
    Podcast Summary

    • Community Building and Unionization: Power in NumbersBuilding community connections and taking collective action can lead to positive change and support during uncertain times.

      No matter where you live, building connections within your community can bring about positive change and provide support during uncertain times. Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network that emphasizes the importance of community bonds and preparedness. Meanwhile, in a different context, unionization efforts at Blue Star Donuts in Portland, Oregon, show the power of coming together to address workplace issues. Lydia and Ben shared their experiences of getting involved with the unionization campaign and the quick progress they made. These stories remind us that taking action, whether it's through community building or unionization, can lead to meaningful change. Visit caneighbors.com for more information on Neighbor to Neighbor, and support the workers at Blue Star Donuts in their unionization efforts.

    • Portland Donut Shop Chain Faces Challenges Leading to UnionizationUnionization at a Portland donut shop chain was driven by concerns over unfair pay, inconsistent pay, a punitive point system, and inadequate sick time and PTO, which demotivated employees and lacked job security.

      The independent donut shop chain in Portland, which includes a headquarters at Flagship and several smaller, scattered shops, experiences high turnover and faces numerous challenges that led to unionization. The issues include unfair pay, inconsistent pay, a punitive point system, and inadequate sick time and PTO. The point system, in particular, was a major concern due to its abilityist nature, as employees with chronic illnesses or those unable to come to work due to uncontrollable circumstances like car crashes were still penalized with points that could lead to termination. These issues contributed to a demotivated workforce and a lack of job security, ultimately driving the push for unionization.

    • Toxic Workplace Culture: Pressure to Work Sick and Fear of DisciplineA toxic workplace culture that pressures sick employees to come in and punishes those who take time off can lead to the spread of illnesses and hinder proper handling of sensitive issues like sexual assault.

      The workplace described in the discussion has a toxic culture where employees are pressured to come to work even when sick, leading to the spread of illnesses like COVID-19 and strep throat. Management's disciplinary system instills fear in employees, who rely on their income from the job and cannot afford to take time off. This culture clashes with the progressive veneer of the company, as shown in the mishandling of a sexual assault case in the kitchen. The manager, Britney Bergner, victim-blamed the victims and showed favoritism towards the perpetrator, leading to a delayed response and inadequate resolution. The situation highlights the need for a more supportive and responsive workplace culture that prioritizes employee health and well-being.

    • Personal stories of sexual assault in the workplace and the impact on victimsAddressing sexual assault in the workplace is crucial for victim support and accountability. Neglecting such incidents can lead to profound suffering and complications for victims, including continued interaction with their assailant.

      The experience of sexual assault in the workplace, especially when the perpetrator is in a position of authority, can be devastating and traumatic for victims. The lack of proper action and accountability from the company only adds to the suffering. The speaker shared personal experiences of women who were sexually assaulted at Blue Star and the profound impact it had on their lives. The situation was further complicated by the fact that they had to continue working in the same kitchen as their assailant. The unionization campaign gained momentum due to these horrifying incidents and the technical challenges that prevented some employees from having their votes counted. The city of Portland's inadequate response to snowstorms added to the hardships during the campaign. The speaker expressed strong feelings towards the situation and was determined to take action against the perpetrator, even going as far as getting him banned from bars. The overall experience highlights the importance of addressing sexual assault in the workplace and ensuring that victims are supported and given a safe environment.

    • Union vote disrupted by severe ice storm and city incompetenceUnforeseen circumstances during union elections require contingency plans to ensure fairness and accessibility for all members.

      During a union vote in Portland, the NLRB office was unexpectedly closed due to a severe ice storm, causing significant disruptions and difficulties for union members to submit their ballots on time. The city's incompetence in handling the storm only added to the chaos, with essential workers still required to report to work despite the hazardous conditions. Despite these challenges, union members were determined to ensure all votes were counted, leading to ongoing appeals and challenges to the election results. Additionally, some members were intimidated into quitting before they could cast their ballots. The situation underscores the importance of contingency plans and accommodations for unforeseen circumstances during union elections to ensure fairness and accessibility for all members.

    • Forced out of job due to unaccommodated schedule change, denied raise, and furloughed during holiday seasonAn employee's complaints about working conditions and union support can lead to unfair treatment, including prolonged probation, denied raises, and job loss.

      Despite being a dedicated and valuable employee, the speaker was forced out of her job due to a change in her schedule that was not accommodated by her employer. The employer, which was known for its union support, extended the speaker's probation period and denied her a raise as a result of her complaints about working conditions, which are federally protected acts. The situation became even more confusing when the entire kitchen team, including vocal union supporters, were furloughed during the holiday season. The speaker was left feeling confused, undervalued, and uncertain about her future in the industry.

    • Experiencing Physical and Emotional Distress at RedKitchenIgnoring worker concerns and implementing furloughs without notice can lead to physical, emotional, and financial hardships.

      The speaker experienced physical and emotional distress due to the demanding and monotonous nature of their job at RedKitchen. They were required to stand in one place for hours on end, performing repetitive tasks without breaks, leading to sciatic nerve issues and psychological torture. Despite voicing their concerns to management, they were ignored and even penalized. To make matters worse, the company unexpectedly put them and several colleagues on indefinite furlough, leaving them facing financial instability and potential homelessness. The lack of support and understanding from management, coupled with the sudden loss of income, added to the speaker's distress. Overall, the situation highlighted the importance of addressing workers' concerns and providing reasonable accommodations, as well as the potential negative consequences of furloughs for employees.

    • Employees face financial and emotional hardship during furloughThe sudden furlough of employees caused financial distress and emotional distress, with a lack of communication and support from the company adding to the sense of betrayal and dehumanization.

      The sudden and unexpected furlough of employees at their workplace not only caused financial hardship but also emotional distress. The lack of communication and support from the company during this time added to the sense of betrayal and dehumanization. The employees, including shift leads who had been passionate about their jobs and relied heavily on them, were left scrambling to find new employment and navigate complex unemployment rules. The situation was further complicated by the company's apparent stockpiling of food during the same period, which raised suspicions of retaliation for the union petition filed by the employees. The lack of empathy and transparency from the company during this time added to the overall sense of unfairness and frustration.

    • Employers may lay off entire departments during unionization efforts or compensation disputesEmployers' financial resources don't always translate to employee support during union campaigns or wage negotiations, leaving employees struggling financially and potentially illegally terminated.

      Despite a department being the financial backbone of a business, employers may choose to lay off the entire team when faced with unionization efforts or employee requests for better compensation. The speaker expresses frustration towards this situation, highlighting the apparent contradiction between the company's financial resources and the employees' struggles. The union campaign faced significant challenges due to union-busting tactics, leading to many employees being furloughed and struggling financially. The situation is particularly challenging during uncertain economic times. To support the affected employees, a GoFundMe campaign has been set up, and any contribution, no matter how small, is appreciated. The employers' actions are not only detrimental to their employees but also potentially illegal.

    • Discovering Hidden Tip Practices and Border ConfusionTransparency and honesty are crucial in businesses to avoid misunderstandings and mistrust. Clear and accurate reporting is essential in addressing complex issues like border conflicts.

      During a shop visit, employees discovered that tips were not being shared with the kitchen staff as promised, and instead, employees were being asked to sign forms stating that they had accidentally received tips when they hadn't. Additionally, the public was being misled into believing that the kitchen was receiving tips. This situation highlights the importance of transparency and honesty in businesses and the potential consequences when these values are not upheld. If you're unable to financially support a cause, spreading the word through social media is a powerful way to help. In the news, the Texas National Guard's occupation of border adjacent land has been a subject of confusion, with some reporting suggesting it was a standoff between Texas and border patrol. However, it appears that border patrol allowed this to happen to some degree. This incident underscores the complexity of border issues and the need for clear and accurate reporting.

    • Border situation: Complex issue with blame on various partiesThe border situation is a complex issue with debates over migrant rescues, deaths, and blame towards Governor Abbott and border patrol. Efforts should focus on finding solutions to prevent further loss of life and respect human rights.

      The situation at the border, specifically regarding migrant rescues and deaths, is a complex issue with blame being placed on various parties, including Governor Greg Abbott and the border patrol. While some argue that Abbott's actions have led to preventable deaths, others point out that the border patrol's deterrence policies have resulted in countless deaths over the years. The union representing border patrol agents has even released statistics showing a significant increase in deaths during the Biden administration. It's important to note that the border is a contentious issue with deep-rooted political divisions, and the situation is not as simple as assigning blame to one individual or party. Ultimately, the focus should be on finding solutions to prevent further loss of life and ensure the safety and human rights of migrants seeking asylum.

    • Federal authority over immigrationThe Supreme Court has established the federal government's power to regulate immigration, based on diplomatic relations and lack of due process, and recent actions by some governors may challenge this authority, leading to chaos and potential legal challenges.

      The power to regulate immigration is a federal responsibility, not a state one, as established in the 1875 Supreme Court case Chy Lung v. Freeman. This decision was based on the importance of diplomatic relations and treaties with other countries, as well as the lack of due process for immigrants during that time. More recently, in 2012, the Supreme Court upheld this principle when it struck down certain parts of Arizona's SB 1070 law. Texas Governor Greg Abbott's current actions, such as busing migrants to cities like New York and Washington D.C., can be seen as a violation of this federal authority and a disruption to the immigration system. These actions create chaos and uncertainty, potentially endangering the lives of migrants, and are likely to face legal challenges.

    • Border areas pose risks to migrants due to harsh conditions and private landThe border is a dangerous and often deadly place for migrants due to harsh desert conditions and vast expanses of private land, with agents' involvement in rescues depending on their training and discretion

      The border areas, particularly in Texas near the Rio Grande and the Sonoran Desert, pose significant risks to migrants due to the harsh conditions and the vast expanses of private land. Agents are not always obligated to rescue migrants, and their involvement in rescues depends on their specific training and the discretion of individual agents. Historically, border patrol agents did not have specialized rescue training, and they often dealt with the harsh realities of the border without much support. This may contribute to the perceived apathy and lack of sympathy among current agents towards migrants. The border remains a dangerous and often deadly place for those attempting to cross, with the risks compounded by the harsh desert conditions and the vast expanses of private land.

    • Role of Border Patrol Agents in Rescue Missions ShiftsBorder patrol agents focus less on rescue missions due to technology advancements and limited resources, resulting in longer wait times for those in distress.

      Border patrol agents in the past were more involved in rescue missions due to their proximity to the border, but now, volunteers and community groups often take on these roles as border patrol agents are occupied with other duties and have limited resources. The use of technology, such as GPS, has advanced significantly, allowing for more precise location tracking. The National Guard's role at the border is supposed to be supportive, but there have been instances of them exceeding their legal authority by actively arresting individuals and pushing them back into the water, which is against the law. These changes have resulted in longer wait times for rescue and assistance for those in distress at the border.

    • Border Patrol Union Working Against Biden Administration's PoliciesThe border situation remains chaotic due to the Biden administration's perceived weakness on the issue, with the border patrol union making it worse and Texas taking matters into their own hands, leading to increased immigration and resource strain for border patrol.

      The situation at the U.S.-Mexico border remains contentious, with the border patrol union reportedly working against the current administration's policies. The Biden administration's perceived weakness on the issue has allowed states like Texas to take matters into their own hands, leading to increased immigration and border chaos. The border patrol union, which is currently illegal under U.S. law due to its security designation, is actively making the border situation as chaotic as possible, leading to calls for a deal only if Donald Trump is involved. The situation is problematic for both the migrants and the border patrol, with the latter having to use more resources to apprehend smaller groups of people than in the past. The upcoming election could bring changes to border policy, but the situation remains a significant challenge for the current administration.

    • Inefficient border control processes and policies cause the border crisisThe border crisis is not primarily due to criminal migrants, but rather ineffective border control processes and policies that put migrants at risk and lead to increased surveillance and state violence.

      The border crisis is not due to an overwhelming number of criminal migrants, but rather inefficient border control processes and policies that have made the journey more dangerous and expensive. These issues not only put migrants at risk but also lead to increased surveillance and state violence that can affect all individuals. The border crisis is a complex issue with far-reaching consequences, and a more compassionate and effective approach is necessary to address it. The border patrol's inability to handle the current situation efficiently has led to longer processing times and potential changes to immigration law that could worsen the situation for migrants. Furthermore, the use of technology and surveillance at the border has expanded beyond the border itself, raising concerns about individual rights and privacy. Ultimately, a more humane and efficient approach to border control is essential to ensure the safety and dignity of migrants while also protecting individual rights and preventing the expansion of state violence.

    • Concerns over privacy, civil liberties, and asylum seeker treatment along the US borderThe use of invasive surveillance technologies and lack of transparency in the US border situation has created a toxic environment around immigration, leading to misunderstandings and unsympathetic attitudes towards asylum seekers. Prioritizing education and promoting a humane asylum system is crucial to addressing these concerns.

      The current border situation in the United States raises significant concerns regarding privacy, civil liberties, and the treatment of asylum seekers. Surveillance technologies, some of which are Israeli, are being used extensively along the border, and border patrol agents reportedly believe they can bypass the 4th amendment. This, in turn, has led to invasive searches and checkpoints that spread further into the interior of the country. The lack of education and understanding about the asylum system among the American public, coupled with misinformation, has created a toxic environment around immigration. The Biden administration could have mitigated this by prioritizing education and promoting the benefits of a robust and humane asylum system. Instead, the lack of transparency and communication has left many Americans misinformed and unsympathetic to the plight of asylum seekers. To move the needle towards a more humane place, it is crucial to educate the public about the realities of the asylum system and the importance of treating asylum seekers with dignity and respect.

    • A call for a humane and effective immigration systemInvest in a robust asylum system, reduce border crossings, eliminate punitive measures, and promote integration services for a more humane and effective immigration system.

      The current immigration system needs a significant overhaul to become more humane and effective. The speaker emphasizes the importance of a robust and humane asylum system where families can wait together and be processed at ports of entry. This would reduce the need for people to cross the border irregularly, which in turn would alleviate the burden on border patrol. The speaker also criticizes the punitive nature of the current system and suggests investing in services that help immigrants integrate into society instead of detention centers. The backlog of cases created by the closure of the asylum system during the Trump administration further emphasizes the need for change. The speaker argues that a more welcoming approach would be more beneficial for both immigrants and American society.

    • Appreciating stability and resources, welcoming newcomersDespite challenges, be grateful for resources, welcome newcomers, foster connections, stay informed, and promote understanding and peace.

      Despite the challenges and issues we face in the United States, it's important to remember and be grateful for the stability and resources we have, and to welcome and include those who want to contribute to our communities. Robert's experience with Ukraine highlights the importance of education and understanding different perspectives, as well as the need to challenge misinformation and propaganda. By fostering connections with our neighbors and standing together in times of need, we can build stronger, more resilient communities. Additionally, it's essential to recognize that helping different regions, such as Ukraine, does not equate to supporting one specific country or cause over another. By staying informed and open-minded, we can make a positive impact and promote understanding and peace.

    • A man's journey to help Ukrainian refugees access prescription medicationAmidst conflict, focusing on a specific need can lead to successful and impactful humanitarian response.

      During the Ukrainian conflict, a man with humanitarian experience and political understanding saw an opportunity to make a difference by addressing a specific need: the lack of access to prescription medication for refugees. He traveled to Ukraine despite the danger, identified this gap, and started an organization called Mission Harkiv to distribute high-end oncology drugs. His unique focus on this niche area of humanitarian response allowed them to carve out a successful and impactful role in the response efforts. This journey began when he met a Ukrainian woman at Burning Man, and he was inspired by the events of the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity in 2013.

    • Burning Man's impact on the Ukrainian revolutionUnexpected connections and experiences can have far-reaching impacts, and it's essential to understand the complexities of global politics beyond simplistic narratives.

      The Burning Man community's principles and skills unexpectedly played a role in the Ukrainian revolution in 2013-2014. A group of Ukrainian tech industry friends attending Burning Man used their experience to provide supplies and aid during the Maidan occupation. The speaker, who was connected to these individuals, reported on the situation and later traveled to Ukraine to report from the siege of Avdiivka. The unexpected connection highlights the far-reaching impact of Burning Man and the unexpected ways that seemingly unrelated experiences can intersect. Moreover, the speaker's experience sheds light on the complexities and nuances of global politics, particularly the debate over providing military aid to Ukraine versus Israel. While some argue that Ukraine deserves military aid due to the unprovoked invasion and large civilian casualties, others criticize the military industrial complex and prioritize domestic issues. The speaker's perspective emphasizes the importance of understanding the unique circumstances and complexities of each situation, rather than viewing global affairs through a simplistic, cinematic lens.

    • Misunderstanding of Military Aid to UkraineThe US military aid to Ukraine is not new weapons but previously stored ones, and media portrayals of Ukrainian conflict vs Palestinian conflict can be misleading and unequal.

      The military aid sent to Ukraine is primarily composed of previously mothballed weapons from the US, rather than newly produced arms. This misunderstanding arises due to media portrayals that frame the situation as the US giving money to Ukraine for weapons, when in reality, the weapons are already in existence and being sent instead. Additionally, the comparison between the coverage of the Ukrainian conflict and the Palestinian conflict in the media is a significant issue, with Ukrainian resistance often being portrayed more favorably due to factors such as Western familiarity and media accessibility. However, it's important to acknowledge that both Ukrainians and Palestinians face oppression and suffering, and neither should be blamed for the media narratives surrounding their conflicts. The media's unequal representation of these conflicts is a problem that needs addressing, and it's crucial to recognize the complex histories and struggles of both peoples.

    • Media oversimplification of Ukrainian historyMedia focus on certain conflicts can leave Ukrainian refugees feeling overlooked and misunderstood due to oversimplification of their complex history.

      The complex history of Ukraine during World War II, including the involvement of Ukrainians in both the Nazi and Red Army forces, is often oversimplified and distorted by the media. This can lead to unfair treatment of Ukrainian refugees and a lack of understanding of their experiences. The media's focus on certain conflicts, such as the Syrian refugee crisis or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, can leave Ukrainians feeling overlooked and abandoned. The attention given to Ukraine's struggle against Russian invasion has fluctuated, with the media moving on to other stories even as the conflict continues. This shifting focus and the way conflicts are presented in the media can leave people feeling frustrated and misunderstood. It's important to remember the complexity and nuance of historical events and to listen to the perspectives of those directly affected.

    • Long, brutal war of attrition between Ukraine and RussiaThe US must continue supporting Ukraine despite corruption and cost, as promised, in the long, ongoing conflict with Russia.

      The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia is not a quick or easy victory for either side, but rather a long, brutal war of attrition. Americans, accustomed to the 90-minute Hollywood version of conflicts, were disappointed when the situation did not resolve swiftly and cleanly. However, the United States has a treaty obligation to support Ukraine in its fight for sovereignty, which has cost less than 5% of the defense budget. The Pentagon itself cannot fully account for trillions of dollars in assets, making the amount of aid sent to Ukraine insignificant in comparison. Furthermore, corruption is rampant in both the Ukrainian government and the US Defense Department, with billions of dollars missing from the war on terror budget alone. Therefore, it is essential for the United States to continue supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russia, as promised, rather than focusing on perceived corruption or the cost.

    • The cost of supporting Ukraine is small compared to other interventions and is having a significant impactSupporting Ukraine costs less than other interventions and is making a difference, causing a manpower shortage and loss of soldiers for Russia, while minimizing civilian casualties

      The cost of supporting Ukraine in the war is relatively small compared to the money lost in business or past military interventions, such as Afghanistan. Ukraine's 5% share of the US defense budget is having a significant impact on Russia, causing a manpower shortage and a loss of over 100,000 soldiers. Contrasting this with the outcome in Afghanistan, where billions of dollars of American military equipment fell into the hands of the Taliban after the withdrawal, highlights the importance of understanding the value of military aid in different contexts. The weapons provided to Ukraine are primarily used for breaking fortifications along the line of contact, resulting in fewer civilian casualties compared to other conflicts. The US's ability to make a positive impact through aid, despite past negative actions, underscores the importance of continued support for Ukraine.

    • Individual actions can make a difference in foreign aidRaising awareness, connecting issues to broader causes, and supporting vetted humanitarian initiatives can help alleviate suffering and promote positive change in foreign aid

      While political debates about foreign aid, particularly to countries like Ukraine, may seem distant and complex, individual actions can make a significant impact. Non-military aid, such as food and medical supplies, can mean the difference between survival and suffering for people in need. While the fight over congressional funding for such aid may seem out of reach for individuals, there are still ways to make a difference. This includes raising awareness, connecting issues to broader social justice causes, and supporting carefully vetted humanitarian initiatives that prioritize the involvement of the affected community. By taking these steps, we can help alleviate suffering and promote positive change, even in the face of political complexities.

    • Supporting Local Organizations in Conflict ZonesDirect donations to local organizations in conflict zones can have a greater impact than funding international travel for Westerners. Ensure these organizations use funds effectively and prioritize local needs.

      Directing donations and support to local organizations in conflict zones, rather than funding international travel of Westerners, can make a bigger impact. Ukrainians, in particular, feel abandoned and appreciate small acts of solidarity. It's crucial to ensure that the organizations receiving support are using funds effectively and not excessively spending on travel expenses for Westerners. This issue extends beyond Ukraine and is relevant to other conflict zones. The term "conflict vultures" refers to individuals who descend on conflict zones for various reasons, including fundraising, personal gain, or being a relatable face, but may not be effectively helping the people in need. Instead, Americans and other generous donors should focus on directing their resources towards organizations that support the local population and enable them to effect change. This can be done by researching organizations, looking into their spending practices, and considering supporting local initiatives.

    • The Power of Communities and ConnectionsIn uncertain times, building strong communities and connections can provide comfort and support. Long-form content, neighborhood bonds, and personal stories can foster these connections.

      Communities and connections are essential in uncertain times. Charles from Substack is focusing on long-form content about important issues, while Neighbor to Neighbor encourages building stronger neighborhood bonds. Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" film invites audiences to connect with her story. Meanwhile, Patriot Front, a controversial group, has faced legal consequences for their actions. Originating from a power struggle within Vanguard America in 2017, Patriot Front has been known for promoting a white ethnostate and causing disturbances at events. Their actions have led to multiple lawsuits, potentially marking the end of their presence in public discourse.

    • Vanguard America's association with a deadly hate crimeDespite attempts to rebrand, Vanguard America's far-right ideology and hate symbolism persisted, hindering their efforts to distance themselves from a deadly hate crime.

      The members of Vanguard America, a far-right hate group, were unable to distance themselves from the actions of one of their own, James Fields, who drove his car into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing Heather Heyer and injuring dozens. Despite Fields never officially being a member, photos of him at the rally with the group's logo and shield were damning. After the incident, the group attempted to rebrand as Patriots Front, but the association with the hate crime and Nazi symbolism proved difficult to shake off. The group's leaders, Thomas Rousseau and Dylan Hopper, did not disavow Fields' actions, and Hopper even seemed to support them in a Discord post. The group's attempts at optics changes through rebranding did not alter their ideology or message, but it was a recognition of the need for plausible deniability and broader appeal for new recruits.

    • Rebranding of white supremacist groups with Americana imagePatriot Front's rebranding as an Americana group has led to increased legal scrutiny, with three active federal lawsuits alleging civil rights violations, drawing parallels to historical enforcement acts like the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871.

      Patriot Front, a white supremacist group, has rebranded itself with an Americana image to hide its true intentions. This rebranding, which includes strict control over membership and events, has created new legal liabilities for the group. The origins of this tactic can be traced back to the enforcement acts of Reconstruction era, specifically the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, which was enacted to address the issue of freelance violence and the deprivation of civil rights. Today, Patriot Front faces three active federal lawsuits alleging conspiracy to deprive civil rights, highlighting the ongoing relevance of this historical legislation.

    • The Ku Klux Klan and other groups targeted Black Americans during Reconstruction, leading to the enactment of the Klan Act for civil and criminal liability.During Reconstruction, the Ku Klux Klan and other groups used violence to deprive Black Americans of their civil rights. The Klan Act was enacted to address these conspiracies, but the criminal liability component was later removed, leaving only civil liability. Today, victims of similar intimidation tactics must seek their own civil remedies.

      During Reconstruction, the Ku Klux Klan and other private groups engaged in violent acts to deprive Black Americans of their civil rights. The Klan Act was enacted to address these conspiracies, providing for both civil and criminal liability. However, the criminal liability component was later removed by the Supreme Court, leaving only civil liability. Despite this, there was a brief period where the law was effectively enforced, leading to the demise of the Klan. Today, victims of similar intimidation tactics must seek their own civil remedies. Recently, a lawsuit was filed against the Patriot Front group for vandalizing a mural celebrating tennis legend Arthur Ashe in a predominantly black neighborhood in Richmond, Virginia. The group filmed and promoted their actions, providing evidence for the lawsuit.

    • Lawsuits against hate groups for racially motivated vandalismTwo separate lawsuits were filed against hate groups for racially motivated vandalism in public places, one in Virginia and another in North Dakota, targeting black residents and the immigrant community respectively, seeking damages and a halt to their activities.

      The discussed lawsuits involve allegations of racially motivated vandalism at public places. In the first case, black residents in a park in Richmond, Virginia, claimed racial intimidation. In the second case, the North Dakota Human Rights Coalition, the Immigrant Development Center, and an unnamed plaintiff sued over Patriot Front's vandalism at the International Market Plaza in Fargo, North Dakota, targeting the immigrant community. Both cases aim to stop the hate groups' activities and seek damages. The second case appears stronger due to specific identifications of defendants and recorded planning meetings. These incidents demonstrate the harmful impact of hate groups on public spaces and communities, particularly those of marginalized groups.

    • Destruction of mural and assault lead to financial and emotional consequencesVandalism and hate speech can result in significant financial and emotional costs for communities and individuals, and the perpetrators may face legal consequences

      Acts of vandalism and hate speech, such as the destruction of a mural and the assault of an individual, can have significant financial and emotional consequences for communities and individuals. In the cases discussed, the destruction of a mural worth $45,000 led to increased security costs and reduced hours for businesses in the affected area. Additionally, the assault of a black man in Boston resulted in physical harm and emotional distress. These incidents were not isolated, but rather part of a larger pattern of discriminatory animus towards marginalized communities. The perpetrators, in this case Patriot Front, have been sued for their actions and have yet to acknowledge the lawsuits. The law recognizes the value of property and the harm caused to individuals and communities by such acts.

    • Challenges in Serving Legal Papers to Extremist Group LeaderDespite difficulties in serving legal papers to a leader of an extremist group due to his evasive tactics and members' transient living conditions, collaboration between law enforcement and anti-fascist researchers could aid in locating him for proper service.

      Thomas Rousseau, the leader of the extremist group Patriot Front, has been evading legal processes in multiple lawsuits against him and his organization. The Boston lawsuit, for instance, aims to identify John Does 1 through 99, but serving papers to Rousseau has proven to be a challenge due to his apparent hiding. Previously, a house where he was residing was sold in a foreclosure sale before the Boston lawsuit process server arrived. The group's members have been known to live in cramped conditions, such as U-Hauls, which raises concerns about their health and well-being. Despite these challenges, collaboration between law enforcement and anti-fascist researchers could potentially help locate Rousseau and serve him with the necessary legal documents. Filing a lawsuit without proper service, however, would result in its dismissal.

    • Serving Legal Documents in Unconventional WaysIn North Dakota, if regular methods to serve legal documents fail, one can publish a notice in a local newspaper. A recent case involved two defendants who resorted to this method after trying all other means. In more modern cases, electronic service, such as a Gab DM, may be granted if all other methods have been exhausted.

      Even in federal court, there are various ways to serve legal documents. For instance, in North Dakota, if regular methods fail, one can resort to publishing a notice in a local newspaper. This is what happened in a recent case involving two individual defendants who were sued and had tried all other means to avoid being served. The defendants, Thomas Russo and Trevor Velasquez, eventually got a lawyer, Jason Lee Van Dyke, who is known for his involvement with far-right groups. Van Dyke, who is not barred in North Dakota, applied to be admitted to the federal court there around the time the lawsuit was filed. The case in Boston is even more modern, with the possibility of electronic service being granted if all other methods have been exhausted. However, it remains to be seen if a Gab DM (Direct Message) has been deemed by a federal judge as a legally sufficient notice.

    • Gab: From Hate Speech Haven to Legal SignificanceGab, a social media platform known for its free speech policies and early association with hate groups, has gained legal significance as it's been used to serve legal papers to groups and individuals, including those involved in the 9/11 attacks case.

      Gab, a social media platform, started as a niche space for Nazis and white supremacists, but has since evolved into a free speech platform with a user base that includes some who were previously on Twitter. Gab began as a Twitter clone with Facebook-like features, and gained popularity around 2018, with mass shooters using it and their accounts appearing in court documents. The platform's logo is a frog, and it was known for its lack of plausible deniability compared to other social media sites. Recently, a process server was able to serve legal papers to the group Patriot Front and its leader Thomas Rousseau via Gab, highlighting the platform's growing significance in legal proceedings. Notably, one of the cases cited in the motion for alternate service was Havlish v Bin Laden, a lawsuit brought by families of people who died in the 9/11 attacks against Osama Bin Laden. Gab continues to be a space for some who were previously on Twitter, and while it may not be as widely used as other social media sites, it remains a significant platform for certain groups.

    • Serving Legal Notices on Social MediaCourts are permitting service of legal notices via social media to entities like the Taliban and white supremacists when the accounts are clearly identified and have acknowledged the lawsuits.

      Social media platforms like Twitter can be used for legal notices, even to entities like the Taliban or white supremacists. In both the Taliban and Richmond cases discussed, courts permitted service via direct messages because the accounts were clearly identified as belonging to the intended parties and had previously acknowledged the lawsuits. In the Taliban case, the court noted the group's public statements about the funds at issue, while in the Richmond case, most defendants were served in person. An interesting aside is that some defendants, including William Ring, had criminal records and were represented by the same lawyer, Josh Smith, who had previously represented white supremacist Matt Heimbach in another high-profile case. The use of social media for legal notices highlights the evolving nature of legal procedures in the digital age.

    • Default judgments in ongoing lawsuit against far-right groupsDespite some defendants' absence, the lawsuit against far-right organizations and individuals continues, potentially revealing hidden evidence and impacting their activities.

      The ongoing lawsuit against several far-right organizations and individuals, including Patriot Front, Thomas Rousseau, and Jacob Brown, is moving forward despite some defendants' failure to respond or hire legal representation. This situation, known as a default judgment, means the plaintiffs can proceed with the case without the defendants' participation. The defendants, who include a former police attorney with controversial ties, may be using this time to prepare their defense and potentially hide evidence. The ultimate goal for the plaintiffs is to recover damages, but it may be challenging to extract payment from defendants with limited assets. However, the legal process can still have an impact by making information public and potentially slowing down the defendants' activities.

    • Impact of Legal Action Against White Supremacist GroupsLegal action against white supremacist groups can increase their legitimacy among opponents and deter potential members, but relying solely on the legal system has limitations. Community building and sharing information on platforms like Twitter and Substack are also crucial in countering white supremacist organizing.

      The discussion revolved around the potential impact of legal action against white supremacist groups on their members and the broader community. Molly, a guest on the show, expressed her belief that this could lead to increased legitimacy for those opposing such groups, as well as a deterrent for potential members. She also acknowledged the limitations of relying on the legal system and expressed her own skepticism towards it. The conversation also touched upon the importance of community building and the role of platforms like Twitter and Substack in sharing information and fostering discourse. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexities and challenges of addressing white supremacist organizing and the potential role of various tools and strategies in countering it.

    • Understanding the unique characteristics and complexities of different authoritarian systemsOversimplifying and conflating authoritarian systems can lead to misunderstandings. The Chinese party state, originating from the Soviet Union and modeled after Stalin, functions differently from monarchies or representative democracies.

      There's a common tendency, both in media and academic circles, to oversimplify and conflate different types of authoritarian systems, such as labeling North Korea as a monarchy or Xi Jinping as a new Mao. This oversimplification can lead to a lack of understanding of the unique characteristics and complexities of each system. The Chinese state, for instance, is a party state, which functions differently from monarchies or representative democracies. It originated with the Soviet Union and the October Revolution, but unlike Lenin's vision, it was modeled after Stalin's consolidation of power. Understanding the distinct features and origins of the Chinese party state is crucial to gaining a more nuanced perspective on its operation and differences from previous Chinese states.

    • The interplay between bureaucratic power and mass mobilization in StalinismStalin's rule involved both bureaucratic control and mass mobilization, and Mao's approach to counteract bureaucracy also relied on mass movements, leading to complex political outcomes.

      Stalin's consolidation of power in the Soviet Union cannot be reduced to a mere bureaucratic doctrine. While he did use the Bolshevik party rules to maintain control over state apparatus members, Stalin also mobilized masses of people against opposing party and state bureaucracy elements. This interplay between bureaucratic power and mass mobilization is the defining characteristic of Stalinism. Contrary to popular belief, Maoism, despite its internal critique of Stalinism, was not an antidote to bureaucratization. Instead, it relied on mass mobilizations to counteract bureaucratic power, leading to campaigns like the Great Leap Forward, which ultimately failed and resulted in the continued growth of bureaucracy in China. The impact of these political strategies was long-lasting, shaping subsequent Chinese policies.

    • Modern Chinese resource mobilization: Campaign style mobilizationsThe Chinese government uses campaign style mobilizations, characterized by political sponsorship, defined goals, high urgency, coordinated operations, and pooled resources, to mobilize administrative resources for specific initiatives.

      The Chinese government's approach to resource mobilization has significantly evolved since the Mao era. Instead of mass grassroots mobilizations, the modern Chinese state employs "campaign style mobilizations," which involve the extraordinary mobilization of administrative resources under political sponsorship. These campaigns, such as the blue sky fabrication campaign during the 2016 G20 meeting, are characterized by a defined goal, political sponsorship, high degree of urgency, defined period of time, tightly coordinated operation, and pooling of extraordinary resources. While these mobilizations may not involve mass popular mobilizations, they are intrusive and can involve shutting down factories, moving millions of people, and restricting individual activities. The campaigns originate from the federal government and flow down to local and regional governments for implementation.

    • Modern Chinese government's policy implementation methodsThe Chinese government uses technocratic methods, financial incentives, and efficient approaches to implement policies without mass public participation or negotiation.

      In modern China, the government uses technocratic methods and mobilization of resources, including scientific and technical expertise, to implement policies and regulations, often with significant financial incentives. This is different from the ideologically-driven mass mobilizations of the Maoist era. The government employs various means, such as offering subsidies and waiving loan interests, to achieve its goals without relying on mass public participation or negotiation. These methods are more efficient and less confrontational, making the Chinese government's approach to policy implementation less Maoist than commonly perceived.

    • Chinese government's approach to protests: Bureaucracy and technocracy over mass mobilizationThe Chinese government suppresses protests and avoids mass mobilization, instead favoring bureaucracy and technocracy to implement policies

      While protests do occur in China, the Chinese government is wary of mass mobilization and works through bureaucracy and technocracy to implement policies. Protests, which can range from ecological issues to labor disputes, are often suppressed, and even small movements that resemble Maoist politics are quickly quashed. The Chinese government's aversion to mass mobilization stems from past experiences with the Cultural Revolution and the fear of popular uprisings. Despite this, journalists often label the Chinese government's actions as "Maoist," but the modern CCP functions differently, prioritizing bureaucracy and technocracy over mass mobilization.

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    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Hour 2
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    Hour 2 Reference Links:

    An Open Letter to Spotify: A call from the global scientific and medical communities to implement a misinformation policy

    ‘A Menace to Public Health’: Doctors Demand Spotify Puts an End to Covid Lies on ‘Joe Rogan Experience’

    Ministry of Truth on Abbie Richards

    Unicef wants your money

    The High Cost of Disparaging Natural Immunity to Covid
