforcers of the so-called U.S. border, while driving back from Ottawa (visited some dear voluntaryist friends there). After asking a litany of intrusive questions, which seems to be their primary tax-fed “job,” they demanded that I stay in their building while they proceeded to search every nook and cranny of my vehicle, including all my personal possessions, which took the better part of an hour; I was also personally searched. It was a complete violation of property rights, and when I conveyed this simple truth to them, among other liberty-oriented statements, they of course provided rationalizations in place of valid arguments—the mainstay of humans who are trying to downplay the significance of massive contradictions. If I had defended my person and property from their aggressive actions, I would have been murdered. This is the nature of “border enforcement”: individuals are harassed, suffer, and even die as a consequence.

    You know, Stefan used to not give disclaimers or caveats in his shows (like you've done on the ones that cheerlead for Trump), because he adhered to the principles of voluntaryism. Here’s an example (from over eight years ago) of the person who the liberty community admired, when he recognized the profound significance of the individual (based on reason, volition, and life-giving values) rather than the collective (based on spurious notions of race, genes, “ethnicity,” etc.):

    I’ve Cd’d my friend Chris in this correspondence, because I plan on reading my email below that I sent you and Stefan (who also apparently un-contacted me on Skype) as well as sharing related thoughts on his Choice Conversations Podcast, when we record in about a week. We will also post Stef's “Immigration And Empathy” episode in order to show the stark contrast between promoting sound principles and deviating from them. If you take it off your server, I can put it in my Complete Liberty Podcast feed, since these ideas matter so much—individuals matter so much!



    Find more from Wes here: http://completeliberty.com/


    Also mentioned in the show:

    Stef addresses his future self:

    Jeffrey Tucker's excellent coverage of Trump:

    My appearance on UCY.TV discussing non-violent communication: http://choiceconversations.libsyn.com/nvc-the-trivium-and-mind-control-with-walter-hendricks

    Some comic relief via Trey and Matt:




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