
    Podcast Summary

    • Building strong community connectionsNeighbor to Neighbor highlights the importance of community bonds for social support and emergency preparedness. Influential books like Whipping Girl have significantly impacted societal understanding of transgender issues.

      Building strong community connections can bring hope and support in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, emphasizes the importance of relying on the people around us for social bonds and emergency preparedness. Doctor Laurie Santos, the host, encourages listeners to visit caneighbors.com to learn how they can contribute to their community. Additionally, influential books like Whipping Girl by doctor Julia Serrano have significantly impacted societal understanding of transgender issues, introducing terms such as cis, misgendering, and transmisogyny. The author, who wrote the book 20 years ago, was surprised by its far-reaching influence and is glad it has contributed to changing societal discourses about trans people.

    • Understanding Misgendering: Beyond PronounsMisgendering goes beyond incorrect pronoun usage, it's about the unconscious and compulsive way we gender people, putting trans individuals in difficult situations and challenging the notion that gender is purely performative.

      The concept of misgendering, popularized in the book "Gender Trouble" by Judith Butler, goes beyond just not using someone's correct pronouns. It's about the unconscious and compulsive way we gender people, which can put trans individuals in difficult situations. Trans people often face a double bind where they must reveal their true gender or be accused of deceit. This concept challenges the notion that gender is purely performative and highlights the importance of understanding the role of perception and assumptions in shaping gender identity. The term misgendering, as it has evolved, has become overly simplified and reduced to just incorrect pronoun usage, but it originally encompassed a much deeper analysis of the complexities of gender and identity.

    • Understanding the Role of Perception and Projection in Shaping Our Understanding of GenderTrans misogyny is a combination of oppositional and traditional sexism, shaping experiences of marginalized genders through harmful beliefs. A nuanced and intersectional approach is necessary to challenge these beliefs.

      While the focus on performing gender and challenging gender norms was an important aspect of gender discourse in the late 1990s and early 2000s, it was equally important to recognize the role of perception and projection in shaping our understanding of gender. Jules Gill-Peterson, in her book "Whipping Girl," emphasized this point and has continued to explore the ways in which our perceptions and interpretations of sex and sexuality shape our experiences. Trans misogyny, which was initially seen as a narrow concept, has since expanded to encompass a more nuanced understanding of sexism and the ways it intersects with gender identity. Trans misogyny can be understood as a combination of oppositional sexism, which reinforces the idea of distinct and mutually exclusive genders, and traditional sexism, which devalues femininity and those perceived as feminine. It's important to recognize that trans women and other marginalized genders can experience both forms of sexism, and that challenging these harmful beliefs requires a nuanced and intersectional approach.

    • Transgender individuals face unique challenges related to sexism and gender normsTrans men face opposition due to societal perceptions of their gender identity, while trans women deal with the intersection of sexism and misogyny, highlighting the complexities of trans experiences with sexism

      Transgender individuals, specifically trans male and trans masculine people, face unique challenges related to sexism and gender norms. Oppositional sexism, which dismisses the experiences of women and enforces traditional gender roles, also affects trans male individuals differently due to societal perceptions of their gender identity. Trans people are often viewed as artificial or deviant for not conforming to their assigned gender, but the denigration of their masculinity is not as prevalent because being male and masculine are socially valued. Trans women, on the other hand, face additional challenges due to the intersection of sexism and misogyny, which can lead to assumptions about their sexual motives or desires to be sexualized. The complexities of trans experiences with sexism should not be oversimplified or reduced to acronyms, and it's essential to recognize that trans people face distinct challenges that cisgender individuals do not. The language used to discuss these issues should be inclusive and avoid creating strict dichotomies that exclude or erase certain experiences.

    • The Evolution and Escalation of Anti-Trans DiscourseDuring the 1990s and 2000s, progress was made in understanding trans people, but around 2015, opposition became more coordinated and hostile, leading to a 'cultural feminist doom loop' and hindering productive discussions on trans issues.

      The discourse surrounding transgender identity has evolved significantly over the years, shifting from a focus on raising awareness and education about trans people to more organized and coordinated opposition. As discussed in the interview, during the 1990s and 2000s, progress was made as people learned more about trans individuals and recognized shared goals. However, around 2015, anti-trans activism became more coordinated and hostile, leading to a sharp escalation in the intensity of the discourse. This dynamic, referred to as the "cultural feminist doom loop," can be seen in various toxic online debates and takes up a lot of energy without being productive. Despite these challenges, there is hope for building more connected communities and continuing the fight for trans liberation. The new edition of Whipping Girl, coming out in March, sheds light on these issues and offers valuable insights.

    • The anti-transgender movement's impactThe anti-transgender movement, fueled by pseudoscience and moral panic, has gained significant momentum, spreading misinformation about trans people and the supposed indoctrination of children into gender ideology. The idea of 'rapid onset gender dysphoria' is a harmful myth originating from anti-trans websites and heavily critiqued studies.

      The anti-transgender movement, led by social conservatives and far-right groups, has gained significant momentum in recent years, fueled by pseudoscience and moral panic. This organized campaign, which includes gender critical or trans-exclusionary feminists, has made a larger impact than many realize. The movement, which can be compared to the anti-vaxx parent movement, relies on social media and activist campaigns to spread misinformation about trans people and the supposed indoctrination of children into gender ideology. One of the myths that has gained traction is the idea of "rapid onset gender dysphoria," which suggests that transness is contagious and can be "infected" by social contagion. This idea originated from anti-trans websites and was popularized by a survey conducted by Lisa Littman, who had no experience in trans health prior to her study. The survey was heavily critiqued, but the media's coverage of it gave the movement a platform, and the misinformation continues to spread. It's important to recognize the harm caused by these campaigns and to educate ourselves and others about the realities of transgender experiences.

    • Pseudoscientific Ideas Contradicting Scientific ConsensusBe cautious of pseudoscientific ideas that contradict established scientific knowledge, such as Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria and the discredited theory of autogynephilia. These ideas often gain traction due to moral panics and social contagion, and it's crucial to evaluate their validity critically.

      There are numerous pseudoscientific ideas, such as Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (RGD), being spread around that contradict the scientific consensus on various issues, including gender identity and vaccines. These ideas often gain traction due to moral panics and social contagion, with people sharing their beliefs and interpreting causation incorrectly. For instance, RGD suggests that young people are influenced by social factors to identify as transgender, disregarding the vast body of evidence supporting the existence of gender dysphoria as a valid medical condition. Similarly, the discredited theory of autogynephilia continues to persist despite numerous studies debunking it. It's essential to recognize the difference between junk science and pseudoscience and be critical of information that contradicts established scientific knowledge.

    • Stigma and contagion fuel moral panicsBeliefs in stigma and contagion can lead to societal rejection and ostracization of marginalized groups, often based on false or unfounded assumptions.

      Stigma and contagion are powerful forces that can fuel moral panics. Stigma, which is the feeling of shame or embarrassment due to a perceived flaw or characteristic, can also be perceived by others. Contagion, a type of magical thinking, is the belief that coming into contact with something or someone can permanently corrupt or taint an individual. Stigmatized groups are often viewed as contagious, and this belief can lead to ostracization and societal rejection. Sex and stigma are intertwined, with heterosexual sex often viewed as a stigma-inducing act, where the male is seen as the corrupting force. This belief can result in the sexual predator stereotype being applied to various marginalized groups, including trans people. The use of terms like "groomer" against trans people is an example of this, as it implies corruption and contamination without any basis in reality.

    • Moral panics fueled by stigma and contagion beliefsHistorically, moral panics target certain groups, fueled by beliefs of contamination and rapid spread of ideas, leading to harmful consequences.

      Moral panics often involve the belief that certain individuals or ideas are contaminating or corrupting the innocence of children. This stigma and contagion idea plays a significant role in fueling moral panics, even when they lack rational sense. Historically, this concept has been used to target various groups, such as LGBTQ+ individuals and critical race theory. The "groomer" narrative, which emerged in 2022, is a recent example of this moral panic, drawing parallels to past anti-gay sentiments. Despite their short-lived cultural impact, moral panics can lead to long-lasting consequences, including harmful legislation. The idea of a "woke mind virus" is a perfect example of this contagion belief, as it implies that certain ideas infect individuals, particularly children, and spread rapidly. Overall, understanding the role of stigma and contagion in moral panics sheds light on the underlying fears and motivations driving these societal debates.

    • Moral panic against marginalized groups is deeply interconnected with larger anti-democratic and authoritarian viewsThe ongoing moral panic against marginalized groups, including the trans community, is not a temporary issue but is rooted in larger anti-LGBTQ+, anti-feminist, and anti-people of color sentiment. Recognizing this interconnectedness is essential for combating these harmful ideologies.

      The current moral panic against marginalized groups, including the trans community, is not a fleeting issue but is deeply interconnected with larger anti-democratic and authoritarian views in the country. While individual aspects of the moral panic may fade, the underlying anti-LGBTQ+, anti-feminist, and anti-people of color sentiment remains. Recognizing this interconnectedness is crucial for fighting back against these harmful ideologies. The new addition to "Whipping Girl" by Julia Serano, which is now available for pre-order, provides valuable insights into these issues and offers a call to action for those who want to build a more inclusive and equitable society. To learn more about Julia Serano's work, visit her website at juliesirana.com or find her on social media as @JuliaSerrano.

    • A symbol of Confederate ideology and suppression of black rightsThe Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville was erected during a time when black people were losing political power and being pushed out of public schools. It represented Confederate ideology and the suppression of black rights.

      The Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Virginia, which was removed in 2020, holds a significant historical context. It was erected in 1924 during a time when black people, who were once the majority of Charlottesville's population, were being pushed out of political power. The statue's installation came after Reconstruction, a period when black people gained political influence and public schools, which was a significant improvement from the time of slavery. However, as Confederate sympathizers regained power in Virginia during the late 1800s, Jim Crow laws were imposed, and black people were removed from political office. The Lee statue was a symbol of this era, representing the Confederate ideology and the suppression of black rights. Before its removal, activists like Doctor Jalaine Schmidt led walking tours to educate the public about the statue's history and its impact on the community.

    • Honoring Confederate heroes or promoting white supremacy?The installation of Confederate statues was not just about honoring military heroes but also about resurrecting the 'Lost Cause' narrative and promoting white supremacy. Organized by neo-Confederate groups, these events expressed a longing for old values and a belief that Reconstruction was worse than the war.

      The installation of Confederate statues, including the General Lee statue in Charlottesville, was not just about honoring military heroes, but also about resurrecting the "Lost Cause" narrative and promoting white supremacy. These events were organized by neo-Confederate groups, and the speeches delivered during the ceremonies expressed a longing for the old values and a belief that the Reconstruction era was worse than the war itself. The atmosphere was intimidating for black residents, and there was an uptick in Klan activity both before and after the installations. These statues were erected during a time of resentment politics, and their installation was a way to celebrate and promote the values and ideology of the Confederacy.

    • Black community building amidst Jim Crow and Klan intimidationDuring the 1920s, despite Jim Crow laws and Klan intimidation, the black community in Charlottesville built and strengthened their own institutions, but public spaces were segregated and the Klan remained active, adding an intimate layer of fear through interactions like John West's barber shop.

      During the 1920s in Charlottesville, while Jim Crow laws were in effect and racial segregation was being enforced through legislation and social pressure, the black community continued to build and strengthen their own institutions. However, public spaces were being designated as "white only," and the Klan was active in intimidating the black population. An influential black resident, John West, who was also a successful businessman and one of the largest landowners, had to interact with the Klansmen as their barber, adding an intimate layer of fear and intimidation. The unveiling of the Confederate statue in 1924, which stood for almost a century, served as a stark reminder of the racial hierarchy and the power dynamics at play. When the statue was finally removed in 2021, it marked a significant step towards acknowledging and addressing the complex history of racial relations in Charlottesville.

    • Navigating the complexities of controversial statuesConsidering historical significance, ethical concerns, and practicalities, finding a new home for controversial statues requires careful thought and a practical approach.

      Dealing with controversial statues and monuments is a complex issue with practical and ethical dimensions. The speaker's experience with the George Rogers Clark statue at the University of Virginia involved consulting with native tribes and contacting museums to find a new home for the statue. However, no responsible museum wanted it due to the expense and limited space. The city also did not want it to remain on its property indefinitely. The only groups interested in the statue were those who might misuse it. The speaker emphasizes the importance of considering the physical space these objects occupy and the responsibility of ethical actors to find a solution that respects all parties involved. The issue requires careful thought and a practical approach, balancing historical significance, ethical considerations, and the practicalities of finding a new home for these objects.

    • Responsible disposal of Confederate statues raises ethical dilemmasCommunities must find a responsible and ethical way to address divisive symbols of the past, as organizations decline to take on the responsibility of curating controversial objects.

      The removal of Confederate statues raises ethical questions about responsible disposal and the potential harm to other communities. These statues, like junk cars or toxic waste, can't be easily discarded without consideration for where they end up. The Smithsonian and other organizations have declined to take on the responsibility of curating these controversial objects, leaving it up to local communities to find a solution. The case of the Lee statue in Charlottesville is particularly complex, with a history of unfinished commissions and artistic missteps. Ultimately, it's a challenge for communities to find a responsible and ethical way to address these divisive symbols of the past.

    • Criticisms of Robert E. Lee Statue's ArtistryDespite initial criticisms of the Robert E. Lee statue's poor execution, it became a divisive symbol and was ultimately deemed not worth preserving due to its lackluster artistry and historical significance as a site of violence.

      The Robert E. Lee statue installed in Charlottesville, Virginia in the 1920s was criticized for its poor execution even by those involved in its installation. Diary entries from the master of ceremonies and op-eds at the time expressed disappointment with the statue's proportions and overall aesthetic. The speaker at the installation ceremony acknowledged the complaints, but defended the statue's size, stating that the world was too small a pedestal for General Lee. Despite its questionable artistic merit, the statue became a pilgrimage site for vigilante violence and continued to antagonize the community for decades, even after the 2017 Unite the Right rally. Given its lackluster artistry and its role as a divisive symbol, it was determined that the statue was not worth preserving.

    • Planning is key in statue removalEffective planning prevents poor outcomes in statue removal, as seen in Charlottesville's Lee statue debacle, which could have been avoided with careful consideration and a clear plan.

      Proper planning is crucial when dealing with the removal of controversial statues. The example given was the removal of the Johnny Reb statue in Charlottesville, which ended up being sent to a battlefield maintained by Confederate-leading folks due to the lack of a clear plan. To prevent such outcomes, Andrea Douglas and the speaker began planning the removal and relocation of Charlottesville's Lee statue even before they had legal permission. The idea of melting the statue gained traction after the disturbing placement of the Johnny Reb statue at the Shenandoah Valley Battlefield Foundation, which ignored the historical context of enslavement. The initial call for simply moving the statue missed an opportunity for a more thoughtful solution. Thus, the importance of planning and considering the potential outcomes and implications of statue removal cannot be overstated.

    • Charlottesville's Long and Complex Journey to Remove a Confederate StatueThe removal of a controversial statue requires careful planning, expert consultation, and a practical approach to addressing the logistical challenges involved.

      The process of removing a controversial statue from a public space involves more than just a simple decision to move or remove it. It requires careful planning, consultation with experts, and a willingness to face the practical challenges that come with transforming the material. In Charlottesville's case, the decision to remove a Confederate statue led to a long and complex journey, involving discussions about the logistics of melting the statue down, consulting with experts in various fields, and facing numerous obstacles along the way. Ultimately, the decision was made that the statue's continued existence was a problem, and it needed to be transformed into something new. The process highlighted the importance of taking a serious and practical approach to addressing controversial public symbols, rather than treating the issue as a mere joke or impossible dream.

    • Transforming controversial objects into art for healing and community buildingSpeakers advocate for the power of objects to promote community values and healing, and the importance of handling them responsibly to avoid causing harm or division.

      The transformation of controversial and harmful objects into meaningful and beautiful creations is a powerful way to promote community values, healing, and repurpose history. The speakers, an art historian and a religious studies scholar, understand the significance of material objects in people's lives and experiences. They are not iconoclasts but believe in the power of these objects and are committed to being responsible for their handling. The "Swords into Plowshares" project, inspired by a verse from the prophet Isaiah, aims to transform Confederate statues into instruments of cultivation and community building, rather than symbols of division and violence. The project also intends to contribute to the national and international conversation about the reparative values of art and community building.

    • Transforming hate into unity through Swords into PlowsharesCommunities can repurpose symbols of hate into positive symbols of unity and progress, inviting community input to envision a positive future and creating something new and beautiful.

      The Charlottesville community is transforming a symbol of hate into a symbol of unity and progress through the Swords into Plowshares project. By melting down the controversial Confederate statue and repurposing the metal, the community is not only removing a source of harm but also extracting impurities and creating something new and beautiful. The project is now inviting community input to envision a positive future for the park and the city, focusing on what they want to see rather than reacting to the past. To stay updated on the project and learn how to support Swords into Plowshares, visit sipcivil.com. This initiative serves as a powerful example of how communities can take control of their narratives, celebrate public spaces, and work together to create a more inclusive and values-driven future.

    • Bringing Art into Public Spaces through Community EngagementThe SIPCville project is an initiative to commission new public art through community collaboration and fundraising, fostering social connections and creating meaningful experiences.

      The SIPCville project is an ongoing initiative to bring art into public spaces through community engagement and collaboration. The project involves presentations, expert consultations, and opportunities for donations to fund the commissioning of a new piece of art. The process is not inexpensive, and the project is seeking both community support and grants to cover expenses. The SIPCville website provides a portal for donations. The project aims to foster social connections and create meaningful experiences for the community. It's important to note that the SIPCville team is putting significant effort into ensuring the artist is compensated for their work.

    • Misunderstanding during police encounters can lead to serious consequencesClear communication and de-escalation techniques are crucial during police encounters to prevent misunderstandings and potential harm

      During a police encounter, the adrenaline pumping through an officer's body can lead to misinterpretations and erroneous reactions. In the discussed incident, an officer, Deputy Jesse Hernandez, believed he was being shot at and returned fire, but what he felt was an acorn falling on his car. This misunderstanding could have had serious consequences, as the shooting took place in a residential area with children playing nearby. The officer's description of feeling an impact and his legs giving out is consistent with the body language of someone who has been startled or surprised, rather than someone who has been physically hit. This highlights the importance of de-escalation techniques and clear communication during police encounters to prevent misunderstandings and potential harm.

    • Deputy's erratic behavior during incidentDeputy Hernandez's unprofessional response to a non-threatening situation raises concerns about law enforcement training and readiness

      Deputy Hernandez's behavior during the incident was erratic and unprofessional. Despite not being hit, he acted as if he had been shot and even emptied his gun into a car. He later claimed that he mistook acorn shrapnel for gunfire, but this seems unlikely. Hernandez had no prior combat experience and had only served as a desk officer in the army. His reaction may have been due to an adrenaline rush or panic, but it is important to note that mistakes can be made under high-stress situations. The investigation did not find any evidence of gunfire or shattered glass, and Hernandez was not injured. This incident raises questions about the training and readiness of law enforcement officers to handle high-pressure situations.

    • Misunderstanding a situation can lead to dangerous consequencesClear communication and double-checking assumptions are crucial in high-pressure situations to prevent misunderstandings and unnecessary actions.

      The perception of a situation can lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary actions. In this case, a deputy mistook an acorn hitting his car for gunfire, leading to a shootout with another officer. The incident highlights the importance of clear communication and double-checking assumptions. Despite the embarrassment, the deputy ultimately made the decision to leave the force, potentially due to the teasing he would face as a result of the incident. The incident serves as a reminder that even in high-pressure situations, it's important to take a step back and consider all the facts before taking action.

    • Police use of force: Complex issues and high-stress situationsProper training and confirmation of threats are crucial before using lethal force, even in situations where the suspect is believed to be armed with a suppressor.

      The use of lethal force by law enforcement can be a complex issue, as shown in this discussion about an incident where a suspect was believed to have fired shots from a car. Despite the suspect being searched multiple times and no gun being found on him, an officer reacted with fear and fired her weapon, believing the threat was coming from the car. The size and difficulty of carrying a suppressor, which the suspect was believed to possess, may have contributed to the officer's heightened sense of danger. However, it's important to note that police officers are often not well-trained in combat situations and may make mistakes in high-stress situations. The incident highlights the need for thorough training and confirmation of threats before using lethal force. Additionally, the use of suppressors, while not explicitly discussed, adds a layer of complexity to the situation as they can make it more difficult to identify and respond to threats.

    • Encounters with armed suspects and the challenges of recalling detailsDuring high-stress situations, like encounters with armed suspects, witnesses may struggle to recall exact details due to fear, uncertainty, and the complexity of the situation.

      During high-stress situations, such as encounters with armed suspects, the sequence of events and the ability to recall exact details can be challenging. Witnesses may describe the suspect's behavior as erratic or disoriented, and their own reactions may be influenced by fear and the uncertainty of the situation. In this specific case, an officer, Roberts, recounted her experience of encountering a suspect, Hernandez, who was yelling "shots fired" while also firing his gun. She described his behavior as unstable and unsure of who had fired first. The blurry memory of the event, coupled with the fear and anxiety experienced, may explain why she reacted as she did. This highlights the complexity of such situations and the potential challenges in accurately determining the sequence of events.

    • Officer's use of deadly force justified but perceived as excessiveAn officer's actions in a high-stress situation, even if justified, may be perceived as excessive by the public.

      The actions of law enforcement officers in a high-stress situation, such as a perceived threat, can be justified based on their training and the need to protect themselves and others. However, the perception of the situation from an outside perspective can differ greatly. In this specific case, an officer believed she was witnessing a man being murdered and responded accordingly, using deadly force. The man, who had a history of domestic issues and had stolen his girlfriend's car, was ultimately shot multiple times while trapped in his car. The officer's interview reveals her intense focus on the threat and the need to neutralize it, even if it meant using excessive force. The situation escalated quickly, and the officer's military training may have played a role in her response. While the officer's actions may have been justified in the eyes of the law, the public may view the use of deadly force as disproportionate to the perceived threat.

    • Understanding the complexities of police reactionsTraining shapes officers' reactions, even in questionable situations, but not all actions are objectively reasonable. Officers' use of hollow point bullets increases chances of survival, and being handcuffed in the back of a police car during a shooting incident may require specific actions to avoid injury.

      Police training plays a significant role in shaping officers' reactions, even in situations where their actions may seem questionable or even dangerous. The discussion highlights an incident where an officer, Hernandez, reacted to a perceived threat by discharging his weapon, which turned out to be a false alarm. The speaker expressed understanding for Hernandez's actions due to his trust in the officer's reliability and the intense pressure of the situation. However, the incident was found to be unjustified, and the speaker acknowledged that the officer's response was not objectively reasonable. The conversation also touched upon the use of hollow point bullets by law enforcement, which expand upon impact and are less likely to penetrate through objects, increasing the chances of survival for officers in such situations. The speaker shared advice on how to increase the chances of avoiding injury if ever handcuffed in the back of a police car during a shooting incident. Despite acknowledging that Hernandez's response was not reasonable, the speaker also recognized that the officer's actions were reasonable within the context of police procedure. Overall, the conversation emphasized the complexities and challenges of policing and the impact of training on officers' decision-making.

    • Single officer's actions led to drowning of two suspects, underscoring need for better training and accountabilitySingle officer's actions resulted in tragic drowning of two suspects, emphasizing the importance of improved training and accountability in law enforcement to prevent future incidents.

      The actions of a single officer, who caused the drowning of two suspects during a routine arrest, highlights the need for better training and accountability within the policing system. The incident underscores the potential dangers and consequences of distractions while driving, especially for law enforcement officers. However, the incident also serves as a reminder of the complexities and challenges within the policing system, and the need for ongoing efforts to address underlying issues and prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. While the officer involved in the incident is no longer a cop, the underlying problems with police training and reaction to stressors remain. It's crucial to stay informed and engaged in community discussions and initiatives aimed at building stronger, more connected neighborhoods and addressing systemic issues within various institutions, including law enforcement.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
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